This was posted 10 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] 50%-60% off Tickets For First Nations Customers (Booking Fee Applies) @ RISING Festival Melbourne, 1-16 June


As per last year. If you click the box saying aboriginal and Torres Strait islander communitiesthen you get 50% off most sessions and 60% off a few. Discounted tix are probably limited so get in fast.

I won’t comment on the ethics of clicking the box if you are not of that grouping or of discounting tickets for certain racial. Groups. You decide….

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RISING: Melbourne
RISING: Melbourne

closed Comments

  • -6

    Can’t wait for the embarrassing comments on this…

    • OzB is unfortunately not the place…

    • +5

      I don’t come to ozbargain for any enlightenment or measured and intelligent opinions, just the bargains

  • +5

    We need an "are you a renter or landlord?" box for discounts like this

  • +19

    Sounds about right, all you need to do is tick a box in this country and start to claim the benefits all round, no proof required as politically incorrect even asking!

    • -1

      Actually? What benefits?

      Like is there a government scheme I can use ?

      • +2

        I am confused as to why I am getting downvotes for asking for bargains or ways to access easy money on OzBargain of all places.

      • +1

        19 votes (I assume in agreement) of Leroy but no one's let me in on the party!

        What box can I tick for all round benefits?

    • +5

      I think you are looking at it all wrong, there only needs to be one box for ticking, it’s, are you a white heterosexual middle aged male? discounts, advantages etc to all those who don’t tick!!!

      • -5

        Plays a tiny violin for the sooky white man

    • -4

      I feel so sorry for you. Must be hard.

      • +4

        Thank you, it’s nice to see some acknowledgment.

  • +8

    Not sure i like this idea.
    Apparently happening a lot amongst the well off woken events.…

  • +6

    They should offer discounted tickets to poor people.

  • +26

    This is a racist deal

    • Absolutely 100% it is exactly that hips, plain and simple. I was wondering how far down I would need to scroll before I found these few simple words. Thank you.

    • How? Anyone can tick the box

  • I dare say if everyone identifies as First Nation there is commonality.

  • +3

    Would be better if they just charged a white people tax so they can pay for their oppression instead. /s

    I can understand financial difficulties, but discounts based on race?

    At least they're not checking it.

    • +5

      Would be better if they just charged a white people tax…

      You may have missed what's happened to Australian society in recent decades.

      • What's that?

        • +1


          C-238 is pointing out that the unemployment rate among 'first nations' peeps (FNPs) is about 4 or 5 times that of the wider Australian population, thus as a demographic/group they pay much less income tax. Then there's also the fact that the comparatively large percentage of unemployed FNPs are paid large sums of money every month (or is it fortnight?), by tax-paying Australians. It would be interesting to know if the tax paid by the employed FNPs is greater than the amount dolled out to the unemployed FNPs. My guess would be that it is not, but that is just a guess. I might set about trying to find out, via information available in the public domain …

    • Yo Banjo, re:

      'At least they're not checking it.'

      How could they? An 'onsite rapid DNA test perhaps? Or a requirement to 'BYO tribal elder' to verify you? LOL …

      • An 'onsite rapid DNA test perhaps?

        Can't even do that. Last I heard, they still haven't found a distinct genetic point of reference for the 'indigenous' people of this country.

        • There is no single gene/allele that definitively identifies a person as being of Australian aboriginal heritage. If you think about it that would be impossible, unless every single human descendent of the race that Australian aboriginals derived from had since died; because many such peeps would also share that gene. Also, at every dilution of racial heritage (every inter-racial 'mating', for want of a better word), there is half a chance that any given gene/allele that is characteristic of one of the founding races present in the parents will be lost. This is due to a genetic principal known as 'random assortment', which occurs during meiosis.

          All that said, a comprehensive, multi-panel DNA test that assesses the alleles at hundreds of relevant loci can reliably determine whether a human is of Australian aboriginal descent—to a point. If a person is only 1/16th aboriginal for example, the test may well fail to convincingly indicate that. If it is even less (1/32 and lower), then I don't think current genetic testing markers would have much hope of reliably detecting that.

