What to Do with Faulty New Mercedes - Constant Engine Errors

Can I please have some advice about how to deal with this sad situation?

Last December we purchased a brand new 2023 Mercedes AMG (over $160K). A dream car purchased for a milestone birthday.

Within one month of taking the car home, the engine stopped completely, and we were stranded on the side of the highway until the car could be towed for service. Mercedes took a week to service the car and found an 'internal electrical malfunction' and did repairs.

Three weeks later – the 'Check Engine' light came on with multiple Warning lights on Dash. This required the car to be returned for another week of resetting and servicing of the onboard computer.

Two months later – same issue – the Check Engine light came back on, Car Beam lighting not working properly. Car returned again to Mercedes.

One month later now – the Engine Light back on, Wireless charging not working and there are issues with the electronic windows.

With each service, the service department reassures they've found the problems, fixed it and it'll never recur again. But the same problems keep on happening.

At what point are we entitled to call Mercedes out that this is clearly a faulty car with problems that they can't seem to isolate and fix. There has been 4 x week-long service appointments for this six month old car which hasn't even done 2000km yet.

What's the best advice on how to escalate this and get a refund for this lemon of a car so we can move on and buy a car that actually works and is reliable?

We have all the paperwork from each service (4 times in 6 months), along with the original purchase contract and tax invoice.

Thanks in advance


    • +1

      Most likely it will be
      - check for fault, code xxxx
      - reset engine light
      - drove around the block, cannot replicate fault.

  • +17

    Imagine if this is related to GWM's cars…the responses would be completely different lol

    • +17


      The comments about "some errors are expected with a high tech car" bull crap would be "lol that's what u get with cheap chinese crap, throw it in the bin"

      The difference is 25k vs 160k as well.

  • +5

    MB, they are just trash, nothing more.Audi’s are not much better.

    • 100%

      You never hear of anyone selling an Audi just because, its always, got out of that before XYZ costly repair. (Usually a transmission, LoL.)

      I don't know how people can stand it, I went back to Japanese cars, they spend more time in the garage than at the bloody dealership

  • +6

    FFS… What do you expect for $160,000 ?

  • +6

    Unfortunately we don't have lemon laws in Australia.

    However it's a Mercedes so this is just part of the European package :)
    My Audi was equally bad, honestly don't know why people buy them.

    And they say Chinese cars are unreliable…

    • +9

      And they say Chinese cars are unreliable…

      That's just good ole fashioned racism at play.

      • +2

        Bingo ;)

      • -1

        I don't think it's racism.

        Their cars were once rubbish. Now they are much better.

        More simpler the car (especially EVs), the more reliable it is.

        • +9

          German cars were once the best, now they're rubbish. It's funny how things change.

          • +2

            @JIMB0: They are fantastic when working.

            These days BMW's are generally reliable within warranty. Once out of the warranty, the plastic cooling system will be a nightmare.

            The current Toyota Supra will be the one of the most, if not unreliable Toyota ever.

            • @JimB: rebadged Z4, paying BMW price for a Toyota that's based off a BMW. Supraception

              also, are you guys related @JimB @JIMB0

              • @May4th: Happens on a regular basis

                • @Muzeeb: big family?

                  • @May4th: Same dude with multiple accounts.


                    • @Muzeeb: Can confirm we are different dudes.

              • @May4th: Naaah Toyota Supra is much cheaper than the Z4. And a better car to drive too.

                Without BMW, the current Surpa would have never been released.

                Naah not related but I’m sure he’s a handsome fellow like me

    • +3

      My Audi was equally bad


      honestly don't know why people buy them

      • +1

        I was a masochist

      • Audi's were good until their underpaid lead engineer Peter Schreyer quit and sold his knowledge to the Koreans.
        Peter is retired now but deja vu next one does the same.

  • +1

    when my fancy saab convertible had a roof problem, and the repair techs kept on stuffing up the repair saying it was ready, when it wasnt and was still assembled crapply; i called Saab Australia - which then fired the foreman and my car got fixed properly

    • +4

      Ya gotta love the 80's. What a time to be alive.

      • +3

        it was actually in 2010ish

    • Did the foreman drive a maroon golf?

