Not the absolute lowest price ever but thought someone might be interested in a reasonable deal
I might buy it with Commbank credit card points
Not the absolute lowest price ever but thought someone might be interested in a reasonable deal
I might buy it with Commbank credit card points
$392 with pricematch button
Here's your lifetime OzB medal. Thank you for your service.
FWIW, the battery in my V8 significantly dropped in performance after exactly three years, which isn't mind-blowing.
The turbo mode, which gives enough suction to pick up most of the crumbs (and also dusts the surroundings by blowing lots of air around where the motor/handle is) now works for about 1-1.5 minutes with non-motorised accessories. So, shorter with the motorised brushes.
I really wish there was a Ryobi One+ battery adapter for these, as my powertools see some dry spells and those Ryobi batteries are just wasted.
The V8 doesn't have these adaptors? I'm sure I've seen them for Dysons.
The last time I checked, on Ali Express, AFAIR, there were such battery adapters for other brands, but not for Ryobi.
Bugger, might still be good value to get another brand battery?
@specwarop: 3-4 ozito batteries + charger for ~$150
ability to turbo mode the whole house, priceless.
@cathole: edit: Thanks for the great advice. Turns out there are adaptor for my Ryobi batteries - see the comment below!
Amazing, thanks - the last time I looked for it, a couple of months ago, I couldn't find one.
$399 on Dyson eBay every day of the week.
Sometimes has eBay discounts on top fyi.
This model has the poorly designed trigger control that is prone to failure. Mine failed, and then the warranty replacement failed - internal plastics and spring aren't up to the job. Dyson changed the design in their more recent models.
The V10 is garbage fraught with similar issues. Dyson have gone to crap compared to what they used to be. Have a V8 Absolute+ and V10 and both suffer similar issues. Stop start stop start. They aren't battery issues either.
These are still commanding a price tag of $400, crazy… Theyve been out for what, 5 years now?
Released in 2016, so 8 years.
Wow, insane. How do these hold their value when they aren't even the great anymore…
They are still great if you only have $399 for a stick vac.
@djmm: buy… and put the rest in the bank till you get enough interest to get a V8 ;)
@boomramada: This.
I wouldn't say it's a good value.
It's the cheapest luxury-ish item of this particular category.
@pizzaguy: I wouldn't call it luxury, it is extremely versatile and does its job. And you can still sell it for a good price as second-hand. Some people still call iPhone luxury. is it? Maybe you buy it at full price on the release date.
@boomramada: It's a low-performance vacuum - because it's barely sucking and has poor battery - with a price tag of any traditional, reputable-brand device from the top shelf. Or even twice the price. Or even four times the price of any traditional, acceptable VC that's performing better.
You pay the premium for the convenience of simply taking it off the wall and walk around freely without the cable or plugging it in. That's somewhat a luxury to me. And don't get me wrong - I purchased it once.
I still got the v7
Replaced battery once
Not sure what the differences are, but Costco has the V8 Origin Extra for $370 in store or delivered.
Looking at… and this Myer listing, Origin Extra has one more tool included "Mini Soft Dusting Brush" and apart from that there's no difference.
So Costco's at $370 is a better deal.
Dyson V6 fluffy still going since 2018. Got the battery once for free thanks to dyson customer service.
Price in title