First time posting a deal, so please go easy on me!
Was looking for new EDPs and saw that this was on sale and thought that this might be worth posting. Has decent reviews on Amazon and on Fragrantica.
First time posting a deal, so please go easy on me!
Was looking for new EDPs and saw that this was on sale and thought that this might be worth posting. Has decent reviews on Amazon and on Fragrantica.
You might be reading it as poop as it almost smells like it.
It's a cheap perfume from the 90's, cheap for a reason.
JOOP was a classic and it certainly wasn't cheap in the 90s.
Yes, I know that, but very good perfumes hold a high value for their life. This isn't one of them :)
This happens for 1 reason only.
As you said, WAS a classic, in the past.
Perhaps I just don't have fond memories of EVERYONE wearing this in the 90's, but when I smell it on someone today, I immediately think, what a cheap tigharse ;)
Each to their own. No right or wrong.
I remember Joop from 1992 / 1993 every teen wanted it.
You are correct this stuff smells like shit. I used to share a place with a guy who liberally sprayed it when going, quote, "p*ssy hunting"
He came back to ms palmer more often than not.
This is nothing like the normal Joop. This is actually a very nice vanilla/cinnamon fragrance for cooler weather.
@nubzy: each to their own I guess. bad memories.
vanilla as a spray not super fond of. Goes on alright but smells like toilet air freshener after an hour.
@SimAus007: But tom ford is unable to match the burnt rubber chemical undertones that only joop can replicate
@nubzy: OK.
I normally spray dior gris montaigne or dior homme
I'll give it a go next time I go to chemist warehouse
Thank you.
I did read somewhere there is some common chemical in poop and vanilla called indole that ppl can pick it up at higher concentrations in vanilla confusing it for poop 😂
He was doing it all wrong, Kouros is where it's at.
*it was actually released in 1989
This was released in 2021.
Paid around $20 for this from Amazon a while back.
Me too. And it’s ann outstanding scent for that price. Very powerful. More for cooler weather though.
OP welcome & congrats on your first post but I would recommend checking Camel3x before posting Amazon deals, here you can see this was as low as $30 only a couple of weeks ago and as low as $16 a while back:
Amazon's use of big number percentage discounts on their product pages is often very misleading.
Was just about to comment that I would consider this on the pricey side - for a bice scent, which could be hardly used in most parts of Australia as it is something for proper winter days, otherwise it is going to strangle you.
Thanks for the feedback, will definitely keep this in mind for the next post! Yeah I think I got bit swept up by the big percentage.
Yerp. Not a good deal. Thanks for trying, OP.
“I have spoken”, Kuiil.
Bought this from chemist for around $27 for bigger bottle.
Whats EDPs?
Lol next time just type that comment into Google mate. Read the title, Eau De Parfum
I did, None of the results on the first page came up with Eau De Parfum
Hahaha wtf
That just reflects the oil concentration:
From Web:
Industry Averages for an eau de toilette EDT are 3%-10% oils
Eau de Parfum EDP 5%-15% oils
Extrait 20%-30% oils.
You can find some nice EDP and Extraits from PerfumesDubai / WITR / PrivateBlends
I wish they bring back Joop Nightflight
Bought this for $30 something at Chemist Warehouse. Yeah, definitely a winter/cooler weather scent. Very strong. Found it a bit too sweet and heavy.
Got it from this deal for $17.53
too strong when you put it on and dies in few hours. Don't like it
+1 to OP for the effort.
They once did a fragrance called 'Black King'. It was amazing.
As luck has it, for once 'limited edition' actually meant it, and its gone.
So sad. The regular 'joops' do zero for me; except 'jump' which is a very clean and crisp scent, good before sport or gym or anywhere where you know youre going to smell the opposite soon.
Rubber, berries and the 90's in a bottle
Would only grab when its under $30
Its quiet strong and projects too much in the start , not for everyday.
Served me so well in the late 90's! Used to get so many positive comments… I smelt it recently though and my god what was wrong with us back then?!
No doubt if I spray this and walk down 0akleigh strip now I'd get a few numbers from the aunties there
I don't mind the other 90s classic, "Cool Water".
But Joop ? It smells like anal leakage ☹️
My dyslexia keeps reading this as poop 💩