From Drive:-…
"Electric cars between two and four years old held on to just 57.6 per cent of their value, while electric cars five years of age or older were worth less than 25 per cent of their original purchase price when resold."
Seems to check out. 2nd hand Hyundai Ionics going for about the 20K mark after four years:-…
Worthwhile as a second car wouldnt you say? Or is there a sting in the tail?
It's one of those bizarre American left-right politics bubble things.
Oil industry spent billions over the last few decades on propaganda about how EVs are poor quality or unsafe or expensive or all sorts of other lies/exaggerations/outright nonsense to try and trick people into buying fewer of them.
The consumers of this propaganda (the same gullible dummies ranting about wokeness and left wing conspiraces and how a rich failed real estate mogul and reality TV star who is now a convicted felon is the best candidate for the US presidency) are still repeating it all over the place.