Carl's Jr. - 20 Restaurants Closed

Hey guys, everyone in my restaurant just got fired, no notice period no nothing. Anyway any questions you guys have I can answer

Context: 2 new people were chosen to make the decision, financially Carl's Jr. wasn't doing too well so they closed 20 restaurants and 4 are going to be kept up

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Carl's Jr
Carl's Jr


  • +11

    Sorry to hear mate.

    • +7

      honestly i was pretty done with the place, planning to leave soon so i don't really care about it except the part where im not making money

  • -4


  • Are you all casual workers?

    • +3

      managers are part time/full time, normal workers are all casual atleast in my place

      • -6

        Not to sound harsh, but casual workers don't get any entitlements or notice periods. To compensate, they normally get paid a higher hourly rate than their permanent (p/t or f/t) counterparts.

        • +11

          Not to sound harsh, but who asked?

        • +4

          OP isn't complaining lol

  • -4

    They can't compete with KFC, nobody can

    • +12

      It’s not competing with KFC, if anything, it’s competing with Hungry Jacks

      • +2

        Kfc cant even compete with red rooster

        • I wish there was a Red Rooster here, I would never eat at KFC ever again.

    • +5

      They are just expensive verson of Hungry Jacks.

  • +3

    Sorry to hear that. I love Carl's Jr, if only they have stores in the inner Sydney area.

    • +3

      Wasn't there one store in Sydney and that was Wetherill Park or something? Not sure how they picked that as their one and only Sydney store. For me that'd be a 30min drive each way to buy a burger that's the same quality as HJ (and that's not a tick in the pro column) but more expensive. Not surprising the business model has failed.

      • +2

        Yeah there was one in Wetherill Park.

        I just looked at the stores showing up in NSW and VIC and they basically have no stores close to Sydney or Melbourne CBDs now. NSW has one in Bringelly (wherever that is) but the rest are more regional and the VIC stores are pretty much all in the outer suburbs. Pain in the butt for anyone who wants to have Carl's Jr. now. Rent is probably cheaper though. It all goes back to property.

        • +1

          NSW has one in Bringelly (wherever that is)

          That's 5 minutes from the new Western Sydney Airport when it opens in 2026.

          • -1

            @CurlCurl: Such a far way for Sydneysiders to go to get some Carl's Jr. They should've kept the Wetherill Park store open.

    • Hayyaaa…
      Sorry to hear man. I really liked the big carl over anything that maccas could offer :-/

  • Which 20 restaurants?

    • +1

      sorry bro i got no clue, you can check carls jr map and if it says closed then probs that one, mine says temporarily closed

      • +3

        Damn bro, the store I like is missing. Hope you can find another job soon.

  • All my nearest restaurants have been marked as 'Temporally Closed' on Google - not sure if that's accurate. What a shame though, I enjoyed the occasional sneaky CJ's.
    OP any thoughts what prompted it?

    • +2

      I guess high inflation, high cost, higher lease, less sales?

    • +2

      either losing money or not enough profit to sustain it

      • +4

        Was your store busy? Any chance you could call another store and ask for a job?

        I didn't visit Carl's Jr. often but when I did the stores weren't exactly busy like Macca's usually is. I have a feeling they just weren't making enough money. You'd be paying $4 to $5 more than HJ's for some fresher ingredients and things that HJ's didn't have (e.g. waffle fries) but in the end most people would probably opt for HJ's to save money. The ones that are left open in Melbourne are all in the outer suburbs which leads me to think they were kept open because of cheaper rents.

        Wonder if Taco Bell is going to go the same way, although I've never visited their stores they seem to be dead all the time. Guess Red Rooster was lucky to start renovating their stores in the mid 2010s when rates were still low.

  • +2

    We had carls jr?

    Honestly america has so many burger joints it amazes me. And they're all pretty rubbish.

    • All of ‘our’ most profitable burger joints are actually American too.

    • -3

      Honestly america has so many burger joints it amazes me.





  • +5

    The reason it failed is because aussies pay children to serve the food and as a result you get slop that is so far from real carls jr it aint funny.

    I gave up going there cos i was sick of being served crap, expensive crap.

    • +6

      Fast food market’s already very saturated, for a new player to come in and try to compete with Maccas and HJ would be a travesty in itself.

