• long running

PremiumSaver Account 5.45% p.a. on Balance up to $250,000 (Grow Balance by $200/Month Required) @ Rabobank


Effective 23 May 2024. Grow your balance by $200 by the last business day each month to qualify for bonus interest (withdrawals OK). Edit: WARNING: No OSKO or instant payments; allow days for processing

"Maximum rates apply when your closing balance on the last business day of the month is at least $200 higher than it was at the beginning of the first day of the month (excluding interest earned). Available for Personal (Individual and Joint). Different rates apply to SMSF customers."

No account keeping fees
No minimum balance
Interest paid monthly

New Rabobank customers can open a HISA instead for an introductory rate of 5.75% for 4 months, no hoops.

Rabobank online savings rates page https://www.rabobank.com.au/rates/personal-rates/

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          • @surfingedge: not everyone on this website are old fart >36

          • @surfingedge: 5.50% only for balances < $50k, 3.00% > $50-250k

            seems fine if you are under 35 and have limited money

  • +1

    Did I miss RBA announcement?

  • Their 5 year term deposit is 5.10%. Must think the cash rate won't move much.

    • They and Judo Bank lead the pack in that respect.

      With Judo I know why: they are a new player with a rapidly expanding loan book, and during COVID they got lots of almost interest free money from the RBA that they now have to pay back, so they have a need for deposits.

      No idea why Rabo is so keen. Maybe farmers are borrowing more?

  • +1

    why does the deal say long running? I am pretty sure Rabo was not above 5 in the recent past.

    • The current interest rate is here for a long run.
      Right? :)

      • haha.. let's see if the RBA feels the same.

    • Strangely the PremiumSaver account was at 5.25% until earlier this year. They then dropped it down to 5.0% around March this year without there being any change in RBA rates.
      Now we have this increase up to 5.45%
      Not sure what the plan is

  • +2

    Rabobank is the safest bank ATM with their physical authenticator device. Even if you phone number has been hijacked, they need the physical device to create the digipass numbers.

    • So simple. Why don't all the banks use physical authenticator devices to stop all the knuckleheads getting scammed? Well not all of them; It won't help if you make the deposit into a scammer's account.

      • Passkeys are the new hotness. Basically impossible to hijack. Banks might pick it up in the 2030s haha.

  • Hi, I'm trying to see if I have the $200 per month part correct.
    So on day 1 of a new account I have $100,000, by the last business day of the month I need to have $100,200.

    What is confusing is that it needs to be by the last business day, I'm with ING and as long as the balance is at least 1c higher each month I’m fine, + the other conditions.
    ING can be the weekend, business day doesn't matter.

    I don't understand the part 'excluding interest', if I'm ongoing, and I get the interest each month won't that be in the total at day 1 each month anyway.
    Sorry for sounding dumb.

    9.9 Interest on a PremiumSaver Account will be paid at the maximum rate if the closing balance on the last Business Day of the calendar month is at least
    $200 ($2,000 for businesses) higher than the balance as at the beginning of the first day of that month, excluding interest earned for that month. If these
    conditions are not met, interest for that month will be paid at the PremiumSaver base rate.

    • If you opened a new account today then you just need to have at least $200 by the last biz day of this month.
      The 'excluding interest' part just means that the interest earned for the current month (which is paid on the last biz day of month) does not count towards the $200 requirement.

      • Do you know if "excluding interest" is only in their favour or ours as well? i.e. do I have to keep the accrued interest in there and another $200 on top, or is it just +$200 from the pre-interest balance?

      • does it matter when we add tje $200 ? would that affect the way the interest is calculated on the month ? wondering if I set up an automatic transfer early / mid / or end of month

        • Doesn't matter as long as you add $200 by the last biz day of the month

        • i recommend doing any bank account requirements as soon as possible at the start of each month so you don't forget later on

    • I think they are just trying to clarify that any interest credited to your account on the last day of the month does not count towards the required $200 increase in balance.

      BTW I'm glad you pointed out that the closing balance of concern is on the last Business Day, which is different to comparable accounts at other banks. I had missed that.

      Something else to consider with this account is that the increase in balance has to occur in a given month in order to earn the maximum rate in that same month. This differs from other comparable accounts such as ING Savings Maximiser and ME Bank HomeME account. With those you need to meet the bonus conditions (including balance increase) in a given month in order to earn the maximum rate in the next month.

      The Rabobank PremiumSaver way of doing it makes it harder to avoid a significant interest penalty when the time comes when you want to withdraw your funds. You would have to withdraw on the first day of a month, and that would have to be a business day for the transfer to arrive in another bank on the same day. If you withdraw any later than the first day you will be earning a measly 1.50% for that month.

  • Good morning everyone, just a quick note the premium saver comes automatically with a HISA account.

    • Even without selecting PremiumSaver + HISA while opening the account?

      • Yes correct in my case I had a HISA 2 years ago so better for me to have a new HISA account and after 5.75% expires I open a premium saver account.

