What to Do if Someone Blocks a Car Park?

What to do if someone blocks a car park?

It was a busy time and I indicated and there is a person standing on the carpark and pointed to her family member's car behind me.
I didn't move and they pressed their horn furiously at me.

I ended up moving as it wasn't worth arguing.


  • +7

    i would pull up beside the spot, wind down the window and politely say….

    "now that i know what your car looks like, if it doesn't look the same when you come back, good luck.."

    and then pull away.

    • +1

      Something tells me the type of people that do this dont speak english.

      • you could do your best with hand signals… hahahaha

        • The universal middle finger!

  • +4

    Is it that hard to move on and find another parkin spot?
    As someone else said to prevent your car being keyed by some deadshit or copping a punch in the head from some angry flog.

  • +6

    We live in a dog-eat-dog world. Move on and find another spot. Shocked at people suggesting to vandalise other people's property over a car park.

    • +1

      "I have been mildly unconvinced, better go commit a crime and do thousands of dollars with of damage to someone's property"

      • The trick is not to get caught.

        • +4

          The trick is to be an adult who can control their emotions.

          • -1

            @EBC: Trying to control emotions is unhralthy. Better to control your behaviour. ;)

      • +1



  • +7
  • +2

    Depends on the car I'm driving. "Rights" aside, nobody wants their nice car keyed. Pick your battles.

  • +5

    Keep blocking the spot (or parking in it) until they give up, then leave it so someone else more reasonable can park there instead of the "standee"

  • -1

    Keep moving forward. Your dashcam will save you if they think they can try to sue you.

    If you're worried about being keyed. Remind them that you have their rego on the dashcams and any damage found on the car will go straight to the police and your insurance company.

    This is why everyone should have dashcams

    • as effective as it might be (to get the spot), no need to infuse stigma in yourself for such a dumb situation, a dumb situation often leads to unpredictable and dumb consequences.

      • +5

        Yep. And letting selfish idiots get away will bs like this is why the world is going to shit.

    • you'll have to proof that your car wasn't keyed before parking at that spot, and also, you'll have to proof it's definitely "they" who keyed your nice car instead of someone else.

      • +1

        Its a threat. I thought that was obvious.

        If they're stupid enough to believe they can hold a spot for someone, they'd be stupid enough to believe this

        • and stupid enough to get inspired by this and actually do it to your car 😜

    • Your dashcam will incriminate you. Lol

      • Pedestrian traffic hazard - Pedestrians must not cause a traffic hazard or obstruction for drivers. Under this rule, you are not allowed to move into the path of a driver or unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or even another pedestrian.

        • Yes, they are wrong. But that doesn't mean you're right.

          Menacing driving, assault, GBH etc

          • @Davo1111:

            But that doesn't mean you're right.

            Bu but but… "RiGhT oF WaY!1!!!"

  • +1

    That Jerry Seinfeld is so phony!

  • +1

    Leave them the spot but come back and issue a fake parking fine.

    • You’re a menace to society.

      • While drinking juice in the hood

  • +2

    You made the right choice, there would always be another spot.

    • https://carma.com.au?

      You think the OP should buy a used car and park it in the spot?

      • Never heard of the site, now my OzB sidebar ads are all Carma ones, thanks I think.

        • I can only offer you my carmmiserations.

          • @McFly: I am still getting the ads popping up. Their advertising is aggressive.

          • +1

            @McFly: Still getting the ads, my gosh…

  • well, I mean, I don't want to end up having an opened Surstromming can wiped thoroughly on my windshield after parking at that precious spot 😜

  • +16
    1. Move your car in front of the parking space.
    2. Turn hazard lights on.
    3. Get out of the car.
    4. Open the bonnet.
    • +5

      5) Turn on mini smoke machine inside bonnet
      6) Yell "she's gonna blow"
      7) Lock your car and run away

      • that's not smoke it's a bbq

    • wow this is really thinking out of the box.

    • +2


  • -7

    Depends on the scenario are you saying you both saw the spot at the same time but someone jumped out of their car to claim it while y’all waiting for them to leave? Or was the person already waiting there when you saw it?

    If it the latter, I would just move on because as frustrating as it is How is what they did any less valid to any other method of finding/claiming a spot? We all dealt with the stresses of an extremely busy car park. We all had to follow or ask people if they’re leaving, we all had to do multiple laps around the car park wait for cars infront of us wait on car leaving we all had to pull to the side and wait for a car to leaves or hold other cars up, we all had to park far away or leave cause it too packed. Why would you think they were somehow less deserving just because they utilised the resources at their disposal?

    At the end of the day the car space no more belongs to you as frustrating as not getting a spot is it rarely if ever worth the argument.

    • +5

      You're not from here are you?

  • I had the same incident a long time back in Campsie shopping centre. When I returning back, I noticed my 3 years old car was keyed from front to end and that both sides.

    It's not worth the fight or argument.

    • The trick is to be the keyer and not the keyee..

  • +2

    Lol (profanity) if I'm gonna give way. I'd just get my missus to get out and start doing the shopping while I wait there. Putting a body there is not reserving parking lmao.

    • I once had an idiot cut a corner in a car park and end up nose to nose with me in my lane. I told me wife to go do her shopping while I wait it out with him, but she didn't like the confrontation and insisted that I backup for him. Worst day of my life.

      But maybe it would have been worse if it went my way.

      • +3

        This is where the dashcam pays for itself haha. But honestly it's at the point we need to be assholes to assholes or they'll just keep repeating their BS behaviour…

      • Take a deep breath lol - it is easy to get worked up in the moment but if you're angry at everything, then there is generally less joy in life?!

