This was posted 11 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Beurer BR 90 Insect Bite Healer $36.60 or (3 for $82.35) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon DE via AU

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Amazon DE have got a Prime only deal going for the Beurer BR 90 Insect Bite Healer. I first read aboout them here. Looks like the going price is $49.95. Hmm, the ones we seem to have in Australia are the BR60. The BR90 has an optional light so you can use it in the dark so I guess it's better? If you can find 2 other qualifying items, you get an extra 10% off. I managed to find 2 other items and it brought the price down aboout ~$6. For whatever reason if you add 3 of the Beurer BR 90s to your cart the total is $74.66 or $24.89 each. I kinda feel shafted now but I guess I wanted the other things anyway. Please let me know if you can't bring up the 3 for $74.66 and I'll remove that part from the deal.

About this item
  • Relief of symptoms: thanks to the targeted heat effect of the ceramic heating plates, itching and swelling of the affected area are relieved and symptomatics are improved
  • Pleasant healing process: the heat development of the electric bite healing accelerates the healing of bites, the itching decreases and the healing process is often perceived as comfortable
  • 2 programmes: from two different programs, you can choose the right heat level for use in people with sensitive skin and for regular use in mosquito bites
  • No chemical substances: the use of the stitch healer works by means of heat and without chemical substances, the use of the chemical-free insect bite healer is also suitable for pregnant women
  • Use in the dark: thanks to the switchable light, the bite healer can also be used precisely in the dark, the compact design is ideal for outdoor trips such as camping or barbecuing

According to the manual here it looks like it uses 2 AAA batteries which should be included.

Edit: Added some extra info as this version is the BR90 vs the BR60 that is at JBHifi etc.

Edit 2: If you don't see the discount being applied, keep going through to payment and the discount should be there when you try to pay.

Edit 3: Thanks to floraposte Amazon DE have got a deal going for the Beurer BR 90 again. You may need Prime for the prices (and to avoid delivery fee) but they are as follows:

1 x BR90 = $36.60
2 x BR90 = $62.22 ($31.11 each) (Prime only ?)
3 x BR90 = $82.35 ($27.45 each) (Prime only ?)

If you are a non Prime member and the prices are not as above please let us know. I do think the multibuy discount is for Prime members only but I am unable to check.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    So this is a portable heating pad?

  • +11

    I use antibacterial wipes, the detol 99.9% ones with chlorine in them. They work well to stop the itch

    • +7

      I just let my dog lick me wounds. The ole fashion way.

      • +1

        i just scratch myn

        • +2

          Wait, you don't even cut off the limb?

      • yea but you have to pay for dog food, clean up poop, vets etc

        I just rub dirt on it

  • Looking at 1 of the review, deliver a sharp micro burn. ouch.

    From amazon review:
    Julien P
    4.0 out of 5 stars Effective but not within everyone's reach
    Reviewed in France on 15 August 2023
    Style Name: With light function and 2 programmesVerified Purchase
    It works very well. At least as effective as soothing gels. We are quiet the rest of the day.
    Very compact, it can be easily forgotten in a bag.

    The only downside that is not really a problem is its accessibility to everyone. Indeed you really should not be cozy otherwise you will never use it.
    The purpose of the operation of the object is to cause a sharp micro burn on the sting to anesthetize the nerve endings and therefore eliminate the itch.
    The first mode lasts 3 seconds, during which time there is approximately 1 second of severe burning sensation.
    My wife can't bear it, it's too painful for her.
    In my opinion, you get used to it, you prepare to feel this pain and 3 seconds pass quickly, in any case for the personal result it's worth it.

    • Most of the reviews I've read are very similar. Skeptical at first but surprised that it works quite well. My wife and I get swarmed by mozzies all the time. We have to buy stop itch or whatever all the time. I think it's worth a shot for us at least.

      • Run a spoon under hot water then press the back on the bite.

        It does exactly the same thing

        • TIL I wasnt the only one to do this when I was a teen

          • @FredAstair: Still doing it as an adult,

            i also run a bite under hot water in the shower/ bath.

