Is COVID Making a Comeback?

Ok so I've been knocked out really badly. I've had colds before but this time it's different.

I know a few people that are also sick with the same symptoms. Is there another wave of covid in Australia?…


                • @whyisave: so, your vacinated?! (deliberate spelling errors are deliberate)

      • It is just about getting to that point with some of them isn’t it.

  • +1

    I think when you add another virus into an existent viral milieu, it makes all of it worse in that you don't get as much downtime between viruses. It's a bit of a zoo out there at the moment, RSV, flu A/B, paraflu, rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus, the common cold covid, and now we've got covid-19 as well. Paraflu can be really nasty, as can flu A, RSV and covid-19. And of course they can all play into each other. Secondary bacterial infections like pneumonia can complicate things badly. Make sure you have your appropriate vaccinations (discuss with your GP, not internet randoms), manage your life stress, consider a vitamin D supplement. All of these viruses mutate over time so what is mild one year, may not be the next.

    • funny enough the sickest I have ever been was with adenovirus, worse than swine flu, FluA/B and covid.

  • +3

    Currently have it, it's probably day 4 or 5 since I noticed symptoms and I have been so sick. Basically bed ridden for 2 days with blocked nose, bad body/leg aches. It's been horrible, I'll be fine though.

  • +4

    If you're still concerned about a common flu, you might need to get something else looked at.
    Stop living in fear, turn the news off and go outside and touch grass. Try not to wear a mask while you're at it either😂😂

  • I mean, yes it's winter and the strains are different now. The first time I got COVID was just the headache and the lethargy and fever for a few days. 2nd time was a couple of weeks ago. This time it was onset by acid reflux symptoms (really weird I know!)… like stomach pain and then repeated vomiting. That cleared and moved into fever and headache with aches and lethargy along with a few consecutive nights with night sweats and then the tight chest and cough accompanied by the exhorbitantly runny nose and even sneezing. But all that said and done, I've had worse flus (minus attacking my acid reflux weakness). So don't stress too much!

  • Is Covid Making a Comeback?


  • I've had colds before but this time it's different.

    Did you have one of those Rapid Covid Tests?
    Not that brings any health but at least helps to understand a bit better all those extreme symptoms.

    Is there another wave of covid in Australia?

    Not too relevant to us in Oz but apparently Russian hospitals are treating about 20,000 "coronavirus patients" with more than 80,000 infected.

    So, big mystery about what is going on.

    • Not too relevant to us in Oz but apparently Russian hospitals are treating about 20,000 "coronavirus patients" with more than 80,000 infected.

      Where did you hear this news ?

      • +1

        Russian news, where else …

        Not vouching for neither factual nor fakes but I was rather intrigued about those numbers too.

        • Russian news, where else …

          I'll check.


          • +1

            @whyisave: Actuality it was to be more specific.

            Unfortunately I don't speak Russian so Tass has to be for me.


            Не за что

            (google says …)

            • @LFO:


              Tass, RT, Sputnik… they're all 'same-same'.

              I'll look for it.

              Не за что


  • +1

    What does this mean for the price of used cars?

    • EVs will go down in prices and ICEd ones will be up up and up but with even less models available (only SUV and pickup trucks) …

      Or maybe not :-p

      • & what about the price of fish?

        • … within expectations … :-|

  • As a school teacher, im noticing there are at least a few students away from each class each day due to illness and some have had covid

  • +12

    Comeback? It never went away. Everyone just started ignoring it.

    • And we started ignoring at least 8 months too late here. COVID-19 had evolved into a relatively benign virus by mid-2021… yet, it was at this time the government restrictions peaked.

      • +1

        Do you mean mid 2020? They shut the borders, had lockdown in Melbourne. It was pretty grim already by then

        • +2

          Yea, but in 2020, a lot was still unknown, so lockdowns at least had a 'logical' basis. By mid-2021 the situation was known (at least by those following the latest data), but in Australia, the situation became more intense, due to political pressure. Remember Novak being banned by the immigration minister? That was early 2022, absurd!

          I was living in (relaxed) Sweden at the time and looking from afar (horrified)

    • It never went away.

      2 weeks to flatten the curve

      It went away when Russia started to "denazify" Ukraine in 2022 February.

      I remember everyone piling on PM Scott Morrison about his delays in getting RAT kits,
      and Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic getting the boot out of Australia,
      and then suddenly,…media saturation about the conflict in Ukraine, changing the focus.

