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Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson: Hardcover Book $19.50 + Delivery ($0 Prime/$59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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I know it's not a Tesla deal, but that's something I could afford. šŸ˜ƒ

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                  • -3

                    @Agent Q: Your the one that is suddenly assuming i know nothing and everyone i dont like is a fascist.

                    You may have a lot of issues you may need to get yourself checked up on so you dont keep jumping on everyones opinions.

                    We live in a free world after all, maybe your a fascist after all as well…..lol

              • +2

                @Agent Q: I suspect this is simply another case of a dictionary definition being redefined according to an individual's personal ideology.

      • +4

        ā€œ history will prove that he will help solve climate change, bring affordable internet to billions across the world, and save lives on the road.ā€

        As a lefty I love ALL of those ambitions. My issue is I believe history will show he will deliver absolutely none of these things and itā€™s seems more plausible that he lives surrounded by sycophants and ketamine and will ultimately be a tubby Howard Hughes.

        • -2

          There can be little argument that Musk has already achieved the first two.

          Tesla's commercial success as a battery and vehicle manufacturer is one of the principal reasons why both the EV industry and large-scale energy storage industry have boomed in the past few years. Both of these will have major contributions to carbon emissions reductions in the following decade.

          Meanwhile, SpaceX's Starlink constellation has enabled affordable high-speed broadband internet services in the most remote corners of the world, and rendered most of the previous satellite internet services obsolete.

          The ability of Autopilot and Full Self Driving in improving road safety is pretty dubious at this stage, but progress continues to be made - it might not be Tesla that achieves this goal but they have definitely been part of the journey.

          • +2

            @klaw81: Autopilot - 1 crash every 5.5 million miles
            National US average - 1 crash every 600,000 miles.

            It is statistically proven to be safer already baed on Q4 2023 reporting.

            • @Agent Q:

              It is statistically proven

              That is not a proof. Back to school before you start claiming things you clearly know nothing about

            • @Agent Q: My Telsa's BS self driving is no more advanced than a 2017 VW.

          • @klaw81: Youā€™re very generous.

            How has musk solved climate change? Last I checked we still headed towards climate disaster. Tesla is a completely stagnant brand that accounts for a fraction of global car sales. Plus Musk BOUGHT it, didnā€™t invent.

            Starlink is an interesting product. Itā€™s definitely helping with reach but we are a long way off it being affordable for the most remote corners.

            FSD doesnā€™t work. Cannot work. Otherwise it would work. Itā€™s a failed product.

            Also remember some of his other failed ideas/ execution of hyperloop, boring company, twitterā€¦ musk is not a genius. Heā€™s of above average intellect, been given a tonne of money from daddy, good at showmanship, a grifter, and likely headed to crash and burn.

            Heā€™s not the messiah.

            • @mooney:

              How has musk solved climate change?

              Firstly, that's not the claim. He's helped solve climate change by driving forward the adoption of clean energy solutions - specifically, EVs and large-scale energy storage, and to a much lesser extent, rooftop solar in the US.

              Many of us have "helped" to solve climate change in very small ways, but it's fair to say that Musk's efforts in his EV and battery development have helped more than most.

              Tesla is a completely stagnant brand

              This claim is laughable while Tesla make the world's most popular passenger car, and are still the dominant EV brand pretty much worldwide.

              And even if that "stagnant" claim were true, it would not diminish the impact that Tesla was the first company to successfully make mass market EVs and create a broad international network of charging infrastructure.

              So it's totally fair to say that he helped.

              Plus Musk BOUGHT it, didnā€™t invent.

              This a popular meme but it's not even close to accurate.

              Musk invested heavily in Tesla when they had less than 10 people working there, they didn't have a single product on the market, and had only built some motor and battery prototypes. If he just "bought it" as you've claimed, that's all he bought.

              Musk was personally responsible for the design of their first car (the Roadster) and was also deeply involved with the design of the subsequent 3 vehicles - the Model S Model X which were highly acclaimed by motoring critics everywhere, and the Model 3 that launched them into the mainstream and made Tesla a financial success. There is no absolutely doubt that many other clever people contributed, but Musk was central to all strategic decisions and deserves a lot of the credit for their success. Plenty of current and former Tesla employees have attested that Musk himself was deeply involved in the development of these vehicles and the strategy behind them.

              Starlink is an interesting product. Itā€™s definitely helping with reach but we are a long way off it being affordable for the most remote corners.

