These have been jacked for a while but was in Aldi today & noticed they have dropped down to $11.99.
Lazzio print the roast date on the pack as you can see in this old pic.
These have been jacked for a while but was in Aldi today & noticed they have dropped down to $11.99.
Lazzio print the roast date on the pack as you can see in this old pic.
yeah get the Colombia beans from aldi
These are better, but unfortunately they are not available year round.
check now, seen them in VIC stores. Roast date of Jan-31. $19/kg iirc. They also had a purple colored bag, special blend for $25/kg
@TEER3X: Hmm quite expensive for special blend, I might check it out. You tried it?
I am quite happy to keep on medium beans year round, I hate changing based on available stock.
@ad62623: I have. It is my go-to. Beats cafe speciality blends twice the price imo. Especially it you can get it within 2 weeks from roast date which has been surprisingly easy for me so far
@rako2002: Thanks for the review! I've been interested in the Luxe blend but when I visited last time it was roasted almost two months earlier, so i went for the Colombia, which was a bit under a month (not great but I'd already run out of coffee). I'll keep checking the roast dates of Luxe for future purchases.
@rako2002: Thanks, your reply times perfectly with my need for new beans. Was going to buy Colombian again, but decided to try the luxe.
Roast date was 12 July.
It definitely a smoother coffee, but appears to have a lot less flavour. I am rubbish at explaining coffee, so take it with a grain of sugar.
Will have to find out if my opinion changes as I get through the bag, but feels like I've made a mistake (which I'm fine with).
@ad62623: oh no :) I guess each to its own.. For me Luxe has more chocolate and nut notes, while Colombian probably more acidity.
But I typically find Luxe a bit harder to dial in and to be honest I hardly ever have it perfectly dialled in to fully taste these nice chocolate and nut notes. Maybe play a bit with grind size, for me Luxe typically needed a bit finer grind than Medium or Columbian.
@ajr5k: Yea 5 months on, my opinion has changed. I've been buying the luxe only now, but it was recently out of stock and had to buy a dark.
It's almost done and back to the luxe. Hopefully the worldwide coffee shortage doesn't cause too much impact.
@ajr5k: Nah, its pretty ordinary. I got some soon as it came out, before @ajr5k discovered the marvels of substitution. I was initially interested to try it because I had like their single origin beans.
The dark roast beans just taste like burning, as Ralph would say as he rolls on the ground.
Edit; Ouch. I didn't realise the thread was so old.
@Daabido: Long running deals can get bumped back to the front page, hence the activity.
Are you saying the luxe taste like burning? Or dark. The dark are definitely a more raw taste.
@ad62623: I love the LAZZIO Luxe Blend Premium Coffee Beans.
I used to buy the medium roast beans, but the taste of the Luxe is really nice.
@TEER3X: Can confirm that I've seen the single origins (I prefer Brazil) around since I've been back from living in North America last Aprilish where coffee is generally of a lower standard.
Roast date is generally about a month or less, and iirc this is roasted by Venanzio out of Richmond, I think they specifically opened up a roasting factory/company out of Tarneit to black bag coffee for different clients, of which Aldi is prolly the larger of.
Best bang for buck so far and I've switched to these and so has anyone I've spoken to that's tried it.
Colombia and Brazil beans for their expressi machine are absolute bomb
I've tried them all, on two very different espresso machines and grinders and i prefer their Brasilian single origin for its more balanced palette. Most of the ones I got, regardless of the variety, were roasted 5-7 week ago, which is not ideal.
Not really a deal, normal price whilst The medium dark roast price increased a year or two ago.
Yes I prefer the medium roast, they are a few more bucks more. I recommend these over most of the single origin ones (except for one, can't remember which one was good, perhaps Columbia).
Not sure if you've ever tried the Aldi beans but they are the best supermarket coffee beans, for cheap. Better than most $30 to $40 a kilo beans. But spend as much as you want then you'll have Less money for watches buddy š.
Last time I grabbed some recently they were pretty fresh, Less than a month old and best before two months in the future.
Got one of these for $23 that keeps them fresh
Coffeevac 1 lb - The Ultimate Vacuum Sealed Coffee Container, Black Cap & Body
cool story bro
Cool you came back a year later to comment š¤”
you need a better container - one that pushes out the air when you seal it
like this -ā¦
That one looks good. yeah i can hear air being pushed out when close it, and it was only $20.
I just freeze half of the 1kg beans in a coffee bag when i open them too.
