This was posted 12 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Windows 8 Pro Upgrade $14.99 - PC Purchase with Win7 Required between 2 June 2012 & 31 Jan 2013


1) Register Upgrade ID First

2) Then use your upgrade Id Here

3) Save your upgrade promotion code.

4) Download upgrade manager.…

5) Use your promotion code.

Verification was simple like a xxx site. (MUST purchase(!?) a windows 7 after 2 June 2012)


Eligibility Details
The offer is for customers (e.g. home users, students, and enthusiasts) who purchase a qualified PC. A qualified PC is a new PC purchased during the promotional period with a valid Windows 7 OEM Certificate of Authenticity and product key for, and preinstalled with:

  • Windows 7 Home Basic;
  • Windows 7 Home Premium;
  • Windows 7 Professional; or
  • Windows 7 Ultimate.
    The promotional price is limited to one upgrade offer per qualified PC purchased, and a maximum limit of five upgrade offers per customer.

Key Dates
You must purchase a qualifying Windows 7 PC between 2 June 2012 and 31 January 2013 to be eligible for this offer. The last day to register and order your Windows 8 upgrade is 28 February 2013.

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closed Comments


    Probably best to add to that thread.

  • Haven't really found a definitive answer in my searches. Does anyone know if this upgrade key can be used to install Windows 8 Pro on an empty drive ?

    • clean install (even upgrade version working well)

      1. just make a USB or DVD then boot up with it.

      2. select 2nd option

        • Custom : Install Windows Only (Advance)

      3. enjoy.

      • do you know how to get 64bit version ISO?

        i purchased and downloaded mine using 32bit laptop and im guessing it downloaded 32 bit version.

        Google search shows i have to purchase DVD (~$60) to get 64bit version. :(

        • I'm sure you could download the DVD off a pirate site if you own the software…

    • Its not even out yet bro. You will get your answer in due course of time. Just have the software ready t go :)

    • The answer is NO. This upgrade version Windows 8 Pro can't be installed on a empty driver (or fresh install) without any Windows 7 product key. I tried it (used the .iso file) on my VM and it gives error finding the Windows 7 product key. I was able to install it on an exisiting Windows 7 OS VM and you can choose clean install (wipe out all Windows 7 data).

  • What I wanna know is if this is exactly the same thing as selling for $39.99 as per this deal ?

    And HN/JB have it for $58 (with DVD) ?

    MS getting desparate ?

    As for OP, definately a +1. Posted with 3 simple steps. Upgrading for dummies

    • What I wanna know is if this is exactly the same thing as selling for $39.99 as per this deal ?
      And HN/JB have it for $58 (with DVD) ?

      Noooo ……. This line, in the last line of the OP's post is the difference, (which is SIGNIFICANT)

      (MUST purchase a windows 7 after 2 June 2012)

      So unless your computer is running Windows 7, and was purchased after 2 June, then it's a totally different creature.

      • Noooo ……. This line, in the last line of the OP's post is the difference, (which is SIGNIFICANT)

        What I meant was: Is it the same SOFTWARE (No additions/deletions to what you get if you pay $39.99 or $14.99) ??

        • You purchase it through the same process, but apply a discount voucher to the end price

    • -5

      All you need to know is that upgrades, at moment, are ghey. ;)

    • I don't think MS is getting desperate - this promotion was already released when I bought my PC in June - they had it planned for a long time.

      As for whether it is the same thing as the $39.99 version - I think it is, both of these deals are classified as "upgrades" from previous Windows versions, and appear to give you the same downloading rights.

  • +3

    same SOFTWARE as $39.99. only different thing is promotion code discount price.

    • Thanks

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

    Downloaded 2GB in 5 minutes.
    Also got Win 8 key in e-mail.

    It doesn't mention in e-mail if its an Upgrade or not. Will find out when I install I guess !

    Not a bad price at all for Windows 8 !

    M$ may be getting desperate considering they can't beat piracy. They'd rather have a user pay a nominal fee like $15-$40 rather than nothing at all ?

