Dr Nick Coatsworth makes a STUNNING admission about the Covid jab
Dr Nick Coatsworth (left) who helped lead Australia's response to Covid-19, has made a shock revelation about vaccinations for the virus. And it's not the first controversial statement Dr Coatsworth - Australia's former deputy chief health officer - has made about the Covid vaccine. HE HAS WOKEN UP _ SAYS HE WILL NOT TAKE ANY MORE JABS - whats your SAY ? ?
Will you follow his lead, his advice ?
sorry spelled typo, Opinion wrong in heading, wont let me fix it know.
"Anyone suggesting the experts got everything right, that there was nothing they said that could be questioned, is just being foolish."
Plenty of people got thrown in jail and/or beaten by the cops FOR the 'crime' of questioning the governments actions. Forcing businesses (only small ones, not the big ones of course) , schools to close when people were not actually sick is not an innocent mistake. Forcing healthy people to take an untested new medical technology which now is having massive widespread health and mortality effects across the world was not an innocent mistake. Deliberately blocking proven and safe medications that were being used by doctors around the world to treat covid with great success was not an innocent mistake. Threatening medical professionals not to speak against the government agenda under risk of losing their license is not an innocent mistake. Forcing children who did not need the injection to get it on the lie that it stop transmission and save grandma was not an innocent mistake. I could go on with the list of abuses but it was only 4 years ago, I'm sure people still remember.
Underlying all of it is the FACT that in 2020 nobody new of any people, personally, in real life, dying or getting sick in any greater numbers than any other year (that's not the case since 2021). And now they are using the exact same play-book with their bird flu scam and so far it seems some people are actually falling for it again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, how stupid am I?