What to Do if Someone Blocks a Car Park?

What to do if someone blocks a car park?

It was a busy time and I indicated and there is a person standing on the carpark and pointed to her family member's car behind me.
I didn't move and they pressed their horn furiously at me.

I ended up moving as it wasn't worth arguing.


  • +58

    I find in that situation, the faster you pull in, the faster they jump out of the way ;)

    • +18

      That's risky I might not stop in time if they don't move and then I will be arrested

      • +60

        Yeah, don't do what they're suggesting. At the end of the day you are the one in a 2 tonne vehicle and you'll end up behind bars. Keyboard warriors love to say all the things "they" would do in the situation.

        • +2

          If you do it slowly enough while making eye contact with them they move. Its a game of chicken and you're in a vehicle.

          • +2

            @Papa Huggies: cool story bro, you'll still end up with a vehicular assault charge if they decide to play chicken longer than you.

        • +1

          why not try me and see if I will do it in the situation?

        • +4

          Social Justice Warriors always have no sense of humor and always miss the satirical wink at the end of a comment ";)" :/

          Guess that is what prolonged caffeine exposure turns you into :P

      • +4

        is it Eastwood? Chatswood?

      • +4

        Let me guess, the person standing on the carpark is the female or elderly female member (the ama of the family) ?

        • +3

          Or they make a kid do it.

          • @2esc: Yes, Yes typical expendable child labor. That's why they're pumping them out by the dozen, like factory eggs.

    • -3

      Who cares

      Its ancient history now.

      Nothing anyone can do here to assist

      Another useless, time wasting post that contributes nothing

      • +8

        which you voluntarily took the time and effort to contribute to.

  • +8

    Ask Ozb

    • +3

      Surely include a poll.

  • +82

    I ended up moving as it wasn't worth arguing.

    Probably best to avoid having your car keyed. Conversely, you know where they parked.

    • +2

      Depends on what car I drove.

      My old car, yeah she'll be moving to avoid getting run over.

      My brand new car, I wouldn't risk it.

    • +2

      Don’t forget to put your ski mask on since there are cameras everywhere.

    • keyfob, no keys anymore…

  • +9

    Slowly edge your vehicle into the park

    • +25

      Got me a little excited there for a second.

      • +2

        Slowly edge your way into the gap?

      • +2

        Yeah, I thought I shouldn't leave it at "Slowly edge in"

        • +3

          a gentle nudge first and then go all the way in

    • Just the tip.

  • +4

    I ended up moving as it wasn't worth arguing.

    This is probably correct.

    I might also just sit there until they give up and move, maybe edge forward whenever there is an opportunity.

  • +8

    Depends, do you care if they key your car after you go into the shop?

  • +25

    are there certain demographics that tend to pull this stunt more than others ?

      • +41

        What makes you think I was trying to be racist?
        Maybe my intention was to be sexist or ageist?

        It seems you may have a certain demographic in mind.

      • +19

        nice thinly veiled racism there

        If the shoe fits, is it really racism?

        • +27


          • +13


            You're like my uncle. Whenever he sees a driver do something stupid he waits until he sees who's driving. If it's a woman then he goes "ugh, of course it was a WOMAN who did that" and adds one to his internal counter of "women bad". But if he sees a man? He ignores it.

            That is not racism, that is stereotyping…..

          • +15

            @coffeeinmyveins: This is a fantastic comment because you're using your own confirmation bias at how often people are wrong courtesy of their confirmation bias, to accuse another poster of being wrong due to confirmation bias.


          • +5

            @coffeeinmyveins: Let us know when you see a white person blocking a parking space.

            • @smartazz104: lol it happens more than you think. Funny thing is, whilst this behaviour bothers me, it bothers me more when an asian person does rather than a white person. White people are all shameless (or don't have the same asian concept of shame), so I just go "meh, expected behaviour." But in asian cultures, shame (or losing face) is a big deal, so when you see asians acting "shamefully," like this, it's a little more jarring.

              • @freekay: It bothers me too, but for the opposite reasoning - that Asians are demonstrating shamelessness, which to me reinforces a stereotype.

              • @freekay: White people definitely have a concept of shame. We don’t conflate it with prestige or standing, as cultures which value ‘face’ do.

              • @freekay:

                But in asian cultures, shame (or losing face) is a big deal.

                You obviously have not had the chance of dealing with that other kind of famous asian type 😂.

                p.s. i’m asian as well.

            • @smartazz104: Lots of that on YouTube, but worse with your ghettos

          • @coffeeinmyveins: Sounds like racism against Uncles to me.

        • +24

          there was no queue, but push and shove. Hong Kong in contrast was very ordered, very polite. So not race but culture.

          Certain cultures indeed have what we would call poor standards, like your example of not waiting your turn, pushing your way to the front instead.

          The problem is, when those poor standards overtake another country's culture. Those who queue and wait their turn, get very annoyed and start labelling those that can't queue and wait.

          Holding a carpark isn't a culture norm in Australia, so is seen as bad.

          • +1

            @JimmyF: Out of interest, particularly when abroad, do you maintain your standards or confirm to the crowd?

            • +10


              Out of interest, particularly when abroad, do you maintain your standards or confirm to the crowd?

