Are Leaf Blower Users That Blow Leaves/Garbage on Public Spaces Selfish?

Using a leaf blower says so much about a person, eg. anti-social and shameless about having someone in their proximity deal with their problem.

Unfortunately I live next door to a family of feral morons that every so often open their gates to blow all their leaves and garbage onto the road - usually leaving it on the footpath and bike lane.

Are you someone that uses one in the same way or have you dealt with anybody that arrogantly and flagrantly uses one of these bloody things?

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  • 340
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  • +4

    I should probably buy a leaf blower.

  • I blow it onto my neighbours nature strip

    and I make sure its at 8am on a sunday

  • A lot of handymen use leaf blowers to clean gutters. This blows a large amount of the leaves and debris into the eaves.

  • -1

    I love a good blow

    • +5

      PM sent

  • -2

    I use my leaf blower to blow rubish onto the road. Saves using the bin.

  • Leaf blowers are a public nuisance and should be banned worldwide. They are only for a**holes who are too lazy to use a rake, dustpan and broom. Why do you think your streets are flooding when it rains?! Duhhhh, cause the drains are full of bloody leaves from YOUR leaf blowers! 🙄

    • Not sure the leaf blowers are the ones creating the leaves but

      • +2

        No they don't

        The leaves are an act of God so blame the church

  • -2

    The reason why donkeys use leaf blowers is because they're too lazy to use a leaf vacuum which has a bag that fills up which they then have to empty.

    Every time I see one of these clowns I say" Too lazy hey?" and they always look puzzled and say "Huh?", then when I say too lazy to use a leaf vacuum I get a range of idiots that claim they didn't know leaf vacs existed and other idiots that swear at me lol.

    Lazy douchebags doing lazy things.

      • +1


        Who? Them, me or you??

    • i have both, thinking about selling the mulcher though as I can just blow it into a pile and mow it a couple of times to mulch it for compost

      • Thought it'd be easier and more economical to just suck it up instead of blowing it, then mowing it a couple of times to male mulch, for compost??

        Ah well, points for trying I guess…..

  • +1

    Im sick of maintaining an oversized (20m) tree for council out on the verge, I now blow every single piece of debris it drops onto the road. The council have trimmed the tree once in 12 years after repeated requests. I even offered to have the tree removed and a suitable tree put back in its place so I could maintain it…they refused. I don't have a single tree on my property either.

    • -1

      round up helps.

      • yes that might be an option…!

    • And that’s the problem.

    • Same. Council tree over hanging front gate. Drops untold veg (gum). I use a leaf blower to blow it back out to the street.

  • +6

    What amazes me is that some well heeled types (who pay for gardeners) employ people to come use leaf blowers. In my neighbourhood I have seen a guy spend 5 minutes on edging the lawn, maybe 15 minutes on mowing, then about 30 mins blowing all the debris on the road & across the neighbours gardens.
    Why would you pay someone to act like an arse#ole in your garden?

    Then there are those guys who think they’re superheroes. They put on this type of shoulder-mounted jetpack contraption, it has a 4 stroke turbo-charged V8 and a huge blowing tube of the type used in aeronautics testing. These jetpack guys think they are mean mothers and gee, can they blow! But the dust they create is like a Saharan sandstorm

    • There's a school near me that employs two of these jet-pack people to blow debris around the school grounds on Monday and Wednesday mornings. It's annoying if they start before 7am though. If it falls on the same day as a mowing/edging day then expect to have the jet-pack guys around until around 11am making a mess of the street.

    • I always wanted to try one, but yea that shits overkill unless you have a lot maples etc on a large property

      But if you were in their shoes, I guess it makes sense to have a pretty big blower for commercial use instead of buying a smaller unit which is marginally quieter or a battery one that may end up being over $700 if you get enough batteries. my 4ah lasts 10-15 mins, so they need 2-3 batteries just for one job

  • +1

    I use a leaf blower to do my driveway and carport, but the debris goes onto my back lawn and then into the composter. The other use for my leaf blower is for partially drying my car before using the chamois to finish it off, after a wash.

  • +1

    You do love leaf blowers Janine, I know you do.

    • 😂😂😂!!

    • +1

      "There are 20 pubs a day closing in this country and its due to people like that.."

      • O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

        Always get me that bit

  • -1

    This sounds like an ethinic post, does your neighbour like to wash concrete out of curiosity?

  • -1

    Just got a new leaf blower. Where do you live OP? Maybe it can blow the stick out of your ass?

