Kicking off from 7pm AEDT on March 1st is the Choice Day sale with these coupons that'll apply on products with the Choice banner. These coupons are limited so it's best not to sit on them for too long.
Choice Products are shipped directly from the AliExpress warehouse and typically arrive within 2 weeks. If the delivery exceeds 14 business days you're able to claim a coupon and if it's not delivered a full refund after 30 days. Most of my recent Choice orders have arrived within 7 business days.
Coupons are 1 per account, do not stack with the new user 'Welcome Offer', "Limited Deals" and minimum spend excludes GST and shipping.
Discount | Min Spend | Coupon Code |
$3 | $29 | 24CD03 |
$3 | $29 | AE3CDAF |
$8 | $69 | 24CD08 |
$8 | $69 | AE8CDAF |
$20 | $169 | 24CD20 |
$20 | $169 | AE20CDAF |
$30 | $239 | 24CD30 |
$30 | $239 | AE30CDAF |
$50 | $369 | 24CD50 |
$50 | $369 | AE50CDAF |
Sadly. China's economy has taken a hard hit so I'm not surprised they're cutting down on discounts.