• expired

BYD Seal: Premium $58,798 (was $60,687.95), Performance $68,748 (was $70,831.95) Drive Away ($1,000 Deposit), WA +$2,000 @ BYD


Looks like BYD is waiving the On-Road cost for their SEAL Premium and Performance models. Standard config only it seems, Aurora White paint, Thaumas Black interior. Correction, other paints also receive the promo discount.

For SEAL's delivered between June 7, 2024, and July 31, 2024.

BYD SEAL Drive Away Campaign

MY23 BYD SEAL Premium
All States/Territories except WA: From $58,798 Drive Away
WA: From $60,798 Drive Away

MY23 BYD SEAL Performance
All States/Territories except WA: From $68,748 Drive Away
WA: From $70,748 Drive Away

Edit: Extended to July 31, 2024

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BYD Automotive
BYD Automotive

closed Comments

  • +3

    Let’s see how the 2nd hand market for all the EVs play out in the next 5-12 months. New EVs prices will continue to drop as it is cheaper to keep the factory churning then shut it down due to falling demand.

    Will eventually buy a used EV as less moving parts and I have a dislike for mechanics who charge an arm and a leg for servicing ICE cars.

    • havent EVs been here for years? You can take a look now

  • +1

    So basically pay 6k more from a dynamic to get a bigger battery and better motor with nicer features. I would pay that.

    Been seeing a lot of stealth black seals around. Looks great.

    • +1

      Stealth? As in debadged?

  • +1

    Premium is still $9000 more expensive 😊

  • +1

    Looks better than the Teslas.

  • +3

    My wallet is ready for the Sealion 7!

    • I have many concern about their ICE engine. Electric traindrive is one thing. They are not proven yet in ICE (which PHEV will have)

      • +2

        Sealion 7 is EV, only the 6 is PHEV

        • When will that be out?

          • @Wiede: around end of the year, nothing confirmed yet though

  • +1

    The overall Warranty looks OK but the fine print has me worried with the following exclusion:

    "multimedia system - 3yrs or 60,000km" https://bydautomotive.com.au/public/vehicle-warranty-2022.pd…

    If the Multimedia system fails will this 'brick' the car and how much is the repair cost? I suspect a claim under statutory warranty may be an option for a car of this value but I do not like the fact that BYD seem to have little faith in the reliability of their electronics.

    • +1

      This is pretty standard in most manufacturers. There’s not many genuine bumper-to-bumper warranties these days with most having shorter coverage on things like electrics, infotainment, shocks.

      • +4

        Thanks - you prompted me to do a comparison. There seems to be quite a bit a variety between Electric car warranty exclusions. I looked at the Hyundai Ionic, MG4, Volvo EV, Mini Cooper EV, Peugeot EV, and Polestar warranties. None of these manufacturer warranties had exclusions for electronics, touch screens, or multimedia systems. For the most part you should be looking at five years warranty on electronics with these cars

        The Tesla warranty though is horrendous: "Touchscreen and Media Control Unit: 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever comes first: https://www.tesla.com/en_au/support/vehicle-warranty

        • And EVERYTHING'S done on that screen. Scary.

        • +1

          You've read that wrong. That warranty only applies to: "repair or replacement of Tesla-branded parts purchased directly from Tesla, over-the-counter, online or purchased and installed by Tesla Service or a Tesla Collision Center"

          The standard warranty for a new car is 4 years / 80,000km, with a longer warranty on the main battery.

          • +1

            @klaw81: Thanks - that makes more sense. To clarify, with Tesla you get a 4 year/80,000km warranty on the originally installed touchscreen and Media Control Unit. The two year/40,000 km warranty only applies to a genuine replacement system installed by Tesla should the original system break outside of warranty.

            I was concerned a replacement media unit would adjust the original warranty to a lower period but this position is not correct when you look at the fine print:

            "Any Parts or Used Parts repaired or replaced under this Tesla Parts, Body & Paint Repair Limited Warranty continue to be covered by the applicable original warranty period of the repaired or replaced Part or Used Part (mentioned above in "Coverage Period") or for a period of 90 days, whichever is longer."

            This suggests the BYD multimedia system is unreliable compared to ALL other manufacturers.