  • +6

    Nope, they should pay the same price as everyone else.

  • +3


    Imagine the outrage if someone advertised discount for white fellas.

    If virtue signalers organizing this event are so concerned for Aboriginal people, they should charge all visitors the same price, and give back all the money to traditional custodians of their Naarm.

      • +3

        You're trolling eraser215
        Don't be an idiot because someone doesn't share the same belief you have.
        This deal/offer is racist. The get MORE money from the government than white people. Subsidized rent, power, rego, doctor/medical… Discounts like this.
        It's absolute bullshit that someone can advertise a offer excluding certain people. People say "black lives matter". Apparently that's ok to say. Say "white lives matter" and suddenly you're racist.
        Truth is… ALL LIVES MATTER… So you might wanna get off the tooting and quit deviding the country

        • -6

          I am trolling people like you, and people like you thoroughly deserve to be trolled. I am sure your kids (if you have any) are embarrassed by you and your boomer world view. It is absolutely hilarious that you think it's people with empathy dividing the country, as opposed to cold-hearted conservatives like yourself. Good day.

          • +2

            @eraser215: I'm in my 40's mate, so you can shove the boomers crap somewhere. All people in this country should be treated equal. I, like nearly all of you, were born in this country. I did NOTHING to Aboriginal people and their treatment hundreds of years ago. Plus, nearly all the people whinging about mistreatment, they have NEVER been a victom to it. People have gotta move forward and live their lives and quit blaming everyone else for their laziness or style of living.
            Your leftist crap is undoing years of work and ruining the difficulties of living now. Get off your horse mate

            • -3

              @teddiebear: It's amazing how angry folks like you get when challenged to reflect on your own world view and think about how life is for somebody with a different background to you. You may not fit the boomer age category, but you definitely demonstrate the self interested behaviour that defines the stereotype. I stand by everything I said.

              • @eraser215: Who says i'm angry? Why single out a certain type of person or target someone and exclude others?
                Why does a brand have to target the rainbow unicorn? They're people just like you and me… But we have to fly a rainbow everywhere. It's 2024 with laws that fight this stuff but they bend over for a rainbow so it's ok.
                You gonna fly a rainbow pride flag but not fly a straight pride flag? Why should we cater to a minority and exclude majority???

              • @eraser215: You can stand by everything you said, that's fine. That is your prerogative. By why not understand or see it from someone elses view instead of being pig headed?

            • +2

              @teddiebear: The strongest indicator for an individuals socio-economic status in life is their parents socio-economic status. Do you deny this?

              We've had multiple generations of Indigenous people subjected to lesser rights and lesser socio-economic opportunities. Do you deny this?

              I'd posit that it's a simple connection to make that previous generations mistreatment does flow to the next generation in some form - even if it is not the exact same conditions.

              With those two facts that I believe to be true, I believe it is not a simple matter of personal choice to improve peoples lives where previous generations were discriminated against.

              Would love to get responses to my first 2 questions to continue this conversation.

              • @[Deactivated]: Key word in that is 'generation'. How many generations does this have to go back? You didn't do anything wrong, yet you are still 'the problem' like everyone else.
                I don't deny that horrible things happened and the mistreatment of people and their rights.
                Want recognition? You have recognition.
                Want the government to say sorry? They've said sorry MANY times!
                Want equal rights? Non-white Aussies have more rights than whites do.
                Anti-Discrimination? They can advertise for discounts for first nation people, advertise for a white-person only discount… Watch the meltdown of left-wing people crying 'you can't do that!'
                What else can be done for people to move forward?? Money! Throw money at them.
                Land grabs? = Money!
                Law suit= Money!
                Gotta stop dividing people by treating them different, giving extra rights. Gotta walk on eggshells as to not offend someone or hurt their feelings. People gotta develop thicker skin and gtf over this crap. The more this happens, it's CREATING minorities and seperating people

                • @teddiebear: So I think we're in agreement on my first two points that there was mistreatment of generations of people causing disadvantage and that socio-economic status does carry through generations.

