• expired

Free Flights on Qantas/Jetstar for Stranded Rex Customers @ Qantas


Rex customers impacted by cancelled flights due to the grounding of their domestic jet services can contact Qantas and Jetstar to be reaccommodated on the same route as their original booking at no charge, where they have seats available.

Customers with an impacted Rex booking can contact Jetstar on Live Chat or 13 15 38 and Qantas on 13 13 13 to make a booking. They have until 31 August 2024 to take up the offer.

The overlapping routes are:

  • Sydney - Adelaide
  • Sydney - Brisbane
  • Sydney - Gold Coast
  • Sydney - Melbourne
  • Melbourne - Adelaide
  • Melbourne - Brisbane
  • Melbourne - Canberra
  • Melbourne - Hobart
  • Melbourne - Gold Coast
  • Melbourne - Perth
  • Adelaide - Brisbane
  • Adelaide - Perth
  • Brisbane - Cairns

Virgin has also offered the same

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Jetstar Airways
Jetstar Airways
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closed Comments

  • +82

    Hmm, only doing it after Virgin getting good press for actually stepping and helping, even when most likely EY reached out to QF before they let ZL go into VA.. Pathetic..

    • +32

      Well they were under no obligation to help…. can you imagine coles giving out free groceries if woolies went belly up? I imagine many executives would be organizing a party instead.

      • +16

        Well they were under no obligation to help…

        There is a marketing obligation.

        • +5


          There is no obligation at all.

          They are doing this for goodwill and to win the Rex customers over.

          So good marketing - yes
          Obligation - No!

          And Virgin announced this offer first.
          Qantas had to follow so as not to receive any flack.

          • -4

            @Dr Phil:


            There is no obligation at all.

            Shareholders may disagree with you…

            Qantas had to follow so as not to receive any flack.

            Implies 'obligation'.

            • +7

              @jv: Do you actually understand what the word obligation means?

        • How is this Free? it was paid for by customer. Someone else is providing the service and the only benefit is free marketing.

      • +7

        If they intend to improve PR then P of the PR has a right to hear the whole story.

      • +66

        Never mention the significant anticompetitive behaviour that Qantas did do squeeze Rex out of the market.

        The only reason they get away with it Is the chairman's lounge. It's nothing less than corruption - no matter what spin Qantas or Politicians put on it.

        • As a consumer I would agree…..

        • +18

          I remember at the time Rex moving into 737 jets and capital city routes. I thought at the time it was a bad move. As it has proven. Rex should have concentrated on its regional routes, which as I recall are supported with state government subsidies. Those subsidies are allocated to the airline that gets that route contract, usually Rex, QantasLink and Skytrans in Qld.

          Easy to pile onto Qantas for a host of anti customer reasons, but Rex’s management mistakes are not actually one of them. Are the Qantas management supposed to not respond to Rex moving into their market? It isn’t as though Qantas goes to Rex regional routes. QantasLink of course is ready to step in to those routes if Rex goes fully belly up, as the subsidies help with returns.

          All that spending and look where it has got them. The resource miss allocation also compounded the problem of all the aging planes on the regional routes, which is a real big problem. It is at the point Rex won’t be able to get parts for their old Saabs.

          • @entropysbane: With tiger out and VA in trouble at the time it wasn't too bad.

            Their service wasn't actually bad, just poorly marketed and failed to convince people esp corporates to move away from QF/VA

            They just persisted with the experiment for a little too long when clearly it wasn't working.

        • +10

          rubbish. rex did this to themselves. they had quite a little thing going running government subsidized regional routes. they are the ones who wanted to compete with qantas and virgin despite there being a long history of 3 airlines not working

          • +11

            @Tejas57: Except the fact that shortly after going into the major city market, Qantas started up a bunch of regional routes and started dumping fares below cost.

            This is what cost them.

            The regional flights will not continue to be a cash cow as the Saab fleet is well and truely aged and needs to be replaced. Acquisition, financing and and / or leasing costs will make their old model unviable. They needed a solution - and they did it. Trouble was Qantas was not happy and they used their market power and cash reserves to drive them out - by diluting capacity and dumping regional fares below cost.

            The idea that it is the intercity market that was not making money is just not true.

            Qantas wanted any tactic to put financial pain on Rex.

            • +1

              @Thatbargainhunter: Part of me says why didn't they prepare for that then I remind myself, they can't.

