Tabletop Role-Play Games for Palestine - 643 Games for US$10 @


In response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine, we've created this bundle to raise funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians who work for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system.

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    • +1

      Best solution yet!

  • +4

    Support Palestine is fine. Posting deals great. But leave the inflammatory parts out of the deal.

    • +11

      Agreed. OzB is about deals - period.

      Discuss the deal on offer (which isn’t great) and leave the loaded intro out. That would be better.

      Some of what’s written above makes me think I’m reading an unmoderated Facebook group…

  • Comments here a shitshow. Clear bots on both sides

  • +14

    How could we be certain this will not be used to fund antisemitism or in the hands of Hamas just like UNRWA did? Probably after another October 7.

    • -2

      Stop reading IDF propganda would be a start

  • +5

    Nothing good comes out of these posts on ozbargain. The comment section is just filled with opposing political/religious views and is pages and pages worth of this.
    It's actually creating rifts between users too. I'm not a fan of these type of posts.

    • I'm compiling a watchlist of nutters. I'd rather have at least a rift between us, preferably also a wall, and a fence, and an ocean.

  • +4

    Quite a political OzB post this. Any deals on the Seinfeld collection going these days?

  • +19

    this place is about bargains, not politics, or even worse, claiming "bargains" for political purposes.

  • +17

    Donation to support UNRWA is donation to support HAMAS.

  • +12

    What genocide ?

  • +6

    there is no peace found in enemy images

  • +8

    What a joke 🤦‍♂️ racist crap

  • +1

    Free Palestine!

  • +12

    Release the civilian hostages first. Shame! And disgusting!🤮

    • Whats the going rate between Israeli and Palestinian lives these days? Last time i checked, its sitting at about 1:30 in favour of the Israeli if you only count Oct 7. But lets go for 100. These little Palestinian kids wont survive to adulthood anyways, just bomb them all and collect the hostages afterwards.

      • +6

        2 separate matters. No one supports killing innocent civilians from either side. Period.

        If they captured any IDF soliders on the battle field no issue at all, that's war, the soliders signed up for it. Capturing cilivians attending musical festival is just criminal actions and they must be punished and prosecuted.

      • +3

        Number of deaths is the wrong metric to determine who is morally in the right.

        Far more German civilians were killed than USA/Australia /UK etc in World War 2, does that make us the bad guys?

        • Of course. The war could have been avoided if necessary actions took place. War isnt only one sides fault.

        • +1

          It is absolutely the right measure. How many did Germany kill and how many Germans died? Unless you failed prep maths, there is no number that you can telly where the Israelis have suffered greater loses than the Palestinians. Go on, ill get my popcorn ready for your morally superior response.

      • +3

        You'd think there would be regrets for October 7 hey, but no. What a roaring fire a little flame can kindle.

  • +2

    The caliphate is using Ozbargain to further its cause. It really knows where the influence and money resides.

    • you mean the talmud?

  • +1

    Anyone got a discount code?

    • -2


  • They control everything from Hollywood to Banks…

  • -1

    We can’t be participating in political discourse on a bargain hunting website — serving no one but ourselves. There are ways to support the Palestinian resistance against this ongoing oppression — by not looking away and join your local organisations’s effort. You can even start right now by making changes to your daily decisions

    • +8

      Ongoing oppression, good one lol

  • +10

    This is a "deal"? You gotta be kidding me. Putting politics aside, the ads doent even say WTH you are buying. Ridiculous.

    • +6

      You are buying the message. That’s what they are selling. They are selling HATE and the buyers are lapping it up.

  • Do we really think that OzBargain should support misinformation and enable terrorism against a sovereign country?
    As we all know, there is no genocide in Israel, Gaza or the West Bank (not sure what Palestine refers to as it does not exist).
    There is no genocide of Palestinian Arabs agains Palestinian Jews (Israelis) and no genocide of Palestinian Arabs by Palestinian Jews (perhaps the OP does not know what the definition of genocide is, suggest he consults with a dictionary).

    Another Jewish blood libel.. but hey, we're still here so go jump off a bridge

    • Actually if the Palestinians & surrounding Arab nations did have the capability to isolate Israel from the US & it's allies and wipe Israel off the map they would do so in a heartbeat.

      So Palestinians & the surrounding Arab nations certainly do have genocidal intent but they just don't have the capability to carry it out.

      Israel on the other hand has the capability to commit actual genocide but instead has attempted numerous times to exchange territory for long lasting peace in the region. They have managed to do that successfully with Jordan and Egypt etc at least for the time being.

      Palestinians however have rejected every single two state solution because they're clearly not interested in peace and coexistence. They just want all of it for themselves or nothing at all.

      Also radical Islam (especially the concept of martyrdom), the international community, UN and NGOs etc have enabled this madness by irresponsibly funding their terrorism, not holding Palestinian leaders/Iran/Qatar etc accountable and instead encouraging their never-ending victimhood mentality.

      No one wants to deal with the Palestinians aside from throwing money at them. Every single Arab nation that has got involved in the past had to back out due to uncontrollable violence, terrorism, revolts and attempted coups etc.

      So it seems to me like Israel is basically being asked to find a workable solution to an untenable problem.

    • These scum invaded. Cowards.

  • +11

    No terrorist funding

  • +2

    These are freeware games that are being charged for USD$10, no deal

  • Thanks for the deal OP. Some of these TTRPGs look fun. Really the mission is going to be reading through all of them and getting a group together to try them out.

  • +11

    Not a deal, just a politcal post masquerading as a deal.

  • +7

    Why were there no protests in 2015 when Egypt invaded Rafah, threatened to raze it to the ground, destroyed over 3000 buildings and killed Palestinians?

