First Time Car Buyer - Is This Used Tesla Worth $32,000?

Looking at this Used Tesla Model 3.

It’s only $32K. It is worth it? It seems to be heavily used: 90,170 kilometre odometer.


  • Paging @KnownLowballer

  • +1

    90k km is not a heavily used car, in terms of distance travelled. 2020 model, so potentially 4 years of use. 22.5k km per year.

    I do 30k km per year and don't consider myself a heavy user.

    Test drive it and see if you like it. Be aware that new EV prices are dropping rapidly, and this naturally puts pressure on used EV prices. A brand new Tesla 3 is $55k, and will probably be sub $50k in early 2025.

    • +21

      I do 30k km per year and don't consider myself a heavy user.

      Average is 15000km/year, so you are double the average. That puts you at the heavy user end of the scale.

      • +11

        But he said he didn’t consider himself a heavy user! Anyone can consider themselves to be anything nowadays and you have no choice but to accept that.

        • +3

          and you have no choice but to accept that.

          You don''t have to accept it. Never forget that.

      • +1

        15k per year is nothing in the country but a lot on the city. Comes down to use. Cruising along freeways putting on lots of km with little wear and tear. Driving through stop start traffic, dodging potholes around corners etc, does a lot of wear and tear.

  • +3

    A brand new one will cost about that much by next year

    • +6

      and by then you won't bother buying a Tesla with all the other ones available.

      • -1

        Heaps of other EVs available now, most EV buyers are still buying Teslas.

        • +4

          just over 50% of EVs sold in 2023 in Aus were Tesla.

          In April this year, 33% were Tesla, so no, most buyers are not "still buying Teslas".

          They are losing marketshare at an alarming pace to BYD and other brands that have caught up.

          • -1

            @coffeeinmyveins: And their sales are only going to slow further if they keep dropping prices. Why would you buy one today if theres a shipload at the docks and at some point they might drop prices again to move them.

            • +1

              @Euphemistic: Tesla are in trouble and the cracks have already started to show.

              They were industry leaders a decade ago, but then they slowed down, probably because Elon focused on the wrong thing (cybertruck?) while their competitors are starting to leapfrog over them.

              2025 is going to be interesting and if this year keeps going the way it's going…..i wouldn't want to own a tesla.

              • @coffeeinmyveins: Wasn't the Model 3 meant to be the start of a series of increasingly cheaper cars? until there was a sub $20k compact EV?

          • +4

            @coffeeinmyveins: Yes because >50% market share is totally sustainable… Can you name any other vehicle manufacturer that has had claim to such high market share?

            And what does their market share/sales have to do with you wanting to own one or not? Are they suddenly worse cars now?

          • @coffeeinmyveins:

            other brands that have caught up.

            other brands that are cheaper.

          • +1

            @coffeeinmyveins: It helps when they are made out of tin foil and apple cores and subsidised heavily by the CCP.

            Caught up? That's a good laugh.

      • +2

        There is a big difference between the EV experience with Tesla and the others, especially the BYD, MG.

        Why do you think people keep buying them? Software, capability, supreme charging network (partially open, not fully), constant updates to improve software/features.

        • -5

          Why do you think people keep buying them? Software, capability, supreme charging network (partially open, not fully), constant updates to improve software/features.

          you forgot the cult of elon

          I think Teslas are ghastly, lack any sort of character, are not actually good UX for a vehicle (a non tactile button on a screen to change gears? really?)

  • +5

    The price isn't too bad. Even better that it's from Tesla, rather than private sake. But I can't believe Tesla are charging this on a used car (delivery fee of $1,400 and order fee of $400) lol

    Unfortunately, I don't think you are able to negotiate Tesla.

    Some of the guys selling privately are living in la-la land with the prices they are asking.

    Can you/what are the rules to novate lease a used EV without paying FBT?

    When you're paying $34k cash drive away, it starts to make more sense to buy a new updated model via novated lease.

    FWIW, I for one, believe that you an EV should be be able to last 250k-300k without too much problems, but due to tax, a new one via novated lease is better value.

    • You can't novate a car older than July 2022 with FBT exemption.

      (i.e. you can still have it under novated lease, but without FBT exemption, i.e. it's not really worth your while)

  • +2

    $5,400 more for 1 year newer, and around half the kms…

    • +1

      Tesla adds Enhanced Autopilot to their used cars.

    • That's a much better deal.

  • First Time Car Owner


    • Quality motoring at a bargain price.

      • -1

        They are the OzBargain special deals.

  • +16

    Just shows how much those Musk flavoured Kool-aid sippers on carsales are dreaming with prices north of $42k on their 2019 104k+ shit boxes.

    I would sooner buy a $32k Tesla from Tesla than a $45k Tesla from some nut job fanboi.

