• expired

NordVPN: 100% Cashback for New VPN Plan Customers @ Cashrewards


Copied/adapted from recent deals posted for similar cashback percentage (credit to @HamBoi69 and @W-W):

100% cashback rate on Nord VPN. Get in quick as this one ends midnight Thursday night.

Be sure to check the terms below and TA's handy tips here

And as mentioned in the terms below in bold don't add any of the upsold products. A lot of people do and wonder why their cashback is lower. If you make a mistake you can cancel for a refund.

Special terms

Eligible for new NordVPN customers only.

Cashback is calculated and paid on the advertised cost of the plan only. It will exclude upsold products, GST, other taxes, credit card or PayPal surcharges.

The transaction sale value reports to us in USD and is subject to currency conversion. Final cashback value is based on the exchange rate at the time of approval.

Cashback is ineligible on the following:

Upsold products such as NordPass & NordLocker.
Purchases using coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards.
Purchases made with Crypto currency.
Purchase of gift cards or use of gift cards for full or partial payment.
Purchase that are cancelled, returned, exchanged or refunded.
GST, other taxes and delivery fees.
Fraudulent transactions.
Purchases using any type of discount which lowers price advertised on the Merchant site, including but not limited to employee discounts, student discounts and price-matching.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

    • +18

      Choose a country that doesn't charge GST.

      • +2

        Virgin Islands = $0 VAT 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

        • +2

          Cambodia worked for me = Zero Tax.

    • +2

      A tip from comments in previous posts is to select a country with no GST to save further at checkout as GST is ineligible for cashback. Pay with a card that does not charge overseas transaction fees.

      • +2

        does Christmas Island trick still work?

        • worked for me

      • +1

        Don't think you get 100% back considering conversion rate, etc.

    • +13

      Albo has nothing to do with it.
      He wasnt the one who mandated the 10% GST.

    • +6

      You can thank Gerry Harvey for that one, not Albo.

    • +2

      Albanese wasn't even in power when the 10% GST on small imports was introduced.

      What on earth are you smoking?

    • +5

      "Thanks Albo?"

      It was the LNP that introduced GST.

      It was then the LNP that introduced GST on ALL purchases from overseas (thanks to Gerry Harvey lobbying his Liberal mates).

      Your 'thanks' is misplaced.

      • -5

        Albo supports it though. He hasn't done anything to roll back the scummy 10% GST on overseas purchases. He also supports massive taxes on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes.

  • +2

    What are people mainly using VPN for sorry? Streaming?

    • +9

      Buying cheap software or subscriptions.

      • +10

        Hiding our dirty browsing habits from the ISP and big governments.

        • +5

          If anyone is interested in privacy, they should look into ProtonVPN and Mullvad.

    • +7

      Watching shows from overseas e.g, connect to UK to watch BBC Iview, ITVx, etc etc.

    • +1

      Mostly streaming UK stuff for us.

    • +5

      For me it's torrents & porn.

      • How are your torrent speeds using NordVPN?
        They don't allow port forwarding, I noticed a big drop in speeds in Linux ISO torrents compared to PIA with a port forwarded.

  • Is 100% cashback valid on 2 year package?

    • +2

      Yes. Just the standard package. Don't add any (upsold) extras

    • +1

      Yes, I did this a few months back when the cashbacks was 95 or 97%. Two years for next to nothing.

  • +8

    Mine just expired and their renewal offer is pathetic. Make sure to turn off auto-renewal or else they will charge u 2 weeks in advance. In any case, good timing. The receipt comes up to be AUD 148.12 for 2 yrs after their exchange rate. I wish they would just let me pay in USD. So will see how much the cashreward is given that ppl said it wasn't exactly 98% or 100% last time due to exchange rate.

    • +12

      I second this one. They are VERY dodgy with their renewal tactics. The tried to charge my 2 weeks before renewal but couldn't because my card had expired. Somehow the managed get payment from the bank regardless of expired card.

      When I tried to ask for a refund they quoted the terms and conditions and refused, even though it was still before the actual renewal date. Fortunately, I was able to get a refund via charge back with my bank.

      Put me off them somewhat, but they work flawlessly for streaming services. Not sure if trust them if I wanted actual privacy/security though.

      • +3

        Very sneaky indeed. I didn't even realize that the auto-renewal is on so i kinda ignored the email notification about the account being expired in 30 days. The auto-renewal (under billing) option isn't even available on the phone or desktop app. I later found out that it is available on the web version only. It might explain why i didn't turn it off as i usually went through the setting first.

        I got lucky i guess. They did point it out to me and then offered me a 3 yrs plan with the renewal of 2 yrs price. When i said no, mostly because i wanted to shop around, couldn't justify the price tage and also being put off about the 2 weeks advance payment, they agreed to refund. It is also kinda sneaky that they didn't say the price is in USD. I thought when you buy something with Aus as destination, you would get AUD quoted. I mean they wouldn't let me pay AUD but USD at the credit card page if you see what i mean. Why quoted people USD while you are going to charge AUD in the exchange rate anyway.

      • thank you, reminded me to turn them off for both nord and pia…

        got charged for uber one last month because charged day before… oops!

    • +3

      Thanks for notifying about this. Just turned off the auto renew for mine due in a few months.

    • Thanks for the tip! Have just turned this off.

