Ibuprovance (Ibuprofen Sodium Dihydrate 256mg) 48x Tablets $6.99 / 96x Tablets $11.99 Delivered @ PharmacySavings


Hi Ozbargainers,

Super quick deal tonight as I am snowed under with work, Pharmacy Action Ibuprovance (some state faster absorption than typical ibuprofen) - I have around 30-40x boxes to clear a quick scoot around the interweb tells me this is the cheapest price by far for this item delivered.

Item: 48/96x Ibuprovance (Ibuprofen Sodium Dihydrate 256 mg)
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/pharmacy-action-ibup…
Exp: End November 2024
Price: $6.99 / $11.99

In before all the snarky comments about how this is basically ibuprofen in a dress - we also have a few cartons of the ibuprofen deal we ran a few weeks ago in stock - happy for that deal to roll on until all stock is exhausted:

Item: 192x Ibuprofen 200mg, Coated Tablets (considered a premium over non coated)
Price: $10.99
Delivery: Free
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/trust-iburprofen-200…
Exp: End January 2025

And of course it wouldn't be one of my posts if I didn't re-stock the favorites for the team.

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