      Someone should have given Putin the Nobel Prize for Medicine, for ending the pandemic.

      • +2

        It's weird how you say coverage of the pandemic ended, yet there are other comments of yours saying they are still talking about it with multiple links to articles.

        • It's weird how you say coverage of the pandemic ended

          Did I say this ?
          I don't see where, though.

          I was replying to this sentence:

          It never went away. Everyone just started ignoring it.

          The fact that the Russo-Ukraine conflict took place,
          straight after RAT criticisms of the PM and Novak booted out,
          that the succeeding weeks, saw less and less media coverage…of the 'pandemic'.

          I even remember watching the news for that week, and all that Putin-bashing that dominated the airwaves and news-time,
          made me forget covid , RATs, etc.

          multiple links to articles

          The links are not to covid per se, but to the court cases, testimonials in the Australian Senate, RACGP memos to all the doctors, etc.

          The Senate is still discussing this, and same in U.S. Congress.

          It's just that the media is not really bringing up covid as regularly, except saying all the different reasons which can cause the same side-effects, eg. tap water in Australia has cancer-causing PFAS chemicals , etc.

          Growing number of People are visiting oncologists and also losing loved ones, … so that's also contributing to the chatter online.

          A lot of famous people (including sports people) also passed away in quick succession, eg. Rod Marsh, Shane Warne, Andrew Symonds … all in the space of weeks. These are just anecdotal observations and discussing the observations.

          If it took asbestos in Australia or tainted blood in the UK, 10-20 years to surface after many court cases,
          then, just give it something a bit of time, to see if this is also one of those things.

  • Covid vaccines bad rah rah inserts link to long medical research paper with inconclusive findings hoping no one will read but take link at face value as evidence

  • +1

    Can't help but roll my eyes when people are serious about covid and all their yearly injections

    • yeah and (profanity) the vulnerable… Just like the government, no protection for vulnerable workers where Covid can kill them.

      • +6

        If only the vulnerable could stay home, wear a mask and not burden all society with a decade of economic fallout.

        • +2

          why do the vulnerable act all…… vulnerable. It's just so like them to do that.

          • +2

            @shmahoo: The needs of the few outweighs the needs of the many is what we're going for.

            • -1

              @jaimex2: But would it affect you or the economy if a person doing chemo or suppressed immune system who can WFH forced back into public transport/office had some protection when cases are high? A person at work was on chemo and HR said they had to come back into the office and HR said no government provisions saying they can continue WFH - the person resigned as worried about health/Covid and went on welfare… luckily for the economy she died from complications of the cancer. Pretty (profanity) that the vulnerable are forgotten at this point

              • +2

                @sardines: Sorry she had a horrible job?

                You can't justify social collapse because of a terrible employer. If anything it goes to show we need stronger industrial relation laws.

                There's more suffering and homelessness than ever because of the covid response. You think our economy collapsed, inflation sky rocketed and were pumping in immigrants to keep it all standing because of Putin?

                This is the price of 'stay at home' and close everything.

                • +1

                  @jaimex2: The whole world is suffering from inflation for numerous reasons, not just as a sequelae of lockdowns.

                  Our economy hasn’t collapsed, we’ve had it pretty good all things considered.

                  What do immigrants have to do with any of the other things you’ve mentioned (or Putin). The one connection I can see is that of homelessness, and I agree, the government has been really quite bad at generating housing options for the vulnerable.

    • Yeah people should not take a potentially fatal illness seriously.

      • Ahhh… you're one of them… When the gov blackmails everyone into taking experimental medicine that's when you need to think critically and say NO.

        I'm still alive. Good condition heart and all. 0% blackmail and 0% paranoia

  • Oh fudge. Here we go again…

  • Just had it as well… symptoms were much stronger this time.

    • different strain

  • +2

    Have you considered that it could be influenza? Or have we just forgotten that this exists?

  • +1

    Like a John Farnham "final" tour.

  • +2

    yeah i swear getting sick after 2020 has been worse than before, a cold back in wasnt too bad but now its like its whacked you over the head with a cricket bat. post 2020 cold flu and covid… what has happened with getting sick? is this our new future getting whacked for 6? its never been that bad

  • +2

    I got absolutely flawed by 'influenza A' last year. Easily the sickiest I have been before. Couldn't get out of bed for 3 days straight with temp spiking to 41.3c on several occasions, following week I made it as far as the couch, barely.

