Cobram Extra Virgin Olive Oil Classic 3 Litre $50 @ Coles


Cobram Extra Virgin Olive Oil Classic 3 Litre is on special at Coles this week.


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  • +18


  • Sad day for those using oils while on bed.

  • +2

    Liquid gold. The new?

  • +22

    Sad when oil for your car is cheaper than oil for you

    • +4

      Ever tried deep-frying in/cooking with E10s? Best arancini I've ever tasted!

    • +1

      Wasn’t that always the case? Can’t imagine less than $1.6 for a L of oil.

      • +2

        thats petrol mate. before the price rises olive oil was 3euros a litre.

        • Oh I see what ampersand meant now hahaha

  • This vs ALDI olive oil? I think ALDI retails cheaper than this

    • Same price per litre with this special

    • +1

      Aldi only $5 cheaper I think. Aldi 3L Olive Grove oil is $45 from memory.

      • Aldi 3L Olive Grove hasn't been available for a long time.

        Oddly, Aldi Olive Grove 750ml is cheaper per L, than the 1L bottle.

        • The 3L has been in stock at multiple aldis in my area for the past month or so for $45.99

          • @3v3rqu357: ok great.

            I've visited probably about 4 different Aldi's in my area and haven't seen them for months.

            At $50, I'd by Cobram.

    • I've changed over to Aldi olive oil and happy with it, it's always a good price there so don't need to wait for specials

    • Likewise. Dont use it anymore due to this madness is shortage/prices. Since cutting out most other seed oils also I use only ghee for frying when I need to. Sometimes peanut oil for stir fry's.

    • Cobram is better quality, no?

  • +16

    I have found Olive Oil to be a non essential oil in recent times.

    • What do you use instead?

      • I mainly used Olive Oil when preparing Pizza dough and also drizzled on the top before cooking.I have skipped this and found the end product is just as good.

        This article has some suggestions for alternatives.…

        • The article isn't particularly useful.. just listing oils that the suparmarket sells without a good reason why, for example from a health point of view.

        • the end product is just as good.

          Not if you are using a decent olive oil

      • +1

        I only use olive oil for sourdough, salads and the like.

        Any high smoke point neutral tasting oil like canola oil or veggie oil is good for frying.

        • But not as good for your health

          • +1

            @Boioioioi: Sure but it's marginal. Just don't punch darts and you'll be healthier than if you used olive oil.

          • +2

            @Boioioioi: Cooking with a heat source denatures the oil so it is not healthier when you use it for deep frying at high temperatures.


          depending on the flavour you like, Mustard oil has marginally better health benefits and Costco currently has a bottle for $10 (cant remember if it was 2L or 4L, think it was 4)

      • +1

        Ricebran oil is good alternative. High smoke point and cheap as. Doesn't impart much flavour if any at all.

  • +8

    Is the Olive Oil shortage still in place or have we just been educated to pay more?

    • +28

      There was a shortage of olives in Europe and in Australia apparently but I still see the shelves full of olive oil, so like everything else it is just profiteering.


      Next we will see Cobram complaining that people aren't buying their oil and buying cheap imported stuff and this is breaking their business.
      It's sad when Australians support Australian companies like this and then get treated like this.
      Oh well…

      • +7

        you say Oh well…
        thats the problem with australians. they just dont and never will give a funk.

        • +12

          I agree…
          I was going to say the old "Vote with your feet" comment but Australians generally never do.
          We get shafted by QANTAS, we still fly QANTAS, Optus holds on to our personal data for over 10 years, they get hacked and expose our data, we still use Optus. Medibank makes a boo boo and we lose more personal data but still use Medibank. Coles and Woolies have been making record profits since before COVID and causing the cost of living crisis but people still shop there. Service Stations have been ripping people blind for things other than petrol but people still buy things like drinks, toilet paper and cigarettes there. 100% renewable energy was supposed to mean cheaper electricity but never happened, now dearer than ever. Banks closing branches, doing people out of jobs but making billions per year. People saying we don't need cash so that banks and government can have full control over what you spend your money on. Crowd Strike will be the same, cause so much grief around the world because they didn't follow standard testing protocols but people will forget… Australians are laid back to a fault!

      • +2

        Is Cobram getting the extra money or just ColesWorth?

        • -1


    • +2

      Have you considered that perhaps there's plenty of olive oil on shelves because it's so much more expensive.

      Producers don't miraculously recover from a bad harvest.

      If there's a decent harvest next season, hopefully the prices will drop.

      • Hopefully…….

  • +5

    Costs more on special than regular shelf price before the price increase

  • +5

    Better off buying Aldi at retail. 3.75L for $50.

  • I want the light tasting olive oil for cooking, is it pointless buying the light tasting olive oil blends when they are not EVOO. Always had the impression all the benefits were from that part.

    (I'm content enough to keep cooking with canola for now at this pricing)

    • Pointless

    • What are you cooking that you want light tasting olive oil?

  • +10

    Red Island is on sale at Woolworths (its made by Cobram) and its 1 Litre for $15 which per litre is cheaper. Plus its in smaller container so keeps fresher 3 Bottles = $45

    • +1

      $15/L for now…

    • +1

      True, but despite being made by Cobram, Red Island ranks much lower on various taste tests

    • Yeah I wonder how people get oil out of big containers without spills

      • You gotta get good at pouring - or use a funnel

      • Keep your empty olive oil bottle and you can refill it.

  • +1

    I think the one at Costco is 6L (2x 3L containers) for about $75 which works cheaper.

  • Oil me up !

    • +1

      Not Australian. Less fresh.

      • -1

        More cartel too

  • This is great olive oil and is packaged in a cask to keep it from going rancid.

    Works out to $17.50 per litre.…

  • -2

    Canola oil is cheaper and achieves the same thing…

    • You're right, canola oil is suitable for a lot of cases where people are using olive oil.

      Not all cases though.

  • +2

    If I had data to prove my theory I'd be bothered to share it but I'm adamant that olive oil prices basically doubled 18-24 months ago.
    Yet shoppers seemingly only cottoned onto the ridiculousness of it in the last few months.

      • +1

        Going by that, it seemed to only really spike the last 6 months. Prior to that it went up about 15-20% over a few years.
        So maybe I'm misinterpreting my shopping memory. Either way, I'm sure the prices will go down once the worlds greatest famine ends in some olive grove in Greece, as we're led to understand.

    • -1

      Correct, as I said, profiteering is all this is.
      Keep a look out for the Cobram financial report for end of Half 1.

      • Lol

  • +3

    This is how the world is promoting healthy cooking oil, making it more expensive until the average family is unable to afford it.

    • +1

      You should start an olive farm and sell the oil cheaper

  • albo's australia

    • Lol like he controls Australian olive oil production.

      Must be the strong links he has to the olive oil union.

      Or it could be that they can sell their oil overseas and get a better price than Coles and Woolies will give them.

      • The price of olive oil is higher due to the CFMOU … they're on strike and only giving contracts to olive pickers who are part of the union. The non-CFMOU members are scabs! Scabs!

  • Any chance this could be the 2024 harvest?

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