  • +1

    These look great. Sodtware is shit though

  • -7

    LOL Chinese Electric POS

    • +5

      So when Australian are going to build their own EVs?

      Ask unions who destroyed car manufacturing in Australia.

      • +1

        You blame union for American owned car companies refusing to invest in Australian manufacturing?

        How many times were we told Australia's problem is not enough volume. Are you aware that GM capped the amount of Australian built cars they allowed to be sold in the USA?

        Australian car manufacturing was always an exercise in profiteering from government handouts.

      • I wouldn’t want us to anyway. Can you imagine young Aussies making cars? The slowest output, lowest effort, complain about wages and then cry mental health issues and not turn up to work.

  • +1

    I still only see 1 byd for every 10 tesla in box hill. So Chinese aren’t buying their own cars

    • +5

      It’s still about 3-1 but BYD is growing quickly

    • +3

      Tesla is made in China

    • Are you just assuming that there’s no Chinese people driving these BYD’s and Tesla’s you see given both are made in China?

    • Black hair, looks asian = Chinese national with pro-chinese sentiments, definitely couldn't be an Australian just with different ancestry to yourself.

      Nice one mate, definitely no discrimination there. Are you one of those people who goes to an auction and goes on about how "the Chinese" are buying all the houses?

      Absolutely disgraceful, people from south-east asia contribute a lot to Australia, the Australian GDP and the Australian way of life

      • Everything you said is absolutrly true. Asians and a many other nationailities built Australia as we know it.

        Ij saying that, chinese started buying property in the western countries, because in their own countries, they have to hand it back to govt. So if you are wealthy, it makes more sense to invest overseas where you can retain ownership for future generations.

        So off the back of this, forn last 15 -10 years we gavs been selling our land and property to people sight unseen. Not to mention the dodgy sales and practices going on.. its not all legit. Human trafficking, counterfeiting, criminal activities.. all under our noses as ae allowed people who have never been here to aquire land and position like its nothing.

        Lets see you try the same in all of those countries? Mate some of my best friends are from all over the world.. but dont make everything about being racism.. it simply isnt the case when it comes to selling our land as we have been.

    • Virtually every person I see driving a BYD is white and virtually every person driving a Tesla is Chinese. There's a PhD thesis in that somewhere.

  • +5

    I love reading those comments that these cars are made in China and they can’t trust them :-)

    If you can trust Google, Apple, Facebook, WhatsApp, Tesla then no need to worry, all your privacy is already out of the door.

    TBH I’m glad that we have choice to buy products from all over the world without any discriminating government policies.

    You need to go out and test drive a BYD before making unnecessary biased statements.

    I don’t need to buy a new car yet but I was very pleased to test drive a BYD Seal performance from a friend. Build quality and standard features for this price are too good.

    • +1

      Sales arent really that much less, Tesla numbers might be down but other brands have mostly gained sales.

      Media just says EV sales down because Tesls down 300-400% from monthly figures few months ago

      • Tesla model y sales are up 10% this year
        Model 3 sales were up crazy last year due to the old model runout and hyped up new model.
        Overall Tesla is close to the same as last year

  • +1

    Just wait, they are dumping these since EV sales dying. Will be cheaper and cheaper.

    • +7

      EV sales aren’t dying. They are up again this year and with the cost of hybrid ICE cars going up significantly this year more EVs will sell

    • I mean don't we want EVs to be cheaper to make it more affordable?

      You guys acting like the price going down is a bad thing crack me up

  • +2

    If EV market share keeps increasing, what do people think will happen to petrol prices? You have to imagine that it will get to a point where supply/demand leads to increases in petrol prices to point where it doesn't make economic sense to buy a petrol car and you have to go EV? (whether you want to or not)

    • +2

      Maybe it already makes sense if you can get a novated lease through your work. I was going to buy the Camry SL Hybrid for $3,000- 4000 more than the BYD Seal premium but the novated lease exemption means my employer will cover entire cost and lets me charge it from a power point in work garage every day plus solar at home on weekends/etc.

  • I'm waiting for their new hybrid models.

  • +1

    I think Kia Ev3 game changer.
    They use really good battery for entry model

    • +4

      What’s game changing about it? It’s going to start from $50K and the entry model uses an NMC battery.

