Who won't you deal with?

Post your 'bad taste' experiences; remember, fault the experience, not the parent. Opinions are always valid and free to be expressed, slander is not.

There is a difference between 'This company is rubbish'\general badmouthing, and 'I had a bad experience of X, so I wont deal with Company Z'



  • +3

    NAB. I've had issues with staff at many banks, but when the complaints department fails to call you pack (6 times) and does nothing on your issue other than send a letter saying they will do nothing (rather than call), they have big problems.

    • Only saw this thread from the corner of my eye and thought I'd jump in and bag NAB.
      You beat me to it with your 1st reply ! Excellent
      They deposited money (over the counter) into the wrong account, i then withdraw money and go in the red (and of course they don't deny with insufficent funds, but give you the money and charge you fees)
      I was already in the red, unkowingly and did another few transactions. got done again.
      Rang and told em what happenned.
      Nothing ever came from it.
      Rang their 'help' desk and spoke to a 17yr old? by the sounds of the voice
      Said I would leave and close my accounts and he said…and quote "Is there anything else i can help you with today"
      Next day packed my bags (accounts)and left…never to return.
      …and of course they put you on the phone to someone while closing your accounts trying to win you back.
      I said too late mate, you had your chance yesterday and ignored me.
      Since been with StGeorge, and they've been great, also Bankwest seem good too (still with them)

      • NAB didnt send me a bank card for 4 weeks and they gave me $350 as a good will gesture.

        All about the ombudsman baby.

        GO NAB!

        Classic that all us tight ass's are with NAB with the no withdrawel fees

      • This must have been a while ago, considering they removed the overdraw fees.

        • ANZ, i was treasurer for a scout group "1st city of camberwell" for 2 years. at about the 18 month mark after signing cheques for all that time I received an "unauthorised signature" notification for a cheque. I went into the bank and they showed me the cheque with my signature on it. they then charged a $25 dishonor fee for the cheque. immediately I asked to see the accounts bank records for that account as the co-signatory had changed 6 months previous my my name had stayed. they pulled out the signature authority from 5 years previously. I asked how the scout group had been paying it's rates, utilities for the last 5 years if the signatures hadn't changed?!? turns out they had filed our scout groups account under "f" for first rather than "1". oh

          Me- "thanks for acknowledging you stuffed up ANZ, could you reverse the $25 dishonour fee?"
          ANZ - "no"

  • Maybe I misunderstood. Do you mean the powers to be as the moderators of this site or the ACCC for Australia? If it's the former then there I don't see why you can't discuss an issue you had.

    • Yeah I meant the Mods here. We're legally allowed to discuss experiences as long as we dont slander a a company 'because they're $hit'.

      Experience only. Keep it down to logic, not rage. As a working Australian, I like to know who 'earns' my money.

      • …as we dont slander a a company…

        You're off-beam.

        Generally companies can not sue for defamation in this country.

        But you still need to be a little careful:(lawhandbook.sa.gov.au)

        A company can be defamed, though only small corporations can sue for defamation. Small corporations are those which employ fewer than 10 people and which are not related to any other corporation.

        Best not to name anyone:(thenewsmanual.net)

        Under the old system of individual state laws, almost anyone or any organisation or company could bring an action for defamation. However, under the Uniform Defamation Law, corporations with 10 or more employees cannot sue. However, be warned that individuals or groups of individuals employed by or associated with that corporation - such as company directors, CEOs or managers - can still sue if they are identified by the publication.

        Not-for-profit organisations can still sue for defamation, no matter how many employees or members they have.

  • I guess i'll contribute and if its not allowed, the thread will be deleted. shrug here we go.

    Isn't NAB 'franchise' almost? I've had nothing but good experiences. Your story for me would fit with suncorp.