    Then there are suckers who pay ~$300 for Retail versions !

    • It is upgrade version OFFICIALLY :)

    • I honestly don't know how anyone could justify $300 for retail MS Windows. I guess in corporate they just throw money at it till it starts throwing money back. I'm sure it works for them.

  • +5

    Nice !

    2.63 GB .iso sitting on Desktop. Even though I am not installing it straightaway, its nice to have it. :)

    For those of you who spent hundreds on or before 1st June 2012 on a new PC, you don't miss out. There is no verification involved. Just pick a date and pay.

    Also for those interested, I paid via PayPal and it charged me in AUD

    • Did it ask for your Windows 7 key, or any proof of purchase at all? I got my copy from uni via MSDN for free so… (and it was also before June 2)

      • -5

        I can only say read carefully last line.

        • +4

          Last line of what? The Upgrade Assistant? The OP's post? The post of the guy I replied to?

      • If you got Windows 7 through uni why don't you get Windows 8 there too? It was added back in August or something :3

        • I'm not in Uni anymore…

        • Key Dates
          You must purchase a qualifying Windows 7 PC between 2 June 2012 and 31 January 2013 to be eligible for this offer. The last day to register and order your Windows 8 upgrade is 28 February 2013.

        • With Ehub/academic alliance you technically are purchasing the software. It's just that you're paying $0 for it.

  • +4

    Good price. Still not sure I want windows 8, even if it was free.

  • -5

    Loving Windows 8 for over 6 months now, might have to get this, never had a legit copy of MS software before!

    Those who claim M$ to be getting desperate, these are only introductory offers, until the end of Feb from memory.

    • +8

      I have to admit I tried Windows 8 for 4 months and really wanted to like it, but it just doesn't make sense. Went back to windows 7 a week ago and that felt like an upgrade

      • The issues were?

      • that's funny

  • +6

    The "latest" Windows is gonna make you all feel retarded.. no lie. Stick with W7.. it's alot less hassle.

    • +2

      Is it the start screen or the fantastic performance improvements that are pissing everyone off? I don't get it…

      • It's got 2 separate interfaces that you'll be switching between a lot. If they picked one and stuck with it, people can get used to it. But it's as if MS dithered on whether or not the new interface would work so they kept the old one in, and were indecisive about it.

        They can salvage W8's perceived image still if they release separated versions of the OS in future. One with tiles only interface, and the other with Desktop only (with start button).

        • -7

          You are telling me how I WILL be using my computer? You are very misinformed.

          I use the start screen purely as a launcher and nothing else. The apps system is shit, I will admit that, but the start screen itself is great, so much faster to launch what I need and use the most. After a few minutes of configuring it to have the most common apps in the most convenient places, it works a treat.

        • +3


          Just watch video #3.

          Maybe you won't switch between them. Maybe you're an advanced user. But remember that of the hundreds of millions of PC users that will have W8, a very large % won't be as advanced as you, and aren't the kind of power users that tweak/configure things like you do.

        • Why will you be switching between them a lot? Just use the desktop one by clicking on Desktop. It'll stay there unless you load it again with the windows key.

          Keeping the old one was never a question. There is absolutely no way they would get rid of the old one and kill compatibility with all existing windows software.

        • They are transitioning everyone to mobile devices because research shows in 10 years no one will own a desktop computer, everyone will own a tablet and probably a desktop dock to put your tablet in. It makes sense to start getting everybody ready now because folks like Ubuntu transitioned ages ago. There isn't any money in desktop OS's its all in the software packages i.e. Microsoft Store, Mobile Devices i.e. making you adopt their interface so you'll probably buy a windows phone and cloud services (look at Server 2012 it went CLOUD).

          You probably won't even be running the application on your device in 5-6 years you'll be viewing it through a web browser and likely paying for remote access.

  • bad(?) news from my friend who live in US.

    US website begin to asking previous windows 7 key. but AU site still working well without it so far(7:16AM)

    • It asked me for a product key…

      • Didn't ask me, but I didn't go through with the purchase.

