Turkish Airlines: Sydney to Madrid $1267, Barcelona $1284, Milan $1286, Rome $1296, Amsterdam $1340 + More @ Google Flights


Pretty last minute, but solid fares to Europe flying Turkish Airlines via KL and Istanbul.
These are only working from Sydney, for March 2025 departures (you can return in April).
It's possible to force a long stop on the return leg and take advantage of Turkish Airlines free stopover offer in Istanbul - if you want to do this, select a return flight with a 20+ hour stop in Istanbul on the return.

Sydney to Amsterdam $1340
Sydney to Barcelona $1284
Sydney to Budapest $1395
Sydney to Copenhagen $1380
Sydney to London (Gatwick) $1394
Sydney to Madrid $1267
Sydney to Milan $1286
Sydney to Rome $1296

Found by Cheap Flight Hunter. Sign up (free!) to get deals like this sent straight to your inbox.

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Turkish Airlines
Turkish Airlines


  • -4

    Any cheap flights to Constantinople?

    • +6

      Due to timezones, you can indeed travel back in time flying west.

      Not that far back, but maybe if you kept going around…

    • +5

      It’s Istanbul not Constantinople

      • +3

        People just liked it better that way.

      • -5

        It’s Istanbul not Constantinople

        Not according to my neighbour…

        • +3

          your useless 2c worths are tiring..

            • +3

              @jv: it’s hard.not too, when they’re the first comments on many a deal.. quite telling of the excitement in your world..

              • +2

                @2enjoy: You can hide any messages (or 2 cent wisdom) from any individual on this site. One the many options you can use to hide booze deals, whatever.

                • @marcmitch: But then we're unlikely to use our allocated downvotes up!

          • +1

            @2enjoy: I agree.

      • +2

        You must he fun at parties.

  • +8

    I got held up at work, so I missed my flights to Europe. Turkish offered me to put me onto the next flight for a mere $8,200 (economy class), which I refused given Qatar and Emirates both offered flights for 1/3 of that price.

    I asked them if I can still take the return flight, they said most definitely can after paying a no show fee ($200). Needless to say, they wouldn't let me board the return flight or pay for the no show fee either and they also didn't reply to my complaint I lodged a month ago due to misleading customers and refusing to refund the second leg of the flight (they normally allow this even after taking the first flight).

    Just to put this into perspectives, Qantas rebooked me to the next available flight for free of charge, Rex offered a $55 relief package when I missed my domestic flight on the spot too.

    The so called 'premium' airline.

    • They are just a glorified scoot

    • +1

      That's messed up. Hope you had everything in writing and plan on fighting them for comp

      • +1

        Fighting them for missing a flight? Are there airlines that are better? Sure. It all started because they missed their flight

    • +2

      I got held up at work

      7-Eleven ???

      • +1

        Night owl

    • +1

      I've heard their service can be pretty hit or miss. Big miss in your case. Thanks for sharing the warning.

    • +1

      Charging you a fee because you missed your flight? What on earth

      • +2

        Asking $8,200 from your customer, who already paid thousands of dollars to take your flights sounds fair and very much reasonable, especially when your competitors offer a better (less connections) service for $6,000-$6,500 less. Here at Ozbargain, we are looking to pay more, whenever possible.

      • Charging you a fee because you missed your flight? What on earth

        I don't agree with it, but they do clearly state that when you're buying your flight - but only if you buy one of their "cheaper" tickets. Heck, even Singapore Airlines charge you with a "no-show" fee on some routes / fares.

    • +2

      Sounds like you have a bit of a habit of missing flights.

      • +2

        I fly 40+ sectors on average a year and so far I only missed a couple of domestic connections, which were the last leg of the international journey and were on a separate itinerary (limited o/s flights from QLD during Covid period). This is hopefully the first and last flight I missed, which was the first leg of the journey.

    • +3

      At what point did you offer to pay the no show fee? Timing could be important.

      Also what were the T&Cs of your airfare type in relation to missing a flight because of your own 'fault'?

      These are important factors.

      • I showed up at the check-in desk right after I missed the check-in cut-off time. Since they have no ticketing office at Sydney Airport, check-in staff asked me to call their international hotline, which I did and I asked them to rebook me to the next flight available offering them to pay the no show fee. That's when I got quoted $8,200 and got told that it's not possible to just pay a penalty fee to get rebooked to the next flight. Later that night, I called them again asking them if I can take the return flight and they told me I can after paying the no show fee at departure, so I didn't even cancel the second half of the journey, which I could have and get some money back. In my complaint, which I lodged after the return flight, I asked them to retain the recorded phone calls, which based on their lack of responsiveness, they haven't done I believe.

