Which Olive Oil Do You Buy?

Hi OzB

Background goes, I wasn't much of a salad fan, and then I went to Europe and boyyyy did the salads blow my mind, especially in Crete (Greece), found myself ordering a salad any chance I got.

The olive oil in Europe is simply superb, looking for recommendations for a good olive oil for salad, and another for light cooking tasks.

Have been seeing a lot of articles and videos suggesting pure olive oil isn't actually pure many times and may have non-specificied ingredients.. could be BS could be legit.

I've tried several products imported from various Olive producing countries but they fell short.

Looking for forward to some suggestions!


  • +20

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil is what you're looking for. Make sure it is so.

    Spanish Moro is good but locally made Cobram is also decent.

    Also experiment with real Balsamic dressing on salads to mix it up.

    • +11

      My vote is with the Cobram; much better than Moro. Get the Robust flavour in their extra-virgin for salads (their "Light" extra-virgin is IMO too light for a salad dressing, though good for cooking).

      Other than that go for Italian or Greek extra-virgin - both are noticeably more flavourful than the Spanish. For these price is a reasonable guide to quality - you get what you pay for.

      • +3

        Agree re Cobram. Purple 3L tin on special often

        • +2

          yeah - bought that from Coles the other day - I think $52 for 3L tin but we rich so no wuckin furries !

          Coles got caught selling fake home brand EVOO some years ago so I'd be cautious about any home brand EVOO - even Spanish stuff has often been caught fakin' it

          the best EVOO I've tasted from was a grower on the way to Mudgee - I think this place at Rylstone - https://maps.app.goo.gl/3DjCDwZXPPVSDNEv8 - we met the wife who let us taste the gold medal winning stuff - it was yowza zingy herbacious grassy freshness - we bought a small bottle - but for cooking you don't need to taste so much

          I also bought to try a fancy Cobram last week - 500ml 'ultra premium' - just tasted it - no taste upfront but a grassy afterbite - meh - anyhoo for now we buy Australian grown like Cobram as I no longer trust most stuff from overseas as it's too easy to fake EVOO.

      • +3

        Yep, Cobram much better than Moro… but it's expensive :(.

        I'll stock up on Cobram when on sale… much crisper/fresher taste.
        Red Island also good… but also expensive.

    • +2

      Imported OO is no good.

  • +16

    I like Red Island, as above Cobram is great.

    The key with olive oil is freshness so if you want really excellent stuff get it straight from a manufacturer. Wineries often will have their own olive oil press and do fresh oil. It’s great but not cheap

    • +7

      Red Island is Cobram's second tier oil. Which I also second as an excellent choice! Also completely agree with freshness being key with EVOO. Don't buy a 5L can if you're planning on keeping it for several years….

  • +6

    Look at the harvest dates.

    I wish these EVOO bottles listed the polyphenol count

    • This is the key! Fresher olive oil tastes better - there are also variations in how strong the flavour is, different strengths work better for different uses.

    • +1

      yes taht would be great. i am tempted to try brian johnstons evoo to see the diff from the grampians i use if any

    • Fyi May 2023 seems to be the freshest harvest date I can see so far at specialty stores for aussie EVOO

    • +1

      I'd say watch it, but with Canola you wont be able to….


    • +6

      Perfect example of sometimes when you have nothing worthy to contribute don't say anything lol

    • +1

      EVOO is the healthiest cooking oil. Rapeseed (canola) oil is so bad for you.

  • I just buy local. Either whats at Foodland/Drakes or if I was passing, get something from Virginia. Its cheap too. 500ml, $9 (well, Bovalina is).

    Why by foreign stuff when we produce so much here? Even our schools and city council produces oil.

    • I wouldn't call $9 for 500ml cheap when you can get 1L for $10 pretty consistently

      • +1

        Is that 1L locally produced from local groves?

  • +12

    Cobram estate or Red Island.

  • +5

    The Olive Tree Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil from ALDI

    I buy the 3L metal container, I use a lot of oil so it's great value for the quality and quantity you get.

    • +3

      This is actually Cobram, even though they sell it side by side in the store.

      • Is this written on the label, or else how do you know?