  • Leaf blowers are for a**holes

    Such a stupid statement… just because your feral moronic (your words) neighbour uses it for wrong reasons, doesn’t make this any worse of a device. If leaf blowers are banned your neighbour will use a rake or outdoor broom to do the same…

    • -1

      That's an example I used, yes. There have been plenty of other instances in which people are using them to blow leaves and debris out of their front gate and onto the street. Anybody walking or riding past gets blasted with a cloud of dust. Its a general nuisance.

      So yes, people that use them in this manner, as stated in the heading are complete and utter a***holes and I can guarantee you that most people in their neighbourhood think so too but want to avoid the conflict.

      • If leaf blowers are for a**holes what’s the alternative you propose for all the council land mowers. i don’t expect them to use brooms to keep the grass cuttings away from footpaths and roads or take them away…

  • +2

    I use mine to blow leaves off my front lawn into the street.

    The way I see it the leaves come from houses up the street who have trees, I don't have a tree for the very reason that I didn't want to deal with leaves, so I blow them into the gutter and down the street where my council rates DO pay for the street sweeper that comes round.

  • Streets flooding is caused some a-hole subdivided every blocks, which was approved by some a-hole and then built by some a-holes with noisy generators. The infrastructure who was designed by some a-hole who didn't think 100 years ahead and installed by an a-hole civil contractor who eyeballed his levels rather than getting the dumpy out of the jacked up a-hole ranger car. /S

    Just cause people do things differently to you doesn't make them a-hole. People need to take a deep breath and get on with life.

  • +1

    People that spray their windscreen washer in front of you, getting it all over your cars windscreen, are worse. The truest scum of society.

    • +1

      yea, fkn noobs, you can get 10+ cars if you do it on the highway!

  • Far better use a leaf blower than hose it all away and waste bulk water, as we used to do. Ferals are ferals because they’re ferals.

    • are you my dad

      I always seen that as inefficient

  • +5

    I'm generally ok with leaf blowers. The electric ones are much quieter.

    What I can't stand are those damn restored cars with stupid engines and their moronic owners raving those things on weekend mornings. I get the project and the passion, but why do all those shitty 70s and 80s little Holdens have to sound so freaking loud and why do I have to live next to two of those???

    • neighbour warms up his mustang, dude that shit doesnt warm up the oil, driving it does

      dude thinks its a 2 stroke and will cold seize or some crap

  • That is just awful. They should use a rake or a broom to move the litter out their gate! Slack bxstrds!

    Like driving a car on the footpath. Just antisocial behaviour.

  • The tree on the nature strip drops leaves onto the council path, every now and again I use a leaf blower to blow the leaves onto the road…..are you saying I am a feral.

  • Leaf blowers are for a**holes

    I see the problem, you are doing it wrong, your bidet should have a dryer in it.

  • Blowers are great but sounds like your neighbours are selfish morons. After i mow my nature strip if there is any cur grass on the path i blow it back onto the lawn.

  • Blame it on council as the nature strip belongs to them, why should we maintain for them by moving lawn, edging, and blowing grass. On top of that rates increased annually from 10-20%!

    • Its a good point.

      The trade off is having the natural aesthetics for most of the year, come autumn it becomes chaos.

      I agree with you, council rates are exorbitant for the services they provide.

  • Leaf blowers are good, if you use them the right way. That is, battery and to blow grass clipping bacl onto the lawn, or leakfs to an area to pick them up.

    Anyone who does blow them onto public land or roadways is a hole.

  • +1

    Our local council pays people to blow thousands of leaves into the left lane of a two-lane road. A road that's flooded many times over the years because the suburb is a low-lying one. A road that's a major thoroughfare into the CBD.

    It would make so much more sense, and be easy-as to strap a collection bag onto these noisy bastards, reverse the motor output and suck the buggers up. They could compost them or something!

    • +1

      Cheaper to move them into oncoming traffic where it is instantly collected by the air filters in passing automobiles, passenger and pedestrian lungs, etc.

      Given the amount of brake dust this includes, it's a great way to save money at a local government level, by simply shifting their operational costs to the Federal and State Medicare budget.

      It's a win-win:
      gov methods healthcareindustry winning
      consumers consuming spending

      • That's the thing. No sooner do they blow them into the left lane, passing traffic gradually returns it as they continue blowing. I'm reliably informed these contractors do this (incl blocking the drains) and another contractor is supposed to come along for the road sweeping.

        But it doesn't work. Every time there's ~10mm of rain, large sections of the left lane flood because of the low elevation, too few drains, and the ones we have are obstructed.

        Seems it's okay to be wasteful when punters are propping up private enterprise!

        It's along the York stadium block, around 0800, mostly Thursday mornings.

