PSA: Woolworths Mobile Long Expiry Plans Removed - Activate Existing Packs by 3/9

Important update on our Long Expiry Starter Packs

• The $100, $170 and $220 Starter Packs are no longer available for purchase online or in-store.
• These Starter Packs will expire on September 3rd 2024 and must be activated on or prior to this date.
• Check out our Prepaid 30 day plans, starting at just $25. Available in-store and online.

I had my eye on this, but was waiting for my current plan to get closer to expiry before porting. They’ve been removed. Anyone holding onto existing starter packs should activate before September 3.

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Everyday Mobile


  • Looks like a very recent change, and this was an attempt to clear out existing stock

  • +1

    Apparently taking away the 10% off online wasn’t enough to hit whatever profit margins they wanted.

    A shame, this was one of the better ways to get on Telstra (even if it was only wholesale). I guess I’ll pay for Boost instead.

    • Profit, what profit? I'm paying $170/y and getting back ~$10/month in discounts without changing my spending. Some people a lot more.
      But changes by Telstra will likely be behind this. They are the service provider.

      • I was enjoying that until they stopped allowing it for home delivery orders. Discrimination for those of us who physically cannot get to s store.

        • Was browsing some threads related to Woolies mobile and I'm so glad I came across this GEM of a comment.

          Yes, Woolworths is discriminating against people that cannot go to stores. I'm sure that was their intent.

  • What about for those who are already on these plans?

    • was waiting for my current plan to get closer to expiry before porting.

      I have no idea!

  • +1

    RIP Woolies Mobile.

    Over time they will just increase the prices and bump people off the old plans.

    They knew this was going to happen internally as they kept pushing everyday xtras as the alternative.

  • Damn. Mine expires in 2 months

    Telstra seems to be phasing out long prepaid plans across all resellers except boost

  • bugger- where to now?

  • -1

    and i just joined in feb :(

    once mine expires i'll go elsewhere.

    does that mean that recharges for 1y will also not be available?

  • Wonder if they will stop the 10% off one shop too

    • Looks like they have on the long expiry plans.

  • Going back to Aldi 1 year plan
    After mine expires

    • These now appear to be unavailable.

      Where to now?

      • no they are
        go in store

      • All Aldimobile superpacks are available as a recharge. So you can get a $5 sim, then recharge to that. Probably a bit of messing around (porting in) the first time, but after that's done you're good to go. Only 4G, but 4G is good enough if you live in the city.

        • that's confusing as hell.. why they cannot make it simple?

    • they only have pay as you go for 365 expiry that I can see.

  • wow just got in a few days ago for parent.

    Shame, cos i usually "saved" $25 per month, making the plan fee plus extra buckeroos

  • yeah this was a ripper plan - like $15 a month which was easy to get back on a 10% shop ($150 shop meant you got your monthly fee free…) oh well that's that then

  • +4

    also thankyou OP for starting this conversation

  • Guess I'll move the GF over to Boost then.. Or keep her on TPG

    • +2

      Guess I'll move the GF over to Boost then..

      Boost have also discontinued their 12 month plan.

      Your Grandfather will have to find something else…

  • +2

    Those considering moving to Boost need to realize Boost Plans are changing on 22 Oct 24 and the 365 day plan 160GB+10GB for $230 is disappearing after 22 Oct 24. Almost seems like collusion.

  • +3

    I am starting to panic!! Where dem cheap plans at?

    Next thing you know, get a mobile in Turkey and roam in Australia?

  • If you're happy with Optus coverage Coles looks to be good value. Currently on sale 365 plans are 140BG for $149 and 210GB for $189

  • Any idea what happens if you are signed up to an existing plan and have auto renew set up for the same ?

    • They sent an email with what’s required to be done .

  • Existing long expiry customer will remain the plan? Or will be forced to move out?

    • +1

      Check your emails. I receivied a notification that my long term plan with auto top up will continue as is.

  • I just recharged 170 on the long expiry via the app and it worked

  • +1

    There's an FAQ for those who are still on the long expiry plan.

    Seems like if you're on the long expiry plan and have setup auto recharge, then you'll just stay on the plan till something changes.