              It's far more affordable, and far higher quality, than any of the alternatives that have gone before it. You will find plenty of Australians who will happily testify that Starlink has literally changed their lives and businesses. It's not cheap, but it's definitely affordable and excellent value.

              FSD doesnā€™t work. Cannot work. Otherwise it would work. Itā€™s a failed product.

              The evidence is pretty obviously to the contrary. There are people clocking up miles using FSD every day in the US, and theres's tons of video evidence to show it does work.

              FSD is far from perfect, and there are competing technologies that may prove to be superior, but to claim FSD has "failed" and can't possibly work is utterly ludicrous and extremely premature for such a cutting edge technology.

              remember some of his other failed ideas/ execution of hyperloop, boring company, twitterā€¦Heā€™s not the messiah.

              I absolutely agree - he's had some ideas that haven't turned out well, and his handling of Twitter in particular has been abysmal (although I would argue that nothing of value has been lost) and some of his more bizarre pronouncements have been extremely distasteful.

              As I've said elsewhere, there are plenty of reasons why you might dislike Elon, but he's been responsible for a lot of good things too and that should not be dismissed.

            • @mooney:

              Tesla is a completely stagnant brand that accounts for a fraction of global car sales. Plus Musk BOUGHT it,

              This is so misleading as to be false. Musk didn't "buy" Tesla, he was Tesla's first and largest investor. Prior to Musk, Tesla had pretty much zero money, had done zero engineering, zero sketches, zero research. Tesla didn't even own the trademark until Musk personally secured it.

              If anyone other than Musk deserves to be considered more responsible for Tesla's founding than Musk, it's Tom Gage, who developed the AC Propulsion tzero prototype. This prototype directly inspired Musk, Straubel, Eberhard and Tarpenning to pursue electric cars as a business.

          • +4

            @klaw81: Tesla could have done all of this without Musk. And probably without so many layoffs.

            • +1

              @zzymurgy: It's possible - nobody can say for sure. But the company Musk bought was tiny, and there's zero evidence to suggest that the guys who started Tesla were on the road to mass market vehicle manufacture.

              It's equally possible that they could have remained in obscurity forever, like so many tiny startups do.

              • @klaw81:

                there's zero evidence to suggest that the guys who started Tesla were on the road to mass market vehicle manufacture.

                Actually there's plenty of evidence that it would never have happened. Eberhard and Tarpenning aspired for Tesla to be a boutique manufacturer akin to Caterham, Lotus or, in their wildest dreams, something like McLaren.

            • +1

              @zzymurgy: Yes and Apple would have developed the iPhone without Jobs.

              There was no Tesla, and if you knew anything about how much money Elon pumped into Tesla when no-one wanted a bar of it. how tenuous the financials of Tesla were for over a decade and how unlikely the success of Tesla was you wouldn't say such rubbish.

    • -2


      You shouldn't use words you dont understand the meaning of

      • -1

        Oh ok, you must know me better than i know myself…
        Another clever guy coming to elons rescue

        • Oh ok, you must know me better than i know myselfā€¦
          Another clever guy coming to elons rescue

          I dont need to know you in order to see you dont understand what the word Fascist means because you are using it incorrectly.

          Rescue?? I didn't even mention Musk, thats all you baby.

          • -1

            @vash5: Telepathic now ? You are gooder than i thought.
            So mr smart, how do i use the world fascist then, you tell me.
            Can i use it on its own ?
            Or can i use it as i see fit ?

            Or are you trying to control me like that fascist musk ?
            Funny guy

            • -1

              @Tsapena: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism#:~:text=1ā€¦

              1.often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

              2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

              Stop being lazy and use a search engine.

              • @vash5: Yes sir ! I will stop being lazy and i will use a search engine, and i will do exactly as you tell me….
                Im so sorry i didnt mind read you from the start and carry out your will

                • -1


                  Yes sir ! I will stop being lazy and i will use a search engine, and i will do exactly as you tell meā€¦.
                  Im so sorry i didnt mind read you from the start and carry out your will

                  Might as well clean your room while you're at it šŸ˜‚

  • +3

    writen by Chat gpt 4 or 4o?

  • +8

    Regardless you love or hate him, he has made an impact on the world. If wasnā€™t for him I wouldnā€™t have Starlink instead crappy shitty internet from 4g hel$tra or no bloody network aka nbn wireless

  • +2

    The hate for this man and for apple (and steve jobs when he was around) is unreal. Ppl don't even show this much hate for ppl they known all their life yet here is a man, all they know about is through the media and Tesla posts, and they hate him to death. Propaganda is real!