        • +4

          meanwhile Catherine King sitting inside Sydney Chairman’s lounge enjoying her barista made coffee

        • +7

          According to this article https://www.executivetraveller.com/news/rex-737-flights-admi…
          No one has forced Rex to enter into the major cities market with the Jet service
          Its Rex ambitious plan trying to take over VA / their market shares back in 2020
          IMO its Rex decision that bring themselves into trouble

          • +4

            @littlesoldier: That’s right. This was at the tail end of covid times and Virgin had gone into administration because of its high leveraging at the time, and Rex thought it could pick up some cheap virgin 737s and muscle in to the capital city routes, replacing Virgin. It could have worked.

            Unfortunately for Rex, Bain bought Virgin, and recruiting troubles were bad enough for Qantas and Virgin, let alone Rex. And Rex doesn’t have enough 737s to provide enough city route services compared with Virgin and Qantas. A reinvigorated Virgin meant the gamble did not pay off.

          • +1

            @littlesoldier: The editors of executive traveller have been given chairman's lounge access.

            They review Qantas a bit like Sam Chui does airlines.

            Rex decision may have been retrospectively not the best move. But the reality is, if Qantas did not engage in anti-competitive behaviour, the model would likely be successful

            It is the same reason we don't have HSR in Australia - Qantas don't want it. And then the population is used as an excuse for Qantas to grow into a behemoth and flex it's muscle.

      • +14

        You arent getting the point. QF shares their "gratitude" only after when VA stood up and did something well. After getting their positive air time this morning, only now QF has stepped in to help in order to gain PR.

        • +2

          It could have been a PR stunt too…. for all we know. That "Hall Chadwick" reached out to Virgin and made a better plan for Virgin to announce it….
          It's funny how we are blaming Qantas for Rex's downfall…. but ultimately Qantas had no say in Rex's management choices…

      • +1

        It's a PR catchup at best…

        Qantas is only doing this because Virgin was getting one up on them.

        Qantas is still trash tbh.

        • +1

          they're all trash

      • +1

        Rex tried to take the "golden triangle" of flight and Qantas killed them and now they're trying to look good.

        They did the same with Bonza and after Covid prevented Qatar for coming back in full to keep the prices high


    • +28

      Also, there is probably a higher chance that they'll get cancelled twice if they choose Jetstar…

      • +2


      • +2

        U been working on your material, kudos

    • Funny that…

    • Showing off how cool you are with all your industry codes.

      • +1

        The hilarious thing here is that 'EY' is the 2 letter code for Etihad Airways, so ironically using the codes made it more confusing…

        • Agree, I was confused AF ;)

    • OP needs to get the facts right.

      Its Virgin first in, then Qantas/Jetstar

      • +1

        That's why I posted the Virgin deal yesterday…

    • More likely they did it after securing some level of government funding to support their efforts.

      • -2

        I hear they’re gonna buy Rex’s fleet and repurpose them as homes and claim the first homebuyer’s grant.

        • +1

          I guess you’ve forgotten the nearly $3b of taxpayer money Qantas took in during the pandemic.

          Only to then use those funds to lay off over 9,000 employees.

          But yes, they are our “national icon” and how dare anyone criticise the flying cntaroo.

  • +1

    It doesn't appear to be only for stranded customers.
    It says it is for customers impacted by the cancelled flights.

    • +2

      Either was Virgin, I fly Thursday and return Monday coming and they looked up my booking the way I would on the Rex site and gave me free flights at same times same daysz

    • +7

      Rex customers impacted by cancelled flights.
      What other types of Rex customers you think there are?

      • -6

        Rex customers impacted by cancelled flights.

        Yes, so the title of this post is misleading.

        The offer is for all Rex customers impacted, not just those stranded…

      • Those who are still at home but had a flight cancelled

        • They are not 'stranded' if they are home.

  • It's a web form to apply. I've filled it in.

  • +12

    Man Jetstar/Qantas can't even fly their own customers, following Virgin's suit is all well and good but you don't want Rex customers to be two cancellations.

  • +34

    Qantas went out of their way to destroy REX and now they are trying to play the nice guy. Pleeeeease. FFS.

      • +13

        thanks for this nuanced take on antitrust

        • -6

          Haha. Well i think this should work both ways. Rex welcomed themselves into Qantas' turf…. therefore why is it so unfair that Qantas cannot welcome themselves into Rex's turf?

          If they want to pick a fight then they better be sure they can win it….

      • +8

        I too also love high prices and less competition in the airline industry.