    I wont deal with Apple. If I ever need their devices I'll buy second hand so i don't directly support them. 3 unreturned support calls, failure to fix products under warranty without a 3 week fight. Subcontract any callouts, and have no communication from there out with their contractors (one cancelled on me and no one contacted me), and when i called apple back I was 'told' they'd already been.
    Hundreds of happy customers, but I'm not one of them.

    I wont deal with HP. Warranty claims are needlessly complicated, often delayed, and cost vs. quality is usually sub par from my experience. 'Custom Drivers' are their biggest road block I've hit. Even working in IT for 11 years, it took me a while to reliase i had to 'FORCE' the driver selection; common practice in 2000, no so much in 2012. Just a general bad taste all around.

    Opposite for acer. no questions asked warranty, every return they've sent startrack to my house to package and return my item, and generally 150% more than I expected.

    To those contributing. Watch your wording. No badmouthing a company as a whole. Thats slander and naughty. Just personal tales, and recommended alternatives.

    • I get that all branches are different (from some branches I've had great service), but when the central complaints department is no good you have nowhere to go when things go wrong. Other than the FSO, who were great.

  • moved comment to new thread who you WILL deal with.

  • +7

    Geronimo Jerky. Based on their handling of a sale awhile back. Also reports of inconsistent products.

    • bad Jerky? Good god, thats just evil….. Its the product of the gods.

      • Perhaps the lengthy delays in delivery

        • +2

          jerking you around?

        • +3


    • I've experienced the inconsistent product too.

  • +9

    I'll also add the Tyre Factory Dandenong.

    Got tyres and found when I got home one had a bad leak. When straight back and they were closing. Told me to go away, but agreed I could leave the wheel there to be fixed. left me to change the wheel by myself with the repair kit, and while doing so I found that one of the wheels only had 3 (out of 4) bolts!

    When questioned about the bolts they just said 'it came in like that'. Apart from the fact that this was a lie, even if it wasn't, how can you send a car out missing a wheel bolt?

    • +3

      That is very poor service.

  • +1

    I can't stand Ford and Holden dealers. They both seriously need a wake up.

    I've had good experiences with Hyundai/Kia and Nissan. Nissan is actually 50/50 depending on dealer.

    For PCs and laptops it'll be a cold day in hell before I buy Dell (I'm a poet). I dont mind their LCDs but had very bad experiences with machine reliability. Their servers are actually quite ok.

    HP is an odd duck. I've had great experiences with HP servers, Procurves, HP business laptops, ok experiences with HP business desktops… DIRE experiences with HP Pavillions and the like and any piece of shit HP you get at DSE, JB, HN etc.

    So pick your battles.

    Also think about how laptop manufacturers faired in crises… remember the Nvidia NV8400 laptop video debacle? What did Sony, Dell, HP, Lenovo etc. do to fix this issue? Nothing much? I haven't bought an Nvidia card or product for a long time and I doubt i ever will. Deplorable company ethics.

    • +2

      I avoid nvidia for more political reasons, such as this:


    • FORD Spare parts are the worst, I needed a replacement key for my XR6,was on the phone for an hour, first the parts give you a quote for the part, then they say you have to speak to service department to obtain second quote. Once Ford sells a car, they dont want to know you, no wonder when plants shut down Ford workers lose jobs they complain, but when we complain, they dont listen

  • I have 2 x 24 Dell LCDs that date back to 2005/2006 - they're still awesome.

    I have a Dell server that I have had on since 2006 - since banging away.

    I had a Dell Latitude that barely lasted 2 yrs. I think the Nvidia NVS flaw killed it… along with 3 batteries, 2 fans and more cracked plastics than an old Holden. This is a business machine mind you not a cheap Vostro or something rubbish.

    I have a HP Elitebook laptop that has been dropped numerous times, took in water when I left it in the car passenger seat with the window open, been accidentially overheated a lot and basically abused… its been 3yrs or more and its still going.