  • +3

    ..when there's a street-sweeper that my council rates are paying for to come by every 3 weeks, and their gumtrees dropping crap everywhere that I'm not allowed to even trim - hell yeah I'm going to blow their leaves into their street.

  • +1

    It's lucky there's no real problems in the world we need to worry about.

  • If the tree that causes most of the leaves to accumulate is on council land or a neighbours property I think it's fine to blow them to the streets

    • +1

      and after you blow the leaves on to the streets you call council or send a message online and tell them to clean up the leaves, right?

      • I figured the rates were supposed to be used for things besides EV chargers or sit-stand desks for the council building… things like maintaining council property.

  • +1

    This is a pet hate of mine. I live in an apartment complex with a much bigger complex next door. I swear they tag team each other with the power tools, mowing,, then hedge trimming,, then blow the (profanity) everything away.. this process seems to take place every other day, regardless of anything…. Yeah I’m retired and am home quite a lot,, but I KNOW,, I’d never be that arrogant to simply blow all that green waste on to the next place for them to deal with it. This is not a new phenomenon (for me) I’ve hated them for years. lol

  • Not content with creating the encryption behind Signal (and now Whatsapp), Mr. M. Marlinspike has fixed this for us, too:

  • +1

    Out off topic, does anyone know any good deal for leaf blower?

  • Serious question: what if it's leaves from the stupid plane trees the council insists on planting on the nature strip, and they always end up in my driveway?
    Isn't it fair to blow them back onto the street (provided no other leaves, no rubbish, etc goes with them)?
    I'm getting sick of raking them up every every few days and don't have any trees dropping leaves myself…

  • +1

    Leaves will just blow back up your driveway after you blow them onto the street .
    Trees are a shared resource , get involved with council with picking suitable street trees or just shut up and mulch compost or dump .
    Trees lower the temperature in cities , convert co2 to oxygen ,provide birds animals insects environment , etc etc etc .
    Big picture peoples .

  • +1

    I blow leaves onto my lawn and mow them up.

    All the dust and vegetation that accrues on the footpath out front gets blown onto the grassy verge or road. The footpath is clear and clean for people to use…at least for this short stretch. I’m sure as hell not taking a dustpan and brush to it to cater for sensitive neighbours though.

    Garbage items that get thrown out of cars or just blow onto our verge and driveway go into the bins. Pretty sure it’s ferals doing that, and I don’t think any of them would bother with a leaf blower.

    I hate Maccas containers/bags and takeaway coffee cups with a passion. I’m not too worried about my neighbours using a leaf blower.

  • What exactly is the etiquette guys? I live in an area full of maple trees and they shed a lot of leaves so much so that my green bin is not enough.

    • compost

  • I am glad to see that other people feel this way as this is something that really irks me.

    Around where I live I am one of the few people who mow their own lawn, even though many of the patches are very small (including the young couple across the the road who have about 8m2 of lawn and pay a gardening service to cut the frass and pull the weeds out of their one flowerbed , as well as a cleaning service, get all their groceries delivered and have an endless stream of food delivery services, and then complain about the cost of living and how it is so unfair that they cant afford to buy a house, but that is a story for another day)), so there are these gardening services everywhere.

    Many do the right thing but quite a few of them use their massive blowers to blast all the grass clippings and garden waste far away into the street where it blows all over the neighborhood. I don't say anything as many are tattooed Neanderthals and I am conflict avoidant, but cast disapproving glances

    I have nothing against leaf blowers if they are used for good and not this evil (and own a small battery one myself)

  • Noise wise its (profanity) annoying. Ive got a 36v Ryobi and its so quiet and really does work. A few people on the street have converted after having a play/test drive when walking past lmao.

    I used to sweep it up, but idgaf when I blow the nature strip council tree which rolls over leaves about 59 times a year.

  • +1

    My derro neighbour likes to fire up his petrol leaf blower for a few hours cleaning in the evenings. His yard is full of junk and rubbish, so we find scraps of plastic in our yard from it raining down. Absolutely the most selfish way to manage your land, no question.

  • +1

    How about the arsholes who constantly revv it early morning…shiiiiiit!!!!!

    • +3

      It is mandatory to rev it 8-10 times straight after starting up noisy 2-stroke gardening equipment.

      It's like grabbing a pair of tongs and snapping them together before you actually use them to grab anything.

      • +4

        hahaha, 2 to 3 clicks on the tongs hahah so true, but F those revving leaf blower early F'ers!!!

  • Leaf blowers are one of the few things that should be illegal. Sweep and rake up litter, don't blow it somewhere else. That's what narcissists and sociopaths do (unfortunately they make up 50% of the population).