        My ticket was economy class (P class).

    • I recently flew with them to Italy. Every single male I dealt with from Turkish in the air, the call centre and on the ground were rude as hell. I've never been made to feel more unwelcome by an airline. This is in addition to the issues I had with them before I even departed.

  • -2

    Do not fly with Turkish Airlines. You will regret it. Be warned ⚠️.

    • I heard they were delightful?

      Is that not true?

      • +1

        Especially the dessert.

        • -2

          True, I once accidentally ordered a desert at a Turkish restaurant.

          It was quite dry…

    • +2

      Some specifics would be useful. Australians generally don't have much experience with TK so we need to educate ourselves about the pros and cons.

      • +1

        See below comment.

    • +3

      I agree, i've been left stranded by delayed Turkish airlines flight, which meant I missed an International to Domestic connection - they took 0 responsibility, straight up lied in responses, and tried to pass on blame onto the next airline which was not at fault.

      • +1


  • +5

    Lol yea "Do not fly" with zero context has alot of weight. Also I'd ignore individual experiences. I mean it's a sport to hate on Qantas in Aus so again bucket of salt. Not to mention almost every country thinks their airlines is the worst.
    For the record my experience with TA has been fine. Also fine with Qantas and many others. Customer service (phone support) can be atrocious with almost all airlines. Don't take my word for it.

    • +3

      CONTEXT: Booked to europe. Return flight cancelled half way on our trip. Took weeks and countless hours on the phone to get us back on another flight. Lost ENTIRE planes baggage on return flight. Rude staff, non existent customer service. I could write a book if you want more context but I was just putting it out there for people to be aware that they are no good. Best of luck!

  • Beware, i'm told there is no free seat selection at check in on TK.

    Not cheap seat selection fees either.

    e.g. Europe return standard seats $244 or extra legroom $790.

    My interest in trying TK has evaporated since learning about this and their patchy customer service.

    • If you check in within 6 hours of your departure time, you can choose your seats.

      • +1

        Are very "Family" orientated?

    • +5

      Last I checked, Australia went all the way to Gallipoli, which if you have a brain cell left, you'd know it is very very far away, so ask yourself who did the attacking. The Ottoman empire at the time posed ZERO threat to Australia, their beef was with the British empire who at the time was attacking the Ottoman empire in the middle east. Our Temu Trump's of the time thought it would be good to suck up to the dying British empire, and guess what, we paid for it with many lives lost. The Brits used the Aussies like pawns, sent them to their death. I suggest you go to Gallipolli today and see the respect the Turks have for the Australians despite them being attacked.

    • Hope none of the electronics you use are Japanese made, just wait till I tell you about our history with them !!! Probably only sensible well built German made products for you huh?

  • Any clue as to when/if ever they will fly from Brisbane?

    • It was part of the plan so yes, I'd say eventually they will. Was originally meant to happen some time in 2025

  • I tried to get them to explain how the two day stopover worked. They could not. Hopeless.

  • +2

    I've flown Turkish Airlines more than I should so I can give some context.
    The reason I've flown them is obvious. They often have the cheapest price. So what are the negatives?

    1. Istanbul is a shit airport. If you swipe your passport at one of the kiosks you will get 1 hr of free internet, once it expires you're done. This is extremely unusual for international airports.
    2. The gate for your flight at Istanbul will usually be "TBD" until about 1 hr before boarding, so you can never get to your gate early and relax. My theory for why they do this "just in time" gate allocation is:
    3. Flights often run late. I've not missed a connecting flight yet, but it generally means I have spend more time in Istanbul with, as I've pointed out above, no internet.
    4. Their website is also shit.
    5. Support is terrible. I am trying to claim uncredited frequent flyer points right now and it's taken 3 iterations so far of entering information into their feedback form and getting an unhelpful reply.
    6. If you are unlucky enough to have a cancelled flight, Turkish Airlines does not provide the same kinds of guarantees that EU airlines are required to by EU law. I've had a cancellation happen and it cost me quite a bit of money. It was due to the partner airline cancelling their part of the flight, but the effect was still the same. Incidentally also found out that if you have booked a codeshare flight, then when they cancel on you, you can only change your flight (for free) to another codeshare flight. Which is completely (profanity) if the partner airline has just cancelled everything.

    In-flight experience is ok I guess. The seats are small, but the alternative airlines are the same.

  • -2

    Alas, my wife and I cannot grow a thick luxurious moustache, are we still allowed to travel with Turkish airlines?

    • Ah yes, the classic blend of racism and misogyny, served with a side of ignorance. Imagine being so insecure that you have to mock a woman’s appearance to feel relevant. Maybe work on yourself instead of broadcasting your lack of intelligence to the world.

