Lane Change at Traffic Light Caught by Red Light Camera

Hi all, another red light camera question.

Was at the intersection in the lane to turn right, it was red. The middle lane was green to go straight. I was at the front of the queue so instead of turning right I decided to go into the middle lane to go straight. So I changed into the middle to go straight but the red light went off (prob because I was in half the middle lane and half the right lane when I crossed the white line.

Wondering if they'll fine me or can I dispute it? Will they take a photo of me going straight?


Thanks for the reassuring comments…will see what happens


  • +46

    So to rephrase it like a police officer…

    “You entered into the intersection while your lane had a red light, then made an (illegal?) lane change”

    If you receive an infringement notice, I wouldn’t object.

      • +25

        There wasn't e anyone in the middle safe move…

        Judge: oh, in that case…

      • +32

        so safe move…

        But not legal…

        You're not supposed to change lanes like that at an intersection.

        • +6

          A driver must not change lanes over a single continuous lane line. A continuous or broken lane line before the intersection is deemed to continue through the unmarked intersection.

        • I saw someone did the opposite, from middle lane cut off the car on right lane to turn right. And it was red light (for right turn) to boot.

      • +3

        I’m not arguing if it was safe or not - I wasn’t there to see it.

        But the law still applies

      • that's not how it works…

      • +9

        "There wasn't anyone on the other side of the road so I just drove on that side for a while"

        • unless the lines are solid that is absolutely fine.

      • +1

        It's not the cars you can see that are a danger, but the ones you can't…

      • I'm in VIC but according to this…

        You can't change lanes over continuous white lines so I'm afraid they've got you

        • +1

          Red light camera can't enforce that.

          • +1

            @rover100: Ah but it can in this case. If he was at the front of the queue as he says, he would have crossed the 'stop line' (not the solid lane divider), meaning he entered the intersection on a red light as he was in the right turn lane which had a red arrow.

      • +29

        Are people just that stupid these days?

        Stupid people are those who either don't know or ignore the law.

        Common sense says that if you are in a right turn lane at an intersection, you do not go straight and risk side swiping a car on your left.

        • +19

          When jv has more common sense than OP… WTF is going on here!

        • Why monkey is the closest intellectual level to human and not DOG.

      • +9

        I know someone who did this once and was rear ended. They thought it was clear, but back and to the left is usually a big ol' blindspot, particularly if you have a line of cars directly behind you already and you're going from a stop when the moving traffic in the other lanes would be travelling significantly faster than you. People who have accidents don't plan to have accidents, they generally do something they think would be fine but they didn't think it through very well.

        It's also a pain for other drivers, because it's completely unexpected. Traffic coming the other way would be wonder wtf this car in the turn lane is doing. Are they about to pull into traffic? So they need to react as well.

        There's nothing more annoying than people who think the road rules don't apply to them, so everyone else is left wondering wtf they're doing and what's the next erratic thing they're going to do.

        Anyway, rant aside, OP won't get fined. I just hate people who think solely about their own situation when driving and not others.

        • -4

          It's perfectly safe to change lanes in that situation if there's no one coming up in that lane.

          • +2

            @nomadspartan: That’s like saying it’s perfectly safe to run a red light if there’s no traffic crossing in front of you.
            Still illegal.
            Also you’re discounting traffic from another lane merging into that same lane and rear ending you.

          • +1

            @nomadspartan: Most accidents happen because one or both parties thought it was safe to change lanes or do whatever at the time. If they knew it wasn't safe but went ahead anyway, then it would be suicide/murder.

      • Had to upvote JV on this one.

        OP went straight ahead from a turning lane, so broke the law /thread.

        It's common sense to obey the law, BTW.

      • +1

        common sense is not that common. what an idiot did that killed himself was probably common sense to him at the time.

