This was posted 8 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Australian Freedom Conference with Tucker Carlson/Clive Palmer 28/6 at ICC Sydney, Bronze Tickets $50 + Fee @ Ticketek


Tickets for the Sydney event on the Ticketek event page start at as low as $50 before transaction fees, less than a quarter of the asking price three months ago. Starting prices for the Brisbane and Cairns legs have been reduced to $80 and $98 respectively. Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth’s cheapest tickets have all been cut to $110.

Also featuring Clive Palmer.

Related Stores

Tucker Carlson Network
Tucker Carlson Network
United Australia Party
United Australia Party

closed Comments

  • +93

    Even if you paid me…

    • +1

      Hang on don’t be hasty, why not pull a Homer - “I’ll Take Your Money, But I'm Not Gonna Plow Your Clive Way”

      • "So then I said kiss my asphalt!"

    • -2

      Even if I bend them…

    • +5

      I'd take all the tickets and not show up

  • +13


  • +5

    Oh boy..

  • +3

    Is it the same level as trump?

    • +19

      Close, but I don't think you can go lower than Trump.

        • +2

          MAGAts just can't help themselves.

          • -7

            @smartazz104: Did you come up with that witty name all by yourself?

          • -6

            @smartazz104: I’m a humanist. I don’t subscribe to any of these politically retarded candidates but I can see there is not difference between the 2 candidates.

  • +9

    Time for some heckling.

    • +10

      If there's more hecklers at a Seinfeld gig than this, you know as a society our priorities are clearly wrong

      • +27

        Whats the deeeeal with autocratic fascist kleptocracy? Its like that one friend who insists on splitting the bill even though they ordered the most expensive dish and wine…. And when it comes time to share power… they only had a salad!

        • +3

          they only had a salad!

          But was it a big salad?

  • +2

    Why is he here? Does he have a huge local following?

    • +2

      I think they're pumping it a lot on 3AW, Sky, etc.

      • +59

        I've been pleasantly surprised by the pathetic traction American culture war BS has managed to gain in Australian election outcomes. Everytime the Libs have tried to take a page out of their book in recent times, they've got absolutely slammed.

        • +11

          Makes a difference I think that voting is compulsory here, it brings out a lot of the centre/moderates… not just the extremes of both sides like over there.

          • +1

            @OzViper: it’s rhe ‘moderates’ who’re the product of a protracted strategy to shift the centre to the right.

            the saddest part is the left have been key players in the success of the gambit

          • -2

            @OzViper: I'm certainly not a fan of Trump, but I don't think compulsory voting is the reason.
            With just a couple of exceptions, all the western democracies do not have compulsory voting and all the communist/military regimes do.
            It's not compulsory to vote in NZ, Canada, France, Germany, UK etc and I wouldn't compare them with the US.

          • +9

            @Be careful: You seem like a kind and decent human being.

          • +2

            @Be careful: You don't even know why you voted no.

            • -3

              @smartazz104: Yeah we do. I'm a lawyer that has to deal with Native Title. I know why I voted no.

              • -1

                @Bdawg: Can you elaborate?

                • @ninnypoop: It's a massive rort and a huge drain on our economy. It also gives certain rights that are above and beyond what freehold title affords. It's totally unacceptable and unreasonable.

                  • -1

                    @Bdawg: I was asking you to elaborate on why you voted no.

                    • @ninnypoop: I don't think the anointed few should have any more special rights, especially based on race? I don't think that's an unreasonable or indefensible position. Why do you care anyway, it's done and dusted.

      • +1

        Saw him on a late night ad on ch9 the other night when i was switching the tv on

  • +20

    I hope this event is near empty….if not, good luck to us..

    • +8

      Hopefully it's possible to snag a bunch of free tix then everyone no-shows.

      • +1

        Great plan.

        Il be keeping my eye out now for free ticket give-aways..

    • I'm sorry but have you ever met people?

  • +7

    I am exercising my freedom to not attend

  • +5

    Not even if they pay me!!!

  • +1

    Thanks Op

    • +11

      Lol, negged because you simply showed appreciation. Just shows how it's not a 2 way street when it comes to having different opinions.

      • +17

        I mean Tucker is a lying scumbag, a massive hypocrite, a liar and a conman. So really its not about having different opinions, its supporting a total and utter scumbag.

        • +4

          All he said was "thanks Op", and look at the negs.

          Your opinion is that he's a scumbag. Where's the acceptance for an alternate opinion?

          I don't actually know much about him, so I don't have an opinion either way. It just amuses me how little acceptance there is for differences

          • +4

            @TheJoker: I don't have to accept anyone else's opinions. They're free to have a different opinion but if I think it's stupid, I'll call it out. Ironically, being able to call out anybody saying dumb or dangerous stuff is really what 'Freedom' is all about.

            • @2ndeffort: The replier thanked the OP for the deal. You neg because you don't like the subject matter. What's that got to do with the repliers post. This is all about your ego. FFS.

            • +1

              @2ndeffort: Dumb or dangerous stuff haha, ok, you're not delusional.

              • +1

                @Bdawg: Antivax is dumb and potentially dangerous, religious fundamentalism calling for public violence is dangerous. All 'opnions' aren't benign points for equal consideration. During Covid there was a guy with a noose on a pole at public rallies calling for the public execution of politicians. Whilst I was no fan of Dan Andrews, I'm not prepared to seriously consider the opinion of somebody advocating public executions of politicians they dislike (even if they are politicians I also dislike).

