Spintel has lowered their 100mbps plan price from 84.95 to 79.95. Get additional $3 off if you bundle with a sim.
I have used different providers but the one that works best in my location is Spintel never had a problem.
Spintel has lowered their 100mbps plan price from 84.95 to 79.95. Get additional $3 off if you bundle with a sim.
I have used different providers but the one that works best in my location is Spintel never had a problem.
Referrer get monthly $5 off for every referee who signs up to an NBN plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel
Referrer get monthly $1 off for every referee who signs up to a mobile plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel
thanks printed few hundreds copies to drop it to my suburb
aussieBB is terrible with my connection over last week or so, if it continues I will jump a ship. Anybody else noticed?
Yes I noticed your connection was slow but I thought it was because you were watching too many "movies"
no need to pay a premium any more for Aussies "premium suport" once your up and running. Just keep jumping around between the cheap providers every 6 moths, I've never had an issue.
Have you tried calling them or are you sitting tight and hoping the problem goes away?
Just keep in mind Spintel only has 1 PoP in Sydney.
Anything outside of Sydney will have high latency compared with RSP's with PoP's all over the country (most other RSP's).
So which one better for Melbourne? Tia
All other RSPs (except for Flip and Spintel) have PoP's in Melbourne.
Give Leaptel a go.
Wild, wonder how much $ they save doing this? its very annoying
Is there a website or something that you can check what PoP's RSPs have?
Now it makes sense why latency just web browsing (from outside Sydney) was so slow compared to other RSPs I've churned through.
Thanks. Will be crossing SpinTel off the list of the 6 month churning rotation.
Anyone know is it better to buy the modem providers sell (in this case TP-Link Modem for $140) or buy one from a store or ebay?
likely you can use your existing one (what have you got currently?) don't buy the ISP one it's usually crap & / or a rip off
My current one is pretty old, probably over 10 years and seems to get congested / slow down / need restarts to make it better. It's a Huawei HG659.
Figure if I'm changing providers may as well get a new modem in the process.
I'd be happy to get a used one off ebay if there's anything better / cheaper. Think I'm coming from a pretty low bar with the Huawei I already have.
if that old & that model yes, as shutuptakemymoney101 says would help to know what technology you are on FTTP / HFC etc
For the money & assuming compatible the telstra smart modem gen 2 is a good piece of kit for around the $20 second hand mark plenty around & lots of info / help on the forums
@Irishness: It's not fibre to the premise I know that. So must be to a node first, then to the rental unit. The Huawei modem I have just plugs into the phone line and then the home phone plugs into the modem. So must need voip capabilities as well for the phone to work. In the settings says it's a VDSL connection.
Remember back in the adsl days it was pretty easy to just buy something, plug it in and it worked. Doesn't seem that easy anymore since nbn.
@pixxelpusher: just put your address in here & it will give the technology https://www.nbnco.com.au/connect-home-or-business/check-your…
@Irishness: "the telstra smart modem gen 2 is a good piece of kit"
I was just reading up on it to try and find out some more info. It doesn't seem like you can use Voip with other providers? Is that the case? I'd need Voip
What NBN technology are you on? Knowing this is important before anyone can offer you suggestions for hardware.
Replied above with further details
Not trying to be unkind but it might be a good idea if you stick to an RSP supplied device that they can trouble shoot any issues for you. In the budget category I think a TP-Link device would be a good pick.
Unfortunately, FTTN is one of the worst ways to connect to the NBN and lots of people have issues depending on the condition of their copper and how long their line is.
NBN Co are actively upgrading FTTN area's, you might want to see if your area is in line for an upgrade.
while I understand why you would say that (especially for those who just want an internet connection) at $140 for the TP-Link VX230v yeah nah, given most modern TP Link modem routers run similar firmware & spintel should be able troubleshoot there are alternatives for less though personally if I was throwing $140 at it I'd be going Asus
That's what I was originally thinking when I posted the question. The answer just seems to be getting more complicated, so maybe just going with the one that the provider recommends would be the least headaches.
From the link: "nbn full fibre isn’t currently available at your address".
