• expired

$5 Credit When You Spend $10 at McDonald's Using Your AMEX


"Get $5 credit back on your statement when you register your eligible American Express Card and spend $10 or more at McDonald's or McCafé between 15 October 2012 - 31 October 2012."

T&C to make note of:
- Limited to the first 10,000 registrants.
- Limit of one $5 credit per Cardmember.
- Cardmembers who hold American Express Business Travel Accounts, Government Cards, Corporate Purchasing Cards or Corporate Cards, are not eligible to enter.
- Only transactions made on the Card you have registered are eligible. Supplementary Cards must be registered separately.

Not that I would ever use my credit card at McDonald's or eat there, its still a good deal. $5 credit is better than nothing.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (3)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +46

    Amex - Proudly sponsoring obesity.

    • +1

      Supersize me!

      • +9

        I really wish we could get meals to the same size as the USA for the same price.
        I always feel ripped off after spending $10+ on maccas and still feeling hungry afterwards :'(

        • +4

          I don't wish for that because the meat they use in USA are the lowest quality you can get, just to keep the price down! I'll rather have smaller quantity but better quality.

        • He is talking about the fries and coke, and the overall cost. Meat does not come into it

        • All food is considerably cheaper in the USA at the moment for reasons we know. Irrelevant. By the way, we don't need this junk in our diets at all, let alone bigger portions.

    • +1

      Get two BigMac meals and you stand to gain $5 and 5 pounds.
      Spot the ozbargainers using AMEXes at McDonalds.

      • +3

        1 pound = $1.55, so you actually gain $12.75. Bravo.;-)

      • I'm sure lots women go there for salads and to discuss business deals o_O

    • Well, it is American Express after all.

    • +1

      You could buy like 3 salads and some water.
      To be fair the other fast food joints such as KFC/pizza(any)/Hungry Jacks are a lot worse. KFC even tries to put the drink on their menu for each combo as pepsi max to keep the kj count down.

  • +5

    i'm lovin it

  • +12

    half price chicken nuggets, ooooh shiiiiiieeet

    • -1

      And half price fat too

  • Good Stuff. More of these deals please.

    Now, if only they would bring back the original McFeast (not the more recent one with crappy Mayonnaise).

    • +3

      If you ask they can turn a Quarter Pounder into a McFeast pretty easily

      Not that I'd know

  • +2

    Register for this offer using an American Express Card issued by American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92 108 952 085 Australian Credit Licence No. 291313) or one of the following licensed Network Partners of American Express Australia Limited:
    - Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522
    - Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 12
    - National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937
    - Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141

    I have a BMW American Express Gold Card. I suppose it's a no go? :(


    Credits are generally issued to your statement within 5 business days upon completion of the eligible transaction.

    • +2

      I have this same card and its issued by AMEX Australia
      So it should be eligible

      • +1

        Thanks Bappy! Not that I need much of an excuse to spend $10 at Maccas to try it out anyhow! ;)

        • +4

          No Worries
          Don't forget to take advantage of their lunch deal between 12:00-2:00
          (i.e. 2 X Big Mac Deals for $11.90)

    • +7

      I wonder what percentage of ozbargainers now have BMW amex gold card ;) My $200 voucher came the other day and it's great now that I have an amex I can use it for deals such as this :D

      • Yeah me too
        Did you find out anything decent from DJ? (Except clothing)

        • +1

          I bought a grundig digital radio with integrated rechargeable battery for $119 - by far not the cheapest digital radio around but wanted one with integrated battery so it would be easy to unplug and move around the house / outside. Got $81 left on the card - will probably go into the Adelaide CBD david jones and buy expensive chocolates or something (not being a true ozbargainer I know - should be going to david jones and buying reduced stuff or stuff on sale)

        • I am going to buy the dyson animal handheld today as it is on sale

        • Your DJs might have a cafe - the one in Westfield Garden City has decent ambience and pricing, and the food and coffee taste fine.
          Used most of mine there…

      • Still have mine, it's great.

      • I signed up for the bmw amex $200 DJ offer before it was posted on ozb and still no vouchers :(

        • Have you spent $500 on the card yet?

      • How do you get Amex Gold card ? Do you have to wait until they offer it. I've been using Amex Silver card for past 4 years and having more than 25k transactions every year in this card. Still no offers for them to upgrade.

        • With the BMW Gold Amex card there is no minimum spend/limit etc to get to gold - you get gold straight away. I have a silver amex as well through CBA and have never had an offer to upgrade

    • .

  • +3

    For everything else, there's Mastercard.

    • You have to make it more obvious your being witty on ozb k ;)

      • +3

        <witty> Ask JV for tips! </witty>

  • +3

    Bought, well, registered!

    • +27

      well, thanks for sharing earlier then….

  • +1

    Thanks OP - will combine with pickle club for a cheap cheap meal!

  • offer limited to first 10,000 registrant. is 10,000 reach ?

    • Why don't you just try

  • -1

    I have an idea.. Hang out at Maccas all day and spin some story to customers as they walk in that you have forgotten you PIN or that you have no cash, but you have an AMEX. Then offer to pay for there meals on your AMEX in exchange for the cash? ;)You would clean up during the lunch hour… you would need the front of Myers though lol

    • "Limit of one $5 credit per Cardmember"

      • American Express reserves the right to limit one $5 statement credit per Cardmember.