    The week after that I would break into a sweat just getting some water, going to the toilet or making some food and need to lie down. I actually starting thinking something was seriously wrong so got checked out and tested.

    3 weeks before I started feeling better and closer to 5 weeks for back to 100%.

    Influenza a/b is no joke. It is often worse than COVID, rsv and similar bugs going around. Most people who say they have been 'crook with the flu' just have a bad cold or similar. I've certainly been guilty of saying it without actually being tested.

    • During the worst of it, did you feel like you didn't want to move or wanted to stay as still as possible?

      • -1

        Yeah Fauci fired up his 5G antenna and activated the vax attack to keep people in bed again. Obviously. /s

  • I've just come off the back of a week of it, not as bad as when I had it in 2022 but still not pleasant. I only had one really bad day where I was laid up all day

  • did you have the flu?

    covid is around and not going away. It will continue to mutate as there are plenty of unvaccinated people around.

  • Short answer yes, long answer let me tell you how everyone who disagrees with me is the biggest moron I have ever met in my life.

  • -1

    Here they come in droves again.

    I got banned from the other the thread for calling someone an antivaxxer so I won't make that mistake again. Just a lot of uneducated, misguided souls who love fake research and youtube rants in here that just happen to coincidentally - no link whatsoever - be against vaccinations.

  • +2

    Get jabbed 10 times 100% effective. Like the rest of you sheep. No one should be getting COVID anymore because jab 100% EffEctivE. Bloody unvaccinated. I blame them because jab 100% eFfeCtiVE

    • -4

      I’ve been jabbed 5 times, whole family had COVID a few months ago, I didn’t get it. N=1, but you probably don’t know what that means or care as there have been large population studies already showing it is effective.

      That said, you definitely are free to make up your own mind, the government does do some wild stuff sometimes but COVID vaccines really wasn’t one of them. Some people will have side effects to medications, if you have a large enough population, you will see a lot of complications even if they’re rare. No scientist or doctor ever said COVID vaccination was 100% effective or without risks but for the greater good, we did what we needed to do.

      Don’t worry, I (and the larger proportion of the population) was happy to fight the virus for you guys.

      • +2

        No scientist or doctor ever said COVID vaccination was 100% effective or without risks but for the greater good, we did what we needed to do.

        Public health message has been that vaccines are "safe & effective". If no vaccine is ever 100% effective, like Fauci said in his recent congressional appearance, then why is "safe & effective" messaging not misinformation?

        • Would you consider panadol to be safe and effective?

          • @Ughhh: Straw man argument, try again NPC.

            • -2

              @RocketSwitch: Hello RocketSwitchBot, Is anything safe and effective? Will 6G be in the next booster?

      • +3

        without risks but for the greater good, we did what we needed to do.

        The interesting thing is, if you look at statistical history of last 100 years even,
        the majority of people have died because of governments, than not.

        Even natural disasters have not killed or maim as many people, as the consequences of government decisions,
        eg. having wars, going to wars, deposing foreign governments, regulating chemicals, banning chemicals,
        funding of medical facilities, infected blood transfusions, etc.

        It's only in retrospect, we get the benefit of hind-sight, but we always see it in those movies right,
        eg. Independence Day or Jurassic Park,…ie. there's that kooky, bearded weirdo that's always warning
        everyone, but everyone seems to ignore them, but this weirdo always ends up being right !

      • +4

        the government does do some wild stuff sometimes

        Lol, "wild stuff".

        +100 million citizens murdered in various genocides in the 20th century alone by their own governments (and that's a conservative estimate), all of whom usually claimed to be acting in the interests of the "greater good", "public safety/security" or in furthering some collectivist, populist, utopian political ideology like Communism. And this figure doesn't even touch the death toll of all of the entirely preventable wars of aggression waged in that century by governments for their own interests against innocent populations.

        You should write spin for corporations/governments: "How China's Treatment of the Uyghurs Might Be Wild But At Least it's Not Genocide."

        but COVID vaccines really wasn’t one of them

        Of course not.