        I don't mind the $15 asking price. I just am not ready to upgrade to W8 at this time (if ever). I'll wait a few months to see the reaction from the general public first.

        • Can sign me up and I'll purchase it lol

        • From your above posts, it sounded like you were already using W8.

        • RTM ;)

      • hmmm. not sure what's going on. It was fine when I was check it. but now AU site asking windows 7 key.
        only korean website still not asking product key so far. (you need a VPN connection, unless it is same like AU site)
        sorry for the confusing. but I think it doesn't matter for those who have a windows 7 product key.

        • haha this is so weird. one of my friend just got it now without product key validation in AU. what a random M$!

        • Just got it fine without product ID.

        • I think if you are not using Windows 7 PC it will ask for product key.

        • Try it again, using IE. It asks for a product key if you're not using IE or the User Agent String isn't a W7 one.

        • I'm using firefox - private browsing seems to always give me a 100% success rate.

  • Its asking me for product key to validate.

    • When trying to purchase or trying to install?

      • At the start/purchase stage, before even asking for payment.

        • Hmmm, odd… I went through this about 20m ago and it didn't ask for a product key

  • Does anyone know if the download is locked to the PC you run the upgrade assistant on? I'd rather download this at work and burn to disc rather than hammer my home internet quota, but it would suck to find out the key was locked to my work PC :D

    • I bought my upgrade without them asking the win7 key. Maybe they auto checked I was using a legit win 7 pro already when purchasing. Once I downloaded it to an ISO and burnt to DVDRW, I upgraded my 'Cdkey less' win7 in my MacBook Pro bootcamp with no problems.

      Checked its activation and its good. So I dunno for me my download didn't lock to my main pc!

      Now I am wondering if I can use my upgrade key AGAIN for my
      HTPC in the lounge…

      • Nah it's only for OEM which means 1 PC only. Good work on installing Windows to Mac. I love the reliability of Mac it's good for production environments, the price tag doesn't suit me at home though. Just wondering did you install it to access Windows only applications?

  • it's asking me for a key as well :(

    tried putting in an older win7 COA didn't work either

    • How would they know based on product key what date you purchased it?

  • now now. this is a good deal. those kids who say M$, please. when apple launched lion and mountain lion? how much is the price? say what? how much? come on now.

    • Mountain Lion cost me $20. Lion cost me $40. Like this deal, if you had bought a Mac shortly before its release you could get it for $15 (IIRC). I wasn't going to upgrade my bootcamp for the prices MS was asking but for $15 (or $39) I might as well.

  • not being asked for key here.
    Did actually purchase Win7 PC this month.. perhaps it knowsss..

    • +2

      Interesting. Maybe it's checking the time the Windows 7 first-boot program was run?

  • no key required. au site.

    • Didn't ask for key as well.

  • I think people whose Windows Validation is already in place, it doesn't ask any product key.

    • +2

      No, you just have to put in a VALID product brand and model.

  • Is it if you use the actual machine to go to the page it will not ask you for key?

    Will it locked to that machine?

  • How do you download the file once it has been interrupted? It starting downloading and I inserted my USB key and the computer crashed.

    • +1

      Resuming a download should be the least of your problems.

      • Well could you please kindly explain how I download the file again?

    • C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebSetup\Sources\WebSetup.exe

      Try to run this program manually. Although I can't guarantee this will work for everyone.

  • +1

    Still having problems with it asking for a key. :(
    used a few different email addresses different info aswell and everytime wants a key :(
    tried different internet connection aswell still nothing…

    • What machine are you using?

      • Im using my macbook pro with bootcamp…

        • I think if you use the machine that you are going to upgrade it will valid the key by itself if not it will ask for the key.

          Correct me if I am wrong.

          How about if I use another Windows 7 machine to purchase and use it with another machine, is it OK?

    • It asking for a key during the purchase section or while you are installing the W8?

      • Yeah when registering for the upgrade key.
        i put my info in the first section and then once i click continue it sends me to a page to put in my win 7 key.

