• expired

½ Price Vodafone $250 240GB 1-Year Prepaid Starter Pack for $125 @ Woolworths

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  • 365-day expiry
  • 240GB
  • 5G enabled
  • Data banking

Not for commercial or resale purposes. Available at Woolworths Supermarkets only until 6/2/24. Limit 3 per customer. Unlocking fee may apply. Voucher must be activated within 6 months of purchase to avoid expiry. While stocks last. Vodafone starter pack terms apply - see packaging.

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closed Comments

      • I went to different woolies. Just picked the $250 starter sim. The guy in the front scanned it. It was $125. Also, I've noticed on Vodafone app. Still it shows 150GB for the data. Just wondering when the 90GB data will be applied? Or is it me only?

        • Swipe to the right, below Prepaid Plus.
          There are MyData, Snd intl TXT, Talk n TXT and….. Bonus Data tab.

  • Are the standard $250 pack & the one advertised in the deal identical?

  • This doesn’t have international calling though

    • Correct I believe the Costco ones have it

      • Yeah that’s now $199

      • Nah just checked doesn’t have IDD

  • -3

    5G for the poor people

  • Does this plan have international roaming for $5/day?

  • Vodafone website says "After you purchase a Starter Pack, you have 365 days to activate your SIM before it expires"


    But this deal is saying voucher must be activated within '6 months' to avoid expiry.

    Anyone know which one it is? 6 months or 12 months?

    I understand the Summer bonus 90GB data offer may expire (if not extended) on 22-02-24 and can live with this, my sons current plan doesn't expire until September and would like to purchase this in advance if I can.

  • can we ask for esim rather than physical one while activation?

    • +1

      I've read in one of these pages that it can be converted, so at the worst it would likely involve a phone call to initiate the change.

  • voda is not good. its cheap for a reason. connection is not only slow, sometimes i get no signal at all from walking past some buildings. sure the data for that price is great but if u live slightly rural u will be getting nothing at all. check their map coverage before considering. its very minimal. if u do go to some ranges that telstra or optus has coverage of voda will have nothing. so weigh your options. if u just stay indoors in the city most of the time it should be fine. otherwise i would steer clear from this.

  • +1

    For everyone's info, I got this when I activated:

    For your Interest
    Get 240GB total data (150GB + 90GB bonus data) on activation. For use in Oz. Activate by 22/02/24. T&C apply.

    • Thanks, will activate it next week then.

  • For future reference, I activated my 10% and got no discount, it went to $0 even with food items in the same order. Will be contacting support to get the discount reactivated for an actual shop. So at the very least, your experience may vary.

  • +1

    This is still available today, just bought one.

    • Hey did the packaging have the bonus written on it or was it just the standard $250 starter pack?

      • Just the standard starter pack, the bonus 90GB is given during activation

  • a lot of people saying Vodafone is bad, anyone else having issues? in VIC i got a s24

    how well is it holding up for you?

    • Based in 2747 and have been having constant dropouts from Day 1

    • thing with mobile phone provider is, they are like girlfriend. your mate hot gf maybe not suitable for you.
      no point reading what others say, you just need to try

  • +1

    Nice cheap plan for second phone. Imo way better value at Woolworths compared to Officeworks. 10% discount + 2354 Reward Points ($11.77) + Can use Reward Savings too. There were 4 left at Woolworths QV when I bought earlier today. You can call most places to check before going so you don’t go for nothing.

  • +1

    Make sure yuor phone supports VoLTE else it cannot make phone call/receive calls though it can send/received sms
    — not all phone has the hack to enalbe VoLTE

    Voda/TPG will refund when you show them your receipt

    Optus will turn off 3G by Sept
    Telstra by June

    • Thanks for this message! I've been going crazy trying to work out why I can send SMS, access mobile data but can't make or receive calls.

      I've got a Xiaomi Mi9T and just had to enable VoLTE, now I can make calls again :)

  • i cant even find stock, how does one price match too because there is no listing for this on woolwoths?

  • anyone know if i can return refund amaysim pack (bought from woolw) to the store? still unopened i have receipt

    • I replied earlier on a similar question. When purchasing mine from officeworks they said I couldnt return as i believe its soft-activated when purchased. Try your luck at Woolies but I assume it'll be the same.

      • Damn.. oh well.. thanks

  • +1

    Got one today. Offer ends tomorrow!

    • shoot! Gonna hop down to local woolies right after Survivor AU finishes…. hope they have one there!

      • Made it! Quite a few left at Marsfield Woolies which closes midnight if anyone still wants some!