              Basically both, I maintain my standards while conforming to the local customs.

              I don't disrespect the local customs, but I'm also not going to be pushing people out of the road even if that is what the 'locals' do to get to the front of the line.

              I find it odd that people justify bad behaviour like cutting in lines or pushing in by saying it is what we do back home. That is all fine for when you are back home, but you are no longer back home. So time to adjust to our local cultures.

              • +3

                @JimmyF: Yeah, I see what you mean.

                Your comment brought to mind numerous instances where society devolves into chaos, such as check-in lines at airports, crowded hotel pool decks, and bustling tourist attractions.

                These scenarios, characterised by high population density and a lack of awareness or consideration for others, epitomise the equation of barbarism within the framework of commodified experiences.

        • +4

          Parking spot is for cars, you can hold only with a car ;-) Else it is no different than Germans trying to reserve a sunbed with a towel as you mentioned

          Would you be ok if there is a long queue and everyone waiting in queue send passengers to block parking spots?!

          • @bobz79: How dare you talk about Germans like that you wacist /s

        • +6

          But is it really a Chinese thing


    • +3

      Yeah i know you mean Chinese..
      this shit was also accepted in abu dhabi/dubai when i lived there.
      I guess it is different cultures and norms.
      Nothing wrong with doing it their way over there, but here, I’d stand my ground for as long as I can to make a point that it isn’t the way to go about finding a parking spot over here. I guess (hope) after a couple of times, they’ll get the message and stop doing it.

        • +10

          Mate no need to be so defensive. Im an immigrant and my wife is Asian. It was merely an observation about how different cultures find things right or wrong depending on where they grew up.
          My point was exactly that. I did not consider it bad behaviour when I lived in Dubai. It was the norm. But it is bad here since it is not the norm. Everyone just needs to adopt to the society which they live in.

      • +9

        Chinese here, if you learn the language and surf Chinese forum or apps, and you tell others it's perfectly fine to hold a car park by standing there, you'll get roasted in no time by hearing the weirdest and dirtiest sentence you could ever imagine.

        • +1

          It's just some Chinese has "thick face skin" and not care about being roasted then this sort of behavior implicates the rest of the Chinese looking people.

    • Entitled. Morons.

    • Yes, Americans.

  • Take a video of them and the car behind you.

    • -7

      And then shove up your butt?

      • No, then post it on all your facebook groups…

    • Too common occurrence for anyone to care these days.

  • +3

    at the end of the day you may be in the right, but would you really want to leave your car unattended after this interaction?

    Best thing for you is to just find another spot, it's not worth the hassle.

    • Happens to my m8 after coming backing from shopping his car was scratch all over.

  • +29

    Obstructing traffic
    6 Obstructing traffic
    A person shall not, without reasonable excuse (proof of which lies on the person), wilfully prevent, in any manner, the free passage of a person, vehicle or vessel in a public place.


    [ROAD RULES 2014 - REG 236
    Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction
    236 Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction
    (1) A pedestrian must not cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver.
    Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.
    (2) A pedestrian must not unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or another pedestrian.
    Maximum penalty—20 penalty units.](https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rr201410…)

    So you could report them to the police, especially if you have a rego number and video of the incident. Probably nothing will happen but something might?

    • Beat me to it.

    • +32

      Probably nothing will happen but something might?

      I had the same thing happen to me, except there was an independent witness who asked them to move off.

      They then proceeded to tell the witness 'where they could go' afterwhich the witness pulled out a police badge… 🤣


    • Yeah report them all with the dashcam footage, with all the technology police has they can identify the people involved.

    • +1

      Police barely come out for a DV call. Why are they coming out for a car park tiffy?

      • The police wouldnt come out, you have to report it and theyll review the footage. If its easy to identify the car/person and resolution is clear then theyve got an easy case cos your recording and time taken to fill in the report did majority of the police officers work for them.

        A DV call is not easy

      • Police don't need to come to carpark, just submit the footage at the station, cops will check it out and issue a fine to the traffic blocker. if it is an offense then its a revenue to the gov.

    • Don't pedestrians always have the right of way?

      • They have the right to get out of they way.
        They don't have the right to impede traffic.

      • +1

        Looking forward to attending your next dinner party in the middle of the South Eastern Freeway…

  • +7

    Turn off the engine, get out of the car then lock the car and walk off

  • +5

    IMO you shouldnt be 'saving' parking spots. If youre the next car along, then its your space.

    BUT, people are unhinged at times and might damage your car. Maybe you could preempt that by shouting out that youll happily go park elsewhere, but will be back to let down their tyres if they are in the spot when you return.

    • This is probably the best answer, haha. Have the spot but with a side of anxiety.

  • +5

    I would rather know where they parked than for them to know where I parked… Oh, and dont forget to carry one of these in your car for those rare occasions…

    • -1

      Side cutters work just as well!

    • cut handle off and mount in battery drill for speed

    • The one that doubles as a valve cap is better as you can keep it on your car/bike.

    • What is it?

      • +1

        Tyre deflator

      • +2

        Valve stem remover

  • +7

    i would pull up beside the spot, wind down the window and politely say….

    "now that i know what your car looks like, if it doesn't look the same when you come back, good luck.."

    and then pull away.

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