      • +1

        There are 20 fast food places closing down a week because of this. (You know the rest 😂)

    • +2

      dude i get you, like 80% of the people there are 18 or younger. I'm hungry and want a bite but when i check our prices i instantly change my mind

  • Open in bankstown you Carl and add Acai to the menu.

  • -1

    I'm not surprised… 😔

  • Looks like Melton survived the cut, shame about Altona tho.

    Did they kick out the customers who were eating at the time?

  • +5

    Australia's economy is fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • +3

    Sorry to hear about that, hopefully you can find another job asap.

    Always thought that Carl's. Jr tasted like Hungry Jacks anyway.

    • +2

      I kinda preferred the carls jr fries but nothing ever gonna top a whopper with cheese in my heart

      • +1

        Have you tried the chili cheese fries at carls?

        • +1

          Nah haven’t had carls since circa 2018

          • +2

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: You should try it before all the stores close. I got it just the other day (with the free burger for downloading the app) and it was heaps better than I expected. It had a heap of meat and a heap of cheese, too much cheese IMO but my wife thought it was the perfect amount of cheese.

      • For me it's a double whopper with beetroot, though those heretics have removed the ability to add beetroot 🤬

    • +2

      Always thought that Carl's. Jr tasted like Hungry Jacks anyway.

      Pretty much, but in my experience the ingredients were fresher and less limp compared to HJ's.

      • +1

        Damn, I don’t even eat fast food and I am still feeling like I missed out. Almost wishing that I had tried Carl’s Jr while I had the chance to.

  • +2

    Goddamnit, lunch unsorted. Cars Jr is the only fast food rest that serves ginger beer. Sad. _;

  • Did you get free food before?

  • +1

    looks like all 6 SA stores still open (never been myself). different franchisee?

    • +3

      Those are associated with Agostino Group (eg. AMPM)

      • Because there is no Carl's Jr near me, I ordered a few times from nearest (Stepney) via Uber Eats.

        But then they randomly decided I was too far away, even though they had previously regularly delivered via Uber Eats and I hadn't moved and neither had they.

        Maybe they want to go out of business.

  • How do you know which ones closed??

    • +1

      Look it up on Google I reckon. One store near me was showing up in their updated app but when I checked it no longer appeared and is now showing as "Temporarily closed" on Google.

  • +3

    There's one next to the bunnings in Thomastown, it always looked dead empty despite the car park being full for bunnings on a weekend. It looked like they were well outdone by the sausage sizzle folks.

    I also didn't realise there was 5 in the north of Melbourne: Epping, Thomastown, Campbellfield, Craigieburn and Greenvale. All closed now.

    • +1

      Sorry to hear about the job OP, you'll find something better.

      The Thomastown location was always terrible, as far as customers they did have a fair amount of tradies at times then absolutely no one. The BBQ place on settlement road was cheaper for better food if you just wanted a burger and chips. It was overpriced compared to nearby options.
      Their issue was just continual service issues, always understaffed, the extended wait times even if no one else was in store, getting orders wrong, just poor quality and lukewarm food at best after you've waited 10mins. The drinks machine was always broken or half the drinks would work, so often I'd try fill a cup and it was just water as they didn't change bags.
      Not surprised it's been taken off the list on their website and not sad to see it go.

      • How have I lived in this area for 18 months and I'm only just learning about this BBQ place?? Cheers, lunch sorted this weekend!

        My go to is always the bagel place just off settlement road, so good.

        I know I went to the carls jr there once, but I honestly can't remember anything about it (except that I think it took ages). I'm not surprised either.

        • Is that Jorges? That place is great, thats off settlement rd down northgate dr. Parking can suck though when busy, especially pulling out in to traffic to exit.
          The Smoke Pit only does either Tues-Saturday or Weds-Saturday trading but they do a good burger, the chips don't thrill me, the pies are good (sweet like banana, key lime, cherry etc).
          Otherwise for another good burger try Bam Bams Fried Chicken & Burgers on Johnson St over near Keon Park Station, good burgers and were cheaper than Carls Jr!

  • +1


    This is devastating.