    • +2

      Yes, I got same via email from Woollies. Auto recharge will continue to add another year once the current charge expires.

  • +1

    I wonder if you can buy a 30 day plan and switch to the $170?

    • I’d think so? Since it’s still available for sale until September.

      • It's not available for sale.

        Only for renewals.

        • Ahh yeah… and if you're not a customer before they scrapped it, they might not let you switch over. You should try it, for science.

          • @vorsprung: I already have an account, but this would be a new number to add to the same account.

    • +2

      Just test with a $2 starter kit and you can upgrade to Long expiry plans.

      • perfect… will do…

        Am 2 months into a Boost 12 month account, but they have also discontinued this 12 month plan, so am will to bear the cost of terminating the Boost plan to maintain the $170 plan… (Boost will be $300 going forward)

        • Why not switch to Aldimobile when you Boost account finishes? Unless you’re going to burn through all your Boost data in the next month, you’re throwing away 3/4 of your Boost 12 month to so you can switch to Woolies mobile… where there’s no guarantee you’ll get more than 1 recharge anyway.

          • @braddsey:

            Why not switch to Aldimobile when you Boost account finishes?

            Can I get it yearly for $170 with data gifting and data banking?

          • @braddsey:

            Woolies mobile… where there’s no guarantee you’ll get more than 1 recharge anyway.

            They told me that there is currently no plan to remove it.

        • Hey @jv,
          I'm in a similar position to you and also strongly considering the switch to Woolies Mobile. Have you had any luck thinking of a way to save your Boost Data (having it transferred to a new or different existing service, switching entire plan to a different number, etc.)? I know Boost don't technically offer data sharing, but I've also heard of some customers getting lucky with this type of request via chat. Just thought I'd check to see if you'd tried before I have a go at a chat myself.

          • @Berko613:

            I've also heard of some customers getting lucky with this type of request via chat.

            I've found Boost chat hopeless…. They are Testra staff on the chat…

            • @jv: Yeah, me too. That's why I was hopeful that you might have had some luck already, so that I could give them step-by-step instructions on what I wanted done. Thanks anyway.

              • @Berko613: Nah, I can't be bothered wasting my time with them… I'm just going to switch and lose the data…

                • @jv: Fair enough. I'll likely need to do the same. Just hate the thought of "wasting" 100GB of data if there was a way to use it.
                  Thanks again.

                  • @Berko613:

                    if there was a way to use it.

                    Download some linux distros…

                  • @Berko613: I'm just going to bit the bullet…

                    The main selling point for me is the family sharing… My wife and I hardly use any data away from home, where as the kids do, so we can gift them half our annual data when they run out of theirs…

                    • @jv: Yup, same here. $170 Woolies plan will be plenty of data for the wife and I (especially with sharing available). With Boost going up soon, sacrificing $150-odd worth of Boost plans means that we'll be all square by second year on Woolies and then we'll be way better off. And that's without even factoring in the 10% off a shop each month (twice a month with a plan each). It's a no-brainer, but would be even better if I can wrangle a way to keep my Boost data somehow.

                      • @Berko613: I'm already saving $30+ per month with the 10% off…

      • I just confirmed with a rep, a $2 sim wont work, but a 30 day one will

        Just select the $170 12 month plan and pay the difference at the end of the activation.

        There is currently no end date for those on the grandfathered $170 plan as long as auto-renew is enabled

        • +1

          Look like I'll buying the $30/$35 one when on sales. Just need to port before 3/9. Thanks for confirming.

          • @sajuuk: I wouldn't leave it until the last minute, in case there are issues porting…

            Seems like only 'starter packs' are not available, but plan still available until 3-Sep.

            • +1

              @jv: Port my number to Everyday Mobile using the $2 starter kit (bought 6 months ago) and upgrade to the $170 yearly plan no problem at all. Service is up and running.

              • @sajuuk: when did you do that?

                • +1

                  @jv: Activate the sim yesterday. Completed the porting process this morning.

                  • @sajuuk: Thanks… will try next month then before the cutoff…

                  • @sajuuk: Thanks… will try next month then before the cutoff…

                  • @sajuuk: Thanks… will try next month then before the cutoff…

        • the $220 package 200GB is pretty much the same with $20 30 days, unless you go for $170 package which I'm not sure 125GB data is enough for a year.

