Hey there all you keen finance experts! Hoping to get a few perspectives on the question above. My wife and I have about $210k each in super, so about $420k in total. We were toying with the idea of combining our funds in a SMSF, with a corporate trustee, so that we can purchase an investment property. What's stopped me from pulling the trigger so far is that our individual funds have been performing quite well so far and that we'd be putting all our eggs into one basket with the property. That and I'm very oblivious to what is involved in running a SMSF.
Wife and I are in our 40s and plan on working right up to retirement age, so roughly 25 years left. Would love to hear from people who have SMSFs—what do we need to look out for? Pitfalls? Should we even bother?
Thanks in advance!
General consensus is no, stick with industry funds and look at ETF options they offer. PI in SMSF is a lot of work and may cost more than it's worth. Thanks, everyone for your input, especially those shared their SMSF experience!
Do you feel that you can grow the money better than that of standard retail superfund? Are you planning to take out a loan to fund this purchase?