  • +3

    Woah I opened the app up a few mins ago to see if the latest app update added any new deals. Noticed that my saved store no longer appeared. Went to check it on Google and noticed it was showing up as "Temporarily closed". Checked another one interstate I'd been to and saw that one too was "Temporarily closed". Thought something was going on but didn't really think about it much further.

    Come here and find out that this happened. I was just starting to like Carl's Jr. too and that store was close to me! This is what we get for throwing all our money at property. Soon we will all be real estate agents, selling houses to one another and if you feel like doing something different you can go into a mine. The gravy train economy is over I guess.

    Hey guys, everyone in my restaurant just got fired, no notice period no nothing. Anyway any questions you guys have I can answer

    Hope you're doing ok, this is shit news. Country is turning into an economic wasteland but hey at least property prices are going up.

    4 are going to be kept up

    Do you mean four in Sydney/NSW (going off your profile)?

    • +1

      The four should be in australia in general, there isn't 24 carls jr's in NSW

  • That sucks man.

    Looks like two near me are two of the four still open.

  • +2

    Carl's Jr sucks, they should bring popeyes to Australia

    • Or Chick-fil-A

      • -4

        Isn't that a Christian anti-women's rights fast food chain?

    • Anyone here tried the Five guys (there’s one In Vic) yet?
      Are they any good?

      • Negative. Save your money

    • Popeyes would shut down kfc.

  • +2

    Sorry to hear mate. Keep applying and I'm sure you'd land something a lot better than the Jr.

    On a separate note, my guess is Taco Bell would be the next to go. Near where I live we have both Taco Bell and GYG. Every time I drive past, TB is literality empty while multiple cars are queued up at GYG drive through.

    • +1

      Is Taco Bell yuck?

      • Its different. I would say its yuck, but not as fresh tasting as the other mexican food outlets - more processed.

    • GYG is actually I'vet of the better tasting fast food Mexican chains in the world. I've tried nearly all of the major ones.

  • +2

    Only went once… cost me close to $40 for 2 meals

    seems they are closing lots globally… cranny and western port no longer showing on find a branch… only a couple left in melb

  • Great breakfast

    High price

    Shops always empty when I used to go

  • +3

    They invested heavily and did not have the products to back the gamble. Burgers are crap. Nothing special.
    In the Australian market (or at least Melbourne), people will pay top $$ for good food. People will line up for awesome burgers. Customers won't pay above average $$ for mediocre food. Maccas, KFC and HJ's has that low budget customer base covered.
    Glad to see it move on.

    Guzman Y Gomez could be next if they are not clever with their investments.

    • Be nice if maccas or HJ's saw this as a kicking to pickup their shit burgers. But they know people will accept slop

      • +1

        they don't really need to. they have a standard menu that has worked for decades. and will always have low budget customer base for decades to come.

        • +1

          agree.. but I had HJ for first time in months the other day and needed a straw to consume teh slop.. it just fell to pieces with so much sauce etc on it

    • Didn't GYG just make over a billion floating on to the stock exchange? They'll be right…

      This will be an absolute disaster for those still operating as a franchisee. May as well stick a fork in the entire establishment.

      It also should not have taken them up until a few weeks ago to release a half-decent app with drive through ordering capabilities.

  • Never knew there were even in Oz. Marketing fail

  • They had potential, just poorly executed and very inconsistent.

    Sorry to hear you lost your job, seems like there's plenty out there at the moment, just depends on what you're looking for.

  • +1

    Will miss the deals from msjb.

  • I drive past Carl Jrs on Sydney road all the time. I really want to go but just never had the right time. It is really in a bad spot too. Is that one closing?