  • Please don't buy if you go to the city or crowded areas often, the reception often sucks on the train and the data is slow in situations where you can't control e.g: malls

  • Does anyone has any online catalogue for this 50% off for Officeworks pricematch? TIA

  • Why are these not listed in the Woolworthes catalogue? I also searched on the Woolies website and they don't show up…

    • +1

      They were in the previous week's catalogue

      • WIll we be able to get access to last week catalogue?

      • Checked my local Woolies and managed to find 2 of them collecting dust out front of the store. #winning

  • Silly question, what id you put one of these in a smart phone - is it data only? if so can you use without for Hot-spotting too?

    • Can be used for hotspotting, you just can't put it into a dedicated modem.

  • I just bought this sim card in Woolworths Revesby, NSW. After scanning, it's $125. Plenty of stocks there. After checking 5G coverage map between Vodafone, Optus, and Telstra, I have decided to buy this Vodafone sim card. I have tried many different sim cards in the past including Boost mobile, Amaysim, Kogan mobile, Lebara, Belong, Catchconnect mobile, etc. In Sydney CBD, speedtest result of Vodafone is much faster then Boost mobile (capped speed!) for example … In my workplace not too far from CBD, Boost mobile signal is not better than Vodafone …

  • I managed to get OW to pricematch based on in store woolies screenshot … lucky me !

    • But how did they confirm its still on half price?

      • I took a screenshot from Woolies display shelf, and tried my luck. Because it is not available on the website, they could not validate however the manager was kind enough to allow it based on my screenshot.

  • +4

    FYI, was checking to activate the sim and saw that the bonus data is now until 9/4/24. Below copy of the T&C: https://www.vodafone.com.au/prepaid/plans

    $150 and $250 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack Offer
    For personal use only. Offer available to eligible new Vodafone Prepaid customers who purchase and activate either a $2 Sim with a $30-$50 recharge or $30 and above Prepaid Starter Pack on a Prepaid Plus plan between 16 February 2024 and 9 April 2024 (‘Promotional Period) and activate by 9 April 2024. Offer available in all channels.

    Eligible customers get 60GB bonus data on $150 starter pack for a total 140GB data and 90GB bonus dataon $250 starter pack for total 240GB. Bonus data is applied within 72 hours following a successful activation and is available only on activation. Activation Counts as the first recharge. Bonus data under this offer is not added to your Data Bank.

    Also replied from Voda chat agent we can wait for one year to activate : Yes, once you buy the prepaid starter kit, you can avail it's offer till one year as you have option to activate the sim till one year.

    • My current sim expires in late March so activating closer to then would be ideal .I purchased my sim on 31/1 I wonder if I'd still get the bonus data here in that case as technically I didnt purchase between 16 Feb and 9 Apr.

    • +1

      can confirm, just went to activate today and the online activation system showed this:

      "Get 240GB total data (150GB + 90GB bonus data) when you activate this starter pack. For use in Oz. Offer ends 09/04/24. Activate by 09/04/24. T&C apply. "

      going to wait til april now for the activation

      [purchased SIM 6/2/2024 as part of the Woolies promo]

      • Thank you Sir.

      • Has your sim card ported over yet? Did you get 180gb bonus data?

        I assume it is because there is currently 2 offers for 90gb of bonus data and right now they overlap.

        150gb +90gb bonus data. Activate by 22/02/24 for bonus data
        Get 240GB total data (150GB + 90GB bonus data) when you activate this starter pack between 16 February 2024 and 9 April 2024 (‘Promotional Period) and activate by 9 April 2024

        • I haven't ported mine over yet. I bought it as per the OP deal (which said activate prior to 22/02/24) however when I went to activate the sim on the VF website yesterday (to do it before 22/02) it said that the included credit/offer would give 240gb if I activate before 9/4/2024. So I'm going to wait til closer to that date.

          just tried again, this is what it showed (I selected the option saying I didn't buy via VF website)


          • @bdl: Another update, I'm activating my service today and the same "Get 240GB total data (150GB + 90GB bonus data) when you activate this starter pack. For use in Oz. Offer ends 09/04/24. Activate by 09/04/24. T&C apply." message is showing.

            When activating I've received 150gb so will wait 24 hr to see if the 90gb has been applied.

            edit: Just contacted live chat and they said it will take 72 hours for bonus data to be applied.

            • @bdl: edit 2: bonus data has been added

  • +1

    Info here on Vodafone plans @ 10-04-24


    • explains the revised cut off date of 9/4 :)

  • -1

    Is there a possibility of the SIM cards going on sale again prior to 09/04?

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