    I've had two warranty requests on it. Both were fulfilled without talking to Captain India on the phone. I did a webchat request. Guy came to my work at 8.45am next day to fix it. I got to work at 8.55. He called my at 8.15am to arrange a meet. I first logged it in lunchtime previous day. It was fixed better than I expected.

    My microserver was fixed to the same degree of expertise.

    When you have experiences like that you tend to stay loyal.

    I wouldnt buy a Pavillion though.

  • This topic will be infinite and pointless, if telcos are involved LOL

    Why not just discuss a issue u had :) keep it simple…

    It'll be a better read for observers.

  • +3

    Vodafone responses would be interesting.

    • I use voda (2G), don't have a problem with them as i'm realistic on what type of coverage i'm to expect.

    • Vodaphone- specifically their insurance.

      Wont cover lost/damaged phone. Wont get into specifics of it, but they have replaced cheaper phones

    • I'm with Vodafone and they suck the big fat kumera so much!!! but….. they stuffed up my billing and didn't charge me anything for about 7 months so now I feel a weird sense of loyalty to them, along with a good dose of hope that they will make that same mistake again some time soon :)

    • I was overall not too happy with my coverage with vodafail, but after one email, my bills suddenly dropped 25%. No complaints there.

      However, they were kinda useless when asking for technical help (ie. asking for APN details and such, they'd string you along forever).

      Also.. when I ported over to Telstra at/near the end of my contract on vodafone, my vodafone account got deleted. I couldn't track which bills I had left or anything.. really confusing and overall handled poorly. Nearly missed the final bill.

  • +5

    DWI (and any of their sister companies) - they deliberately set about ripping me and others off with regard to a specific phone. Sent an inferior model to the one that was ordered and paid for, and made me return it at my own cost in order to get a refund, which they never did come up with. When I eventually resorted to a paypal claim they lied to paypal and said they hadn't received it.

  • +3

    I would never buy a SONY product again. I purchased a $4,500 TV which had a major failure after about 2 years.

    Their customer service was awful, didn't respond to my e-mails when I brought up the subject of implied warranty and why it shouldn't apply. Their appointed repair centre held onto the TV for 2 months when diagnosing the fault and quoted me $1,500. I ended up getting the spare parts off Ebay and fixed it myself for less than $200.

    To add to my frustration this model had a known flaw with the glue they used on the LCD panel which Sony were repairing for free (only after being forced to by a class action in the US), so even if I paid for my repair this known fault could have surfaced at any time.

    Whilst legally it should probably have been repaired under implied warranty, the thought of taking Sony to court was just too stressful, something which I believe Sony knows only too well.

    As much as I would have been tempted to get a PS3 for my kids, they'll be getting an XBOX or Wii for Christmas.

    • +1

      A neighbour was a big Sony fan and I warned him from a couple of experiences I had with some of their products. After a sequence of failures he leart for himself.. :-( Their products are stylish & nicely finished and usually perform well… they just seem to lack that durability factor.

    • @twinbag - i had the SAME problem. but i called the sony customer centre and got it fixed for free (even 10 months out of warranty)! i told them that it was a known fault and the US class action thing as well. from this, i think its who you are talking to at the time as well

    • Yep problems with Sony. Can you believe their batteries corroded inside the unopened pack and they tried to blame it on the retailer? Damaged so much equipment. Their solution - after much chit chat and heaps of time (months) is to replace the batteries. Frankly I don't trust the quality in my high priced electronic equip. It certainly turns you away from purchasing their products again, especially with the slow service.

