Like this but better for $60 more, 120 more hz and better qd oled vs woled and 3 yr warranty including burn in vs 2 yr
student discount:
Like this but better for $60 more, 120 more hz and better qd oled vs woled and 3 yr warranty including burn in vs 2 yr
student discount:
Code AUAFFILIATES5% for additional 5% off
doesnt work anymore
You could have paid nothing if you willing to put your a$$ on line, but that might not be deal people might be after. This may for some.
Did you buy from my NZXT deal? Because that was for a 27inch 1440p IPS monitor for $1000 less than this. Of course it's not as good but I struggle to see how this is worth $1000 extra. The prices of these new monitors are insane, like GPUs, and your comment is actually underrated.
it's just the early adopter tax
IMHO it's not really early adopter, this is 3rd Gen OLED panel and the technology is quite mature at this point.
I think it's just a premium product and priced accordingly.
Another top quality jv comment
Member Since : 01/01/2024
Another top quality ghost account…
Oh be still my aching, bleeding heart… Right where it hurts, too!
ohh boy the dream gaming monitor has arrived.
What makes it the dream gaming monitor for you?
360hz and OLED but not 4K so you can still run it on current day graphics cards.
Yup same here (At least for now)
If I buy this, does it mean I will beat all the other players using cheaper monitors?
if you buy this its like cheating but legal - that or you are really bad at the game
wow so much tech in LCDs I dont know about.
I got the best reviewed on RTINGS LG ultragear 3 years ago for $700 and I thought that was going to future proof me but nope they just keep improving
Well this is OLED not LCD
No such thing as future proofing when electronics are involved!
I'm all about good screens but seriously, could anyone see the difference between 240Hz and 360Hz? Chuck v-sync on at 200+Hz and the 40-90fps you are probably producing will look flawless.
You probably meant g-sync right?
Even without g-sync/freesync, if you have a monitor running at 240Hz then basic v-sync will introduce very little delay because the maximum time to wait for the next refresh is 1/240th of a second. Obviously g/freesync even better.
The delay is significant enough for competitive gaming
Diminishing returns after 144hz. But the OLED tech makes 175hz seem like 360hz LED…So I cant imagine what 360hz OLED would look like.
Some people say they can visually see it is smoother, but by how much and if it's worth it, that's probably up to the individual.
I think it's more of a subconscious thing at that level don't you get less smearing of moving edges.
i cant tell 144 vs 240 but some swear they can see it…
Anything over 100 looks the same to me, definitely don't need 360
unless you are a competitive gamer who games a lot.. , then you can tell the difference.
Refresh rate is half the battle, response times are the other. If you've compared something like 144Hz TN to 240Hz IPS, you would struggle to see much difference beyond the colour consistency benefits of IPS.
What's been happening over the last 5 years is that the response times on LCD have been coming up fast, but IPS has been the slowest of those, and that remains so despite there being 480Hz/540Hz IPS panels.
360Hz OLED is pretty much equivalent to 540Hz TN from a motion clarity perspective, which in turn is more like 600-700Hz IPS. It's a big jump, but the key metric is refresh rate and response timings halving, so after 360Hz OLED you're probably waiting for 720Hz or 1000.
V-Sync or G-Sync, you are copping enormous input/system lag by doing that, and you're not getting enough frame updates to gain the competitive advantage of the monitor. What you're getting out of monitors like this is more motion fluidity for your peripheral vision - which is almost all of your field of vision - and that allows you to anticipate better.
I would expect this to add an additional 1ms at most alongside 50% of the frame delay (1.38ms), but each time you shave off 1ms off that delay at this point, you're getting statistical benefits of your anticipation, read, and response being more in sync, but that's not something that you're going to consciously perceive beyond that fluidity.
So yes, the human eye can see up to about 1000 FPS - and benefits physiologically beyond that in terms of eye strain - but it will not significantly speed up your reaction time, just deliver more information to your eye so you can anticipate motion and reflexively adjust better.
V-Sync or G-Sync, you are copping enormous input/system lag by doing that
V-Sync simply waits for the next refresh, so at 240Hz the maximum amount of time it waits is 1/240th of a second, i.e. 0.0042 seconds and on average it will be half that (excluding any impact from buffering settings). Once your refresh rate is sufficiently higher than your frame rate, the chances of the GPU 'dropping' a frame to comply with the need to sync to the refresh rate are very low.
So I'm not sure where 'enormous' input lag is coming from. I am not a competitive gamer, but I am fairly sensitive to input lag and running things at around 4k/60fps on my 240Hz (or 200Hz, I forget) monitor any difference between v-sync on and off is negligible save that with v-sync on the perceived clarity that comes from a lack of any tearing whatsoever is very obvious. V-sync absolutely doesn't introduce 'enormous' input lag. Most of the time I am running Freesync which works even better in this scenario.
In fact, personally the biggest benefit to me in going from 60Hz to my current monitor was the ability to have some variation of v-sync turned on without any impact on perceived input lag. No doubt if I was full of meth and playing competitive CS:GO or whatever I might have a different view.
