Japan Airlines Return Flights Direct to Tokyo from Melbourne fr $1018, Sydney fr $1024 (Fly Aug 24, Apr-Jun 25) @ IWTF


Japan Airlines have reduced prices on Flights to Tokyo.

  • Flying: Japan Airlines direct to Tokyo
  • Cheapest Dates: Departing Melbourne and Sydney in Aug/24. Melbourne in Apr - Jun/25
  • Included: 2x 23kg checked luggage, meals and entertainment

$1018 Return Melbourne to Tokyo Flights.

.Depart. .Return. .Price.
12/May 01/Jun $1018 View Flight
19/May 08/Jun $1018 View Flight
12/May 08/Jun $1019 View Flight
19/May 15/Jun $1019 View Flight
30/Apr 18/May $1025 View Flight
30/Apr 25/May $1090 View Flight
26/Apr 11/May $1091 View Flight
03/May 25/May $1091 View Flight
26/Apr 18/May $1091 View Flight
12/May 25/May $1092 View Flight
12/Aug 27/Aug $1092 View Flight
10/May 25/May $1092 View Flight
17/May 01/Jun $1092 View Flight
19/May 03/Jun $1092 View Flight
24/May 08/Jun $1092 View Flight
31/May 15/Jun $1092 View Flight
10/May 01/Jun $1092 View Flight
12/May 03/Jun $1092 View Flight
05/Aug 25/Aug $1092 View Flight
03/May 18/May $1093 View Flight

$1024 Return Sydney to Tokyo Flights.

.Depart. .Return. .Price.
06/Aug 25/Aug $1024 View Flight
05/Aug 25/Aug $1024 View Flight
07/Aug 28/Aug $1024 View Flight
06/Aug 27/Aug $1024 View Flight
04/Aug 25/Aug $1024 View Flight
07/Aug 27/Aug $1024 View Flight
07/Aug 25/Aug $1024 View Flight
04/Aug 22/Aug $1115 View Flight
04/Aug 23/Aug $1115 View Flight
03/Aug 22/Aug $1116 View Flight
03/Aug 23/Aug $1116 View Flight
07/Aug 26/Aug $1117 View Flight
06/Aug 26/Aug $1117 View Flight
08/Aug 25/Aug $1117 View Flight
07/Aug 22/Aug $1117 View Flight
08/Aug 27/Aug $1117 View Flight
07/Aug 23/Aug $1118 View Flight
06/Aug 22/Aug $1118 View Flight
05/Aug 22/Aug $1118 View Flight
06/Aug 23/Aug $1118 View Flight

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For this airfare and more, check out our deals site http://iknowthepilot.com.au/

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Japan Airlines
Japan Airlines


  • +5

    NEVER from Brisbane.

    • Moved from Brissie to Sydney many years ago.

      Well worth it LOL

      • -8

        Too bad you didn't choose Melbourne instead. I feel sorry for you

      • +8

        Yes, I love the worse traffic and paying over inflated prices for housing. Well worth it to have direct flights once every year or so.

        • +1

          I dont disagree with that, but there were more opportunities for me in Syd compared to Bris at the time.

          I don't plan to stay in Sydney long term, will be semi retiring overseas soon in Malaysia.

    • And as soon as you add a domestic leg flights are like $2500 each way for the sake of a $150 domestic flight. So frustrating.

    • At least there are direct flights from GC to Japan

      • +2

        Yeah ones I found was jetstar & I won't fly with them .

        • Ah riperino. I go with them but I pay $30-50 for travel insurance just in case my flights get cancelled etc.

    • Dude… flights from Brisbane are generally cheaper than that. I went for $800 return last month without even trying to bargain it.

      • +1

        I'm needing to go to haneda in March 25 there's nothing apart from long layovers or milk runs & $1900 return it's a disgrace 98% of flights are qantas .

        • +3

          You got plenty of time. Chuck your dates on Google flights and tell it to track it and for sure you'll get a direct flight sub $900 for that month.

          Airlines jerk their prices around hourly. $1500 flights turn into $700 ones for no reason.

          • @jaimex2: Hey thanks heaps for the info .

          • @jaimex2: Thanks for the heads up as well. I want to go early next year so will set something up on Google

  • -2

    Mid summer oooooh hellll no

    • I've travelled to Japan in late May to Mid-June twice and it was fine both times, wouldn't want to head over in August though.

      • Agree. Avoid August unless you are going to Hokkaido

      • Depends. June in Tokyo can be very hot and humid with the rainy period coming in if you're coming from Melbourne like me, but those from FNQ even Brisbane may fare better.

    • June-August avoid, September-May is the safe zone (Winter is quite cold though). Early September is still in the cyclone season, and even May can be a bit hot, high humidity that's why it's worse than it looks.

  • +1

    Man it's a struggle to find decent flights for November..

    • This year yeah? I know what you mean. Qantas is $1,500 might have to cop it. Sad.

      • Yea this year, hesitated and didn't book the $760 return cathay ones from like last month for November.

  • why the hell aren't the Sydney flights for may as well

  • +1

    Never September :(

  • Thinking of going about those times next year, from April. Might upgrade to Superfare extra $200 so trip between 1200-1300. Does anyone think it'd be worth it to lock that in, or just wait for a better deal closer to the time?

    • you can't get better price than that, but FWIW JAL's PE is quite mediocre and I find it lacks waist support.

  • I want to fly in Jan for winter, any chance of getting a deal or winter is always expensive?

  • Anything in October team?
    Worth waiting?

    Trying to get to Hokkaido from Sydney.

  • +1

    JPY has plummeted in the past fortnight sadly.

    • Is that good for us for flights or bad for us?

    • Just had a look at Google Flights, and it looks like most flights have increased in price. So bad for us.

  • How is JAL compared to ANA?

    • Basically the same. Just check the airports they tend to fly to

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