        The terms do not specify under what conditions will they exercise this right.

        • I was quoting the OP. Why has Ozbargain devolved into a pedants paradise

      • Has anybody been able to verify whether you can use this offer multiple times on the same card?

        • +2

          You can't.

    • How does that work? I eat way more than $10 :P

  • Because obesity isn't a problem…

  • Fabulous! Thanks!

  • just remember not all maccas accept Amex =/

    • my local sadly not,

      • +2

        Surely you have another one near your work / uni / Centrelink office…….

    • The one I normally go to doesn't either. Damn.

  • Good find. Thanks OP.

  • Just tried to redeem mine at Tecoma but after walking into the store and avoiding the hippies, It just struck me that it hasn't even been built yet.

  • registered. thanks op

  • Good promo just registered.
    I wonder if there's a list of which McDonalds accept Amex cards.

    • Haven't been to a McDonalds that doesn't accept AMEX.

      I use AMEX at McDonalds all the time, whatever the amount, who cares? Just swipe and press enter, no PIN and no signature, faster than cash and no need to muck around with loose changes.

      • It seems like I've always just assumed they don't accept AMEX because the logo doesn't appear on EFTPOS machine. I asked them and they do accept it!

  • This I can do :)

  • Im McHappy!

  • Easy $5.

  • Do you think $5 worth of your trouble? :p just remember, be careful using your credit card in maccas since there was a couple incident in regards of credit card skim.


    • +3

      It can happen anywhere, if you are worried so much, credit card is not for you.

    • They've completely changed their mounts since to prevent it from being easily removed (most big retailers have done so too). They're now in a metal fixture that holds them in place compared to before when it was free and only had a a phone connector cord. As you can imagine, easily swapped.

  • -3

    Screw you McDonals, you won't make me fat.

  • Will my supplementary cards work? Or is it one credit per account?

    • +1

      It appears supplementcary cards can work but you need to register them separately?

      • +1


        The offer says:
        6. Supplementary Cards must be registered separately

        fine, but when trying to register my wife's supplementary card - the system refuses to do so - because the supplementary card has the same NUMBER as the primary card. The fact that we were registering a different name and different email address - made no difference to the registration system.

        • I too tried the same. Couldn't register my wife's card and it gave a message saying that this card is already registered. I used her name and her email for the next registration but it doesn't allow to go through. That condition is not logical and valid then.

  • Nice bonus. This reminds me, i have yet to receive my credit from the previous AMEX deal.

  • $10 worth of fat for $5 :-)

  • Yep registered, thanks!

  • je te deteste

  • Flaw-

    The offer says:
    6. Supplementary Cards must be registered separately

    fine, but when trying to register my wife's supplementary card - the system refuses to do so - because the supplementary card has the same NUMBER as the primary card. The fact that we were registering a different name and different email address - made no difference to the registration system.

  • I just had a really nice plain burger for lunch at my local fish & chips shop for $5.5

    This is not a bargain in my book.

    • +2

      but did you get fries with that?

      • The answer would be no… but, what you do get is a burger made with real ingredients that will actually have some nutritional value. Maccas chips are complete rubbish too… just fried batter, barely any potato at all.

  • +2

    Damn.. I designed these ads. If I knew it would get 239+'s, I would of posted it myself. Ha

  • +3

    Combine this deal with the facebook page "Pickle Club" (Melbourne only) at selected stores. They have a new deal everyday.
    Tonight: Friday's offer is buy a Large Soft Drink get a Large Fries Free. Codeword: "CONGRATS YEAR 12S"
    Tomorrow(Sat): we've got $1 Cheeseburger this Saturday. Codeword: "GIDDYUP".

    Only 1 purchase per person.

    At these locations: http://www.facebook.com/pickleclub/app_350550955021349

    Hope that helps you guys out ;)

    Edit: Not sure if this is combining offers, as it is an AMEX offer, is it not?
    "Pickle Club offers are not to be used in conjunction with and are not valid with any other offer"

  • Dilemma, KFC (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/71580) or McD?
    $9.95 for 9 pieces KFC chicken or $5 cash back McD?

    • +1

      Have both for lunch. Dilemma solved!

      • Yeah why bother about simple things like this when you can bother about cool things like cholesterol.

    • KFC on Tuesday, Maccas every other day?

      Obesity impending!

  • How low can they get?!

  • Just waiting for my credit. Thanks op

  • Large mighty angus meal and soft serve for $5.25 after discount. AMEX emailed to confirm the refund. Extra gym workouts this week…..but so worth it

    • I received the credit, but never got the email from AMEX about the refund

  • i splurged and got a cheeseburger, filet-o-fish, mcchicken and large fries for $15.15. so what if it was $5.15 over….happy childhood memories ftw

  • Received McDonalds Credit and the email from Amex (David Jones Issued). Very Happy customer, $10.30 well spent (Medium 6 mc nugget meal and a regular chocolate Sundae)

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