@G-rig: fair enough - from the video i cant see where it squeezes the air out, this one does it well as it pushes the seal all the way down to beans, then you have another seal on top as well
@botchie: Yeah it's fine works well and all you need.
There is a vent thing on the back of the lid.
If I could be bothered I could record the air sound when putting the lid on.
@G-rig: cool, you went through the trouble :) - BUT say the beans are just at the bottom of the container - this only takes out a bit of air?
with the one i showed you the "air squeezer" goes all the way to the beans level, so it takes all the air out of the container
or maybe im missing something
@botchie: It's fine and cheap beans anyway, no point being too anally retentive and it would make about 2-5% difference in the scheme of things.
Appreciate that you posted this for the benefit of those who buy the dark beans and like them. For others considering them, be warned that they are full of over roasted burnt beans which make the coffee taste like charcoal. You can see the burnt spots on the beans. I tried these once and never again. The medium Dark is much better, Columbia better again. Spend 5 extra bucks and indulge.
Correct, I don't buy the dark ones anymore. The varieties aren't really worth the extra either.
To put it in perspective I don't mind the medium beans between orders of 'the good stuff' and aren't too snobby to admit it's fine.
I've been enjoying that LimeBlue Brazil SĆ£o Paulo Single Origin @40% off from ages ago, the 500g bags freeze well too.
A lot of it is technique and they are acceptable. To compare like for like, go and try anything else at Coles etc and you'll see they are a cut above.
Stuff paying $40-50 a kilo of those other brands, used to be $30 which was fair.
As someone who roasts their own beans, I'll point out that the general rule is that the darker the roast the more you will taste the ROAST itself and not the beans and vice versa.
Certain beans are suited to roasting at either end of the roasting spectrum - but 'cheap'/'filler' type beans are often utilised in darker roasts, as the beans have little or not great qualities themselves so are used as a vehicle to take the roast to a certain point as is.
Again just a general rule but lighter roasts will generally require the roaster to use slightly better quality beans, as the qualities of the beans will show up a tad more i.e not obscured by the quite dark roast.
All is subject to taste & brewing style preferences as certain coffees will be better with darker roasts of cheaper beans, than lighter roasts of more expensive beans. :-)
Therefore, cheap Robusta beans are usually added into dark roast, which is the case here.
@Neoika: Almost certainly true - average robusta sells for a fair bit less than even the cheapest arabica, though it is well suited to very dark roasts - so not entirely a bad thing if you like those very dark roasts.
Robusta has higher caffeine levels too (FWIW).
cool, interesting info..
So which ones are better, the Dark roast? Seems to be people enjoy the medium-dark better (and i've tested both for some perspective).
It's all fairly subjective this art, all comes down to what is acceptable for what price.
Very well and "diplomatically" put.
I love my coffee but thatās just ridiculous. The dark beans are fine, especially for the price. The other ones at Aldi arenāt much better.
As they said, everyone has their own way of brewing and personal taste.
@bobwokeup: Agree with your comment. My comment was in response to "Daniel Plainview."
if that makes any difference.I also don't like extreme words for describing flavours that are good,
but maybe not the best of the best.
@bobwokeup: Exactly, just like whoever said they can see burnt beans, wouldn't mind seeing a pic.
Most of this is too subjective anyway and comes down to the equipment, user care, skill and attention, but all things equal fresh beans make the most difference than whatever blend.
@G-rig: Yeah same!!
That is so true. Ours is getting old but still does the job. Yep fresh beans all the way.
@bobwokeup I appreciate that you love your coffee as do I. As I stated if you like these beans then great news that they are available for a great price. I simply shared my experience to warn others to maybe expect something less than ideal. When I tried these beans over 12 months ago I found many whole beans fully burnt (I could scrape the ash off) and many others with burnt spots. This created an unpleasant (to me) taste of charcoal. It is very possible that the roaster had a manufacturing quality issue that is now resolved. ALDI beans on the whole are great value for money, but their quality control could be better. The bags often have bean crumbs at the bottom, a sign that they put everything in rather than sift that out. This is the price point. I buy other beans direct from a roaster which are far better in terms of taste profile and consistency, still under $30/kg. Although green bean prices have increased significantly over the past 2 years, I agree that $50/kg is coffee snobbery endorsed price gouging.
@Huzz: It's sounds like you were unlucky and a bad batch. Perhaps just get a 500g bag and test them out again sometime. Have never heard of this in all the past threads etc.