  • Thought i'd try this as I imagine the queues for virgin are pretty lengthy at the moment. Got hung up on twice in queue but was able to get through after 15 minutes on hold and got my flights for this weekend changed in about 10 minutes. Feel bad for those who went to bed last night and woke up without flights today

    • Did you have to provide qantas with your Rex booking reference?

      • +1

        I did yes

        • @turtwannna are you able to retrieve you booking at the following Rex link?

          Qantas said they could not find my Rex booking online so they can't rebook me.
          Rex told me my booking cannot be retrieved cause the flight is cancelled (obviously)…

          • @Anon257: I was able to retrieve it yeah

            • @turtwanna: Thanks, that is interesting mine could not be retrieved…
              What date is your flight is supposed to be?

              Perhaps something is wrong with mine as i booked using a travel site/group booking.

              • +1

                @Anon257: One of our family friends is having a similar issue, they booked the flights through Booking.com.

                Called Qantas and they said the booking couldn’t be found.

                No issues rebooking with Qantas for my in laws who booked direct with Rex. Same flight date.

                Please let us know if you’re able to find a resolution.

                • @Mooshino: @mooshino I also went through booking.com so in the same situation. I think the only option is to wait for Virgin callback unless someone works out a way for Qantas to retrieve booking refs made through sites like Booking

                  • +1

                    @Anon257: I booked through rex directly so perhaps that's the issue / difference

    • I submitted the Virgin form last night but wonder if it’s better to call and get Qantas flights instead as they will be less overloaded.

      My flight isn’t for another month but I’m concerned Virgin won’t give me the exact days as my original tickets and will screw over my accommodation and event bookings.

      • Why not do both ?

        • +1

          Yea, im wondering if its fine to just hit up Qantas while waiting for Virgin?

          I guess I can just reject Virgin once they finally get back to me if Qantas gives me what I am after, so I am not doing anything dodgy/illegal?? Especially given the crap situation

          Edit: I think i'll call Qantas as the Virgin email after completing the form says "Once your Rex booking has been validated, a customer service representative will contact you within 3 business days and help you find the most suitable flight.".

          So once they contact me i can tell em i've booked with Qantas

        • Just tried to call Qantas, they could not retrieve my booking, thus can't verify I have a valid Rex booking, told me to contact Rex.

          Rex told me my booking cannot be retrieved cause the flight is cancelled (obviously). Rex told me I have to fill out the Virgin form, they have no agreement with Qantas…

          What a cluster (profanity)

          • @Anon257:

            they could not retrieve my booking

            As expected, Qantas possibly saying the same thing to everyone without even checking.

            • @jv: Yep! I don't understand how anyone has rebooked with Qantas if Rex bookings can't be retrieved and verified

              I tried to retrieve it myself on https://mbe.rex.com.au/ and it does not work,

              maybe it works for some people that are booked on more immediate dates???

      • Virgin is dreadful, so yes I'd do that.

  • -6

    Is there a way to double dip with qantas!
    Way to step up late and fight rex!

    • +4

      Not cool - people are there trying to organise their flights etc. and genuinely have been stranded. You've already had your flights approved with Virgin and now want to double dip and get Qantas flights too. You realise that what you are attempting to do is criminal i.e. obtaining financial advantage by deception?

      and to answer your above question, yes, they ask for REX booking reference and flight number.

      • You realise that what you are attempting to do is criminal i.e. obtaining financial advantage by deception?

        Where is the deception?

        Rex customers impacted by cancelled flights due to the grounding of their domestic jet services can contact Qantas and Jetstar to be reaccommodated on the same route as their original booking at no charge, where we have seats available.

        There is nothing there that says you can't apply if you already have a flight with Virgin
        You only need to be "impacted by cancelled flights"

        • -1

          Genius. Why don't you ring up Qantas and ask them if Virgin already has provided you with a new set of flights, whether you'd be eligible. Let us know how you go.

          • @iChaseYou: All they wanted was a Rex booking number, nothing about any other flights

  • +1

    Interestingly, looks like with Qantas you either have to call or do live chat - good luck getting through any time soon. On the other hand - Virgin have an online form to fill out, where they will book you on the next flight within 72hrs.

    I know which one I'd rather.

  • +5

    Imagine getting a Jetstar flight, only to have that cancelled as well!! Haha

  • +19

    Qantas needs to seriously (profanity) off. We need an immediate government takeover to nationalise the business. We the tax payers have after all pretty much bought them with our continuous bail outs.

    • +14

      I agree. Half the reason Rex has gone under is the predatory behaviour from Qantas. Qantas couldn't care less about Rex potentially going under. I think a good result would be a merger of Virgin and Rex, or at the very least a rock solid code share agreement. Qantas can go suck a big one.