    • +1

      Have they stopped doing this in a 3L container? Haven't seen it lately and it's no longer on thier website. :(

  • +2

    What Supercheap Auto has on special

    Oils ain’t oils

  • +2

    Cobram. I stock up on their 750 mL whenever they are on sale for $10 each.

    • +1

      They are on special at the moment at woolies

  • Another vote here for Cobram

    Also an interesting read:


  • +3

    According to Choice, Cockatoo Grove.

    • I keep seeing that recommendation on Choice,
      but I am yet to try it myself, and so, I'm curious if anyone
      has actually tried this and can compare with Cobram, Red Island, Moro, etc.

  • cant go wrong with woolworths extra virgin

  • +2

    For everyday I use either Cobram, Red Island or The Olive Tree Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (ALDI).

    All three are unblended extra virgin Australian Olive oil.

    I think as long as it's unblended extra virgin you can't go wrong, however, if you're buying imported, unfortunately you don't really know what oil you're getting.

    Plus with olive oils, the fresher the better, add to that the distance it has to travel, I prefer to buy Australian Olive oils. (I'm also a hypocrite and only buy Italian pasta and passata).

    I do go to farmers markets and pick up the odd bottle here and there (~$20 for 500ml/750ml) to make me feel good, but the taste isn't much better (if at all) compared to the 3 I mentioned above. At least my money goes direct to the grower.

    • +3

      if you're buying imported, unfortunately you don't really know what oil you're getting

      only if you don't do your research…

      Many EU standards are higher that Australia's…

      • +1

        On certain things yes. No to say you can't get better olive oil from Europe but…

        Food for thought. https://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/imported-ex…

      • +2

        Yeah it's not about the standards in the country of manufacture - it's about the supply chain and import standards in getting it here; you obviously haven't heard about how much fraud there is in olive oil imports

        • about how much fraud there is in olive oil imports

          So just buy the ones that are packaged in their place of origin.

          • @jv: 'So just buy the ones that are packaged in their place of origin'

            like … ? any products to recommend ?

            • @Hangryuman: Any of the ones coming from Crete.

    • +1

      The main issue of imported is that by the time it gets to Australia, it's more oxidized than the Australian EVOO.

  • +3

    especially in Crete

    Get EVOO from Crete at our local Mediterranean deli… Getting a bit pricey now though, around $60-$70 for 4 litres… A year ago it was around $50

    • +3

      Ah, will sus this out at my local greek deli!

      • The more expensive ones with the acidity around 0.3 taste the best.

    • +2

      dang… I'm agreeing with jv

  • +9

    boyyyy did the salads blow my mind

    You will also need to grow your own tomatoes for the salads to taste that well…
    The shop bought tomatoes here are rubbish and don't have anywhere near as much flavour. Even the ones that claim to be vine ripened. I'm guessing it is because they are hydroponic grown and not grown in soil.

    • +1

      Others can grow tomatoes for me, why do I need to grow my own?

      • Others can grow tomatoes for me

        Sure, if 'good flavour' is not one of your requirements, then just buy store bought ones

        • -2

          My uncle grows amazing tomatoes that taste well. He is always giving them to me. Why do I need to grow my own?

    • +2

      pes tw re

    • +1

      You're absolutely right, the tomatoes are so sweet and flavoursome elsewhere.

    • +3

      Store bought tomatoes don't have a lot of flavour because they are picked early so they will survive transport; they do not fully ripen on the vine. A fully ripened tomato does not keep and is fragile (if you drop one it squishes, not bounces) so is not suitable as a commercial product. They have to be canned instead - which is why good canned tomatoes often taste better than fresh ones from Woolies.

      Unfortunately a tomato picked too early ripens to a lovely colour, but not a lovely flavour - those flavonoids and sugars do not develop. Home grown is the only way to get really nice salad tomatoes.

    • Australian tomatoes tend to have a more sour taste as well.

  • +1

    Portuguese saloio olive oil! Bit harder to find depending where you live. But you'll love it!

    • -1

      Is that the one with the 'Grinch' on the packaging?

      • +1

        Sure is :P

    • Do you know where to find this in Sydney ?

      • +1

        Sometimes at Petersham Charlie's Deli. Stock is often rare, however

        • I'm definitely not near that place
          but if/when I'm there, I'm curious to try this olive oil out :-)

        • Price at Charlie's Deli :
          1L = $22
          3L = $64.50
          5L = $97.50

    • +1

      Never understood the hype for this when I was young as my parents would always buy it when possible but now that I'm older, I understand now.