  • Appears 49 stores affected…. but there are 25 independently operated

  • +4

    Voluntary Administration

    Companies subject to Administration
    CJ’s QSR Group Pty Ltd ACN 614 373 474
    CJ'S QSR (Franchise) Group Pty Ltd ACN 647 175 880
    CJ'S Melton Pty Ltd ACN 636 648 792
    CJ'S Wetherill Park Pty Ltd ACN 642 535 420
    CJ'S Thomastown Pty Ltd ACN 630 636 305
    CJ'S Bringelly Pty Ltd ACN 646 224 311
    CJ'S Lyndhurst Pty Ltd ACN 640 121 375
    CJ'S Epping Pty Ltd ACN 640 214 866
    CJ'S Altona Pty Ltd ACN 630 537 030
    CJ'S Dandenong Pty Ltd ACN 628 410 819
    CJ'S Shepparton Pty Ltd ACN 637 161 767
    CJ'S Knox Pty Ltd ACN 626 822 115
    CJ'S Ballarat Pty Ltd ACN 628 062 966
    CJ'S Docklands Pty Ltd ACN 628 618 708
    CJ'S Greenvale Pty Ltd ACN 628 410 524
    CJS (Williams Landing) Pty Ltd ACN 621 777 035
    CJs (Cranbourne) Pty Ltd ACN 621 777 302
    CJ'S Clayton Pty Ltd ACN 641 324 030
    CJ'S Dubbo Pty Ltd ACN 642 534 656
    CJ'S Braybrook Pty Ltd ACN 650 365 183
    CJ'S Epsom Pty Ltd ACN 639 187 527
    CJ'S Bathurst Pty Ltd ACN 653 715 087
    CJ'S Wodonga Pty Ltd ACN 647 153 277
    CJ'S Craigieburn Pty Ltd ACN 641 324 236
    CJ'S Campbellfield Pty Ltd ACN 642 534 665
    CJ'S Fortitude Valley Pty Ltd ACN 672 087 651
    CJ'S Tarneit Pty Ltd ACN 662 375 126
    CJ'S Piara Waters Pty Ltd ACN 667 225 710
    CJ's Bayswater Pty Ltd ACN 637 161 776
    CJ's Hervey Bay Pty Ltd ACN 638 955 718
    CJ's Beaconsfield Pty Ltd ACN 638 955 736
    CJ's Armstrong Creek Pty Ltd ACN 642 912 383
    CJ's Nowra Pty Ltd ACN 643 168 683
    CJ's Orange Pty Ltd ACN 646 224 320
    CJ's Mordialloc Pty Ltd ACN 646 224 473
    CJ's Warrawong Pty Ltd ACN 647 175 871
    CJ's Gregory Hills Pty Ltd ACN 652 841 720
    CJ's Moe Pty Ltd ACN 652 881 091
    CJ's Sunbury Pty Ltd ACN 653 234 649
    CJ's Seaford Pty Ltd ACN 653 435 655
    CJ's Clyde North Pty Ltd ACN 655 779 865
    CJ's Butler Pty Ltd ACN 658 762 040
    CJ's Tapping Pty Ltd ACN 659 692 949
    CJ's Mirrabooka Pty Ltd ACN 660 670 226
    CJ's Ellenbrook Pty Ltd ACN 662 375 135
    CJ's Acacia Ridge Pty Ltd ACN 667 225 701
    CJ's Grafton Pty Ltd ACN 673 737 034
    CJ's Byford Pty Ltd ACN 675 158 577
    CJ's East Albury Pty Ltd ACN 647 311 233

    • Terrible locations. Ballarat and Albury were never going to succeed. Premium burgers in country towns doomed form the beginning.

      • The Albury one never opened. It's just a rebadged ABN from a Melbourne store.

    • Why is each store a separate company ? What the benefit of doing it ?

      • as far as I understand it, each store was its own franchise even when company-owned.

    • Interesting, some of the restaurants that appear on the website appear on this list. I guess the website can't be relied on then.

      • Click on the more information button for each store you think is closing down and see if it does to the right page.

  • went a few times, for a cheap lunch ($5 burger and $2 fries)
    don't know how they made money tbh
    looked full of staff, and no customers

  • +1

    Been there twice, had bad experiences both times .. never went again.

  • LMAO

    CJ'S Fortitude Valley Pty Ltd ACN 672 087 651

    This store is set to open in August and already set to close

    • Bit like a Masters store that was built in Adelaide and nearly ready to go.

      The Tarneit store in Vic only opened a few weeks ago and survives for now being a franchisee.

  • These were my favourite burgers and fries, too bad they are closing. They just opened a store near my area a year ago.

    I always got good prices with the app.

  • How do Wendy’s think they will succeed here is beyond me.

  • Beloved US burger chain Carl’s Jr goes into administration in Australia…

    • Beloved? When it had not enough customers?

  • Sorry to hear you and your friends have lost your jobs, OP.

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