        I distinctly remember the "International-We-Promise-Never-Again-to-Do-Bad-Stuff-to-Our-Own-Citizens" treaty conference that was attended and ratified by over 190 UN member states back in 1990 and the beginnings of eternal world peace, the end of global poverty and starvation and the ushering in of of the most libertarian era of human existence. What a great time that was; it felt like a dream… oh wait.

        Don’t worry, I (and the larger proportion of the population) was happy to fight the virus for you guys.


        The delusional rallying cry of the great masses of Western society who have been ground down to a lifeless, worthless husks with no real identity, no purpose or meaning in life other than debt slavery and mindless consumption and absolutely nothing to live for, who will blindly follow the Pied Piper into extinction just to feel anything, especially moral righteousness/superiority and a sense of belonging to something greater, even for a fleeting moment.

        They played your kind like a virtuoso violinist on meth and crack.

        • You know the sad part? Judging by comments the user you're replying to has made on this forum, they are a young seemingly idealistic practising doctor in their 30's.

          • +2

            @mrdean: Given the clown world we exist in, he could be the head of the TGA, CDC, WHO or any other peak health body worldwide with that smooth-brained, NPC logic he's displaying.

            Today's doctors are just pimped-up drug dealers that quite often harm and kill people; collectively their profession has a ton of blood on their hands now for going along with the psyop farce that was mainstream public health policy since 2020 without so much as a peep of condemnation (other than in extremely limited cases). If this were 1945 and he belonged to the losing side of history, he and his ilk would be standing trial at a second Nuremberg tribunal for state-sponsored criminals.

            • +1

              @Gnostikos: It's health care in name only. It's really medicine by administrators/bureaucrats.

              Anyway, the farce has moved onto the next stage, targeting food producers/farmers. Same playbook, they are at the testing/quarantining & euthanasing stage now. I assume next will be requirements/mandates for safe & effective mrna injections for livestock. For the health of the chickens of course. All enabled by biosecurity legislation not even 10 years old.

        • -3

          I understand to a degree your frustrations, there is truth in what you say and I also resonate with some of those sentiments. But by and large, I still honestly think that Australia is about as good as you’re going to get in this world.

          The drive for consumption and pursuit of capitalism is what has got us here, maybe there is merit that we should never gone down this road and stayed in small, close knit communities but unfortunately we’re here now, heading towards a population of 10 billion. There’s no going back.

          I honestly don’t see the purpose of a “psyop” centred around vaccinations. There are lots of modes of control and manipulation that would be much easier and effective.

          Edit: on the point of doctors being drug slinging criminals dabbling in genocide, I think there is a lot of reduction about the complexities of that argument. I would assume there is no debate on your part as to the treatment of acute reversible illnesses with medications/surgery and you are referencing chronic conditions in which people are prescribed long standing medications. If you are trying to say we shouldn’t try to treat diabetes, hypertension etc. I would have to disagree, large population studies do demonstrate that treatment of these conditions result in a survival benefit. If your contention is that we should all just be natty and let what will be, be. That’s fine. That is your prerogative. We are here just to tell you your risks and you make the final call. If your issue is relating to population based vaccination programs and achieving population immunity, this is again based on evidence, but unlike the other scenarios, refusal to participate harms society as the majority of society sees it. Much like dodging the draft while in the middle of a war, you can do it if you want, but society will punish you for it. Even in that scenario, no doctor is forcing a needle into your arm.

          Anyways, I’ve enjoyed the debate, thank you for the eye opening look into a different perspective. Unfortunately I’ve spent too much time on this. Take it easy Horus!

      • +1

        I won't worry because NPCs like you wouldn't know that your sheep leader said it was 100% effective:

        But you wouldn't know that would you because you go around writing rubbish thinking people cannot do basic research.

        Try again NPC.

    • +2

      Another one proudly demonstrating his ignorance of what a vaccine is. 👏

      Things can get confusing when you start redefining words to suit your level of understanding.

      • Things can get confusing when you start redefining words to suit your level of understanding.

        You mean like how governing health bodies worldwide changed the definition of the word "vaccine" in their official literature solely because none of the Covid vaccines adhered to the commonly understood historical definition, as a substance that provides immunity against a particular disease AND prevents its transmission?

        • That's strange considering you could catch and transmit measles, hep, etc, despite being vaccinated.

        • -2

          I remember learning about the basics of vaccines in yr 9 biology. The definition hasnt changed. You just never paid attention in class and now blaming others. I can see how this confusion and miseducation frustrates you now as an adult.