                  At which point has the mistreatment been corrected and we're all on level footing?

                  What strategies do you think should have resolved this socio-economic disadvantage by now?

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: We're not on level ground because of crap like this deal keeps happening.
                    People have to start taking responsibility for themselves, their actions and the life-style they live.
                    There is plenty of help out there to get out of situations. Education goes a long way but still stuck in a bullshit cycle of certain people getting more rights than others.
                    If the rest of the country can get a job, migrants too, than so can others. Don't take that out of context though! I'm NOT saying they're all dole bludgers. But enough is enough. Move forward and better ones self and be part of the country

                    • @teddiebear: You haven't actually answered my question to let me in on your worldview.

                      We're clearly in agreement on some aspects of disadvantage and historical mistreatment.

                      The part I am not understanding is why you believe the disadvantage has been corrected and even going so far as to suggest Indigenous people have the upper hand?

                      I look at mortality, income, incarceration and mental health rates all worse-off for Indigenous people and struggle to see how that is the upper-hand - especially when you also suggest they're not dole bludgers. How has this mistreatment been corrected if that's the case?

                      I can't get the logic when applying some of these known facts to it. Do I have some facts I've stated above wrong?

                      Is it simply that Indigineous people are less willing to work hard - or maybe think smartly to improve their lives? It must be so - they have all the advantages but are still worse off.

                      I am legitimately struggling to reconcile these points.

            • +1

              @teddiebear: WORD, Big Ted.

              Constantly leaning on 'ancient history' involving generations long gone to justify current/ongoing/perpetual lack of motivation/progress/effort is absolute bullshit. There are many highly successful 'first nations peeps' (FNPs) out there … a few examples that spring to mind are:

              Miranda Tapsell and Deborah Mailman (actresses)
              David Gulpilil [RIP] (in my humble opinion Australia's best ever actor)
              Samantha Harris (model)
              Ernie Dingo (TV presenter)
              Cathy Freeman (runner)
              Evonne Cawley and Ash Barty (tennis players)
              Stan Grant (journalist, writer, etc.)
              Noel Pearson (lawyer, activist)
              Marcia Langton (politician)
              Douglas Nicholls (politician/absolute legend, really)
              Jessica Mauboy (singer)
              Archie Roach (musician)
              Hundreds of footy players
              Hundreds of boxers
              Hundreds of early 'orators' and negotiators (…. )

              None of these people allowed themselves to be lulled into an erroneous mindset of 'woe is me, how could I ever possibly succeed, because previous generations of "my people" have historically been so oppressed'.

              I know that the hippy/woke/pinko/lefties reading are going to down-vote this comment like mad, but I don't care. It needs to be said. The fact is that FNPs with motivation and determination can be highly successful in this country, as long as they avoid feeling 'sorry for themselves'/dwelling on the distant past to justify terminal inaction, and actually make an effort to do something productive.

              • @GnarlyKnuckles: 1962 right to vote as Australians is hardly the distant past. Majority of people grandparents fall into that age range.

                Do you agree that parents socio-economic status is an indicator for children's socio-economic status?

                I get that over time things smooth out - but that's hundreds of years, not 2 generations.

                I bet the list of successful (and rich) white people is a heck of a lot longer - I'm not convinced by your position.

                Do you believe it's as easy to become a millionaire jailed parents or millionaire parents?

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: Ah, 'deactivated', this old furphy again:

                  '1962 right to vote as Australians'

                  That is absolute pinko/lefty/woke BS. Do some actual research, before posting crap like that online that only serves to pollute people's minds with falsehoods.

                  You should be ashamed of your ignorance and gullibility, not to mention your 'blind faith' in whatever unwashed hippies tell you.

              • +1

                @GnarlyKnuckles: I used to think like a lot of people here. That targeted positions etc. left me at a disadvantage. I felt being white was a sin.