    • SONY - ZING !!!
      After my family has been buying SONY for 40 years (yes, back to reel to reels) .. (including family who ran Sony stores) - my bubble was burst with the experience of buying a SONY Blu-ray player that didn't have a basic Digital Toslink (Optical) output. It was fine until I realised the following model that the Toslink (Optical) output - in fact every machine has it except this model.
      I contacted SONY to tell them how thoroughly unsatisfied I was with this model and want to exchange it for another.
      I felt ripped off and if I could return the player, and switch it for the new model - pay the difference.
      They got that I was extremely dissatisfied with the product. Their answer was a flat. No. There is nothing they can do.
      Now I can see why have had massive losses and have had to restructure.
      It's not that I don't love Sony products but if you can't back it up with customer satisfaction - people are not going to come back to the product. And if anyone from Sony is reading this .. you now get one chance with a customer. Blow that - and you may lose them for life.
      What would it have cost Sony to swap my Bluray player over? It looks like alot.

      • +1

        buck up princess

      • +1

        not quite Sony's fault you didnt check the ports on the player , especially if you needed to use it , coax is just as good anyway..

  • +3

    I had a bad experience with Pizza Hut takeaway@Carlingford a few years back . We purchased their pizzas on a regular bases , until one night when I took home some lukewarm pizzas ( I wasn't late or anything ) , so I rang the store and complained ( I never done that before in my life ) , the then manager said " I am sure when I gave you the pizzas , they were hot " ,in a rude and unfriendly manner , but they weren't .On top of this , those pizzas had the least toppings that I ever had . Without success at store level , I rang their order hotline to complain , a so-called area manager rang back a few days later , stressing their food were made and maintained at the highest standard ….. (bull …. ) . Anyway , thanks to this experience , now we are buying all our pizzas from Domino , their pizzas taste heaps better !!

    • +8

      Don't you have any local non-chain pizza stores you can order from? They are usually a lot better than Pizza Hut/Dominoes.

    • -2

      This is classic, once a guy didnt accept my pretend $5 pick up voucher as it didnt exist so I when I got home I ordered 5 large pizzas to get him back.

      • +2

        Sounds like it's YOU i wouldn't deal with

  • +2

    Fluidtek (Eddie), The soup Nazi of computer parts.

    • That's not a very good description, can you please explain what happened? If you read OP this thread is for sharing experiences not just general bashing.

  • Netplus - Perth based IT store.

    Essentially refused to replace a faulty graphics card.

    On the other side of the coin, I've always found the guys at PC DIY in Adelaide to be friendly and reasonably knowledgeable.

  • +6

    Personally i dislike Mwave personally i dislike there customer service is absolute crap. There promotions are over rated and for a technology company there website constantly goes down. The prices are over rated. Postage is fluctuated and the list goes on. I will never ever get anything from them. Ever.

    • -2


  • +3

    HobbyKing - (and I know I'm not the only one)
    Purchased a soldering iron unit. Site showed plenty of stock at the time & payment was accepted immediately.
    When the item did not arrive a week later I checked the order status & found it flagged as out of stock (probably 'ozbargained') - but their site definitely showed it as in stock at the time of purchase.
    Contacted their customer service (and I use the term lightly) team 4 different times but was always told that it will be in stock in 2 - 4 weeks.
    Frustrating thing was that it was in stock in their Hong Kong warehouse. I asked if they could ship it from Hong Kong but they refused - kept making out like they did not understand me. Said I could cancel my current order and order it again from Hong Kong but I would have had to pay the extra freight costs. Or, I could cancel my order and get a store credit - as if I would want to buy from them again!

    The Item finally arrived today - four & a half months after I paid. Haven't used it yet but sure hope it works after all of that.

    • +1

      I got that soldering station too, arrived within a month. Very happy with it.

  • +3

    CentreCom… the ones I've dealt with (the owner too, at that) can be rude, condescending and downright lie to you, just to make a sale. I might go with them, for a single, cheap part over Shopping Square or Express, but I would never trust them with an entire build and PCCG is always preferable.
    The online store is horrible; one order of mine was 'on back order' for a week before it began 'processing'. For a WD 1TB HDD and SATA. Honestly. I ended up cancelling the order, since it was somewhat urgent that I get the parts, and I suppose the sales team weren't too bad about that.