    • -8

      Just shows how much those Musk flavoured Kool-aid sippers s

      Musk seems to be living rent free in your head which is all part of his marketing strategy. Looks you played right into his hands.

      on carsales are dreaming with price

      This has been a thing since cars were invented, nothing new here.

  • +1

    Long term maintenance and reliability is still a bit too shaky for EV's IMO.
    Keep in mind there's also a huge spike in uptake for these things right now because of the financial incentives encouraging people to do so. Many of these new purchases are through novated leasing. So most of the people talking about how much they love their EV tend to own them for just the lease period. This is the same story with many European cars that aren't so good with long term reliability.

    A good rule of thumb for a reliable car is to see what rental companies are keeping in their fleet. Hertz offloaded about 20,000 EV's at the start of this year citing maintenance expenses as their main reason for it not being worthwhile.
    I've driven a few EV's including a Model 3, enjoyed it and can see its appeal.

    Keeping one long term however, in my opinion long term viability is still unproven.
    Good luck.


    Someone's bought the one listed in OP… or OP bought it

  • -1

    novated lease makes this used car deal as a private sale a rip off

    • No it doesn't lmao

    • +7

      I'll bear this in mind when going to a disco in 1976.

      • +7

        You need a delorean for that, not a tesla.

  • -2

    It’s definitely worth it.

    Teslas are made to last.

  • +6

    Avoid. This has the intel chip. From 2022 they use the AMD chip and is much faster and more responsive.

    • +2

      Will 8gb ram be enough?

    • -1

      Because the infotaiment is more important than the driving experience?

      • +2

        No, because all features come from the computer and having the latest AMD assures you will get all latest and best updates. Intel updates now are delivered later and may not be to full extent as AMD's.

        • -3

          Yeah yeah. Blah blah. Can you still drive it from A to B with the other chip?

      • this is a Tesla, the chip controls the whole car.

    • +2

      But does it have Band 28?

    • +1

      Sure that's true, but it's still a huge leap in functional features compared to anything ICE or EV in its release year. For this price it's a steal. I say go for it, and bank the savings HARD.

      Just drive responsibly and go easy on it, you don't want to be a statistic. Precious cargo.

  • +2

    OP never came back and his car got sold. Whoops.

    • +3

      Definitely dodged a bullet if OP did not purchase. For used model 3's go for the '22 model onwards as most refined and updated. The '24 model is where things went pear shape with cost cutting so avoid them too.

      • I drive an 300 Series Sahara. Almost the opposite of a model 3. Good to know though. Wonder if the stalk thing is as big a deal as they make out.

        • +3

          They removed the ultrasonic sensors for Christ's sake… now relying on tesla vision. When I switch to tesla vision I hate the crap that I see on the screen so I switch to USS immediately. The internal dash and plastics look more cheaper too, the steering wheel is damn plain. Yes, the stalks gone are a pain, going on a roundabout and indicating on exit is near impossible as the wheel is unwinding. Other issues exist too…

          • @Logical: That sucks. I knew the camera only thing was going to be a technical problem, why hamstring themselves to save on a few sensors? The Chinese makers are making big strides in the ICE market, I assume BYD will be more than competitive soon.

            • @BartholemewH: I think their direction is correct, sensor fusion has problems when there is conflicting input.

              i.e. Camera says there is obstacle but USS says it's clear, how to tell which is correct?

              The final goal is pure vision based driving, which what humans already do. The AI is being trained on video feed from the 8 cameras.

          • -2

            @Logical: That's because a Tesla isn't a car company. They're a tech company pretending to be one.

            I can't fathom daily driving a car where you change gears on a touch screen and drive around in such a basic interior with no character

            • +2

              @coffeeinmyveins: Why do you keep mentioning this? The car he is talking about has a stick to change gears.

              The character of this car is the clean-ness. Like a nice empty desk with just a wireless keyboard and mouse.

              Don't like it? That's fine. Doesn't mean it sucks.

      • Late 21 unicorns would be my pick. Has the more powerful engine as well as bigger battery. Don't think they have AMD though. Even 21 SR+ made in china are good, just missing the AMD chip.

  • +1

    Omg I’m OP, I posted before work today. Now the car is gone (someone bought it) what should I do…

    Any other cars at the same budget?

    • +3

      Next time buy the Tesla, and then make the forum thread to brag about it. #OzBargainRules

    • This troll is amazing OP.

    • No offence op but this isn't a unique car. It's one of the most sold in the country. There will be others in your price range in the next 2 weeks.

    • +1

      Nissan leaf?

    • +1

      Lmao, you got ozbargained

      it’s a popular car and you posted it on ozb 😜

  • +7

    I bought it, willing to sell to you for 35k

    • Appreciating asset.

      • +1

        High yield! And your work colleagues will be very impressed.

        • The elusive high yield investment vehicle.