      • no, people who think the police don't have the power to issue fines OR people who think driving dangerously is using common sense ARE STUPID

      • The police should enforce the law as its written. Yes they have discretionary powers but we’re talking about camera’s not a roadside stop

      • -1

        Australian Tall Poppy Syndrome™

      • When everyone plays by the same set of rules the game progresses at it's meant to. When someone thinks they can make up their own rules or just plain ignores the rules they don't like then the game is ruined for everyone else. The only difference when it comes to driving is "ruining the game" could mean serious injury or death rather than just walking away from the game in frustration.

      • +8

        It IS illegal to change lanes where/how the op did though.
        Silly to encourage the op to challenge the fine. They're only going to get screwed even harder.

      • +5

        They passed over an unbroken line. You’re incorrect.

        • If its an unbroken line then yes.
          Not accpetable

          But OP did not mention this in the headline briefing

          Where did OP mention the unbroken line?

          • @Dr Phil: They mentioned they were at the front of the queue, where the unbroken lines are usually placed. It is illegal to change lanes in an intersection too.

            • @FizzBalls: So no mention of unbroken lines as I said.
              You are working on an assumtion.
              Plenty of intersecftions without unbroken lines.
              So we dont really know.
              Its illegal to change lanes going THROUGH an intersection.
              You can change lanes before and after an intersection if broken lines between lanes.
              But here is the cruncher:
              "I was at the front of the queue so instead of turning right I decided to go into the middle lane to go straight."

              So it sounds like OP changed lanes going through the intersection i.e past the stop line at the lights

              But no fine has been issued and OP is referring to the possibility of triggering the red light camera at the right hand turn.
              in which case probably no offense in that respect has been committed.
              Its an interesting one.

      • +8

        Username does not check out

      • +3

        HeWhoDoesn'tKnow would be more accurate. HeWhoCauseAccident would be perfect.

    • -2

      The red light camera isn't a police officer, he went through a green so no ticket.

      It can't charge you for an illegal lane change.

  • +12

    Red Light Dilemma Question

    Roxanne… ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

  • +6

    I was at the front of the queue so instead of turning right I decided to go into the middle lane to go straight

    That's illegal. I know someone who got booked for that once.

    • -4

      Saw on a few forums that police can book….but usually red lights cannot

      • +4

        but usually red lights cannot

        Yes they can… They take multiple photos…

      • lane change while crossing red light triggers the camera , seen that done to a cla45 amg driving like a (profanity) at red light.

        • You won't get a ticket

          • @rover100: i don’t know if the person eventually got a fine in mail or not but the red light camera got triggered , flashed and took their photo after lane changing while crossing the red light.

      • Tell that to the judge

  • +2

    What state are you in? It's illegal in Qld thanks to a regulation that got amended to remove any ambiguity. How come we pay for a licence and registration but never receive correspondence about changes to the road rules?

    • +35

      What state are you in?

      Panic by the look of things…

      • +1

        I'm guessing OP is in Victoria. Road Safety Road Rules 2017 S.R. No. 41/2017, Part 6 Traffic lights and twin red lights, 56 Stopping for a red traffic light or arrow, (2) A driver approaching or at traffic arrows showing a red traffic arrow who is turning in the direction indicated by the arrow must stop … and must not proceed … until the traffic arrows show a green or flashing yellow traffic arrow or no traffic arrow.

        In Qld this got inserted in 2018: Subsection (2) applies to a driver (a) approaching or at traffic arrows showing a red traffic arrow who is turning in the direction indicated by the arrow; or (b) approaching or at traffic arrows showing a red traffic arrow, in a marked lane with a traffic lane arrow applying to the lane indicating a single direction that is the same direction as the red traffic arrow.

        The loophole in the original regulation was that you could argue you elected not to turn in the direction indicated by the arrow, so no longer had to stop. The infringement will be failing to stop at red light, which I hope OP doesn't receive. We can all do without unwelcome donations to our respective state governments.

        • +1

          We can all do without unwelcome donations to our respective state governments.

          Sure, but the actions that trigger those donations are almost always voluntary. OP's certainly were.