  • +3

    please return your OzB badge, we only buy Camry here.

    btw, have you checked yourself with a cheap OBD scanner ?

  • +4

    Stick with the Japanese. Stick with a Camry. Anything else is just vanity.

    • +3

      Do Camry's come with pillows for when you fall asleep from boredom?

      • +8

        That's what the airbags are for

  • +2

    OP might be worth picking up a OBD2 scan tool for Mercedes Benz to read the codes when the engine light is on.

    You sound like you have an electrical fault, maybe a damaged wiring harness or a faulty ECU or power module.

    Car Beam lighting, wireless charging issues and electronic windows issues, all sound like a wiring/electrical fault.

    • +1

      Could be something as simple as a bad ground. However, the OP has the right to have it fixed once and for all or the car replaced/refunded.

      • +1

        Could be something as simple as a bad ground

        Could be, also would be classed as an electrical fault ;)

        Sadly OP got a lemon and until the mystery fault can be found, this will be their way of life. Hear too many horror stories of Merc/BWM with random electrical faults that can't be tracked.

        • +2

          it’s sad because both brands, esp Merc, were by words for reliability until the 90’s (Merc) and mid 2000’s (BMW). Sadly the old cars now are also just long in the tooth so will be prone to issues (Like any old car).

          10-15 years ago I looked long and hard at both until their issues, esp. the electrical gremlins, turned me off. Intermittent electrical faults are the hardest to solve

      • -1

        There are many proprietary Merc codes on top of standard OBD codes. Your stock standard ELM327 scanner won't be able to pick up a whole heap of these.

        Reading is hard…. I said "worth picking up a OBD2 scan tool for Mercedes Benz to read the codes"

        So I wasn't saying using a ELM327 ;)

  • +4

    Contact John Cadogan the auto expert on youtube. John is a Mercedes fanboi.

    • Is he?

      I thought it was pro-asian, especially Hyundai/Kia

      • +6

        Always 2020 was being very sarcastic.

        Cadogan loves nothing more than making a 20 minute video with 2 minutes of actual content about how much he hates Mercedes.

        • +2

          lol I wasn't sure as I know he likes BMW surprisingly- https://autoexpert.com.au/posts/bmw-m3-competition-review-bu…

          I can't stand his hyperboles, ranting and raving, so I never take too much notice of him.

        • +1

          He posted a Terrible Merc customer support video yesterday, might not need more Merc related issues.

          He does kind of intimate they he's happy to help people with stuff like this.

  • +2

    A terrible company with awful customer service.

    Good luck.

  • the only answer is to never walk into a MB dealership again. i've seen the inside of one too many times for maintenance, never again

  • Consistent feedback in both your threads https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/9n1jn1pn

  • +1

    Light it on fire and buy a camry

  • Sounds like there is one component which is fked and causing everything else.

    But there is a reason we have changed 2 personal cars from bmws and mercs to teslas.

    For Mercedes track record though, anytime we had a problem, they fixed it free of charge, even months out of warranty.

  • Do you have a comprehensive insurance for the car?

    • +1

      I see where this is going (but not op’s car because it can’t be driven)

  • -3

    get the new model 3 performance

  • +3

    I feel like this is why toyota/lexus just work, their not in a rush to constantly pump the car full of the latest untested electronics.

    • They also aren't trying to meet the EU emissions standards. They are based on the average emissions of all vehicles sold. Hence the Germans are taking their engine designs perfected over decades, throwing them in the bin, and installing their smallest engines in every vehicle.

      Naturally a performance car needs to still be fast, so more turbos, higher boost, more heat, more failed components.

      • It's a bit of a stretch to say that they have perfected their engine designs. They couldn't even make a timing chain that doesn't have issues.

  • -1

    well firstly its incredibly dumb to waste that much money on a car
    secondly if you're going to waste that much money on a car dont post about it on ozbargain

    • Are you jealous that someone has different priorities than you and lives their life differently?

      Instead of criticising, maybe you should focus on achieving more in life than hating on others achievements.

  • +2

    Check that your battery terminals are tight, so easily missed on a pre-delivery inspection and can cause all sorts of strange problems that cannot be re-created in the stealership.

