If you know what backlog, ACs or definition of done means then you might be interested in this, otherwise, keep scrolling.
I did a course with AxisAgile a few years ago (was pretty good) and I get their emails every now and then. Just got this one for past participants and it actually looks quite useful if you are a PM, PO or SM or similar.
You also get access to one of their pre-recorded courses on agile requirements and I assume they will push one of their other courses the whole time but if you just use the library it might save you some time.
Spiel from the email…
We don’t often email but when we do, you can be sure it’s worthwhile and delivers high business value. For many years we’ve been saying to ourselves how great it would be to have a ready-built library of beautifully-written User Stories to auto-magically populate the core of a Product Backlog. With this pipedream in mind, we collected and hoarded many User Stories over the years.
We ended up with a great collection, but the problem was the consistency in writing and formatting, especially when it came to the detailed Acceptance Criteria.
Then AI progressed in leaps and bounds. This has allowed us to take our collection of stories and tidy them up into a highly comprehensive and very consistently written set with over 600 well-formed Acceptance Criteria (AC)!
Not only that, but to accompany this Feature Library, we have compiled a high-quality video course on mastering your Agile requirements.
And here’s the great news…we would like to offer both the Feature Library as well as the video course to our valued AxisAgile Alumni for free and forever. This offer will remain open for the NEXT TWO WEEKS by using this coupon AAALUMNI
Thanks OP, just got access. Don't know if they wanted non-alumni to be using that coupon ;)