      • -1

        Imagine not having a sense of humour, how about trying to lighten up a little?

        FWIW, have been to Istanbul/Gallipoli a number of times, have always enjoyed the countries hospitality although their speeding taxi driver's border on being reckless - am I allowed to say that or is that something else you'll take offense to?

        Certainly do have to have your wits about you with the shoe shiners at the Grand Bazaar as they try to rip you off with the 'excuse' they had to use the special polish. lol. Yeah that's right, an experience to comment on usually only when you've had first hand experience of the place.

        BTW, you did see my post above approving of Australia's relationship with Turkey?

        Interested also, how am I mocking a woman's appearance by stating that she can't grow a tache, seriously you went looking for offence on the internet today didn't you?

        • He (I assume) made a pretty valid point.

          This ain't 1980 any more.

        • Ah yes, the classic ‘it’s just a joke, lighten up’ defense, the last refuge of someone who got called out and has nothing intelligent to say. Funny how your ‘humor’ only ever seems to punch down at stereotypes instead of being, you know, actually witty.

          And thanks for the travel blog nobody asked for, but visiting a country doesn’t grant you a free pass to spread lazy generalizations. If anything, it just makes you look like a tourist who thinks a week abroad turns them into an expert on an entire culture.

          As for your ‘I wasn’t mocking her appearance, I just said she can’t grow a mustache’ impressive mental gymnastics. Maybe try applying that energy to forming an actual argument instead of backpedaling when people call you out. Just a thought

          Your attempt to frame this as a lack of humor or an overreaction misses the point entirely. Humor is subjective, but when it relies on racial stereotypes or mocks someone’s appearance,especially in a way that perpetuates harmful and outdated tropes, it ceases to be funny and becomes offensive. Your comment about women and mustaches is not just a joke; it’s a racially charged stereotype that reduces an entire group of people to a caricature. That’s not humor; it’s prejudice.

          • @Timetraveler: You are political correctness personified, you and your ilk are a blight on the landscape these days. You are the reason we wish each other happy holidays instead of happy Xmas, the reason our Australia Day holiday that we celebrate with friends and family is under attack, BS political correctness gone too far as you play the race card yet again.

            When you look for offence everywhere you WILL find it.

            How dare you call me racist, you don't even know me.

            Turkish men have wonderful luxurious moustaches and they are something to be proud of, if you can't see the self-deprecating humour of me not being able to grow one and the jokey "either can my wife" then frankly I don't give a shit - you can crawl back under your politically correct rock.


            • @shutuptakemymoney101: Your response is a classic deflection and attacking "political correctness" and accusing others of "looking for offense" instead of reflecting on why your comments might be problematic. Let’s be clear: calling out racism or insensitivity isn’t about being "politically correct"; it’s about treating people with respect and dignity. Dismissing valid concerns as "BS political correctness" only serves to avoid accountability.

              You claim I’m "playing the race card," but the reality is that your comment about women and mustaches plays into a well-documented stereotype that has been used to demean and dehumanize women from certain backgrounds. Whether you intended it or not, the impact of your words matters. And no, wrapping it in "self-deprecating humor" doesn’t make it harmless, it just obscures the underlying issue.

              As for your personal attacks and generalizations about "political correctness," they’re irrelevant to the conversation. Respecting others’ cultures and identities isn’t a "blight on the landscape"; it’s basic human decency. The fact that you feel so threatened by this says more about your unwillingness to engage in self-reflection than it does about me or anyone else calling out harmful behavior.

              You say I don’t know you, and that’s true. But I don’t need to know you to recognize that your comments perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Racism isn’t just about intent, it’s about impact. If you genuinely care about fostering respect and understanding, I’d encourage you to reflect on why so many people find these kinds of remarks offensive, instead of lashing out and dismissing valid criticism.

              You have a good day.

              • @Timetraveler: Sorry, only got around to reading your rant today. lol

                Let me say this, BS you are a typical 'Karen' who doesn't have a sense of humour and feels offended by everything he/she/they/her/them reads.

                As Ricky Gervais said "Just cause you're offended, doesn't mean you're right". So basically, you can (profanity) off if what I said offended you :-)

                In case you didn't watch it before, strongly urge you to see the link below as it may help you develop a sense of humour.


                • -1

                  @shutuptakemymoney101: Oh, bless your heart! It’s been a whole week of radio silence, and yet here you are, still clutching onto this like it’s the last life raft on the Titanic. Bravo! Truly, the dedication to doubling down on your "joke" about Turkish women having mustaches is almost impressive. Almost.

