US$3 off US$29, US$8 off US$69, US$20 off US$169, US$30 off US$239, US$50 off US$369 on Choice Products @ AliExpress


The next AliExpress Choice sale is kicking off on the August 1 at 5:00pm AEST and this time I have some OzBargain exclusive coupon codes. These coupon codes have a different minimum spend depending on what your AliExpress currency is set to (USD or AUD). I still recommend paying in USD (follow the guide at the bottom of this post) to get the best price.

The sale ends August 5 at 5pm AEST, however the coupons (especially high value codes) may be exhausted before then.

Choice Products are shipped directly from the AliExpress warehouse and typically arrive within 2 weeks. If the delivery exceeds 14 business days you're able to claim a coupon and if it's not delivered a full refund after 30 days. Most of my recent Choice orders have arrived within 7 business days.

Coupons are 1 per account, do not stack with the new user 'Welcome Offer', "Limited Deals" and minimum spend excludes GST and shipping.

Discount Min Spend Coupon Code
US$3 (A$5) US$29 (A$50) OZCD05
US$8 (A$12) US$69 (A$100) OZCD12
US$20 (A$30) US$169 (A$250) OZCD30
US$30 (A$45) US$239 (A$350) OZCD45

How to get the AU$ price in the title with PayPal:

Setting overseas websites to AUD or letting PayPal do the currency conversion results in an inflated rate. To get the correct rate you need a card without international fees and do the following:

  • Set the website currency to USD
  • Checkout with PayPal
  • Select your card with no international fees
  • Click "See currency options"
  • Select USD to bill the card in USD instead of AUD
  • Proceed with checkout

Now you'll get the correct MasterCard or VISA exchange rate depending on the card.