    • +1

      Agreed, I made the mistake of purchasing an entire build with them once, stupidly using DD to avert their CC processing fees…after 6 weeks of "Uhh, I schwear to gord mate your parts will be here tomorrow & we'll ship it bro" for bits that were listed as 'in stock' I did eventually get what I'd ordered. However, if I'd paid by CC & had more recourse we'd have been talking chargeback!

      • +1

        My bf is always complaining about centrecom. They have "cheap" stuff listed on their website but is never in stock. you call to check and they say they have it when you turn up it magically disappear and they try and sell you a more expensive or crappy alternative!

        • Which location?

        • I'd be willing to wager money on Sunshine!

        • The Frankston store has done it with hard drives for me.

  • +8

    Ive had good experiences with vodafone cause the good reception said no one ever.

  • +3

    Hungry Jacks at Central Station Sydney - their duty manager on Sunday has instructed staff to not provide cups of water to customers with meal purchases.

    Why? Every other HJ's I have been to will.

    • +3

      IIRC it's against the law to refuse to provide at least tap water to patrons isn't it?

      • +3

        Its a state thing, and enforced by local councils. Most states have the law that if you serve food you must supply tap water free of charge.

      • it wouldnt be againt the law at a fast food chain , maybe an outdoor concert though

    • You will probably find it is a problem due to homeless guys and local tight arses since it would be like a normal HJ cup and they would just come in and refill soft drinks?

      Just a thought

      Although im sure they could use a coffee cup to avoid this problem to keep 99% of legit people happy

  • +1

    I think that only applies to establishments serving alcohol

    • +4

      Yeah, you could be right there.

      TBH, I can't remember the last time I was refused water anywhere…it's pretty poor form IMHO.

  • +4

    For me, Gamedude…worst company I've ever dealt with for blatant bait & switch, then threatening customers with "blacklisting" for backing out of the deal rather than cop the switch. BLACKLISTING!!! WTF, talk about megalomania…as if I'd ever want to deal with them again…I LOL'd hard over that one! ;)

    FWIW, I outed them for it & when asked for proof by the OP I mentioned some details including the manager's name in a Gummydude post here once in an effort to protect people from the same abuse, but mods removed it as a Personal Attack!

    • +3

      The company should be bowing and scraping when asking for customers to accept something different.

    • I had to look this one up. This is the relevant thread.
      Most of your comments are intact but the one in question was removed due to a personal attack. Your comment had some good points but once you start attacking people (in this case 1 person) by name calling (idiot, halfwit, insert expletives of your choice) then it's considered a personal attack.

      Anyway, this was 3 years ago and it doesn't look like many people are posting deals for them anymore.

      • +2

        Perhaps I was a little terse; but trust me Neil, anyone who's experienced even one abusive phone call from Dorian of Gamedude knows that's all it takes to vindicate even the foulest of insults. IIRC, there are plenty of conversations on OCAU & WP to attest to that fact as well. TBH, in hindsight perhaps I should have been a little more scathing. :p

        Did I mention the part where he threatened me with legal action for posting the contents of his abusive & threatening emails on a local Usenet newsgroup…I called his bluff on that & he went to water…oh yeah, he's a charmer! ;)

        As you say, it's kinda moot now though…

        • +3

          My parents used to do business with them, pretty dodgey company imo. They used to always give cheques that bounced… LOL
          But this was years ago, and to hear they've done more dodgey stuff… Not surprised I guess.

  • +1

    Whypayfullprice- I bought one of those group buy deals from this website. They quoted it was a genuine diamond earrings and necklace set with a quarter carat diamond each. Total diamond weight of 0.75 carat. They also said the package included a Certificate of valuation of $300 for insurance purposes. The deal was for around 50 bucks which seemed like a real bargain. I ordered and got a set that is clearly fake and not even worth $2 and there was no certificate of valuation with it. I emailed them via their web form but no reply. i emailed them on the contact email address given on the website but it bounced back. Then i wrote to them on their PO box and physical address given on website. It has been around six months and yet i have not received any reply. I am definitely not buying anything from them again.