      • +1

        My partners parents are Portuguese and grabbed several last time they were able to find some, so we ended up with 3 cans for ourselves. It's been great!

    • Are you advertising this, after trying this ?

      • +1

        I always buy it. They make good products.

        In the years gone by they've won international awards. Once you've done a few comps, you get over it.

        They're on FB but don't do much social media anymore.

        The 3 litre tin is good value. I top up my 500-600ml glass pourer.

        The smaller bottles/batches (different types of olive oil) are worth buying too.

        • The 3 litre tin is good value.

          Do you get the cheaper one,
          or the dearer 'certified organic' one ?

          That's the one I had a look earlier today,
          but the $25 postage was what I aggravated me a bit,
          from my own gripes with AusPost.

          • +1

            @whyisave: Just the normal one.

            Figure out how much you'd use in a year and then order. That's all I do.

  • -1

    Usually the cheapest Aussie extra virgin olive oil in the larger 4 or is it 8L tin… Sometimes Spanish if I'm low and there are no Aussie brands on sale

  • +1

    Cobram Purple. Beautiful Full Rich Flavour!

    • +2

      Half price at Woolies this week.

  • if your in vic go to oakleigh and get the greek olive oil

    • -1

      You can get them at most continental delis, not just Oakleigh…

    • Anywhere specific or should I just wander West to East along Atherton Rd until I find some?

      • There was one on Chester St (b/n Eaton Mall and Hanover St) when I was last there late last year, but I think there are one or two on Atherton.
        There's also one in the Oakleigh market, so visit a couple as the prices will vary between the store for the same product.

  • Kirkland olive oil

    • how much?

      • honestly cannot remember haha

  • Cobram Estate Olive Oil is growth and made in Australia. Their Herb infused and Garlic Infused Olive oil are subperb

  • Cobram Coratina is my favourite and can be easily sourced. It's perfect for dipping with bread.

    It's on the bolder side, so if you want something more subtle, try Hojiblanca.

    • +1

      Not sure why you were down voted lol. Maybe cause it's expensive? Haha.

      I'm gonna give it a try.

  • +2

    I've only ever bought Minos extra virgin olive oil from Crete for all these years, however it's gone from what was already expensive at $40/4ltrs to about $70/4ltrs in the past 2 years.

    Currently looking for reasonably priced alternatives, however reckon I'll revert to it anyway. The flavour is chefs kiss for me, compared to other olive oils.

    Recommendation: Get a piece of crusty sourdough bread, crumble some feta, cracked pepper, and drizzle Minos over it. You can thank me later :p

  • I use peanut for high-temp cooking/frying and grapeseed for lower temp cooking. I have Cobram for salad dressings.

    • as recommended - EVOO only for salads, as cooking with its lower smoke point tends to be a waste.

      that said, last I looked peanut oil was not cheap either.

      [asked google] waddyano - $8/litre - https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-peanut-oil-750ml-6870… - not bad - may pick some up for deep frying next time

      less than half the $52/3L = $17/L I last paid for Cobram EVOO

      • Any olive oil we can use for cooking as well?

  • +1

    Avoid supermarket crap, look for local olive producers.
    You'll pay more but for me it's worth it
    This is what I use as i'ts close to me

    Theres others around

    • Oh dayum, $100 for 4L!

      • gramians is very tasty though and has a nice bite to it in the throat aswell if you happen to just eat a tablespoon of it

  • +1

    Red Island or Cobram extra virgin, both are 100% Australian made and taste great too.

  • Woolworths organic in the half litre bottle. Not because it's organic (who cares) but because it has a nice aroma and taste. The other supermarket oils I've tried are all so bland. Even the ones that claim to be 'robust' in flavour have little going on.

  • I like any olive oil that takes after me, extra virgin!

    • if you are the extra virgin, do you rub in on your body as well as the other's ?

      then you just need another four to have safe six

  • i use grampions EVOO

  • +1

    Cobram all the way.

    Unless you know your EVOOs, I'd steer clear of any Spanish or Italian "EVOOs" as they are usually adulterated with basic OO

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