All I'd be looking at is a modem that doesn't get congested / needs restarting like my current mega old one, is FTTN, has VOIP, and decent Wifi speed (wifi 6 preferably). And works with Australian providers obviously.
RSP supplied hardware is far from the best on the market but if you don't have the technical knowledge yourself (or the inclination to learn) and want to keep things simple you're better off sticking to what the RSP sells so you can get the support from them that you need or desire.
Having a requirement for a modem and VoIP also limits your options for an all in one device, you can of course use totally separate devices, but again that likely leaves you on your own to enter all settings including VoIP settings to get it working properly.
You sound like your needs are modest so an RSP supplied device should tick all the boxes for you.
For someone looking for something set and forget I usually recommend that they look at LeapTel https://leaptel.com.au/ for NBN using a suitable device that they offer and using CrazyTel for VoIP on a pre-configured ATA box purchased from them also. https://shop.crazytel.com.au/product/grandstream-ht802-2-por…
Keeping your VoIP separate from your RSP makes it easier to move around if you're unhappy with your RSP or want to go chasing bargains.
@shutuptakemymoney101: Thanks for the info, will have to take a look at those and digest it. Think I'd prefer to have nbn and phone combined for simplicity.
Can get the Tp-Link VX230v for around $95 which isn't too bad. Also have been reading the TP-Link Archer VR2100v should be compatible with most providers which I could get for around $95 too. Would that one be better? Though it is only Wifi 5 vs the Wifi 6 of the VX230v.
@pixxelpusher: Are the TP-Link choices RSP supplied or are you buying them yourself?
If you aren't purchasing directly from your RSP maybe someone else can chime in and give some more (maybe better) suggestions?
@shutuptakemymoney101: The Tp-Link VX230v is what Spintel sells and looking around it's mentioned on other providers sites, so yes it seems to be a common RSP modem here in Australia. Just I can find it for about $50 cheaper, around $95 if I buy it myself from a 3rd party, so it would make sense to just buy it from a 3rd party as I imagine it would be the same hardware RSP's sell.
Then I also saw the VR2100v for around $95 as well, and it's mentioned on quite a few RSP's websites as a compatible modem here in Australia, so I'm assuming it's running similar software to the Tp-Link VX230v and does FTTN and VOIP.
Seeing as they both seem to be common modems (from my limited web browsing over the last few days), I'm just questioning which is the better buy if anyone knows?
@pixxelpusher: SpinTel are not very well regarded by those who know, I really do implore you to look more closely at Leaptel or even another RSP :-)
I've read good things and bad things about the Tp-Link VX230v but as its got Wifi 6 that would probably be my choice for longevity.
Moving your VoIP onto a separate device actually makes things even more simple, if you were to buy a pre-configured device from CrazyTel for instance it's plug and play making it a simple process to move to new internet provider in the future.
CrazyTel call rates are pretty good as well.
**Depending on your plan speed the Leaptel discount could be 12 months vs 6 months with Spintel.
@shutuptakemymoney101: Ok thanks, definitely have to think about this more. I used to have my mobile with SpinTel and that was fine for me, only switched as I found a better deal (Coles $120 for 12 months). Can understand SpinTel's nbn business may be different though.
Leaning towards the VX230v then. Leaptel also supply the VX230v as their choice. Another one that seems common from RSP's is Netcomm NF20MESH. Not sure how that compares to the VX230v though.
Think I'd just keep the voip with the nbn provider as it's not that big a deal and rarely use it, more as a backup if needed. I've always been on a $0 phone plan and just pay for calls if I ever use it. So even if I moved to another provider I'd just choose the $0 call plan. I'd also only be looking at 50 or 100mbps nbn plans. Currently on a 50mbps which is fine, getting cost down would be more important, so cheap is good.
Spintel has been terrible for me in ACT
Does anyone have experience with spintel in Perth?
Don't touch it, given they only have 1 PoP in Sydney you can expect latency of 40 to 50ms all the way to Perth.
Spintel is only good for those living in Sydney.
just found out through hard way, if you had been a customer of spintel in past even a year ago you aren't eligible for the promotion and they will tell you this only after your service is active and charge for at least 1st month, never going to them again
Same like Superloop/exetel, but later give 5x speed boost days per month.