This was posted 12 years 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Jamie Oliver 10 Piece Tefal Saucepan Set - $88 AUD Delivered

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First time poster…long time ozbargainer!

Found this deal as part of the black friday sales. I have used these before and they are awesome. To get it to Australia, it's $88. Checkout gives you a discount which brings it down to the $39.99 price and the rest is delivery.

I did a quick ebay search on these and currently, the same item has 1 day to go, $220 on it and 16 bidders.

I reckon it's a good deal.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • They are alloy? not stainless?

    • Not sure…didn't check this in the description. Guess I got a bit too excited and went straight to checkout. But as I said, I've used these and they are great. I'm just adding to my collection.

    • +1

      Love Tefal.

      Saucepans and Irons: The only thing the French make well.

      • +1

        and macarons

        • and french fries

        • +2

          and french girls

  • +2

    Would have bought if they were stainless steel.

    • same but still a good price for this set

  • Wrong link? It comes out to be $94.90 + delivery?

    • List Price: $179.99
      Price: $94.90
      Deal Price: $39.99

      • +1

        AUD 88.40 is postage inclusive on checkout.

      • +1

        Cleared my browser's cache and it appeared. It's a Lightning Deal Price, currently on wait-list only.

  • +2

    Great deal! I wish I had a use for this, but we're an induction household now…

    • +1

      Gas snob here

      • +1

        Thats spelt hobs :P

  • +2

    Quick google search shows a high majority of reviews stating that the coating does not last very long ranging from a few months to a few short years.

    Was tempted to buy these for the parents for less tehn $100 as a Xmas gift but will stay away now.

    Please read up first before buying.

    • +1

      Yep I can concur on this, the coating comes off easily, and almost unusable after that cos it burns your food

      • +1

        nd then there's the cancer risks…….

    • How long is a short year?

      • +1

        Shorter than a long year…

  • Sold Out.

  • Not dishwasher safe :(

    No buy from me. Probably still a good deal for some though.

    • All the range is Dishwasher Safe,…

      I have got two frypans that have lasted for years no issue, you just need to look after them with regards heat and being empty. Cannot see the sense in putting them in the dishwasher anyway given how easily they clean yet how much space they can take up.

  • +1

    Just read this review - maybe this is why it is cheap…

  • I have used the Jamie Oliver frypan for many years; is a good one that lasts. Havent used the saucepans but saucepans are generally good enough regardless. The frypan on its own costs close to $100 in Aust.

    But the $40 lightning deal price has had its full allocation taken.

  • Expired

  • +2

    Having had bad luck with the Jamie Oliver cookware myself as well as several other members of my family I would suggest its not a great set to buy…. although the price point shown is amazing.

    Little background info - I am a qualified chef, my cookware has only ever had silicon utensils used in it, washed by hand with a sponge yet the non stick coating has failed on every pan.

    The larger saute pans are slightly better quality (bought seperately… around $180 each from last memory), although even on those the coating is starting to fail.

    The stainless steel ones in the Jamie Oliver sets seem alright.

    I have had these for around 5-6 years now, they will probably be up for replacement fairly soon.

    Initial outlay was around $600 for the set, plus $180 for additional saute pan.

    • from what I gather, the coatings and the way they are bonded dont last on alloy.

    • Go for the German stuff or the Scanpan professionals

  • Got one…I just jumped on the waiting list.

  • +1

    I got one! AUD88.40 inc delivery, Xmas presnt for my mum, thanks gailson7869

  • Thanks I got in time! The comments are a bit worrying but I imagine for < $90 this will suit the intermediate cook (me) quite well

    Thank you for sharing!

  • Joined wait list and got one, my old set was needing a replacement so this is great for the price =)

  • Pretty poor, didn't even last 30 minutes.

    FYI I have a Jamie Oliver shark tooth grill and it's pretty decent for what it is, doesn't have the issues as the rest of his stuff, though then again I only grill a t-bone once a fortnight or so.


  • +2


    • Points on this comment because I can feel his disappointment from here

  • I just bought a set for my mum as well, paid AUD $88.40.

    Thanks OP.

  • it's weird, added to wait list and then it came up as in stock again…

    anyway got mine!


    I bought a Jamie Pot before for $28 and that was awesome

    Can't wait to get the whole set

  • Got one :)

    Waitlist for 3 mins, then purchased. Thanks for this

    • i think this whole wait list thing is to con you into buy it on the standard sale price

      if you sit around, the deal comes back on

      smart move mr Amazon, tricky

      • Not really. There are limited number of items for sale and someone might put one in his cart and not finish the check out process. Items are held in cart for 15 minutes or so.

        The waitlist is for people to jump on if someone fails to complete the transaction within that time period. So not exactly a con.

    • so lucky im still waiting T_T

      How does it let you know if you got it?

      • u need to keep ur amazon website open and it'll pop on the top right corner to let u know u got 3mins left to add the item into the cart… then another 12mins to pay…

        • yay it appeared for me. bought :)

  • just add the item into wait list and u might get lucky after 5mins wait…

  • Posted.. 1 hour 11 min ago… Already Expired?

    • still can put on waiting list I think.

  • +1

    Got one in the cart coming from 71st in line. The waitlist is a scam. Got all the way to checkout and thought to myself "I really don't need this, goddamnit ozbargain!", so there's another one for you guys.

    • HOw is the waitlist a scam? I missed out and jumped into the waitlist…and eventually got to buy it for the lightning sale price?

      • Scam might not be the right word, but for it to be "sold out", jump into 70th in line and then regularly get them in my cart raises some eyebrows. Just tried again and there's now over 500 in line anyway, so bah.

        • How do you know where you are in line?

        • When you first click to get in the waitlist it tells you your position and chance of getting an item. 500+ was "poor" hah.

        • weird never saw anything maybe it was my browser or adblock

  • Cudo is selling a 5 piece Tefal set for basically the same price…

    So this def would've been a bargain for anyone who got it

    • But i like having 10 piece instead of 5 piece.

      Gotta throw my old kitchen set. All burnt up


      Oh I thought you said the 5 piece is a better deal lol. dont mind me

  • +1

    Not dishwasher safe. FAIL

  • Will these work for gas any good long term? Site only has electric convention cooktop listed…


  • Stoked - I got one too! I have one Jamie Oliver Tefal frypan I use it on gas and I've had it close to 5 years, still in fantastic condition so I am super excited to get this set!!!!

  • This says T-fal on the website is that the same as Tefal?

    • +1

      By DeeJay-Mee Olivah

  • Not reducing down to the price at checkout, that means deals over I assume?

    Edit: nevermind waist isn't on mobile site I got it now

  • When on waitlist do you have to stay on the page with the product or can I continue browzing the amazon site?

    • yes u can continue to browze the amazon site

  • 100% now claimed means its over right? lol =(

    • Don't think so, as the waitlist is still running apparently.

  • 2 and a half hours, truely ozbargained.

  • after i add to wishlist, what should I do

    • not wishlist. add into waitlist. If you can't put it into waitlist that means its full / 100% claimed already.

      • Its Saying"You are on the waitlist",means still available to me rite?cheers

  • Might of sold out now. I was on waitlist but now waitlist isn't there.

  • +1

    Deal still available, although not having any luck shipping to Australia. Any ideas on how to get around this?

  • +4

    lol probably not a good idea to buy this for the wife for Christmas … i can see myself being clobbered over the head with that frying pan .. and the red mark in the middle wont be from it getting hot!! hahaha

  • -6

    They don't ship to AU…pointless?

  • why it say " We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order. "

  • Because the deal already expired hours ago?

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