    • +4

      Hope you paid by credit card and did a chargeback.

  • +2

    ShoppingSquare. Two out of two items I've ordered from them haven't arrived. Both times it has been a hassle to get in contact with them (not responding to support tickets etc). Couldn't be bothered with them again. Will happily pay another store a couple of dollars more.

    • +1

      I only buy stuff from SS that is Aussie local stock, I wouldn't trust them to dropship anything!

  • +2

    I guess this isn't really me 'purchasing' anything of sorts, but more of me venting my anger.

    Famous Magazine and their Monday Freebies. I won something back in July (I didn't even want the item, but it's more the principle of the matter) and then something the following week. After about a month and a bit of not receiving anything, I sent them an e-mail. Apparently my first item had been sent out but there were delays with the second item and they were looking into it. Fast forward a few weeks - the second item had come in surprisingly, the first was still nowhere to be found. I e-mailed them again, they said they didn't know what had happened and would 'organize something to be sent out to me ASAP'. Well .. that reply was a month ago and I sent them another message today. It's been 3 months and still no freebie :( I don't understand how it works though, as they say they have 'X amount' of items to give away, then I never get it. Again, not really completely interested in the item, but it's the principle - they promise something, they should deliver.

    • +1

      Same situation for me, but from Optus.
      We were promised a free 12 month subscription of a magazine from a list of choices because we were a loyal customer for a long time, we ended up choosing Women's Weekly for mum. After a month (when the first issue was supposed to be sent), we contacted them as to where it was and was told they will promptly deal with it, called second time a month later, same response same result. So basically gave up trying to ask for it after that.
      And now we're changing back to Telstra after all those years.
      Price increase next month, slowed internet (international traffic that they won't fix) and promises not made… Honestly no point in sticking with Optus, the loyalty bonus wasn't even a loyalty bonus.

      And like he said ^ it's the principle, I couldn't care less about the magazines (but mum did want it), makes you want to turn away from them.

      • i got my subscription from optus.

  • +1

    I won't be buying from Discount Digital Photographics in the near future. It's a shame, they have the best prices by far, but their customer service and phone manor is AWFUL. Their website says to call for stock availability and their on hold phone message even lets you know to "press 5" for stock availability. When you get through you're greeted with a guy with zero people skills. When I asked him if a lens is in stock he let out a long sigh and said "I'm sick of 'you people' calling up asking if we have anything in stock! Don't you get it? You make an order online and we bring it in. It could take a week or it could take a month. Please do not call." I told him their website says nothing of that and advises to call if anything is already in stock. Anyway, he was incredibly rude the entire time and tried to portray himself as the almighty camera God. Again, a massive shame because their prices are so good. I doubt they'l ever change though, they don't have to. People in the know, know not to call and just make the order online. If you're a first time customer and have an enquiry, you'll be in for a surprise.

    • +1

      Dont mess with the turkeys of the grey market field just go with T Dimension. Do some research on their reputation and you will see why. As for DDP having the best prices, definitely not.

  • +1

    I purchased the new iPad(Retina) at $299 from the catch of the day a month ago. After I was waiting for almost a month. They said the Post lost my iPad and refuse to send another one to me! I won't purchase anything from them any more!

    • +9

      I'd be calling Fair Trading bro, those mofos owe you an iPad!!!

      • +2

        How did you pay?

        • +2

          I paid by my credit card.

      • +1

        Will they help me? Will they think it is just a small case? I really need someone help me.

      • +1

        If anyone know some community association or organization can help me, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

        • +3

          Since you paid by credit card you can do a credit card charge-back.

        • +3

          Yeah do a credit card charge back with your bank. If you paid by credit card through paypal then open a dispute(if its not to late).

          You can also take this to ACCC/Fair trading/consumer affairs.