    • -2

      Perhaps they should make you ‘illegal’?

  • no problem, i live in a court that is kinda T shaped with a squarish bit at my end.
    I live in a green wedge where we arn't allowed to cut down trees that are on an naturestips, we have no footpath so barely a boundary
    council runs street sweepers on a few week rotation to clean up all the tree mess.

    Both me and my neighbor push leaves and tree matter into the middle of the road so the street sweeper does get it. If we don't it becomes a clumped up damp crud pile in the gutters that blocks the water flow. And because of the T shaped end the sweeper can't get into the corners so it just builds up.

    Me and neighbor, clear gutters and road, opposite side that doesn't have a leaf blower to clear out, crud clumped in the gutters. We are both tempted to go shovel it out and clear it up so the sweeper actually does get it.

    If it does get too much we do sweep it into the bin.

  • What's the issue, the 4 stroke leaf blower noise or blowing the leaves onto the road? What next, you will having a go at people washing their cars on the road whilst parked on the curbside.

  • Woah…

    So when I mow my lawn I
    - Whipper snip the edges
    - Use my awesome leaf blower to blow the trimmings onto my lawn
    - Use the mower to cut and pick up all the trimmings and freshly cut lawn.

    Using the leaf blower alone to push all your trash onto the streets is a dick move.

    • Typically, it's the individuals who mow their lawns and then trim the edges, ending up blowing debris onto the street. It seems counterintuitive.

  • +1

    Given the long times between council maintaining parklands or other greenspace, when they do they cut catcherless and it goes everywhere, give it a week or more and then its dry and loose and then is blowing all through the street and in to yards, gardens, garages etc.
    So having probably 45-50m (total) of nature strip on two sides, once its edged and cut with a catcher the remaining bits and those sections of the street I will blow clean and tidy and put it back in to the green space over the road (unless its large enough amounts to pickup and put in my green bin, but there are always stragglers.
    At the same time also do a short walk picking up trash and blowing clear the paths that come off the road so that parts tidier than before.
    I've had many a dog walker come past while doing it who has said they've appreciated it, just because others choose to live like ferals dumping trash or not maintaining nature strips doesn't mean we all should.

    I've got an electric blower which isn't as obnoxious as the petrol ones, usually the noise of someone doing this or mowing sets off other neighbours going oh yeah I need to do that, good idea \ time to get it done.

  • is it also selfish for the local council to expect the home owner to maintain councils part of the grass?

    • Given how quickly they will send out warnings for infringements for unkept nature strips yes, local council did that to empty land during covid and tried to fine me $1650+ for not having mowed the nature strips of an empty estate maintained mid-covid in VIC …

      • Would have been due to neighbours complaints. Mainly from someone trying to sell a nearby property. Happened to a relative too.

  • -1

    A leafblower is basically a caricature of a pollution machine from a children's cartoon, it's just a combustion engine with an unfiltered exhaust.

    At this point gardening tools give off more emissions than cars because the area is so poorly regulated.

  • my favourite (h8) is when the guy servicing the houso block opposite uses the power blower on wet leaves stuck on wet concrete after rain - and they won't move because they're adhering - so he holds it there on full power for ten seconds per single leaf at max annoyance volume for the 200 or so neighbours within earshot where WERE asleep but have now just been woken up …

  • revving two-stroke blowers tend to make the most offensive noise - four-strokes tend to be more pleasant/acceptable sounds - battery-electric ones are quieter in theory but tend to make a high-pitched whistling noise which is another category of disturbing …

  • Ban grass, trees and any other flora will solve the problem.

  • -1

    I use them all the time but only like 30 seconds (except mowing day which takes about 5 minutes) to prevent them from building up and soiling the concrete.

    My neighbor has a decidious hedge along the fence that shed leaves on my driveway like crazy. I also have a tree in the front corner of the driveway that create pool of leaves. Also, wind keep pushing mulches into pavers.

    They’re life changing tool. I DON’T miss the days of spending forever of raking them and lawn clipping..

  • It's public government property. Not my problem.

  • People are dicks! Just accept it.

    I'm not voting in your poll lol, but people who have their lawn mowed regulary with whatever machinary are inconsiderate shits. Do you think I wanna hear loud noise 7,8,9am in the morning or on a weekend, fuk no! If you have lawn it should be enjoyment purposes only - walking, playing, kids, etc and in your backyard preferably. Aesthetics is a poor excuse - better to have native plants that use less water and are better for the environment and the plus is they cost less too. My recommendation is to focus on improving your life instead of having a lawn cause they know they need too!

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