      • +4

        The EV6 was supposed to be game changing too but at $80k (and Kia admitted it was actually making a loss on them) it played the wrong game

      • NMC is good. Higher density, uses rarer and more expensive minerals

        • +1

          And LFP is better when it comes to charging to 100% more often with less degradation. There’s nothing “really good” about the EV3 battery, it’s a standard NMC battery.

    • Kia EV3, AU$20k in other countries, AU$50k here. Could have been a game changer if they could control their lust for price gouging.

      • $20K AUD in which other countries?

        I only found the following:

        "The 2024 Kia EV3 has been priced from about $65,000 in the UK, where the entry-level Air version of the all-new small electric SUV will cost £32,995 drive-away and the flagship GT-Line S will cost £43,895 – the equivalent of $A65,175 and $A86,721 respectively." https://www.carsales.com.au/editorial/details/2024-kia-ev3-p…

  • What did you all think Coles and Woollies would do once they killed off all the local family run business'? Keep giving you OZB prices HAHAHAAH Next time you are trying to save a penny, remember it might cost you more than a buck.

    • +2

      That’s where I believe the government needs to protect the public from anticompetitive and monopolistic behaviours. But we all know the government when in power are complicit, incompetent or lobbied to favour large organisations under the veil of “Economic growth” and “Jobs”. They sell out the citizens for short term reasons but failed to see the long term or anything beyond an election cycle. They talk about cost of living and price gouging but don’t implement any meaningful changes.

      The way we are headed is a handful of large organisations will own most sectors and we will have little influence in being ripped off.

  • +1

    What a great price! But I will wait these premium Chinese EV brands such as NIO, XPENG, Li Auto, Xiaomi S7 and Zeekr to arrive in Australia.

    • +3

      Certainly makes sense to wait if you’re in no rush to buy.

    • -3

      premium Chinese EV brands


    • -1

      Lol Xiaomi is so poorly designed and flimsy. Watch the Falun gong videos about it on YouTube. Also don't forget to watch the BYD ones as well

      • +3

        Love the Falun gang! They are pretty funny group of people. LOL

      • +2

        That’s hilarious!! As far from being unbiased and impartial as you can get.

        • +1

          Falun Gong cures cancer bro, they'll probably release a car soon too

  • -5

    Research 1st from owners from china see what they found their problems. 70k can buy a rav4 edge.

    • +10

      How about you tell us the issues they found?

      A RAV4 Edge? So an SUV, hybrid and 12mth wait times? Yeah that seems like a fantastic comparison!

      • +16

        $70k for a rav4 lol
        Toyota sheeple are the biggest suckers around
        You pay a fortune for that “reliability” but you just get a average boring car

        • +11

          I’d buy a Sealion 6 well before I’d buy a RAV4 hybrid.

      • +6

        $70k for a RAV4, well I never.

  • +2

    Waiting for Atto3 price drop - seems overpriced the way it is at the moment with Model Y's getting cheaper

  • +2

    Sealion 6 is here, the wait for the car is over, user reviews and price drop, mmm

  • +1

    Seems like a lot of opinions on EVs.

    • +6

      Not sure born in China gives you any credit on talking about materials and techs used by BYD. It sounds absolute nonsense to me to say BYD uses outdated materials and techs, how advanced the updated techs are in China?

      • -3

        If you like BYD, just ignore my warning and buy it. Good luck man

  • +2

    I too own a Seal. Just as other actual owners, we are happy with the purchase. Despite a mediocre discount, I love seeing so much attention given to this deal. Last month, Seal sales broke 1000 and continue to increase.

  • +7

    20 years ago, you complained Chinese products were too cheap;
    nowadays, you complain Chinese products are expensive;
    what would you complain about China 20 years later?
    Chinese language is too difficult to learn.

    • -1

      I do not need to wait 20 years to complain that chinese language is difficult to learn. I will complain now.

      The CCP has made chinese so hard to learn. When I speak chinese, they understand everything.

  • still to expensive, may be just me

  • Is 3.2% off considered a bargain (1.8k saving from 58k)? …. just curious …

  • +3

    complaning about chinese. bro types from a keyboard, monitor, his kmart pyjamas made in china. embrace all. not like china declared a war or something jesus. we are all 1 humanity fools. at this point I wish aliens intervened and killed us all to reset us. or at least those ones who cant get along with one another

  • +1

    Your Bluetooth device connected successfullaaay

  • +2

    5 pages in & not one reference to Heymix chargers catching on fire.