                Nowadays I see the facts of lower income, life expectancy, higher incarceration and poorer health for Indigineous people and believe resolving these actual issues are more important.

                I don't believe there is an individual choice to live a shit life. It is circumstance which is hard to break. Family cycles are hard to break, and Indigineous families were disadvantaged systemically by the government of Australia in recent history.

                I'll lastly just mention - this post that has everyone up in arms - we can all actually tick the box and get the discount. So it's actually not discrimination.

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: Why would they go and get a job when they can sit on their ass and freely take what the government (tax payer) pays them??
                  2% of the nation getting 15%+ of the nations wealth annually FACT. How is that fair????
                  You haven't suggested any type of fix to your questions and statements.
                  I see you created and deactivated your name/account. Can't comment on a topic like this under your own name.

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: Being white is not disadvantageous in Australia; as long as you are either disabled, non-heterosexual, or a woman.

                  If you can't tick any one of those three boxes, then being white is now a huge disadvantage in Australia.

                  Re the last part of your post 'deactivated', your stance is that because someone can lie through their teeth to 'game a system', then there is 'nothing to see here'? That is utterly ridiculous. It is that sort of mentality that has resulted in a huge explosion in the number of Australians now 'identifying as aboriginal' or 'LBG(insert whatever all the other letters are)' on job applications, uni entry applications, etc. Then there's the bizarre explosion in the number of kids essentially being totally used as cash-cows by their parents, by having them falsely diagnosed with 'autism'; which—surprise surprise—started happening as soon as the NDIS was invented and started paying out big bucks to parents of kids diagnosed with autism. So now thousands of young kids who have nothing wrong with them are being permanently tarred/scarred by a diagnosis of 'autism' simply because their parents are money-hungry opportunistic idiotic selfish pigs.

                  Here's a quote from a recent study:

                  'The average autism NDIS participant receives $33,800 a year, according to NDIS data. The ballooning number of autism cases has been a key driver in the explosion of the cost of the $41 billion [NDIS] scheme.'


                  This is totally shameful, and those parents are absolutely shameless. Meanwhile, kids that actually do have genuine disabilities can find it hard to get onto the scheme; because it's clogged up and way behind/backlogged by opportunistic lowlifes who are happy to sacrifice their own child's mental health/wellbeing/future for short-term financial gain. I hope some parents that are guilty of this, and they will know exactly who they are, read this and feel appalled about the way they have behaved.

  • +2

    Targeted offer that excludes more than 96% of the population!

  • -1

    This is the best thing.

    It's a literal checkbox for privilege.

  • -1


  • +9

    A discount based on race is absolutely abhorrent and should be banned from this website.

  • +1

    I'm not sure this is something Ill be taking the kids to either way.

  • +1

    What… Is the event anyway?

    • It's RISING Festival in Melbourne. Starts 1 June and ends 16 June.

      You should click the link for more details.

      • +1

        I did and ended up more confused

        • +1

          I suggest going to the DESCENDING festival, also in Melbourne; but the Melbourne in Florida (USA).

          White people get a discount of 50% to 60%, depending on how white they actually are. They have a digital 'skin-tone gage' at the gate, which determines how white you are. If that objective machine determines that you are 'totally white' you get 60% of. If you are not 100% white, but more than 50% white, then you get 50% off. If you are less than 50% white, then you have to pay full price.

          So blacker peeps have to pay more.

          Sounds totally fair, right?

          • -1

            @GnarlyKnuckles: I'm so curious about whether everyone in your bubble is like that and you're all getting worked up at gatherings, or if you're not as vocal IRL, because you know people around you wouldn't condone.

            I mean, at some stage you or your family came here, forced or not by the circumstances. There is - to use as mild, shitty euphemism as possible - unfinished business with the indigenous people who have been marginalised for years; you probably learned at school about it. This festival is obviously giving that particular social group a discount.

            And you act as if somebody stole your toys. Damn, what a life in the lucky country.

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