Carl's Jr. - 20 Restaurants Closed

Hey guys, everyone in my restaurant just got fired, no notice period no nothing. Anyway any questions you guys have I can answer

Context: 2 new people were chosen to make the decision, financially Carl's Jr. wasn't doing too well so they closed 20 restaurants and 4 are going to be kept up

Mod 30/7 - 20 out of the 49 Stores have closed down. 4 Continue to trade in administration, 25 stores are independently owned and aren't in administration and trade as normal (including all stores in SA).

Based on the initial stages of this assessment, the Voluntary Administrators will continue to trade 4 of the owned and operated CJ’s Group restaurants on a business-as-usual basis. 20 restaurants will be immediately closed as of the date of the appointment.

The appointment of Voluntary Administrators excludes the 25 restaurants independently owned and operated by third-party sub-licensees. These restaurants will be transitioned to a direct licensed relationship with CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. (CKE). The Voluntary Administrators anticipate minimal change in the continued operation of these locations.

Locations in administration


Related Stores

Carl's Jr
Carl's Jr


  • +1

    I am sorry for you and I hope you can get another job real soon.

    I assume many Australian are very glad that all these greedy business owners are forced into administration! Rather than just continue to rip us off with their lofty profit margin! Australian are not stupid and will not continue being rip off! The price charged by these restaurants are too much. They need to reduce their gross profit margin to 50-60% rather than 70%.

    • +2

      Australian are not stupid and will not continue being rip off!

      Your opinion of Aussies is too high.

    • If anything Australians are more gullible to market hype since we're so embodied into American culture and media….. Just watch the next big US chain hit our shores and once again we'll herd up like a bunch of sheep.

  • sad that you lost ur job lil bro but honestly it was trash anyway it was like hungry jacks whoopers with a different packaging, not saying its trash trash but like no difference to an already established player but more expensive, if you want burgers go to chubby buns

  • worst burger place ever. New one opened up near me about a year ago and I went there to try it out. No service for 5 mins and saw the whole team in the back chatting. the soda machine was overflowing and they had a yellow wet floor sign there. The burger sucked as well, dry and way too much lettuce.

  • Godspeed

  • +2

    Wendy's (American burger chain) plans to open 100 stores starting in 2025. I haven't heard a word since around a year ago when it was announced. I wonder if they are still on track.

    • Waiting for the new grand opening and birthday freebies :)

  • Absolutely horrendous food from these joints

  • -1

    Majority of people aren’t left with any disposable income to spend on eating out or small luxuries.

    No customers and far higher expenses what else will happen?

    This country needs true leadership to bounce back.

  • +1

    I didn't mind Carls jnr burgers, definitely better than Maccas but the price is a bit much. If I am spending that coin I'll buy a burger from a local shop or fish and chippery.

  • +1

    They just started doing the earthworks for the new Hervey Bay site a couple of weeks ago, guess those piles of dirt will remain there for a while now.

  • Just seen the news about 20 US burger restaurants Carl's Jr. closing down this morning. Too bad I Haven't claimed my Famous Star with Cheese yet due to yet due to their locations. They just released their new app early this month.

  • Never heard of this franchise

  • Overpriced Hungry jacks quality food. Can't see why it failed.

  • Butts

  • +1

    Yeah can't say I didn't see this coming. They opened up the weirdest locations in NSW and thought people would travel to them while serving up average food.

    Their Sydney location is Wetherill Park and (at a stretch) Bringelly on a highway with only a BP - a few reviews mention stumbling across it after getting lost.

    Even regionally, they didn't open in Bathurst they opened near Bathurst. And why target regions like Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo first?

    The locations of these mean many people probably never even knew about it, let alone tried it.

  • +1

    Carl's junior is expensive and crap vs the competition

    • +4

      Sounds exactly like the competition.

  • +1

    My biggest gripe is the burgers are always cold.

  • What does this mean for (American) Wendys?

    Same mob right?

  • Nothing to say from @msjb

  • +1

    $10 combo always went HARD. Will be missed I prefered em to HJ's and Maccas anyday.

  • A strange AMA.

  • I only realised very recently that we even had this burger chain available locally, when did they actually start opening stores in Australia?

    To be honest i thought it might be an overpriced gimmic which is why i never bothered to stop and go into one. Im over and refuse to pay $25 for a basic burger.

  • +1

    My partner work(ed) as an analyst in this field. She was having meetings with them in 2015 and told them their business model won't transfer to AUS. The bulk of the USA based chains can't get their head around the obligation to pay our minimum wage, loadings and OT.

    I think it was also Carl Jrs that didn't want to use post-mix and only have packaged drinks. This would have required a coolroom as big as the store.

    • I don't understand how wages send them broke. Surely their food and drinks have enormous profit?

    • I think it was also Carl Jrs that didn't want to use post-mix and only have packaged drinks. This would have required a coolroom as big as the store.

      Doesn't seem to be an issue for KFC or Red Rooster.

      • Haven't been in either for 20 years so I can't comment

  • Any free burgers?

  • Tried it once a couple years ago when they first opened, never went back, was garbo compared to other junk food.

  • Their waffle fries set them apart from other common fast food. A meal for three was almost twice the price of Maccas though.

    • How much does maccas cost for 3?

      • $25-35 depends what we get with the usual 20% app discount. Or ordering a couple of deals

        • What about without any deals?

          • +1

            @smartazz104: Well let's see… 25 x 1.2…35 x 1.2 = $30-45

            Nah, then we don't eat Maccas. I feel in the time we do feel like Maccas there are always deals and a 20% off if you spend 40 or 10 - had both recently.

        • For my wife, myself and my niece a tradie combo, a chili cheese fries and a star pals burger combo, ~$33 was plenty of food for the 3 of us. Only 2 drinks but with free refills.

  • Overpriced Hungry jacks. Not surprised.

  • +1

    I find the mainstream media reporting on this and the Rex administration quite appalling.

    Headline "Cost of living, lack of originality and new fast-food cuisines killed Carl Jr’s Australian ambitions" and "Beloved burger chain collapses".

    Reality …. No ambitions have been killed and the chain has not collapsed. Approximately 60% of the stores are still operating.

    Rex also hasn't collapsed. It is still running in regional areas, it's just the capital city routes that it has stopped running. Essentially back to what it was pre covid. Channel 7 has run a clip multiple times of some young woman talking about impact on regions. There is no impact on regions. Such misleading and irresponsible reporting.

    • So there was a time when the "news" was responsible and ethical? hah

  • I remember seeing This is the End. going to the US and going out of my way to have Carls Jr. And being so disappointed, Tastes just like Burger King, nothing different about it.

    I was just in LA a few weeks ago and the only place to eat was Carl's Jr. It was shyt TBH
    Now I had Chick-fil-A for the first time, That was amazing! I'd love to have them come to Australia

    • Yes, a beef burger and a chicken burger don't taste the same. clap clap

  • there $5 angus burger on the app is bomb

  • I liked carls jr, unfortunate people didn't give them much of a chance.

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