The input lag comes from the fact that the genuine frame updates are occurring every 1/40th of a second in your 40 FPS analogy, which is vastly slower. That doesn't smooth out movement or give the visual information I'm describing, it just reduces tearing.
You clearly have no idea about the underlying systems of either GSync or VSync. The latter won't help you with input lag or motion fluidity, while the former will only lose its issues with input lag if quick frame transport is in play via the display interface.
And to be clear, I'm not describing your ability to determine input lag from minor variations, because you will struggle to pick up changes smaller than 10ms. I'm talking about those smaller 1-3ms delays that see you miss shots you thought you had, and this gap becomes more and more important as you seek higher and higher refresh rates for that real-to-life presentation of motion on screen.
1000Hz with max 1ms display processing lag (including response time) is the goal for before 2030, and it has applications way beyond competitive gaming.
@jasswolf: Gsync input lag is negligible as long as you keep your FPS capped at least ~3% below your max refresh rate.
@Damon8: I'm referring to the impact of a low frame rate without QFT, any processing lag from adaptive sync techniques isn't as pertinent.
I went from 144Hz IPS to 360Hz on this exact monitor and could not tell the difference (Overwatch 2).
Any details on the 3225qf 4k 240hz version?
That was posted yesterday
This worth the upgrade from my LG 27GR95QE-B 240hz ?
Can you explain what is the difference between qd-oled and woled?
I know qd-oled is bad for PCs due to having odd shaped pixels Windows can't render fonts properly unless you install third party software called MacType.
WOLED uses white sub-pixels to enhance the brightness/luminance, which can cause colour volume dilution compared to QD-OLED which uses quantum dot subpixels (if I’m explaining correctly), which gives superior brightness and colour volume compared to the former.
WOLED = white sub pixel, poorer colour volume performance
QD-OLED = brighter more saturated colours, think QLED tech combined with OLED. Best panel available atm
I'm pretty sure qd uses the rgby array to increase luminescence also making brightness more accurate.
Woled has same text clarity issues because they use a while sub pixel.. QD oled gen 3 panels dont really have the issue4 any more
QD OLED has this weird issue where if your room is bright or there is a bright light source infront of your monitor, the blacks won't look black but will look grey. OLED doesn't have this problem. Then again, you wouldn't want to use either monitor in a bright room. But other than that, QD OLED has better colour volume (images will look more vibrant and pop more), better brightness (in most cases), and better colour uniformity.
No, this will not make you a better gamer and you're not going to win every damn game. But you might as well lose looking at a beautiful QD OLED panel.
I dunno man, if you die and get the black screen since OLED has perfect black you'll have to stare at a reflection of yourself. How do you face yourself after losing?
Play in my parents basement with no light, then there’s no reflection
That's what anti glare coatings are for!
Freesync yuck no thanks.
I'm assuming you haven't done your research and are just commenting because you have nothing else better to do. There is a reason why G-Sync monitors, with the actual modules, are dying out and Freesync/G-Sync compatible is more dominant. The price premium doesn't provide a significant difference between the standards. Rather spend it on a better GPU.
Premium pro or not there’s no guarantee it will work as flawlessly on an Nvidia gpu with the lowest latency as would be possible with gsync certified compatible
There’s also a reason that every single oled monitor that comes out without Gsync has complaints of flickering as well. People harp on about how it’s a waste of money, but it’s at least a guarantee that everything works
Not a waste at that refresh rate for sure.
Especially when we’re talking 360fps. Dips all over the place if you can’t keep up.
That’s a fantastic monitor would have just liked to see Dell sell to the larger market and that’s definitely Nvidia.
Anyone know if the other brands will be worth waiting for? Samsung msi etc
Apparently MSI is cheaper in the US, but not sure if it'll be the case, but generally speaking having more alternative/competition might mean the prices will become a little more competitive.
If you’re after a matte coating, Samsung will be the only one really, it’ll likely be cheaper with discounts as well
Much lower than what I expected. Will buy ASAP
Looks like listing is gonski
It's good to see multiple Oled monitors finally becoming available. The price is too high at the moment but I hope the price halves over the next 12 monbths.
Good specs on paper, though a lot of people are returning these due to text fringing issues etc.
I was going to pull the trigger yesterday before seeing many reviews citing the same issue and returning.
Text issues are the biggest thing holding me back from qd-oled displays. Linus tech tips did a video about it on the first generation of qd-oled PC screens and they showed there is a free software called MacType that can fix the issue but I'd love if Microsoft can include a fix in a Windows Update for it.
Hoping to see an ultrawide version of these new monitors soon, that's what I'm holding out for
Yes they're coming.
I'm hoping we get close to the 800usd pricing for the current qd-OLED 34".
Finally hit australia after waiting a few weeks lol
How do I get the student discount? Do i have to login/ create an account with my student email?
Need to register with unidays and it gives you a code to use in the promo code during checkout.
Bought it with the student code, thanks!
Looking forward to pair this with the 4090.
If anyone wants a code a student code: PV8KQSXGRXL6KT
(7% off)
I linked to this deal on the LG post just so people don't OzBuy it without looking at what else is around