            • -4

              @2ndeffort: What's dumb and dangerous to you is acceptable to someone else. What's acceptable to you is dumb and dangerous to someone else. And that's how it should be.

              I think your opinion is stupid. I'm just calling it out.

              • @TheJoker: Did you seriously consider the opinions of Abdul Nacer Benbrika and his followers? Was it right to respect his opinions that there should be public slaughters of people that didn't share his extreme religious ideology? How about the guy at the rallies in Victoria during COVID that was carrying large gallows with a noose on the end calling for the public execution of politicians he disliked? Was his opinion to be respected? I consider both of those opinions to be dangerous and not worth considering.

                • +1

                  @2ndeffort: Objection your honour: irrelevant. What does that have to do with Tucker Carlson?

          • +5

            @TheJoker: Negged for supporting someone where there is evidence of their poor behaviour isn't an "opinion" theres plenty of evidence of scumbag behaviour from Tucker.
            Why should there be acceptance for someone who pushes so many terrible messages to the point he was sued and fired from his show? Fox didn't just sack him from his show for nothing.

            • +2

              @TrafalgarSean: Ok, so freedom of opinion is fine as long as it meets certain prescribed criteria and is issued from an approved opinion provider. Got it. 🤦🏻‍♂️

              • +3

                @Ham Dragon: There are people out there that genuinely believe in public hangings of the politicians they dislike or execution of people that criticise their favourite God etc. Not all 'opinions' are just academic points of contention, some are genuinely dangerous either to other people or to the fabric of society.

                • +1

                  @2ndeffort: All well & good in theory, but the issue is with who gets to decide what the threshold of a "dangerous" idea is. I reject this entirely, it's the antithesis of a robust liberal democracy, in fact it's a danger to it. You only have to remember what happened during the covid saga, with police arresting people for Facebook posts.

            • +1

              @TrafalgarSean: Show us the evidence, I haven't seen any.

          • +2

            @TheJoker: Putin & Kim Jong Un have alternative opinions. Not convinced I'd accept or tolerate their views simply because they have 'alternative opinions'.

        • -2

          Tucker is awesome, what's wrong with him?

  • +15

    is this a hotdog eating comp?

    • +3

      No just a bunch of red neck dogs standing around

    • +2

      That's the after party at Clive's resort.

  • +10

    Not a bargain by a long mile

  • +29

    Where's the bargain?

    Is it because the circus is expensive these days so this is a cheap clown show?

  • -2


  • +5

    He sorted out Putin, next is Albo, next is the world - how low can we go. Actually he makes great fodder for John Oliver, hilarious

        • now I'm in a conundrum. I only like one of the three. is it an all or nothing package?

          • -2

            @M00Cow: If you didn't downvote, then the point might be not proven enough, so you might be fine.

        • +1

          No, Oliver has great wit. The other two are mildly tolerable.

          • @Mechz: I don't judge if you think manufactured, scripted comedy is funny, but let's not pretend John Oliver is anything more than a presenter.

        • I think your comment more reflects on the person that puts John Oliver and Hamish&Andy within the same 'groupings' as 'the same'

          • -1

            @SBOB: As in they are both not funny? Then yes.

        • -3

          I've noticed this site is full of what I believe they call humourless NPCs. Not the type of ppl you'd want to spend time with

  • political philosopher mentions tucker

  • +2

    Reported. No deal obtainable.

    How do the supporters manage to cook their brains when the microwave wont turn on with the door open?

  • +3

    Will they be discussing societal collapse?

  • +21

    Tucker is Putin's useful idiot, just like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    No deal here.

    Pity the morons who would pay to listen to this clown.

  • +2

    Coming to promotix soon 😂

    • +22

      I have never ever voted for labour but hating Tucker doesn't make me a lefty. This guy is a pathological liar with no integrity. No wonder FOX fired him for being a liability.

    • +4

      Tucker single handedly gets magnitudes higher eyeballs vs traditional cable news

      But Tucker Carlson doesn't do "news" or "facts" so that's not an accurate compared
      (Random first google link)…

    • +1

      If you trust musk statistics then i dare you to go all in on tesla shares while hes trying his best to rob the value of the company and facing a looming ban from the SEC for fraud.

      • Yeah betting against Musk is always a winner! I'm quite happy with my Musk bets…

    • +15

      I'm no lefty but my intelligence won't allow me to indulge idiots like Carlson and Palmer.

    • He gets about the same eyeballs as the State of Origin, and makes about as much sense as Fatty Vautin

    • +1

      Tucker single handedly gets magnitudes higher eyeballs

      Stupidity is more common than common sense.

  • +7

    My Wife's Boyfriend hates Tucker Carlson.

    • +2

      Sounds like he has a good morale compass

    • Wait.. what? Does not compute for me.. lol

      or you talking ex-wife? lol

      • +1

        You sound like someone whose wife has a boyfriend, you just don't know it yet.

    • Sounds like he's the alpha if he's out scoring with your wife whilst you're at home in the basement watching Carlson's cr@p and posting online.

  • -2

    Who's going to see Cucker Tarlson - Trump's Cuck!

  • +2

    Just no.

    I like Americans in general, have lived there for 4 years and visited 39 states but will NOT go back there ever again unless the GOP grows some balls and eradicate people like these.

    There's a term here known as Fu**W***s - just this.

  • +2

    In what world is this a bargain

  • +5

    Absolute rubbish.

  • +3

    Not even if it is being held on Palmer's Titanic 2.

  • +3

    $50 for Tucker Carlson/Clive Palmer? Taxxx

    • +12

      No one forcing you to stay?

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