    • +8

      Delivering a sharp micro burn to get rid of an itch gives me flash backs to the opening to Major Payne -

    • I have one of these devices and I find it fairly mild to use - certainly not 'severe', more like a half second pinprick of heat. I guess people's tolerance levels can vary significantly.

      It doesn't leave a burning mark at all, nor do I believe it works by 'anesthetizing nerve endings' - you're still itchy for a tiny bit, but it goes away within the hour. I believe it breaks down the proteins that cause the response.

  • +10

    Insect Bite Healer? Just what kind of oral issues are these insects having and wouldn't this be too large for their tiny mouths?

    • +1

      It has to be at least three times bigger!

  • Seems a bit redundant for mozzies. But I will take it with me on my trip to Japan, could be a bit helpful against those pesky giant hornet bites.

    • Nah, their bite isn't that bad

    • +4

      In those situations I just call in the EDF

  • Thanks op, got 3 which comes to $25 each.

    Bunning have this for $49.95…

    • +3

      BR60 Vs BR90

      • Yep, got the BR90

  • +5

    Similar relief from running under hot water briefly, strange as it may sound.

    • +9

      Apparently, it's heat that denatures the proteins that cause itching from mozzie bites.

      I used to dip metal spoons in hot but not scalding water to provide relief.

      • +21

        I hope your metal spoons feel better soon.

      • Did exactly that at the weekend and it worked perfectly. Good excuse to make a cup of tea too.

    • Thanks, this is what i was looking for! I assume it needs to be done as soon as you get the bite, not the morning after?

      • +3

        It works anytime and not just for insect bites but for most itches. The hotter the water the better it works.

        • Yep that's my experience too.

    • +9

      I am staying clear of Mopidick-s Lotion

    • How long have you been waiting to link Mopidick-s? What a product name! I don't remember running into too many mozzies in Japan. Maybe why I didn't come across the product.

      • +17

        oh my god, my wife only ever calls it Muhi, I didn't even read the English on the label, the one we have is only in Japanese.

        I've been rubbing Mopidick all over me for years, never on the face tho.

        • My wife rubs it all over herself too (hmmm) and there’s a low strength Mopidick for the kids.

      • +5

        Probably not as long as I've been waiting to link to Xxtra hard cock grease … it's for your hair apparently. Gotta love Japan!…

    • i just use savlon

  • -1

    Wouldn't a logical solution be to prevent the bites rather than treat them?

    • +4

      We do as much as we can but those buggers still bite us. They somehow get through my wife's clothing and spray. I guess we could use the super strong stuff but we don't really want to use that just to go out the front of our house.

    • +1

      If possible, prevention is certainly a safer option considering the proliferation of mosquito borne diseases.

    • +13


      I, for one, have eliminated all water sources - as well as the hour either side of sunset - from my life ever since the malaria epidemic 79 AD.

      And I’ve never had cause to treat a bite since.

      But I did buy three of these…

    • From my searching, it's impossible to buy a real CO2 mosquito destroyer.
      All you can get are snake oil versions which are also incredibly unreliable.

      • I used to have one that you connected a CO2 cylinder to attract them, some mushroom based attractant to bring them closer and flashing lights to get them the final stage where they were drowned. It worked really well but I got rid of it years ago after new neighbours moved in who didn't leave loads of stagnant water around their block.

    • +1


    • Only someone who doesn't have a body chemistry mosquitoes find irresistible would say this. I'm jealous.

  • +4

    on the next episode of things you never needed …

    • +3

      Kind of the entire reason for Ozbargain existing though.

    • Clearly you are not the only person in the group of five that will be bitten three times while the mosquitoes ignore everyone else.

      • +1

        haha true - i have a family member that curses us as were all sitting in shorts and shes fully covering up in a blanket

  • +1

    As a kid I used Metho to dab on bites now I use hand sanitiser.

    • I got hives from trimming trees, tried santiser, tried savlon which helped with the itch but hives still there after 6 days

      popper a phenergan and no more itches, 2 days later all hives gone

      • That is pretty serious medication though. i got hives as a kid and mum just used calamine lotion. that worked.