    • Why are some of your words typed out as if you have a head injury?

      • -2

        You must have acquired a head injury if you cannot work it out.

  • Got sick a few weeks ago, was the worst I've ever had it. Usually I get better on day 2 or day 3 at most, but this one lasted 1-2 weeks.

  • +2

    Never heard of the flu? It's flu season right now.

    • Proper flu is obvious, as you'd be stuck in bed for several days.. What I and a lot of people I know currently have is not flu, but a less severe virus that is hanging around a long time.

  • No. Vaccine induced side effects.

    • +1

      Bingo! But don't get to convince them otherwise. I've never seen such a nearly unanimous bunch of brainwashed Beta males as the ones who trumpetted the cøvïd scam, and then they promptly all disappeared when they realized they were completely wrong… well, most of them. 😂

  • -1

    It does seem like nearly everyone I know is currently crook, both at work and home.

  • I wouldn't say it's coming back, it's just ever-present. I get it roughly annually now (typically December). Can tell immediately as it feels like absolutely nothing else. Would take the Flu over Covid any time.

    • For me, it's been 4.5 years of this and I still don't know if I ever got Covid or not. Never tested, but never felt sick enough to justify a test… For me Flu that I have had pre-COVID era was much worse than anything I've experienced recently

      • I find Covid feels nothing like anything else. It has its own distinct feeling that I can't describe, but I have known with 100% certainty each time I have had it prior to testing. Some times have been worse than any flu I have had due to how much it decimates the ability to think, others have been fine, seems to vary in strength. First time.

  • It might have been doing a few rounds already :D

  • +2

    Good to see all the armchair immunologists are still thriving.

    Yes, COVID is still a thing. It can still be extremely dangerous to health.

    Yes, how hard it hits you is still seemingly random. Some people are sick for weeks, some people get a runny nose.

    No, absolutely nobody cares anymore. The problem with the harsh lockdowns (Especially Victoria under Dictator Dan) is that you can only keep people in a "state of alarm" for a period of time, after which fatigue sets in and now we have a mass of people extremely resistant to any sort of control or recommendations coming from the medical field.

    Effectively, our government has eroded trust in medicine for a generation. The social cost suffered thus far is only the tip of the iceberg - Mark my words, there will be deaths for many years due to people refusing to seek medical advice based on the events of the acid trip known as the "COVID era"

    • +1

      Ah, says "armchair immunologists", proceeds to talk about COVID like an armchair immunologist lol lol lol

      • I fail to see which part of my post sounds like advice from an armchair immunologist. Do you not think COVID can be dangerous to health or that the effects seem to be quite random? I thought both of these were quite settled and well agreed.

        The rest of the post is a reminder of what Victorian Labor did to Victorians and the diminishing returns effect of prolonged lockdowns, hardly immunologist commentary.

  • -1

    There are hundred of respiratory bugs, mostly viral, but a few bacteria too (eg tuberculosis, Strep-A). Maybe we all need to wear Gas Masks all the time and take them off only to eat/shower/wash wash in a space that hasn't been occupied by another person for an hour?

    Ordinary masks are only slightly better that useless for prevention (they are decent at preventing an infected person spreading though). If you can smell cooking, cigarettes, exhaust fumes, incense and the like, then bugs can get in as well. Surgical masks N95 have to be properly fitted; they make somebody move their head about in different positions and spray something like aspartane to see if they are properly fitted. "Tight-fitting respirator masks, like the disposable P2/N95 masks commonly used in healthcare require a tight seal to provide protection. Without a tight seal, unfiltered air will bypass the filter. An N95 mask can only filter 95% of particles if 100% of the air goes through the filter material."

    I currently have a non-covid respiratory infection. I wish I could sue the person who gave it to me. Knowingly exposing another person to a respiratory disease is worse than attacking them with folk or wacking them with a cricket bat (assault). People die from respiratory diseases. The person who spread it is the murderer.

    • +1

      Better watch out. I said pretty much the exact same thing during the $camdemic regarding masks and fitting, and the slightly better than chimp mob ran amock grunting and acting like the mask was sent from the heavens.

      Frankly. In the entire time, not a single one had even an iota of a clue about what they were talking about, but made a while lot of noise in the process.

  • +3

    It's easier to fool someone, than to get that person to admit that they have been fooled.

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