  • +3

    What the hell. Came in to the conversation late, thinking i'd get some quality comments on the seal.

    Instead it's the bottom of the barrel, dumb (profanity) out in force, shooting their half assed opinions.

    Ozb used to be cool.

    • It happens every time an EV deal gets posted. A bunch of clueless people show up demonstrate their ignorance and make pointless arguments.

  • -2

    Never buy Chinese-brand electrical vehicles. If something happens, the car manufacturers can remotely lock your cars.
    Read these reports in China: When the Chinese consumers protested at an Auto show, the car manufacturers locked their cars remotely.

    • My Chinese reading skills aren't what they used to be… care to eli5?

      • +1

        The news is about what I summarised. Some Chinese consumers bought some faulty cars and planned to protest at an Auto Show in China to ask these car manufacturers to fix these problems or compensate. When they tried to drive these cars to the Auto Show and found out the car manufacturers had locked the cars remotely. Some car manufacturers even stalked these consumers and vowed to revenge if the consumers dared to protest.

        • Thanks. I had a quick scan of the first link through Google translate. Selling ev's with elastic distance times… I can't imagine any company doing that 😂

  • -1

    driving on a bed of lithium batteries - better hope you won't ever get into an accident where the battery might be damaged xd

  • +1

    I ordered the premium black with black interior. I prefer the drive and handling of the BYD Seal to both the new Telsa 3 and it was much better than front wheel drive Camry SL which was similar price but not eligible for Fringe benefit Tax exemption.

    Camry SL was $61,800.
    Telsa 3 $66,000 odd but eligible for FBT exemption.

    My employer just increased my income by the novated lease amount.

  • +7

    Hi all, I own the BYD Seal Premium with a blue interior. Everyone who rides in it is soooo amazed—even my Mercedes AMG friends and BMW diehard friends have praised its beauty and performance. The interior surpasses that of their own cars, the handling and the acceleration is superb. The only drawback they mention is the lack of engine noise, which they feel detracts from the overall car experience. However, there’s no denying the marvel that BYD has created here; they’ve set a new standard for electric vehicles. Even the Tesla Model 3 Highlander had to step up its game to compete. The complete panaromic roof/ventilated & heated seats and premium leather interior is on par with 140k car from Mercedes. It is a no brainer, can't wait to see what they pull off in the next few years.

    There is no charging infrastructure yet at the moment across Australia, so please don't get this if you can't charge at home as you will be frustrated a lot. The range is quoted at around 630-650 unsure. Realistically you will be getting 530km because of uneven terrains, speed limit and using sports mode for fast acceleration.

    • Its the details that you cannot see are a problem with anything that is not a Tesla. The efficiency is not great, the car charging also has some peculiarities and it doesnt maintain the battery temperatures well which will cause a problem in the long run as far as battery longevity is concerned. Look up Bjorn's review of the same on youtube.

      That said, it is still better than any EV from European makers or even Hyundai for that matter when it comes to cost vs performance vs equipment.

    • The interior looks fugly as hell in the pictures, so you like it in person? Looks super tacky/plasticky to me on the website.

  • Saw one at night the other day. The silhouette with the lights on looks good.

  • +1

    Extended to July 31, 2024

  • Waiting for seagull

  • -1

    do not buy the seal there is a new updated model coming with a whole lot of upgrades same price

    • when?

    • Whole lot is maybe overstating it. The next gen should be better and it's maaaaaybe here late 2025. China will clear what they can on us (as all manufacturers do) and that's plenty :)

      Edit - the new one has a smaller battery, 800v platform, more self driving crap you can't use in Australia and higher top speeds you also can't use.

      • its not a next gen, its the same car with better batteries and twice the charging speed, look up the electric viking channel on youtube

        • If you say so. I'm sure it'll do 100% more range and charge 100% faster. Or more likely bugger all different particularly given Australia doesn't really have any fast chargers. I'm not fussed.

          • @drprox: it the range is improved by 50-100km for same price thats a huge difference

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