        • +3

          This is the relevant thread.

          LiaH got his/her money refunded and it appears from that thread, it legitimately got lost in transit. A refund is all that was required.

        • +3

          Did anybody ever hear from FT/ACCC as to whether LiaH is actually entitled by law to the iPad that he ordered?

          I'm too lazy to research the FT legislation at this point in time…

        • +1

          That is the status shown on the AuPost:
          25/09/12 09:36 Customer Enquiry lodged MELBOURNE VIC
          06/09/12 15:47 Shipment information approved SUNSHINE WEST VIC
          30/08/12 01:13 Shipment information received SUNSHINE WEST VIC
          Do anyone know what does it means? I wonder whether the Post received the parcel from the catch ot the day.

        • +3

          Sounds like it never left COTD to me, looks like nothing more than acknowledging lodgement of the AP equivalent of a con-note.

          Sounds pretty sketchy…$299 new iPad, I'll bet the staff strategically 'mislaid' the parcel when the Auspost contractor came to pick it up…refund to you would be win-win for COTD!

        • Thanks,StewBalls. I think so,too. Is there anyway I can get the ipad instead of refund?

        • +2

          That's why I keep saying, call Fair Trading or the ACCC. Seriously, it will cost you nothing to ask them for help, that's what we pay our taxes for! ;)

        • +2

          From my point of view, the buyer is entitled to an iPad. How COTD could find a replacement is for COTD to deal with.

          If it got lost in the AusPost (or by any other courier or lost while hand delivering by the COTD boss or whaterver,…..), isn't it the responsibility of COTD to provide a replacement? Isn't it for COTD to deal with the courier they appointed and paid, for lost goods?

        • ^That, right there!

          Spot on surm, that's my take on the situation too. It's pretty much no more or less than any reasonable person should expect!

        • Thank you, StewBalls. I just got the reply from ACCC today.

        • +2

          Thank you for your correspondence of 01 October 2012 to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding your purchase of an ipad. Your reference number for this matter is CAS-360920-F9Y1G2.

          The ACCC is responsible for administering the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which incorporates the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The ACL provides all consumers with certain guarantees when they purchase goods and services. The ACL outlines the circumstances in which a business is required to provide a remedy to a consumer if a good or service does not meet any of the legislated consumer guarantees.

          More information about consumer guarantees is available in the ACCC publication, Consumer Guarantees – a guide for consumers. This also provides practical advice on steps you can take to obtain a remedy from the business that supplied or manufactured the goods or services.

          If you are unable to obtain a satisfactory remedy from the supplier or you feel that you have not been treated fairly you can contact your local fair trading office or consumer affairs agency. One of their functions is to assist consumers in disputes with suppliers. Unlike these agencies, the ACCC does not provide an individual dispute resolution service.

          If you find your problem is still not resolved after taking these steps, please feel free to contact us again to update your existing complaint which has been recorded on the ACCC’s complaints database. Each complaint is assessed against the ACCC’s Compliance and enforcement policy to determine whether ACCC action is warranted; either because of the seriousness of the issues raised by the particular complaint or because the conduct may be part of a pattern of conduct that is causing widespread consumer detriment. The ACCC usually does not confirm whether or not it will investigate a particular complaint. You will only be contacted if we decide to seek further information from you.

          Thank you for contacting the ACCC.

          That is the result of the complaint. It seems that ACCC won't help me about it. They just ask me to visit some of their website.

        • +1

          I don't read that as "won't help you", I read that as: do step 1 (contact COTD) & step 2 (contact state FT) first, then if no joy call them back & they'll see what they can do…which if you recall is what I said two days ago:

          I'd be calling Fair Trading bro, those mofos owe you an iPad!!!

        • +1

          OK, I will call Fair Trading. Thank you very much, StewBalls.

        • +1

          No probs, I hope you get your iPad…keep us posted on how it goes! :)

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