    • +8

      Social media gives direct insight into this guy's unedited thoughts. It is the opposite of propaganda.

    • +11

      He posts braindead, bigoted comments all the time. He fires essential staff without mercy and ruins one of history's most successful websites. He lies constantly, he manipulates the market, he refuses to follow through with his own promises. He manufactured a clearly false rags-to-riches story. He undermined the mother of his children and partner online. He bans speech he doesn't like on his website despite claiming to be a free speech absolutist. He tried to weasel his way out of buying Twitter when he realised what a massive mistake he'd made, and then tried to shift the narrative when he was forced by the courts to go through with it. He complains other people don't work enough hours a day, then tries to make out as if him streaming games or tweeting counts as work.

      Steve Jobs was a legitimate visionary. Elon Musk, while I'll concede must have some fundamental areas of intelligence above the norm (and at the same time some areas that are well below the norm), is nothing special. His wealth vastly outweighs his personal contributions to society.

      • +1

        That's very generous. Musk was born rich, he never went to university, and I'm yet to see him have an original idea.
        The idea that billionaires are inherently interesting people is so unhinged, and when they are born into wealth it's even worse. You're just indulging his hobbies.

        • +1

          he was born into becoming one of the richest people alive? not quite.

          going to university? what does that matter?

        • +1

          I'm yet to see him have an original idea

          It's virtually impossible to prove if an idea is "original" since people can arrive at the same thought independently. But plenty of Musk's business ventures have been "original" in the sense that they hadn't been done well before, and many were considered impossible.

          Reusable orbital-class rockets and spacecraft is an excellent example of this - perhaps people had similar dreams but never made any effort to achieve it.

          It's absolutely indisputable that Musk was deeply involved in what became the Falcon 1, later the Falcon 9 and in the future, Starship.

    • +1

      I mean, that image is one heā€™s created and fostered himself over time, particularly through his social media posts and views he shares knowing full well millions are following what he says. I donā€™t think the level of dislike was as intense 5-7 years ago or so, but kicked in around the time he got involved with the kids stick in a cave and then intensified with a few things following that. I think he had a 180 in terms of image around that time.

      If heā€™d stayed off Twitter, or even just left some of his more controversial views to himself, I think the level of dislike will be much lower. Even some of his brutal business decisions would be seen as ā€œdoing businessā€ if his other dirty laundry wasnā€™t being willingly shared.

      So yes, lots of people dislike him, but I think thatā€™s because heā€™s invited that in. Coincidently itā€™s also why many people also worship him.

  • +1

    Great book, read it and you will realise all the BS written about him in the media.

    • +1

      We've all seen his X posts.

      • +6

        Yeah. Thatā€™s the part I donā€™t understand with these pro Musk sycophants. They think we are referencing mainstream media when we say heā€™s an idiot, except we are mainly referencing unedited Elon Musk on twitter. The man is a complete tool.

        • +1

          Look up the definition of ā€œidiotā€, you need a wider vocabulary.

          • +2

            @Grok: Not sure I do. Idiot is a perfectly cromulent word.

            Also isn't Grok the pathetic name of Musk Ai on Twitter? How sad…

            • +1

              @mooney: Grok is a word invented by the science fiction author Robert Heinlein in the 1960's. Lots of people read science fiction books, and using names from science fiction as an online pseudonym is hardly remarkable.

              Like many others, Musk also reads and enjoys science fiction, and sometimes makes references to science fiction literature in his company's operations. The droneships that catch Falcon 9 rockets at sea are named after spacecraft from science fiction novels.

              I think Grok is quite a clever name for an AI - it's like an inside joke for science fiction nerds.

              • +1

                @klaw81: Yeah fine. But thatā€™s not this. The dude had a Tesla Optimus robot as a profile picture. Heā€™s a true believer.

      • Yes you have, and every adult with at least half a brain has political opinions and other beliefs. Disagreeing with someone doesn't make them wrong or you right.
        Musk shares his opinions because he's in control, not beholden to an employer and content with those who disagree. Try it sometime.

        • +1

          What's your point exactly? I disagree with most of Elonā€™s opinions and behaviour. Seeing as heā€™s the richest man in the world and Iā€™m posting on OzBargain, Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™ll live and doesnā€™t need his fanboys to white knight him to the non-believers.

