This was posted 1 year 2 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

60% off Super Duolingo Annual Subscription $12.51 @ Duolingo or in-App Purchase


Duolingo is an American educational technology company that produces learning apps and provides language certification. Duolingo offers courses on music, math and over 40 languages, ranging from English, French, and Spanish to less commonly studied languages such as Welsh, Irish, and Swahili.

What's Super Duolingo?

Super Duolingo is a premium addition to the Duolingo experience. With Super Duolingo, your benefits include:

•No ads: Learn without interruptions
•Unlimited Hearts: Enable unlimited hearts so mistakes won't slow you down
•Mistakes Review: Make a mistake? No problem, you'll receive a personalized lesson to practice your mistakes.
•Unlimited attempts at Legendary challenges: Prove your skills by earning a Legendary trophy!
Also, as a Super Duolingo subscriber, you support our mission to keep education free for millions around the world. Please note that there are not new lessons in Super Duolingo. The lesson content with the free version is the same as Super Duolingo.

Can be stacked with 'region pricing' hack via vpn using guide:

  • Appears to be a yearly discount event, occurs for 72 hours between the new year period.
  • Discount appears in-app and on website
  • Price via region hack linked above - hack works only via duolingo website and not via in-app purchases

UPDATE: Price comes from the actual cost in AUD my bank card was charged for Super Duolingo 12 M via Türkiye VPN - your conversation rates/fees/milage will vary.

Mod: Use Classifieds for family membership sharing requests.

Referral Links

Referral: random (44)

Referrer gets 1 week of free Duolingo Plus.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +6

    An actual price would be good to know.

    • +7

      … or even a description of what it is.

      • +7

        Ad free duolingo

      • +4

        Thanks for the feedback, actioned!

      • Description sounds like a phone plan.

    • Thanks for the feedback, actioned!

  • +1

    In the app on iOS I got this offer but just to upgrade to the family plan: $139.99 for a year, down from $179.99

    • I get no offers at all.

  • +3

    Wait so are you saying I could get 12 Months family plan for TL₺499.99 (~A$28.29) less 60%?

    So… Approx $12 for a year, for 6 members?!

    • +3

      Not sure what family will cost, I just purchased personal 12m super duolingo via Türkiye for $12.51 once fees and conversion rates are done.

    • Yes, have done this previously.

    • Doesn't work with turkish family plan

    • Family plan is still 499.99TRY

  • +1

    my regular payment is $59 US PY
    No idea if i click cancel whether i get the offer. but i have a 4 year streak and i do actually value the service so i guess i probably won't fiddle around with the saving.

    • +1

      You can just cancel payment method before your subscription ends and change to VPN/Turkey and pay the new price.

      Streaks only end when you dont do a lesson. Payment doesnt impact it. I swapped my AUD sub to a Turkey sub about a year ago ($29AU for a year).

      • is there a vpn service i can use just to try this or do i need to sign up to one of those as well?
        i did a quick bing but it doesn't appear turkey is one of the countries in the free tier vpns?

  • Going through the VPN it is still giving me prices in $AUD. Do I need to use a new account?

    • +5

      I followed the linked guide.
      - must use website
      - must login first with vpn OFF
      - turn ON vpn to purchase, refresh page and new region pricing appears

      • Have tried multiple browsers on PC and mobile and a couple of VPN providers. None give me anything other than AUD pricing. Must be doing something wrong.
        edit: when I refresh the price window it closes it, when I reopen it is still in AUD pricing

      • I am only getting prices in USD, regardless of whether I am using VPN or not.

        • Start again, clear your cache, check if your default payment is via Google or other cards, make sure you are connected to Turkey, all actions must be done in 'one browser but different new tabs'. I had this difficulty but found my mistake.

      • Worked for me, I've never subscribed before. At the credit payment screen there was an option to select country and I left it at Turkey.

        Was using Hotspot Shield VPN.

        • I believe that refer to your credit card as I changed it to Australia and it still stay in TRY (and still charged only $12).

  • If you want to learn Japanese I’d ask people to avoid this. Some of the things are grammatically wrong and uses sayings and phrases that you wouldn’t be using in everyday conversations. I’d probably suggest taking Japanese classes with the Japan foundation

    • any examples?

    • +7

      it's the same with most of the languages on the app from what I understand. You don't want to use Duolingo (or any other app) solely to learn a language, multiple sources and multiple aspects ( conversation, texts, movies, music and whatever else) are what you want to be doing.

      Use Duolingo to supplement or just to get going with the very basics in how a language feels. At the least it's got a low barrier for entry and the loop is designed well enough to keep you coming back.

      • +1

        Absolutely. Duolingo is widely panned across the language-learning community and there are valid reasons for it, but to me it’s not as simple as ‘Doolingo bAd’.

        You need to be aware of what it will and won’t teach you, but one of its biggest strengths is what you mention in your last sentence — it’s a free and easy way to try something out, and encourages building habits.

    • +1

      I've noticed this too, but most Japanese learning is like this I've found. Duolingo is an easy way to get into learning Japanese.