  • +10

    Red light cameras take two photos - one entering, and one exiting the intersection.

    I reckon you're good. They're not lane change cameras.

    • +3

      not sure why you got downvoted…. but I agree with you.

      I had a similar situation as well. Camera flashed when I "merged" away from the right turn only lane to go straight.

      Never got the fine in the mail. I suspect they used common sense… who would thought.

    • +3

      Red light cameras take two photos - one entering, and one exiting the intersection.

      No they don't. The camera has no idea where and when a vehicle exited an intersection. It doesn't have radar and/or artificial intelligence to keep track of each individual vehicle. Lanes only have sensors on the approach side of intersection, not in departure lanes.

      What happens is the camera records one image when a sensor detects a vehicle at a time it shouldn't be there, like after the light turns red, then another a short period afterwards. This is to detect whether a driver has stopped their vehicle just after crossing the stop line, but before they enter the intersection proper.

      • …so a photo entering and exiting the intersection.

        Thanks for clarifying.

        • The exit of the intersection is on the opposite set of lights side. The camera doesnt take a photo at the exit (because its irrelevant) but only the entrance to the intersection when the alleged offense was committed

          • @Piranha2004: Na there's two photos, someone checks every offence for incorrect ones like this one.

            • +1

              @rover100: Yes two photos of the same side of the intersection. One before and one after the red light. Not one at the entrance and one at the exit of the intersection

    • I got flashed by a red light camera. It was raining heavily, and I didn't realise the right lane was right-turn only until I was on top of the intersection. Camera snapped me as I was changing to the left lane and my tyre clipped the turning lane.

      No ticket issued, but I would have contested it if it arrived.

      I believe all tickets are inspected by a person first before being sent out to reduce false-positives.

    • No, this isn't true. The photos are taken in quick succession and definitely doesn't wait for you to leave before taking another

      It takes it in quick succession, to make sure you actually did go into the intersection. Possibly so they don't fine people who roll past the sensor or people who brake late, since two photos in succession will help you determine the speed as well

      I've been snapped before (2 in quick succession at a stop light). But didn't get a fine because it was a late brake, so I ended up triggering the sensor but didn't actually go through the intersection

  • To OP, you should be good.

    Happened to me in Sydney on Homebush Bay Drive. Never got a fine.

    • who TF would downvote my comment?

      lollllll seriously people in this forum. We should set up a section for the mentally challenged / low IQ residents.

  • +1

    I was in the exact same situation years ago and got a fine sent out for crossing/changing lane across solid white line (at the time it was 2 demerit points and $200). This was in WA.
    I didn’t contest it and yes they did have photos of me crossing the lanes.

  • +1

    I remember this happening to me between Liverpool and Warrickfarm/Chipping Norton (on the way towards that fake harbour bridge at the car dealership). I was in the right hand lane with a red arrow and decided to go straight. The red light camera flashed but I never recevied a fine. I'm pretty sure I read that the camera flashes twice and compares the images to make sure you actually cross the intersection/made the turn.

    In my case, there was visual proof that I did not turn on a red. And there's nothing preventing you from changing out/into a lane if it's safe and clear to do so.

    Edit: NSW

  • If it was a right turn only lane with BIG white right turn arrows painted on the road and the camera went off, you are definite candidate for a ticket.

  • +2

    you would have crossed over solid white lines to leave your lane at that point - Illegal

  • +5

    Next time just follow the arrow and turn back elsewhere. Not worth the worry.

    • What's the saying, "a bad driver never misses their turn"?

  • If you are NSW the Service app will show if you have been fined.

    • How long does it take to show?

  • +1

    Disobey directional arrow on road ia probably cheaper but which you’re also eligible for

  • Question - was there a broken or unbroken line for lane change between right and middle lane? They are typically unbroken line at the front, meaning you are not allowed to change lanes if you are up front.

  • -1

    This is one of those things that everyone does every single day and 99% of the time don't get caught out for it, but you did.