  • it's gone the next cheapest is 40k

  • Buy a hybrid ;)

    • -1

      Worst of both power trains. Go full ICE or EV, Hybrids are one of the worst ideas ever.

      • +1

        Hybrids were a great idea when they first came out and EVs were rare with short range. Now EVs are more mainstream, a hybrid is manufacturers playing on unfounded EV ramge fears knowing that those with new hybrids are likely to upgrade to EVs soon.

  • High KM (relative to age) and older model I wouldn’t pay more than $30k to be honest.

    I did an instant buy request on a 2020 model 3 last week and the wholesale price was $19k. Accordingly a good price would be mid 20’s.

    • where was this?

      • Carsales instant offer. I was just curious and put in an instant buy request for a 2020 Tesla 3.

  • +2

    I wouldn't, especially for a first car.
    Dunno what kind of budget you have for the car overall but I know insurance is quite expensive as can be repairs if they are not warranty, like crippling amounts that are not viable.

    IF you still do go ahead with it, I'd be having the underside of the car checked for any damage or anything that could cause them to decline battery warranty.
    There have been a couple of cases, but at least one bigger one with Hyundai where damage to the underside of the vehicle made them decline warranty completely.
    Then it was written off by the insurance company I believe.…

  • +1

    Check out teslabjorn's earlier videos on YouTube. His original red Tesla did over 1/4 million kilometres and is still going strong.

    Admittedly his battery pack had a fault at some point and was changed under warranty. What you're looking out for is that owners of Tesla's out of warranty are usually SOL if anything needs fixing. You can't just get parts from a dealership and fix things cheaply. Check out samcrac and rich rebuilds for more about fixing Teslas that are out of warranty and how they are treated. There aren't many places you can get your ev fixed if you have a problem.

  • RIP to those who purchased or leased a white, base model 3.

    • Not me but your point doesn't make sense;
      - No FBT
      - No GST
      - Fuel Savings
      - Service Savings
      So they already have the real-world savings.
      Depreciation doesn't matter to most lease owners. as 90% (varies by year) of lease owners, walk away at the end anyway. Lease is NOT owning, a small % opt to pay the balloon payment to take ownership of the vehicle at the end, most don't and you certainly are not forced to.

  • -1

    Not sure why anyone would want to drive Muskmobile. Embarrassing really.

    • -3

      Well it was embarrassing for the Audi RS, the BMW 135M tuned plus others that I smoked at the lights in the last few months. The Audi guy couldn't believe what happened. We did again at next lights. Ouch, it hurt their ego. Zero to a hundred in 3.9sec for mine.

      • -1

        Speed does not equal class I am sorry to say. Also the Audi RS3 1-100 is 3.8 seconds so…

        • Yeah, righteo. Your apology is accepted.

  • checking second hands on their official site never occurred to me before, I have to say the prices are very tempting, I was checking sparsely on carsales, the prices for second hand were vastly different as far as I recall, no wonder there are so many teslas on road these days, I was thinking damn people in Sydney are all loaded up or something.

  • There are so many MG EVs from 32-40K drive away brand new with 8 year warranty. Why would you want to risk on a used car?

    • Where is a 32K MG?


        • 39990 is cheapest new MG EV on Carsales in Perth :(

          A couple of demo vehicles around 34990 with a few thousand km.

    • +3

      Buying a new MG is way worse then buying a used Tesla.

    • That's a joke right? 😂

  • Dealers were only offering ~$30k for my late 2021 Tesla Model 3, whereas I had offers ~$40k earlier in the year. I can only imagine private car prices will plummet soon to reach equilibrium

    • With the price drop, you planning on keeping it longer now?

  • -2

    With newer, better competition hitting the market at a rapid rate these days I wouldn't waste my money on a several-year-old Tesla in 2024. These models, which are already visually quite dated and whose technology is being surpassed very quickly, will suffe significant value losses in the next few years.

  • Hertz is selling their Tesla fleet car for $ 25K. As they had many issue to keep them running on their fleet.

    • +4

      You forgot one very important detail.

      $25,000 U S D.

    • +1

      You forgot that Hertz, typically replace vehicles every 12 months.
      Hertz, issues with Tesla's
      - They didn't get a buyers discount. With ICE cars they get huge fleet discounts, so when they sell at 12months, they often break even. No fleet discount + reduced price killed that.
      - Ride Sharing (ride sharers absolutely drove massive high kms
      - Higher cost of repairs (Hertz stated a driver training\experience was a factor)
      - $25k USD

      • -1

        The driver training was a thing too. Imagine being a rental company and every other car can be worked out by the majority of the population in under a minute but you have to expain where in the touchscreen menu system the AC or the wipers and indicators are for a tesla every tine it is rented.

    • Apparently they are heavily discounting from that price as most need significant and costly repairs.

      • Unsure I read the opposite they sold quickly.

        • They did but lots got returned or partially refunded

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