  • Or just use a drop of mustard oil, gets rid of itching + swelling.

  • +15

    I just bite them back. Not a great solution, but it seems to keep my family away.

  • Could have used this 2 weeks back. Some bastard bug bit my leg, and it went full red could not walk properly had to take antibiotics for 1 week.

  • +1

    Doing gardening yesterday and a giant bit my hand. Will this any help?

    • +1

      I surprised you survived to tell/type the tale. Seriously though I don't think any of us have tried this so it's hard to say for sure. Most reviews I've read though have been pretty positive. I guess there is always Amazon Customer Support. If it is a total scam you can maybe talk to them about it.

    • +4

      Trimming the beanstalk?

    • Maybe a sling

    • +2

      If a giant bit you, you'd better go to ED. I'd imagine the wound would be pretty big!

    • +7

      Fee, fi, fo, fum ….

  • From thumbnail I thought this was a Wi-Fi repeater.

  • +1

    Usually use tiger balm works great.

    • Yep - what everyone uses around here.

  • +4

    I have this device, and it works well. Itch goes away for a couple of hours, and when it comes back just apply again. I kinda like the burning sensation, just when the pain is about to become unbearable it turns itself off. Forget about using this on your kids though, it’s not for children.

  • +1

    Did the deal end or did I miss a step? I'm getting no discount for 3.

    Subtotal (3 items): $117.96

    • +2

      Have you gone all the way through to the very end? It doesn't apply the discount until you are about to pay.

      • +1

        @ozbs25 Thanks for that! I saw the full price and didn't click further. Working now :)

  • +1

    Just look up on AliExpress for a fraction of the price…

  • +5

    they just gave the good ol' hot spoon on bite the electronic treatment, then commercialised it.

    seriously if you don't already know. dip a tablespoon into some 80-90 degree water then apply gently and quickly on to the bite.

    it's quick pain then prolonged relief.

    • This is the way. The heat breaks down the proteins that cause the irritation.

    • +1

      Not practical while camping.

      • I do appreciate all the different alternative remedies that everyone is bringing up but if this gadget works then it'll be great as there are various downsides to a lot of the alternatives especially if you are out and about.

      • i guess everyone camps differently. this is what i do while camping. i do have a hot drink on my jetboil before i go to bed, so i have access to hot water, and a spoon - which is usually when i want any bites to sooth over so i can go to sleep.

  • +1

    I'm old.

    Insect bites? Lol

    There's none left anymore, who is getting bitten?

    • With climate change, of course there's not going to be any insects left

    • Typing from your gated community apartment?

    • We've had the worst mozzie season I've ever seen this year in coastal Brisbane… The effects of climate change will not be the same everywhere.

  • For mozzie bites, saturate the bite with saliva continuously for half an hour. It'll neutralise the chemicals from the mozzie. Stops the swell and itching.

    Doing the same with tea tree oil will help as well.

    • I suppose it is better than peeing on yourself for Jellyfish stings.

      • +1


    • me to wife: got bitten on junk again

  • Damn paid 45 for the br60

    I didn’t find it worked that well..

  • Is it better to pay a few dollars more (member price) and buy this instead?…

    • +1

      I've had both, the bitaway broke and feels a lot more flimsy, I replaced it with the Beurer BR60 and feel it's much more solid and a lot smaller.
      The battery catch on the biteaway always came off.

  • It shows 39.95 till very end. Cant have $25 deal.

    Any recommendation pls ?

  • +1

    Brisbane Southside - Anyone wanna split @ $25 each? Ill buy 3 but only want to keep 1.

    • I'm on the southside. I'm interested in 1 for $25.

      • Sorry, I should add: I'm in Carindale

    • I'm interested also

      • Thanks - Ill set 1 a side for you and let you know when it arrives.

    • I am in Mt Gravatt, interested to share. Let me know if you would consider me. Thanks

  • +1

    So they replace the itch with a burn?

  • just scratch and play around with the bite until it welts up the size of a 50c coin… it goes away in a little while.

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