        • I have done mine 5 mins ago and it didn't ask for the key.
          1.) are you using the AU site?
          2.) Is your Windows Validation already in place?

    • Try it from a W7 machine running IE. Use IE (or a browser that can spoof an IE User Agent string)

  • I've got this e-mail while I paid by Paypal:

    You submitted an order in the amount of $14.99 AUD to Arvato Distribution GmbH
    Thanks for using PayPal. Please note that this is not a charge. Your account will be charged when the merchant processes your payment. You may receive multiple emails as the merchant processes your order.

    Anyone get the same message?

    • Yes, same one.

      • Thanks, now keep waiting. :)

    • I didn't, I just bought the licence and got the key straightaway.

    • Same message, with paypal charge pending and the installer froze… Did you eventually get the key?

  • +6

    Anyone interested in backing up Windows 8 setup for future installations its in root of C: drive in a hidden folder called ESD. Just copy windows folder inside to another drive or media.

    • Thanks !

    • Any idea, how to make a Boot DVD ? I selected the option "Install from Desktop later", now I am thinking I should have made a Boot DVD instead.

      • Install from Desktop later.
        Then save it as .iso
        Then burn the thing into a DVD using imgburn or similar.

        • after i clicked 'install from desktop later' it just quits and offers no option to burn it on a dvd :(

        • It will give you option to save to USB or create .ISO
          Take second option and create .ISO
          Then use imgburn to burn .ISO file to dvd.

        • strangely, mine doesn't have those options. I've tried numerous times and it just quits altogether. Perhaps this has something to do with me on xp… Since I need a clean install and i already bought the key, I'm going to wait for an iso torrent.

  • +1

    so I've bought it and installed on my laptop - this thing is doing me head in. Trying to close a program is impossible - what have I done?

    • You'll get used to it. You really have no choice if you want to continue using new Windows programs once they inevitably require Win8.

      Microsoft won't be releasing a second Windows 7 service pack and you can bet they'll do everything they can to push users off 7 as soon as possible. They won't want 7 to become the new XP.

    • Holding 'Alt' then pressing 'F4' still closes apps. Alternatively, you can move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen (where it should turn into a small hand), press and hold the left mouse key and drag the window to the bottom of the screen.

  • I bought a laptop from JB Hifi a couple of days ago at heavy discount. Imaged the HDD before first boot so I have a completely clean, virgin copy of Windows 7 to revert back to if I won't like Win 8 (currently installing).

    I must say Microsoft has really gone minimalistic with the new version. The install screen is three lines of text and a button on a block blue background. That's it. Any simpler and they could have just used a DOS prompt.

    • are you sure it is virgin? not the bloated crap laptop manufacturers seem to always load on top of virgin OS?

  • +3

    These hotkeys may help you get around in win 8, try these.

    Key combination

    Windows 8 functionality


    Switch input language and keyboard layout.


    Lock device orientation.


    Temporarily peek at the desktop.


    Cycle through toasts.


    Cycle through toasts in reverse order.


    Launch Narrator.


    Move the Start Screen or a Metro-style application to the monitor on
    the left.


    Move the Start Screen or a Metro-style application to the monitor on the right.


    Move the gutter to the left (snap an application).


    Move the gutter to the right (snap an application).


    Open the Charms bar.


    Open the Settings charm.


    Open the Connect charm.


    Open the Share charm.


    Open the Search pane.


    Open the Settings Search app.


    Open the File Search app.


    Cycle through apps.


    Cycle through apps in reverse order.


    Cycle through apps and snap them as they cycle.


    Open the App Bar.


    Initiate input method editor (IME) reconversion.


    Swap foreground between the snapped and filled apps.

  • So I can use another Windows PC to buy and use the key for my actual laptop, right?

    • technically yes. even on the mac, it was okay to get it.
      my friend tried about 10 times then he finally got it without validation. yes OS was mac with chrome not windows. It is weird. but no one actually knows how this random validation is going on.

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