        • I don't think I'd enjoy life much being pushed around by every bully

  • +8

    This happens frequently now. Just move in slowly, that's what I have done few times and start recording on the phone/dashcam. Pretend that you are calling the cops as this is illegal to hold a car park by making someone stand there. Today they make someone stand there, tomorrow someone might camp in the car park.
    Also, one more thing I have seen is, the vehicle just stops abruptly near a shop on a narrow road, turns on the emergency lights and wait for everyone in the car to get off.
    The earlier we resist this nonsense, the better it will be otherwise everyone will start doing it.

    • This!

    • That could take a while for everyone in the car to get off.

      • Speak for yourself

    • wait for everyone in the car to get off.

      Get a room people!

  • +4

    Just got your phone out and filming that person so the internet can have a laugh. Hopefully their friends will see it too.

  • One I was late for a job interview and was parking at Westfield's. I had an old ford escort back in 98. I didn't realise there was a Sheila at the front waiting to reverse so I just went straight into the car park got a horn gave the bird back and went to the job interview.

    I got back to the car and the btch wrote prick with lipstick on my windscreen. I turned the wipers on and what a big mistake that was.

    It was one of those jobs in the 90s early 2000s where they would give you a bag of shit and you go door to door business to business and try and sell the stuff

    • did you get the job?

      • Nope after seeing what was involved I didn't want it

        • what did you end up using to get rid of the lipstick?

  • +4

    You can't stand in a parking spot and wait for your friend to drive there.

    • +3

      stop applying logic and reason to an OzB thread

      • +2

        LOL of course!

        I'm sorry, I was working and didn't think!!

        I should've said one of the following:

        1. MS paint
        2. Bikies
        3. Landlords are evil
        4. Eneloops
        5. Appreciating asset BMW

        I have to question why you didn't immediately neg me and make a personal attack!!

        We may both be banned rom OzB now!

  • Just move on not worth the hassle though in my case i rarely see it as i live in regional Victoria and its not as hard to find a car space.

    Ive only seen white women do it though.

  • Move on and find another spot. Is it worth getting into a confrontation with someone so petty they send out a scout to secure a parking spot? You'll have to leave your car, and they know where you parked. You don't know where they parked. They can come back and damage your car.

    Never sink to someone else's pettiness level.

  • Smile and move on.

    Recipe for shenanigans:
    A matchstick, or similar object can be quickly put into a tyre's valve cap/valve. The cap is tightened back on. When you are not around one tyre flattens and they will need to change it with the spare. Never do all four tyres, one is enough.

    • +1

      Never do all four tyres, one is enough.

      If one good, four better, no?

  • +7

    So annoying when I try and visit my girlfriend's house and her husband is blocking the driveway.

    • +2

      Blocked driveway? You can always try the back alley if the driveway is taken.

    • Sorry, but I'm really nervous about my car getting damaged. Bows and arrows are especially triggering.

  • +1

    When I stayed in a poorer part of Manila in 2011 I recall the kids had a racket to obstruct the taxi standing area.
    Taxis could only park after they had paid off the kids to move.
    In return the kids would funnel customers to their preffered drivers.
    I would subvert the system by luring a taxi away from the controlled area if I could escape the kids.
    Uber may have permanently destroyed the lives of those kids.

    • +1

      Uber gone couple years later after that

      maybe Grab?

  • +2

    Last time this happened, my mate, in the passenger seat threw up red wine on his top.
    I told him to get out of the car, he did, and the guy standing in the parking spot went all white and surrendered 😂

  • +1

    Dont play games with dumb people. Dont follow them down their dumb path, go find another car park and get 30m more excercise. But if your dumb, play the game, film it and get it on youtube, ill watch.

  • +1

    Dont let them get the spot. Tell them youve got all day and will wait as long as it takes for them to leave the spot for you.

    To prevent them damaging your car out of spite, just leave after theyve gone to park elsewhere.

    • I like your idea, but I think they'll just key the car that parks there instead.

  • Do what you know "they" would do to your car if you parked there

  • granted passive aggressiveness isnt popular and its petty, i would come back later and glue some paper or some stickers on the windscreen. It doesnt damage anything but its annoying and a waste of time.

    I dont think the cops would bother with dashcam footage or arguing with them 10 years is worth my effort.

    after reading the comments here, i might right thats its not the norm to do that on the paper i stick on their car

  • +1

    im going to block traffic and not let there car in just to prove a point. i will spend all 3 hours of my west fields parking time to win this battle without violence.

  • if someone is out of the car and standing in the carpark I view it as not being available and keep going .. unless its your personally allocated space that you pay for.

  • -1

    You did the right thing OP. You can't change an assholes behaviour safely in that situation.

    Although I would be tempted to get the stickiest of kids stickers that said "SMILE" and plant it on their window.

  • Put your blinkers on to indicate that you're parking, pull up close to the spot but blocking it. Then wave your arms out and tell them to drive around you and keep going. If they persist, keep doing the same, if they start honking at you you honk back. If one of them approaches you, put your car in park and leave the indicator on. DON'T LEAVE THE CAR. Take out your phone and just film them. You may or maynot have commentary. It's best just to stay silent and let them do all the talking.

  • Never back down, watch the movie and take notes.

  • anyone ever tried just double parking, and turn on hazard lights and just leave for 10min then return to park the car once the pos leaves?

  • someone once said if you argue over a car parking place you need to remember if I win they know where I'm parked, if I lose I know where their car is and they have no idea who I am

  • I dont understand how these people who save spots dont worry about their car being keyed

    • they usually drive an old car

      • +1

        Even still i would be worried about having my tyres slashed if i was holding spaces

  • +1

    If this ever happens to me and I was not in any particular rush, my plan is to enter the space as much as I can, put the car in park, and sit there until they decide it's not worth the wait.

    Once I've taken the spot and they've moved on, I'll leave the spot and find another (for fear of my car being keyed).

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