• expired

Duracell Industrial Alkaline Batteries 10x AAA $4, 100x AAA $28 + Delivery @ Rockby Electronics


Hi, please start with flaming the 1998 web design, quietly please.

For those anti-Eneloop or anti-LADDA fans living in the South East of Melbourne, pickup welcome.

Link to 10pk

Link to 100pk

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Rockby Electronics
Rockby Electronics

closed Comments

  • +3

    "Hi, please start with flaming the 1998 web design, quietly please" how bad could it be?…. Holy sheet

    • +2

      Yeah, Rockby is a classic in so many ways. But they are still one of the best places to find electronic components on a shelf/bin if you need them today (and you're in Melbourne). Old school Tandy/Dick Smith/Jaycar/Radio Parts.

      Plus, and this is a BIG plus - they actually link their quantities on hand internally with their website! Can't tell you how useful that's been on so many occasions.

      Start here and have fun: https://rockby.com.au/MainIndexSql_12.cfm

      • I can occasionally find compatible parts from Rockby and pickup whenever an urgent repair. They have a huge selection of components compared to Dicksmith during it's heyday. However most of their parts are old school big dip package. Anyway I hope they survive long time. Support local business with a 1998 website.

    • +1

      holy sheet

      I too clicked thinking how bad could it be…

      I’m impressed tbh

    • Very impressive web design :-)
      Love the stats at the bottom "Page Load Time In Seconds 0.135"

  • What's an Industrial? Only good for factory works?

    • Not retail packaging.

  • +3

    OMG its so fast to browse, instant page loads with images and all. Fantastic experince.

    • This is how websites should be. Only missing the marquee element for the 1998 feel.

    • +1

      Why would anyone want that when I could enjoy the latency to download 40mb of responsive framework before anything displays. Visitors might get the speed wobbles from such fast performance!

  • I love Rockby - long may they live!

  • I tried to buy some but just ended up with a headache and memories of 1995.

    • +1

      You can always order via phone. They have a friendly team.

  • Egad! Methinks my battery supply has worn out in navigating this archaic, prehistoric website. So, never mind. 🥵

  • Oh my God, the red and blue "on sale" GIF is golden. Upvote for this website alone.

  • +2


  • This is like that time I went to Eastwood Woolies

  • Showing up as $64.90 for 1 x pack of 100 🙁

    • Looks like they removed the item from sale.

  • will be interested to hear if people got their orders ? :)

    • +1

      Also! I never received any confirmation via email. Checking the bank account today I can see the transaction go through a few days after the order was placed, so my guess is they're working through a backlog :)
      I'll give a few more days

      Update: arrived today! 100 shiny AAA batteries. Guessing that ordering system pre-dates email.

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