Telstra $30 SIM Starter Pre-Paid for $10 at BIGW Starts 1st Nov.
Your Telstra Pre-Paid SIM Card. Your new mobile number. $30 included credit for standard voice/SMS within Australia with 30 day expiry.
Have a good evening all
Telstra $30 SIM Starter Pre-Paid for $10 at BIGW Starts 1st Nov.
Your Telstra Pre-Paid SIM Card. Your new mobile number. $30 included credit for standard voice/SMS within Australia with 30 day expiry.
Have a good evening all
I'm not Telstra user, but reading info from their website, it seems that the credit won't work for data plan.
and 3GB data plan is $49 for prepaid as an additional cost on top of the standard credit. but if u want to use the standard credit for data, it cost u $2/MB. so $30 credit will only last for 15MB.
Is there anyone using telstra here? or any Rep maybe?
Don't think thats correct. Ive bought 6 x $30 Telstra starter kit from a previous Coles promotion and have been successfully activating it for the ipad with the 3GB data plan each month.
That sounds good.
So you just call them up to activate it as an ipad plan?
dont you have to get a micro sim?
you can go into any telstra shop and they can do it for you for free. or you can buy the cutter yourself for $2 online.
You can activate over the phone. You just need the serial number of the simcard and license. Its a bit of a hassle but well worth the 3GB you get.
They must think im sus with 6 prepaids under my name within 6 months
FYI today i activated my microsim for the ipad via telstra's online chat :)))
Where does it say micro sim??? All shops that have ha this deal ie Coles have been ONLY for the large/old sim packs for there reason of clearing stock as hardly anyone buys big sims anymore compared to micro.
Can any one prove its micro? Ps. Actually looking for nano sim too but I'm told Telstra swap em over once activated with minimal fuss
It says on bottom. Its blurry in that picture but on catalogue at home it says microsims too
Good to know that you can use this for 4G if you got a4g phone. Awesome speeds
Ah yes, this may splice nicely with my~17.40-per-month Woolworths Mobile recharge vouchers (4 x 5GB), my generic-haipad shall appreciate it much… IF BIGW/TL$ do the stock thing properly Nov 1.
Thank you for the notice & good find.
Also depends on whether the SIM can be bought online since they legally have to check your ID when selling a sim card. anyone know if SIMS can be bought online?
Yes they can at least for Telstra, don't know about BigW, they get the courier to verify your ID against what you entered on the website.
Does anyone know what is the expiry date for activating the sim?
I have one leftover that I bought several months ago and its expiry date is 14 Jul 2014. These hold good for a quite long time.
sept 2014 here
jan/mar 2015 w/ my two replenished Thu.
So is the $30 credit a voucher inside the pack which you then enter as a code? or is it just part and parcel of the sim. What I am asking I guess is can I buy a bunch of these and put the $30 credit on my current pre paid account, or can it only be used with the newly activated sim?
It's probably exactly the same deal as previous ones, the recharge is only for the associated SIM. Because they want new customers, not to provide cheapies for existing ones.
According to that info, and this that I found:
"You can transfer whole dollar amounts of up to $15 of credit from your Telstra Pre-Paid or Telstra Post-Paid Mobile to your Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Broadband account in any 24-hour period."
Can I buy a $10 micro sim for ipad, and another 6 to use with my mobile phone, each day sending $15 credit from the mobile to the ipad until it has $180 credit, and then recharge with the 12gb 365 day option?
and then recharge with the 12gb 365 day option?
I'm not sure about that last step. Don't you have to choose the 365 plan and pay for it before you can select it?
Won't,work.Each $10 transferred automatically gets spent on purchasing data at a 10mb/$10 rate when sent to a data sim.
so how do you recharge $180?
for example, the recharges you can buy at the shops only come in smaller denominations.
so if you wanted to recharge $180 you'd have to use more than one card right?
You can recharge larger demominations online using credit card. And I believe you can purchase vouchers for any amount from Coles/Woolworths etc.
Not entirely true. Creditme2u transfers do not change the data rate on the iPad plan. Here's an extract from the Telstra T&Cs
5.28 If your Telstra Pre-Paid iPad service receives credit from another Telstra Pre-Paid
service or a Telstra Post-Paid mobile service using the Credit Me2U feature, your
data rate will not change.
I'm currently on an iPad plan with a data rate of 1c/MB. I've been transferring credit from these $30 SIM packs to topup my credit and also extend the expiry date by 14 days and it hasn't changed the data rate.
they never have any stock…
Yes I went to Rockdale BigW last month early morning the day this deal was on, and they didn't have any stock.
They called other stores in the area, and none had any stock.
Bit of false advertising if there's no stock in most stores, if you ask me!
This makes a great backup. I always keep one in the glove-box in case I'm stuck out in the sticks out of optus coverage and need some calls or data.
Excellent value for $10: you get a few hours of calls, and 1.1GB of data over 30 days by adding the 700MB browse pack.
sounds great. how much is the 700mb browse pack? ie whats the total outlay for the month? $10+…?