    Is it just because Jews are involved that you care?

    • -2

      No was giving billions of dollars to egypt to bomb Palestinians.

      • +2

        yeah Saudi such a poor country

        • Where does Saudi get their money from?

          • @thedevil1987: from sucking their people dry and telling them that their religion doesnt need money, you just need beliefs

            and now spending billions on random bullshit while the quality of the life of their people are shit, any muslim thats ok with this is brainwashed

      • -1

        I know you lot are allergic to actual facts/figures and reality in general, but here it is anyways.

        • The United States has long provided Egypt with large amounts of military and other aid ($1.3 billion a year), ever since the Arab world's most populous nation signed a peace deal with neighboring Israel in 1979. Since then, the United States has provided Egypt with more than $50 billion in military aid and $30 billion in economic assistance, according to the State Department.

        • Australian ODA to the Middle East began in the late 1970s. Egypt was the most significant early recipient, and more than $300 million (current prices) has been provided to Egypt in the decades since (from an article back in 2015).

        Btw what do you think about the 100s of millions of our tax dollars going to Hamas and co over the last few decades, so that they could you know continue funding their senseless wars, terrorist activities, build underground tunnels and further enrich their nefarious leaders, most of whom live as millionaires/billionaires abroad. You're ok with that though am I right.

    • It wasn't an invasion. Rafah was controlled by Egypt in 2015 and the Palestinians living there were considered residents of Egypt. Egypt evicted Palestinians from the area and destroyed the homes to make a larger buffer zone between Gaza and Egypt. The UN and Human Rights Watch called it a war crime, and there were protests about it at the time.

      The actions of one tyrannical government don't dismiss the actions of another.

      • +13

        Today's war is only because of the terrorist attack in October 2023

        • -3

          So… why did Hamas attack Israel? Someone rolled a dice and lost a bet? Or did the toilet not work that day and they decided to use someone elses? This is the most naive comment in this entire thread.

          • +2

            @FlyingMiffy: If you know more about the history and current background of the Middle East, you will even know why the Arab world is not standing up for Palestine today.

            You don't need to ask so many questions, 3 are enough.

            1. Who funds Hamas

            2. What does the fund go for

            3. Where does the family members of the funder live after leaving the Middle East

            Would you be surprised if I told you that the answer to question 3 is USA

            Who is more naive now😄

      • -2

        I wonder why they would do that. I mean Palestinians are after all such innocent and peace loving people right.

  • +12

    You attack with your full force eliminating any one in your way in the most brutal way until you are forced back AND THEN the victim attacks back with its full force and you say it’s a genocide. 👏🎬

  • +7

    Waiting for the Sudanese bundle. When is that happening? Or do we just ignore that because it's not in fashion?

    • +2

      Why wait? Organise it.

  • +12

    Downvote for the “genocide” comment.

    • +6

      +1, devalues the word and makes light of real genocides such as Rwanda, the Holocaust, and the Armenian genocide.

  • +9

    Peace to the Jewish community

  • +9

    Spreading the false claims of a illegal terrorist organization is in no way justifiable!

  • +9

    cant wait to support corrupted rich Shekihs who middle eastern people seem to revere as gods

  • +4

    Yes I have sympathy, but these morons ( no offense to morons as their iq is at least 70), started this by invading Israel.
    All cowards, by killing innocent people, and holding them hostage in the true coward way they are.
    Ffs stop fighting and think that your god is better. Its the same dude FFS¡!!!!! Just stay home and play counterstrike etc

  • +3

    As a peace loving Australian, I am against war. The Palestinians brought this upon themselves murdering innocent people, and holding them hostage. I feel for numerous Islamic people, as they say their religion is a peaceful religion, but then Adolf Hitler and Benitto Mussolini were Christian, As were the powers that started ww1, and the us civil war.

    • +5

      If they were peace loving, they wouldn't be attacking Israel just because they're Jewish.

  • +4


  • +5

    I am all in for helping the helpless, unfortunately anything you donate to Gaza goes to the wrong hands. Hamas, a terror organisation, put their hands on any money they can - the loot the aid trucks (80% of trucks are looted according to a UN report, which they btw took offline because they realised it makes them and UNRWA look bad). And any donations they can grab.

    There are many fake GoFundMe pages that scam tens of thousands of dollars from naive people around the world.

    About genocide - there's NO genocide in Gaza. Had there been one, then.. well.. Israel is very bad in their intents, as population tripled since 1948!

    About the war - the sights we see from there are horrible. But a few things on that:

    • War is ugly. These sights are bad, but we need to understand it's war…
    • IDF has set an unprecedented outcome of about 1:1 ratio between combatants and citizens death. The next best ratio is the US in Afghanistan and it's about 1:9! Any innocent death is a world of tragedy, but Israel was pressed to this war and they do an amazing job in avoiding killing civilians.
    • Hamas wants Gazans to die. It manufactures more terrorists and it makes them look miserable, which increases pressure on Israel.
    • This war can end in a day - Hamas to surrender and release all 120 hostages. Why don't they surrender?

    Golda Meir (Israeli PM in the 70s) said once - if the arabs would lay down their weapons there'd be peace. If we'd lay down our weapons they'd annihilate us.

    Hoping for quitter days soon…

  • +2

    lol @ everyone here trying to raise funds for / show support for / protest in the name of a place that no longer exists anymore XD

    Punch a few large holes in the fortified border wall that Egypt built and say "your people are that way - go and join them".

    Time to put an end to this nonsense already.

    • -1

      Don't forget Jordan as well or better yet the Palestinians could just simply stop terrorising it's neighbours and waging unwinnable wars and instead genuinely work towards a sustainable two state solution. The only thing holding the Palestinians back are the Palestinians themselves.

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