      • a rock solid code share agreement.

        that would be good…

      • +1

        Well they are called "Regional Express" not "Metro Express". They branched out and didn't succeed. Technically speaking if we were talking about root cause, it is Rex's management who made the call to branch out, they should have weighed up the risk and mitigations.

        Qantas responded, yes with hostility, but Rex's management should have came up with the risk identification and mitigation if that was to occur.

        It is sad that we see another airline go away or in this situation, but people just need to see both sides of the story, not just what the news spins it as.

        People here is saying Qantas is greedy and responded with hostility. But if it wasn't Rex's greed which drove them to branch out their business…. they wouldn't be in this situation. They were good and known for regional, they made a conscious decision to step outside of their brand into metro.

        • +7

          How do those boots taste? Businesses with effective monopolies/duopolies should not be able to kill their competition like this, it only makes things worse for the consumers.

          • +2

            @Rysta: The small Australian market has two parts:
            The vast bulk of flights are between just six capital cities. There is just not the volume to support more than two airlines to those six. Rex thought Virgin was in trouble (it was) and it could muscle in with a small number of ex virgin 737s. Oops. Unfortunately Virgin got a buyer and got its act together.

            There are regional services (plus Darwin and Hobart tbh) which are generally not money making without government subsidy and little route competition. This is where Rex began and where it continues to operate despite going into administration. Exceptions are FIFO locations like Emerald.

        • +3

          Qantas PR have entered the chat……

          • +2

            @elguapo: It is popular to bag out Qantas atm as its service for the last 15 years or so really sucks.
            And not in a small way.
            To think how fabulous it was to get on a Qantas flight coming home from overseas in the 90’s was a truly great experience. I remember one time after being OS for six months getting on a Qantas jumbo at LA and the first film shown on the on screen entertainment was The Castle. And the flight staff were friendly. True!

            But blaming Qantas for a Rex Board’s potentially profitable but risky business decision made three years ago that did not pay off is not fair.

            • +3

              @entropysbane: You're right in that Rex management should shoulder a large part of the blame for the collapse. However, I think Qantas did some pretty unethical things when they basically put loads and loads of seats in to the regional markets a while back that just couldn't be supported by the population base of the regional towns. That caused fares to collapse and was done with the sole purpose of trying to drive Rex to the wall. At the time a lot of regional areas lauded the move by Qantas as one of the best things to happen to regional aviation for years. Qantas used it's sheer size to cross subsidise the routes, something Rex couldn't do. The federal government sat there and did nothing about it. Now they face the prospect of having to either bail out Rex or perhaps even take a significant stake in Rex. If the later happens I bet the feds will keep Qantas in check so they don't get to repeat the actions they took in the past.


              • @elguapo: Haha, we are on ozbargain…. we often ignore the unethical things we do to get a bargain.
                We pounce on companies mistakes and get a bargain then if they don't deliver then we'd get our retributions!

    • +7

      I share the sentiment but don't think it warrants a neg vote on this particular deal

    • Great, it will cost taxpayers even more keeping it running forever.

      • +2

        Why? Are Qantas making a loss ?

    • -1

      FYI Qantas, Virgin and Rex all received the same bailout package. Qantas received more $ overall because of Jobkeeper. Blame SCOMO for not offsetting the bailout package with share rights. At least the QLD government was smart enough to do that with their Virgin package.

      • If they took equity for it (which would have been different to what happened in every other industry), it may have been better for Qantas to just go the baggage handler route, fire everyone and rehire cheaper. Jobkeeper was a waste IMO, but I am not sure just letting people lose their jobs and supporting the individuals would have ended up with better outcomes for employees and the taxpayer.

        • If only it was that simple. There is a reason they didn’t do that to their skilled workforce.

          • +1


            If only it was that simple.

            It was that simple. If they let Qantas go under, we'd be left with no international carrier. No way to get Australians home during COVID and risk someone like China Air taking over that space…

            • +1

              @jv: Qatar and Emirates would be only happy to step in and fill the void.. in fact Qatar actually did!

              • @Moo Deng:

                Qatar and Emirates would be only happy to step in and fill the void

                Exactly, and as they are not Australian companies, the government cannot 'influence' them to do the right thing to evacuate Australians in time of need, unlike Qantas who is an Australian company…

      • They absolutely did not receive the same bailout packages. The government paid qantas $1 million per flight for their delhi and international covid flights. They got WAY more than virgin and Rex. Look up the numbers.

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