                  Let’s not pretend your original post was some harmless quip. You specifically made a statement implying that Turkish women have “thick luxurious mustaches.” Classy. Real classy. But hey, I guess when your sense of humor relies on lazy stereotypes, you’ve got to dig deep for material, right?

                  But let’s be real, you’re the only Karen here, my guy. You’re the one who can’t let it go, who’s still fuming a week later, and who’s now resorting to Ricky Gervais quotes like they’re some kind of philosophical mic drop. Spoiler alert: they’re not. And linking a video to “help me develop a sense of humor”? Dude, the irony is thicker than the mustache your wife apparently wish she could grow.

                  But hey, keep digging that hole. I’m sure it’ll work out great for you. Cheers!

                  Ps: How about you (profanity) of and let it go.

                  I’ve got better things to do than to reply to your BS.

                  • -1

                    @Timetraveler: Karen. lol

                    Judging by your replies I'm upsetting you - EXCELLENT!!! lol

                    Karen, Karen, Karen, has no sense of humour and finds offence everywhere he/she/they/them look !!!!!

                    Looking forward to your next angry, upset wall of text. lol.

                    Hey, have you watched this funny video yet? ha ha


                    • -1

                      @shutuptakemymoney101: Upsetting me? LOL 😂

                      There is something seriously wrong with you.

                      You’re like a mosquito, constantly buzzing around looking to have the last word lol 😂

                      I can’t believe I’m having to deal with your stupidity or nonsense.

                      "I can’t believe how insufferable you are. Are you drunk, stupid, or just a 12-year-old throwing a tantrum? Your refusal to admit defeat is almost impressive, but your sheer ignorance is just pathetic."

                      Pointing out facts doesn’t make one upest 😂

                      • @Timetraveler: Hey Karen,

                        I'm loving your posts and how 'upest' they are making you. ha ha ha

                        There is something seriously wrong with you.

                        You’re like a mosquito, constantly buzzing around looking to have the last word lol 😂

                        I can’t believe I’m having to deal with your stupidity or nonsense.

                        "I can’t believe how insufferable you are. Are you drunk, stupid, or just a 12-year-old throwing a tantrum? Your refusal to admit defeat is almost impressive, but your sheer ignorance is just pathetic."

                        Pointing out facts doesn’t make one upest 😂

                        • @shutuptakemymoney101: Oh, you still think I’m upset? You poor, pathetic little excuse for a man.
                          The only thing that’s hilarious here is how hard you’re trying to convince yourself that you’ve ‘won’ something.
                          Calling me a ‘Karen’ and patting yourself on the back for it?
                          Wow, what a groundbreaking achievement, congrats, I guess?
                          It’s honestly pitiful how much joy you get out of this when your entire personality is just recycled insults and desperate attempts to feel superior.
                          You’re like a broken record, but somehow even less entertaining.
                          Keep telling yourself you’re happy, though, it’s kind of sad but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
                          Maybe one day you’ll grow a personality that doesn’t rely on being a troll. Until then, enjoy your little victory lap, champ. 😘

                          PS: How’s that mustache growth coming along for you and your wife? You know, since apparently, you need a ‘thick, luxurious mustache’ to travel with Turkish Airlines. Just curious.

                          • @Timetraveler: Another wall of upset text and hurt feelings, you're making this far too easy. ha ha ha

                            Cranky upset Karen can't help but share her hurt feelings with a stranger on the internet. lol

                            Please Karen scold me some more. lol

                            • @shutuptakemymoney101: You poor little man lol

                              I’m sooo upset you calling me a Karen , I’m crying my eyes out from laughing 😭😭 lol

                              I’ll ask again, How’s that mustache growth coming along for you and your wife? You know, since apparently, you need a ‘thick, luxurious mustache’ to travel with Turkish Airlines. Just curious.😂😂😂

  • Have used TA last year to visit Eastern Europe …… all the bookings went well but they were Business that might help?!. The return to Australia was interesting, a journey started in Dubrovnik and we had bookings with Croation Airlines - was booked to Istanbul via Zagreb with two economy flights one very late and the other very early and we would have been better to sleep at the Zagreb Airport on a bench!!.

    This was not a good prospect, and a few days before we were due to fly out of Dubrovnik I noticed TA had a direct business service which was not available months before when first booking in Australia.

    Trouble was the J flight was around $3000 and that was a stopper!! ….. but contacted our small Travel Agent to explain our situation and in less than a day fixed up a fare in J for about $700 each after sweet talking TA I suspect!.

    Moral of the story, we have had a number of occasions when our agent sorted the issues out and also have obtained refunds. So, online direct might look good but having an Agent helping out pays dividens and you can still get good fares. We check out the online prices and our Agent price matches, so its a win win.

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