  • +3

    Hopefully all your communication with the $tealership was in writing. If not, start creating a paper trail because you are going to need it. MB is known to be a complete arse when they have to honour warranty claims. You will need to assert your rights as a consumer and take them to court if needed. There's really no need to be "nice" to the dealer or anyone else in this matter because they sold you a not fit for purpose product, and are unable to rectify the situation. I hope it works out well for you.

  • +3

    note to self..don't buy Merc

    • Could be isolated experience for the car imo as if every car is like that no body would bother buying. Friend of mine’s car had engine trouble (merc) and the dealer replaced the car entirely under warranty with no questions asked.

      Meanwhile another is on a legal battle with holden for over 3 years for selling them a car with known mechanical problems but the dealer including holden had refused to replace after so many repairs to the same component. It’s just so sad as they can’t use the car or get rid of it during the entire case resolved.

  • +2

    I'm so sorry this has happened to you - must have really taken the gloss off something you would have been so excited about. I hope you get it resolved quickly.

  • +1

    I had a similar experience with my BMW when I bought it. Nothing seemed particularly wrong with the car until 6 months in when the 360 safety sensor stopped working. From there it became 13 weeks worth of the car in and out of the dealership, with various new HUD's and digital dashes being installed, each bringing up a new fault. I had no digital dash, it would randomly switch off as I was driving so I couldnt see my odometer,speedo and everything else on the screen. Luckily the HUD worked when that happened so it had all the info I needed.

    During the ordeal I pushed the ACL line, major fault etc etc, however the only progress I really got was until I basically forced a meeting with the Dealer Principal (the top dog in the dealership) to discuss our concerns and how to move forward. Somehow after that the German techies jumped in and fixed the issue (the Aussie tech team couldn't fix it apparently).

    I never got a new car but to be fair, I've never had an issue again after it was resolved, and have never looked back. Push for a meeting with the Dealer Principal.

  • This is the worst lemon ever purchased especially for this kind of badge. Better to pursue legal action to get some action happening. .

  • +2

    “hasn't even done 2000km yet”

    OP has done less than 2000km in 6 months, that is extremely low mileage. I wonder if the battery is cooked.

  • Go fight to get your money back - The car is a lemon.

  • Never considered buying a MB after all the very expensive issues my dad had with his. Since switching to a Lexus he has been very happy.

  • +4

    Should have bought a Lexus LS500, can't believe you paid 160k for a 4cyl car.

    • LS500 is going to be $50k more. Not even the same category of car.

      $160k could have bought a top of the range RX500.

  • +1

    Just tell them you want a refund or for them to ship you a brand new car

  • +2

    Tell them politely but and firmly very that you're entitled for a refund as per consumer law and ask for a refund.
    Don't allow them to offer interim / intermediates solution to drag this problem on because they will drag it until you get frustrated and drop out.

    You need to very firm with your request because if you're doubtful they will give endless excuses for not fulfilling your request.

    Start emailing the general manager of the dealership and also the AU corporate head office and the CEO

    They hate bad publicity so I would contact ABC news as well

  • +1

    If I had 160k I would buy a second hand Lexus lc500 instead of 3 star German Scheißbox.
    I thought ozbargainers were well educated on what is good product, yet they buy Scheißbox European cars.

  • This is why Camry will always be a better car.


  • Welcome to the MB club where the cars are unreliable and the dealerships treat you like a *%$#

    Never again

  • Waiting for next thread "What is the best car to buy with a budget of $160K"

    • Pretty much anything japanessy

  • Which dealer? Branded dealer or factory?

    Last time I had a merc problem, I was instantly give and loan car and ceased worrying about it.

    Have you contacted head office?

  • +3

    160k to buy an unfulfilled high yield investment what a different Ozb we live in

  • +1

    I think your main issue is that at $160k you're missing at least two cylinders, maybe four.
    I would've checked the engine on the spec sheet and think I might have spotted the problem right away.

  • Just 3 things I'd do.

    1. Pay for, by dealer and replace batteries. Not sure if this is a hybrid, but I don't mean the traction battery the other (s). Get dealer to do it as you'll void warranty.

    Batteries nowadays are just tested using software simulation. So it may read okay, I assume they've checked it, but on actually it could be crook.

    1. Check battery terminals.

    2. Check all grounds (much more time consuming)


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