          • @Randolph Duke: My point?
            Most CEOs never share their political or any other personal opinion that may come across as controversial. I realise you didn't say it here, but many refuse to purchase a Tesla due to 'Elon's behaviour' and the like. When in reality you'll buy a car without knowing anything about those running the competitor's company. Ignorance is bliss as they say.
            I don't agree with everything Musk says either, nor anyone else for that matter. I'm not being his white knight I'm making the point that I respect a man putting his opinions out there to be critiqued. Most don't have the guts.

  • +1

    No need for the book, just read all the comments here

  • -2

    Hardcover Book

    Oh, the irony…

  • +3

    I thought "Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson" was a new cologne for a second…

    • Another candidate for spec saversā€¦ā€¦

  • +2

    Does anyone think that Musk appeals to the mindset of a young child or teenager? Maybe somewhere in the age regions of 8-16.

    If you look at what Musk does. Like buying a $1 Million McLaren then crashes it an hour later, and its so funny not to have insurance.
    Blowing up rockets, as he and team laughs when there are rocket failures and it is funded by the tax payer.
    Wealth skyrockets to the amusing. $420 Billion, while only 5 years ago, it was around. $20 Billion.
    Did he really intend on buying Twitter, it was probably the money and drugs gong to his head, and it was probably just a joke post as he could technically afford to buy Twitter.
    He also manipulates worthless crypto currency like dodge coin.
    Could go on, there are many more things.

    • The Youtubers have turned against him. Kids hate him.

      • Kids hate him? Not from my experience, in that I constantly have them wanting me to take them out in my Tesla - neighbours, friends of family, etc. They find him interesting.
        The ones you've indoctrinated don't count.

        • +1

          He doesn't have a lot to do with Telsa anymore. He is shitposting on Twitter 24/7.

        • +4

          Are you suggesting people only want to go for a ride in your Tesla because Musk controls Tesla, and not because they find it an interesting or different car? Did you buy a Tesla because of Musk?

    • +1

      Blowing up rockets, as he and team laughs when there are rocket failures and it is funded by the tax payer

      This is a deeply inaccurate summary of what SpaceX is doing. I can only assume you are being sarcastic, or truly have no idea what you're talking about.

      • Do you need the link?

        • +1

          I can't imagine what link you're referring to, or what you think it will prove.

          The vast majority of Starship development is being done by SpaceX themselves. They have a contract to provide a lunar lander in a few years, and they only get paid when they hit major milestones relating to that mission, but it's a tiny fraction of the total development cost. Blowing up rockets does not get them paid - the suggestion that they're intentionally exploding rockets for a laugh is utterly moronic.

          The test flights of Starship are quite deliberately pushing the absolute boundaries of rocket engine and spacecraft technology in many respects - Starship is bigger, more powerful, more advanced and much more capable than any rocket that's ever been built before. The speed of their development and the design approach of flight-proving functional prototypes means that failures are more likely and not entirely undesirable - they deliberately set ambitious milestones for their test flights with the acknowledgement that they don't really expect to be fully successful, but want to see how far they can push the envelope with each flight.

          Rapidly building and testing prototypes to destruction / failure is a much faster, and in SpaceX's case, much cheaper, method of verifying a design and finding the margins of safety rather than employing the traditional method of doing endless calculations, complicated simulations and tedious verifications over many years. Their method was also used in developing the Falcon 9 into the unparalleled success that it's currently enjoying.

          There is absolutely no question that SpaceX has revolutionised the space industry and is the foremost launch provider in the world - they consistently put more mass into orbit each year than every other lauch provider combined, and have over 50 launches already this calendar year.

  • I hate Elon Musk, out of interest would people say this is a fair biography? Don't want to read something that repeats his many lies about growing up etc. but if this is actually a good read i'd be interested

    • +2

      If you have not seen this on YouTube, i highly reccomend it. A lot of work must have gone into the video.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Acx_n2WfYM The Modern Snake Oil Salesman - Elon Musk

    • -1

      If you hate Elon Musk (or if you are a fanboy) then do not read this book. It is a biography, not a moral diatribe. Go to Youtube or Reddit and immerse your self in a bubble of hatred or worship. Leave the book for the grownups.

      • +1

        Thank you for your contribution.

  • +2


    • Chandler: Quick! Whatā€™s a Fascist?

      Joey: ā€¦Erā€¦.Someone who likes Faces..?

  • Scrooge McDeal, your post didnā€™t just poked the bear, you poked the whole ozbargain circusā€¦ā€¦.

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