DSE price match or this…
ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE POLICY: BIG W makes every effort to ensure stock is
available when advertised. However, if an item is unavailable we'll offer to sell
you a comparable item (if available) with the same reduction in price as the
advertised item.
$2 sim pack +$29 Woolworths Mobile Credit Voucher, might well be considered the most 'comparable item. i.e. $30 to $31 effective, demonstrating a quite similar face value transaction, hmmm…
I like your optimism… :P
The other avenue are generally rainchecks or securing by lay-by deposit, but yeah, I don't fancy my chances in the case of Big W checkout. </waits for the Coles/Woolies better stocked options>
I'm now at day 29 for my Coles raincheck with no sign of new stock. I've asked them once a week…
$10 starter packs are useless for creditme2u. unlike $30 starter packs that $10 is not real credit. it's considered as bonus money only.
Yeah - these are good deals. I bought 5 from the last deal. I just activated my second only today. Confirmation that you need to ring Telstra and specify you are activating this for an iPad. This gives you 3gb of data for 30 days. I've been using my SIM in one the of the Vodafone Pocket Wifi devices that I unlocked. Great OZB deal all around.
I intend on using this with an unlocked Vodafone Pocket Wifi Pro.
Do you need to change any settings on the Pocket Wifi to make it work with these cards, or is it simply a case of calling up Telstra and telling them you are using with an ipad? I presume you need to change the APN settings?
Yes - you do need to change the APN settings. Very straight forward. Cannot remember off the top of my head but a simple Google search will give you the answer.
awesome… thanks for the info.
do they record your name/details when you activate it? or when you have to call them to tell them you want an ipad pack?
ie what happens when you call up for your 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc sim pack using the same details?
I called up to activate and they asked if I've used Telstra before. Rather than going through a whole new ID check, I told them I had a SIM that had just expired. I quoted the SIM number and I was activated within a minute. All up, took about 3 minutes of my time from picking up the phone.
oh great idea , I got one of those little beauties and although voda is good , you cannot beat $10 for 3gb, cheers
I never found a bigw with these in stock I don't understand why they keep advertising.
Agreed, I have tried Melbourne City Store, Box Hill and Westfield Doncaster the last few times and the staff always told me they only stock a few of these. And they sold out in no time.
I am still using the ones from Coles sale last time but about to run out :(
Probably Big W staff are sharing them among themselves.
gona buy and try the 4G on iPhone 5 to see how fast it is.
I got some today. Apparently sale item normally starts 1 day early
Damit! None left at bankstown centro nsw
Salesperson say someone came in at exactly 8.30am open time n grab all on shelfff!!
FYI. I went to Big W in Box Hill (VIC) this morning. First customer through the doors and there are none left.
Im at bigw campsie nsw now, they have stock of microsims and nano sims. But only 1per customer.. :(
is the "1 per customer" limit written anywhere in the terms and conditions?
what happens if i want a normal sim for my wifi 3g router, a micro sim for my ipad and a nano sim for my iphone 5?
If the sim cards are not "multiuse"(that you can just snap to smaller sizes) then they should be considered as different products, no?
I went to campsie BW after work and purchased 2(microsim, pink box),
thanks kspec(i didn't even know that campsie had a BW)
That was me I went to Bankstown store and got all 10 Nano Sims then went to Chullora and got 10 from there as well and went to Auburn and got 12 standard sized Sim
They had heaps Yesterday. Bought 5 and there were still about 7 of the nanos left. This was at 2pm.
Bought a few from Big W Brisbane City earlier today. No normal size SIMs left, but had maybe 20-30 of each of Nanos and Micros. Don't worry about getting the right size, you can cut, use adaptors or take it to Telstra Store to swap it.
Bought some from BIG W Rouse Hill this morning. They only had the nanosim one.
Had some left at Robina Qld. All 3 types are on special. Considering Perth stores never have any, I was surprised to find some here whilst on holidays.
Any way, none left now. Sorry.
I go through 3 a month.
None at Forest Hill Vic.
Try do price match at Kmart Burwood East, it works, but limited one per customer.
Wasn't even going to buy any Yesterday seeing how they always out of stock but just happened to be at box hill and went in to have a look. Had about 2 micro and 10 nano starter kits in stock. The guy wasn't sure if they were also on sale. 10 min later told me they are all for $10 so I bought 6.
tl dr: micro and nano packs which are pink and green all on $10.
As a side note, if you have an iphone, keep the BigW app on it and you can scan items to check if they are on sale.
BigW Epping plaza VIC, had 2 left in stock after I bought one…. They had many more micro and nano versions
Tip: don't use self checkout, they need to use your ID and input a bunch of data at a conventional register
Edit: this was yesterday, Thursday arvo
Most of the BigW stores are out of stock, but I checked Kmart Burwood East which can do price match (require Photo ID with purchase), and limit one per customer per visit.
They still got around 4 Micro and around 10 Nano SIM.
Can anyone confirm that these are 4G?
I just bought the remaining SIMS (new stock) today at Forest Hill for the now expired, sale price.
Nice to have a win.
This is for micro sims as well!! Good !! Gonna stock up for ipad! This works with ipad 3gb plan when activated by phone right?