    • +2

      Thanks for the reminder to cancel my auto renewal, I just signed up back in Feb (again).

  • +4

    definitely a must have if you flying 7-11

    • Does this work with the new update and fuel locking in another state?

      • Yes

      • Yep, just connect VPN to France

        • Then do you use ifakelocation or android studio method to lock the price?

  • I’m assuming that their ‘standard’ plan (rather than ‘plus’ or ‘complete’) is really all you need if it’s VPN you want. I’d be coming across from PIA

    • Yes you'd be correct.

  • Is there Nigeria location on nordvpn?

  • Does Disney+ Hotstar works?

    • I think they don't have servers in India.

  • So new email address with nord or new email also with cashrewards?

    • +3

      New email with Nord

      • so they dont care if you got the same deal 2 years ago with cashrewards? as long as its a new email for nord?

        • wondering the same now.

          Keen to know

      • So new nord email with same old paypal email for payment is ok?

  • +4

    $81.36 USD for 2 years = $125.03 via Up
    Cashrewards tracked $121.05

    • How did it take to get the tracking in cashrewards?

      • +1

        About an hour after purchase.

    • How did u get that price? Mine came u to be AUD 148.12 charged to my card. Cashreward tracked $142.48. I even used no foreign transaction fee card.

      • I used Up and that was the rate charged by the bank.

  • "Payments are processed in AUD. Payment provider fees may apply."
    How can I pay in USD? I have USD in Paypal that I want to use first instead of AUD.
    Does it convert 2 times?

    • I was wondering about the same thing. I wanted to pay in USD but decided to go with my AUD account instead as i don't wanna it to convert it two times.

    • It would be 81.36 USD. So nothing to convert like the guy said above

      • No. It seems to me that it did convert two times and the price has gone up. I bet the tracking is only $121 and losing $4 on this. (~3.2%)

        • That's weird when I've paid half usd from PayPal in the past it only converted the aud part

        • But the weird thing is that i am the only one paying the highest price for whatever conversion rate my AU card was doing (see above comment). So ~$6 for me. I guess i am not complaining for a 2 yrs plan. I paid near full price for a yr plan last yr.

    • Total shown in Nord: $81.36*
      Paid via PayPal $85.68 USD
      PayPal's conversion rate: 1 USD = 1.4689 AUD
      Converted from: $85.68 USD
      Converted to: $125.86 AUD

      Waiting for Cashrewards tracking

      • +1

        I, too, have USD and AUD in PayPal. So, whether paid in USD or AUD, we will be losing $4, right?

        • +1

          Correct. It tracked 121.05. So I lost $4.81.

  • HSBC Global 125.86

    • Wise was 125.86 too. They had already converted to AUD when they charged me.

    • Same for AMEX

      • Actual value to be payable to Amex will be different though. 125.86 is just for info, actual rate with Amex transaction is different.

  • -1

    Thanks for sharing OP.

  • +1

    Just in time… my previous Nord 2yr subscription was expiring soon.

    • Quote …"for New VPN Plan Customers" … time to switch to your alternate identity?

      • I use Gmail so I just put a period after the first letter of my email and made a new account and I got the cashback no worries.

        • would you mind explaining this a little further? what was the "new account" you made with the modified email address? a new email account or a new NordVPN purchase?

          I've read about gmail aliases, but haven't had a chance to test for the purpose of Nord cashback. I've been using up existing, completely different email addresses for the last 6 years and I've run out. my gmail is already configured abc.xyz @ gmail. if I make a "new" purchase with Nord using the modified email a.bc.xyz @ gmail, will it register as a "new" purchase and earn the 100% cashback? And any Nord correspondence to a.bc.xyz @ gmail will actually go to abc.xyz @ gmail?

  • +2

    Thanks for this timely post, my 2-year plan expires next month.

    Will probably grab this deal early and 'lose" a month. 100% doesn't roll around often for Nord.

  • Just joined recently with 90%. Can I cancel and rejoin with this?

    • +1

      And finally please remember you have the safety net of NordVPN's 30-day money back guarantee should tracking fail or if you’re not happy with the product,

    • No as it is new customers only. Use a new email address (for Nord sign up) is fine.

  • I've turned off auto renewal. Doesn't affect cashback right?
    Plus, not tracked as yet, it did say within 7 days though.

    • And finally please remember you have the safety net of NordVPN's 30-day money back guarantee should tracking fail or if you’re not happy with the product.

  • I signed up before and cancelled. Will I still be eligible for cashback

  • My current NordVPN subscription expires in ~4 months. For 100% might as well get it now.

    • Mine's expiring in June too. There are deals like this in June before EOFY. I'll wait this then.

  • What a timing, current plan expires this month.

  • +1

    Tracked with 100% cashback . Thanks OP

    • how long did it take for the tracking? its been half an hour no email of the tracking and also nth on my cashreward site

      • Same. No tracking after an hour

        • +2

          mine tracked after 5-6 hours. Paid $125.86; Tracked $121.37

          • +1

            @Brakus: Interesting to see the slight differences between reported cashback.
            Mine tracked after 54 minutes. Paid $125.86 (with no GST via Christmas Island); Tracked $121.60.

      • 53 minutes between Nord email confirmation and CR email

      • +2

        It took exactly 1 hour after the purchase , paid for 148$ and cash back 148$ .

        • inluding gst?

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