    • No it doesn't …I opened a HISA account for the 4 months introductory, now I am done with the 4 months and just opened a premium saver, took me 3 clicks, super quick, and I transferred the $$

  • Where is best place to put a lump sum of money ($150k) for a period of 6 months, in order to get the best GUARANTEED return on it?

    • Rabobank HISA first three months honeymoon rate 5.75% then AMP saver 5.40% with $1,000 monthly deposit (can withdraw instantly).

      • Isn't Rabo 5.45% after the first 4 months of 5.75%? Or are there any strings attached to withdrawal?

        • Two different products
          HISA: 5.75% first 4 months then 4.40% afterwards
          Premium Saver: 5.45% grow capital by >=$200 before the end of the month, otherwise 1.50%

    • Under your mattress is hacker free

  • +2

    Just checked with Rabobank. If you had an HISA account earlier and if it was closed for more than 2 years back, then only you will be eligible for 5.75% interest rate, else 4.40%.

  • +2

    Definition of "new customers"

    Rabobank Online Savings Terms and Conditions (October 2023)
    Clause 11.1
    Where we offer a promotion which we limit to ‘new customers’, we define this as a customer that has not held an Account with us in the previous 2 years. If in our opinion, you attempt to misuse, ‘game’, or attempt to access a promotional offer in a manner that is not in our opinion, in line with the intent of the offer, we may withdraw or refuse to honour the offer.

  • -2

    To meet the deposit requirement, I'd move at least $(estimated interest income + 200) from the Premium Saver account to the HISA on the last day of the month, and move it back to the Premium Saver account on the first day of the next month.

    But given AMP is offering 5.40% with less hoops to jump, the maximum extra $10.62 per month from Rabo is not really worth the risk.

    • -1

      How is AMP better with a $1,000 minimum deposit requirement per month.
      These are investment accounts where you're basically taking leftover salary and putting it into an account that generates the highest interest with the minimal amount of risk.
      Depositing $200+ each month is actually great for your savings as you're compounding your investment each month and, therefore, earning even more $$$.

      • You need to understand the difference between growing balance and depositing (which can be withdrawn immediately).
        I don't see your last two sentences relevant to your argument.

  • +1

    Good deal, but waiting to see what Ubank's new bonus interest tiers are before considering the move.

    • I called Ubank yesterday and they said they aren't revealing the specific rates for each tier until July!

      Pretty disappointed in that. Might start the move to somewhere else before then due to the changes and lack of disclosure of the rates.

      • +1

        Same, I understand waiting until the new FY to implement rate changes, but they could at the very least disclose what they are.

      • +1

        You can put $200 in a Rabobank premium saver, ready to move in July IF the rates aren't good.

      • I emailed them this is what they replied with, so I expect to know mid June. Will probably jump ship though.

        "As this change does not go live until 1st July, we are still working out the details in preparation for the launch of our new tiered interest rate structure.
        Information will be provided a few weeks before the launch to provide customers with enough time to understand what the change means to them."

    • So the tiers are
      $0 to $100,000
      $100,000+ to $250,000

      Rates not specified.

  • As at Dec 2021, Rabobank does not have OSKA

    I'm doing tests on an old Premium Saver and the $0.02 isn't showing up after 10 minutes.

    • +1

      It's now in there. Took somewhere between 3 and 6 hours, but it cleared on the same day.

      • +1


        • +1

          You're welcome. I did my transactions during the business day.

  • Payments between Rabo and BOQ go through the same day (at least for interest-earning purposes).

    You can only transfer $1000 out from BOQ by OSKO per day, in total (not per transfer). Once you have sent more than $1000 it may take one business day to arrive.

    If you have 50k in BOQ at 5.5%, you would lose $7.53 if it took a day to transfer (and 9x this if you have the max 9 accounts). I lost quite a lot of interest in order to figure this out. As I've now opened this Rabo account I will use it to get my money out of BOQ and then change the nominated account

    • Is it BOQ's normal accounts (require soft token for large Pay Anyone) or the phone app only myBOQ?

    • Rabo does not do OSKO/NPP fast payments - so the $1K BOQ/MEB/ING limits do not apply - transfer out as much as the normal transfer daily limit allows you. Generally transfers send early in the morning will arrive at Rabo at noon, just before noon at 3pm. Some banks do batch payments every 3 hours (like CBA) so any delays would be from the sending bank not Rabobank, although the 3 hour interval noon/3pm/6pm etc may come into play.

  • +1

    You can always use the Rabobank Direct Debit/Credit Facility to send out $300K (to your nominated account) from each of the HISA/Premium Saver/Notice Saver accounts & up to $5 Milion credited instantly (via direct debit) for transfers in via the nominated linked account. This is the only bank offering this feature. The only downside is that they only allow one nominated account & each time you need to switch you need to go through the verification process even for previously nominated accounts. I suggested to them to keep a list of verified noninated accounts for an easier switch but improving their systems (same look & feel as 20 years ago) is out of the question.

  • Does rabo require you to send physical verified documents? Or just online ID check?

    • Online ID check then they asked for verified Driver license to email to them.

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