    • +1

      one of those things that everyone does every single day

      i have my doubts about this…..

      • +1

        How often do you drive?

        Sydney drivers are the WORST anywhere I've been. Everyone is so angry and has main character energy like they can't die.

        Every single day I ride my motorbike I see people fail to indicate, merge aggressively, speed, tailgate, change lanes from "right turn only" etc.

        • Sure, but everyone does this every single day is a stretch

  • This happened to me at the right turn next to Sydney Park heading towards King St in Newtown. Yes, I did the wrong thing. The camera definitely flashed (it was after midnight) but I didn't receive a fine.

  • done the same thing and had the camera flashed but never got a fine. as long as the photo taken shown you are going straight not turning then you should be fine.

  • You can change lanes on the assumption you don't change direction in an intersection. I.e. 3 lanes, 2 straight, 1 right. If you're in left straight and change to middle straight, you're fine. You cannot go from middle straight to right, or vice versa during a red on either opposites (or even if they're both green, you might not get red light flashed, but a cop could still pull you over for it) anywhere over the white lines

    Pay the fine (if you get one)

  • +1

    Nothing will happen. Did the same thing once and the camera flashed too. Was waiting for an infringement notice in the mail, but it never arrived.

    • Yeah, same thing with me. Probably won’t be pinged for running a red.

    • I thought I ran a red light and saw it flash. Was worrying about a fine that never came.

    • Same with me. Entered a right turn a street too early, went straight ahead on the red arrow. Camera flashed, fine never arrived.

  • -7

    Could be illegal.

    If the coast is clear (yes, checking blindspots), I do this all the time. I woudn't risk it if there's a camera as generally you're not suppose to change lanes on a solid white line.

    I've also been known to do this at a red light when both lanes are full of traffic and turn green at the same time. I indicate and move my car slightly. Most people let me in no problems. Some people are obvious or don't wish to give way. Assholes.

    • +3

      They are assholes because you can’t make a decision in time and get stuck in the wrong lane?
      Your whole post is nothing but pointing out the fact you are a terrible driver (person).

      • -2


        As if everyone hasn’t done this before.

  • Yep did the same thing a while ago and no fine.

    Looked it up and red light cameras can only fine you for going through a red light which would be if you turned against the red arrow but you went straight…through a green light.

    Im sure the cops would ping you for something the cameras can't…

  • I’ve done this before, camera went off same aa you and did not receive any fine so I’d say you’d be fine.

  • But back in my country we do this all the time…

  • Most likely you will not be fined because the camera takes two photos, and the second photo would look like you're passing through the green light.

    But you never know.

    I hate fines myself, I remember I did this but the only thing I did differently is that it was late at night and I reversed and changed lanes so the camera wouldn't flash.

  • +1

    Dont worry about it. You wont get a fine. I've done it before a few times with camera flashes going off and never got anything.

  • +1

    You won't get a ticket, you went though a green. A police officer would have charged you for an illegal lane change but red light camera offences can't charge you for that.

    I've done the same thing, no ticket. Someone verifies all camera offences so you shouldn't get it.

  • +1

    Should be fine man.

  • Christ, how did I miss this train wreck of a thread. Reminds me the last time someone posted this and posted the state revenue traffic light camera photo…

    You know it's off the rails when jv is getting all the upvotes…

  • So if you get off the red light fine youll automatically self incriminate on changing lanes over the solid white line

    Choose your poison

  • Don't listen to the people with not much better to do than wishing the worst on others. Yes, you have broken a road rule, which was to change lane over a single continuous line but you didn't run a red light. They may still fine you for the lane change but you can get out of the fine for running red light, if they fine you. If you are lucky, they may not even bother to issue you a fine and just let you off with a warning.

  • Revenue nsw are money grubbing b@$t3rds.
    Don't know where your are. Post back in a few week and let us know.

  • I did exactly this in WA and didn't get fined, this was around two years ago. It's quite possible that the cop reviewing the situation will think it was a malfunction.

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