          • @louuisc: 125 is enough for me. I use around 80

            • +1

              @jv: I just ported to $30 monthly esim. for what is worth, it doesn't seem to give any option to 'upgrade'. There is a QRcode for me to scan and then its activated right away.

              • @louuisc: Maybe you can switch after activating?

                The starter pack sims are just credit.

                Let us know if the $170 is available to you once you activate.

        • +1

          Bought a $2 sim yesterday and ported it this morning to $170 long expiry.

  • I jumped the gun and bought a discounted Boost SIM… now I don't know if I should try sell it and continue my Woolies long expiry plan :-(.

    • This will be the last Boost SIM and if you discontinue the Woolies one, you will be left with nothing next year.

      No brainer….

      • Nothing in the Woolworths email suggests how long we'll be able to continue on the $170 plan. I don't have to recharge until April 2025. It wouldn't surprise me if I got one recharge in, before they remove it entirely.

  • Ah I never liked auto-recharge cause I always weigh my options but since Boost done a similar change I might just keep this one going.

  • Hey guys, slightly off topic regarding Everyday mobile. I can expense my plan but work requires an itemised electronic postpaid invoice. I was thinking of signing up to one of the everyday Mobile postpaid plans. For those of you get postpaid invoices, does it outline call inclusions and itemisation of calls and data etc?

    • +1

      These are prepaid, not postpaid.

  • I dont know if you guys are reading the emails / info properly or what, it just says they are launching new Long Expiry Plans…

    There's a lot of panic, doom & gloom in the comments, here is the info:

    We'll be launching our new Everyday Mobile Long Expiry plans on 4 September 2024.

    Unless someone has early info on what these will look like, I don't see any need / reason to panic?

    • +3

      Trend is to sell more gigs for more money, and to remove the cheapest 365 day plans, if you look at boost etc

      So I expect $170 plan would be killed

      • I am in group 1 ($170) and this is what it says to do / what's happening:

        Group 1
        Your Active recharge: $100, $170 or $220 Long Expiry plan.
        Your Auto-recharge set up: Same value Long Expiry plan.
        Action you need to take:
        As you have an active Long Expiry plan and Auto-recharge set up for the same plan, you're all set and don't have to do anything! You'll automatically continue on your current plan with all its benefits, including the 10% off your in-store shop at Woolworths Supermarkets offer, even after 3 September 2024.

        • +2

          So? That only says you can continue for some time on your plan on auto-recharge, but that plan would not be available for new subscriptions. New 365day subscriptions would probably start from $220+.

        • For the other groups, it does not day anything about keeping the 10%. Example for group 4 which I am in:

          Your Active recharge: $100, $170 or $220 Long Expiry plan.
          Your Auto-recharge set up: No Auto-recharge set up.
          Action you need to take:
          As you don't have Auto-recharge set up for your Long Expiry plan, you have two options:

          Set up Auto-recharge to match your active Long Expiry plan. This will ensure that you can continue to access and recharge your Long Expiry plan after 3 September 2024.
          I assume “continue to access” and recharge means that I get to keep the 10% benefit?

  • Can I recharge by using voucher instead of setting up auto recharge? If I recharge before expired date, am I going to lose the days of unused?

  • +1

    In case it helps anyone, I just bought a $2 starter pack in Woolworths and upon activating it was able to choose the $170 365-day plan. Very relieved as I really wanted to get onto it! The 10% off a month at Woolworths alone will pay for the cost of the plan

    • Thanks but the issue is stock availability of the $2 starter pack.

    • how does this work ? do i need to select which Woolies purchase would get 10% off or does it automatically applies ?

      • +1

        You link it to your everyday rewards cards…

        discounts kick in during the second month… you'll get prompted when you pay if you want to redeem the 10% off.

    • I can only find the $30 sim pack at my woolies. Do you know if that would work the same way as the $2? As in I can activate the sim and use that $30 to purchase the 365 day plan. I'm worried it's locked to the $30 4gb deal instead.

      • +2

        I did this and it worked.

      • Did you try it? Does it Still work?

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