It's all fairly subjective anyway. Of course they won't be as good as $40-50/kg bean so no point comparing different price points. Personally I find them more than acceptable for the price and better than any other supermarket beans I know of.
@G-rig: Yeah, maybe unlucky. Agree ALDI beans are great value and much better than other supermarket beans. They are my backup only when I can't get to my roaster. I've since found better backup beans at my local IGA roasted by DC-Coffee in Richmond. Turn over is high so they are always fresh. I'm happy spending $30/kg to support my local roaster who is passionate about what they do. Checkout Bennetti coffee in Mulgrave if you are in Melbourne.
@Huzz: That's cool, I think they are a good backup too, will get some more LimeBlue when they do the Brazil again perhaps.
Good to know, wonder if it applies to other IGAs around the place. Yeah $30/kg is totally fine, I've just noticed most places now charge $40-50/kg - people keep paying it so what can you do..
@G-rig: My barista sells great coffee @ 4% per 25 grams. Even throws in some water and frothy milk - sugar as well if desired
Not sure you can inb4 your own deal
Lol. They took the bait
Spend more to get better beans.
You don't have to be a coffee snob to want to drink good coffee
How do you interpret the roast date from that image? Am I correct in interpreting it as 03/05/2021?
Yep it's backwards for some reason.
Yyyymmdd. Makes sense if you want to distinguish the two dates
Well they managed to write "Best Before" so I just assumed they could easily add "Roast Date".
I guess it saves ink.
@Wiadro: and why shouldn't you.. i have a quick look at a few packets and get the newest. Sometimes very fresh.
European date stamp. Can be refined further by extending with 24hr clock and seconds.
(Posting this at 20240128160646
Because it's easily sortable.
ISO 8601. The one true date format.
Praise be to ISO 8601
Spend the couple of dollars more for the 'Brazil' beans. Very worth it.
Iām quite partial to the Honduras beans
Second me too for the Honduras beans. Still love the Medium too.
Tried them all. Freshness trump varieties and kgs imo when you're saving ~50%
I wasn't a huge fan, prefer the medium, but I'm not a huge lover of dark roasts.
Ah yes, the Aldi Brazil beans are my fave for the price. Very very good IMO.
Brazil def better than regular dark. Shall try Colombian next
you can never find them fresh. always packaged at least a month before.
These are quite good. I probably enjoy the Medium/Dark version a bit more though
I remember someone commented in the past that "Dark" Roast are probably not the best to get as it gives license for roaster to include subpar beans (over-roasted etc).
$11.99 is only for Dark roast, medium is $14.99. I think the Brazil SO is a little more expensive again.
I agree.
Brazil are 17.99 now I think, but still excellent value
medium/dark are the best but they only come in 500g and are never fresh at my store unfortunately.
IIRC now in 1kg
They both come in both sizes.
It seems to vary from store to store.
Alas, in my case, none of my local stores stock dark roasted whole beans in any size.
I love Med/dark. It seems that they are expiring in around 15 months. Bought some fresh beans in June and expire date is Sept 2025.
That's 500g bags of grounds, this deal is for 1kg bags of beans.
What is the best or a good roasted date?
2-6 weeks after roasting is meant to be the best time for consumption if I recall correctly.
1 to 4 weeks if it's a dark roast
I've been spotted as a medium roast drinker.
7-28 days IMO. Last medium batch i got was less than 2 weeks old.
Less than 2 weeks is like winning the lotto
I think you just have to live in a region where they go fast, mine can barely keep them in stock so they always have super fresh batches.
Aldi beans lottery ha. Just try and get the newest you can - last ones i bought (med) were under 4 weeks old so that's pretty good.
no such thing as too fresh!
Dark ones never got jacked up, only the medium did
I don't think this is a bargain, just back to the original price. Even at a dollar cheaper is isn't really.
Although given the quality of it over every other supermarket beans I'd happily recommend!
Anyway mate, which watches are you recommending this weekend!!
The dark did also go up from $11.99 to just $12.99 late last year. Now back to $11.99.
Does anyone know how this tastes with milk?
Or generally which Aldi beans do taste nice with milk?
For me if its single shot milk drinks i prefer the dark, whereas double milk shots i prefer medium.
Medium/Dark is the best if you can find a fresh batch but its more expensive per 100g @500gram bags.
Crunchy like coco pops
Our local had them at $11.99 white tag, the following week it was a red tag saying
"WAS $14.99 NOW $11.99" š¤ hello jack
Always within a month of roast date, not bad. Expecting them to go up before too long.
Blend this with the medium roast and it's quite nice