    • I use Anki and download a bunch of pre-made flashcards for Japanese. No ads, customisable, and actually useful words/phrases. App is even free for Android! Just no flashy interface or owl…

      • Please could you share a link to the exact Anki app you use on Android? I've looked for it a few times and understand that the original/official one stopped being developed years ago and no longer works on modern versions of Android, and that the copies generally have lots of fake reviews and typically loads of ads etc. Would like to try yours!

  • Still no Nepali :(

  • +9

    yo como manzanas

    • ¿Por qué no te gustan los plátanos?

  • Right now I am getting an "offer" of 60% and regardless whether I go through that or picking other plans, I am getting prices in USD.

    It doesn't matter whether I have VPN on or off.

  • +1

    I managed to get it to work. It was continuing to show AUD, I opened a new browser, went to and clicked into the offer and it was in TRY.
    Paid $24.97 for family plan for 12 months.

    • Not working for me with this trick either

  • +1

    Hey OP. I have just checked, the 60% off only applies on the individual plan, unfortunately the offer doesn't apply on the family plan that it's up 6 members.

    Duolingo Individual
    TRY 249.99

    Duolingo Family
    Still TRY 499.99

    • I also had this

      • Same here. So it's about $12.50 for individual 12 months, or $25 for family. Thanks OP, I see it as I've now got individual for about $1 a month!!!

  • +1

    Well I can't get any prices other than AUD. WIll try again tonight.

  • +1

    FYI you can set up a schools account and get most of the benefits of premium for free.

  • Just got Family for 499.99 and was charged 25.12 per year

  • Thanks OP, I can start learning Welsh!

  • thanks OP. anyone know what the regular/60%off AUD price is to compare?

    I got it for TRY249 which ended up being AUD12.58 charged to my card.

    • It's around $130 AUD, it's in the link to the previous deal in the OP.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    Got the family plan for $24.97

    FYI - used URBAN VPN for the free Turkey VPN and worked no issue 👍

  • Has anyone been able to renew their current “super” plan? Under settings, i can only see an option to cancel renewal.

    • Following… Also got this same issue

  • +1

    What a lot of palaver. I just about gave up as it just wouldn't work.

    But I got there in the end. $12.48 for me with ING card and Windscribe free VPN.

  • Thanks OP, got the super now. :)

  • Thanks OP. Family plan for $25.12 :)

  • +1

    There is a modified APK of duolingo that blocks the ads etc (to try before buying of course)

    • +1

      Can you provide reliable link? I am not keen to spend any money. Inflation is hurting me

      • google "duolingo super cracked apk"
        Once you filter through the ads and fake download links you should be able to find the right one (can't link it for obv reasons).

    • Ouh any links?

    • check Mobilism

  • +2

    Actually… one tip: you can use Duolingo for Classroom / Schools (you can create a class then invite yourself into it:

    Once you have such account, you get almost the same benefits as the plus account: No ads, Unlimited Hearts, Mistake Reviews, Personalised Lessons. The only thing it's missing is the Practice Hub and Legendary Challenges which I don't think is worth the payment

    • The other thing to keep in mind, if it matters to you, is that you lose the social aspect (friends etc.)

  • Thanks Op!

  • Never pay full price for Duolingo, I split it 4 ways with some random guy on reddit.

  • Just listened to a podcast about Duolingo. It's currently worth $9.8 billion :O

    • The power of so called language, the primary tool to all living creators

  • Thanks OP - followed instructions and got the family plan. Cheers!

  • I’ve never used vpn before. Which one are you guys using any recommendations?

    • Windscribe I use for things like this

  • +3

    You can get free Duolingo forever (no ads, unlimited hearts):…

  • Everything seems to be working correctly up until the billing information part where i put in all my details and click submit and the page just hangs indefinitely. Anyone had this issue and solved it?
    I've tried different phones, computers and cards.

    • im up to the page where its meant to show payment info and it hangs. Could be the VPN, im using BrightVPN.

      • Thanks for that. I did try another vpn like you suggested but unfortunately that wasn't the solution. It seems like my account was 'locked' from duolingos end. My work around was to buy the family plan with another account and add my account to the family.

    • Used Speedify VPN and it worked, paid with my Amex.

  • can't seem to stack with existing account

    • Yeah I think my Duolingo keeps thinking I'm in Kenya (from last year's VPN).

      Mind you it's still a decent deal at ~$20 for a year. Motivates me to keep up with Chinese.

  • Another New Year’s resolution, another language training subscription… thanks OP, worked as advertised first go.

    I think I read when signing up that my subscription would renew at the same price—is that correct, i.e. this is not one of those big-discount-in-first-year-then-full-price-on-renewal deals?

    • +1

      re renewal cost; I was curious too, so I checked my account. In account settings on the duolingo website, mine shows an auto-renew will occur in 12 months at the discounted rate I paid in TRY currency. So it seems to be a perpetual annual discount.🎉

      • Magnifico! Tu sei l’uomo / la donna :)

  • Hello everyone,

    Who want to join my family plan member 6.00AUD(Share) can pm me..

    Thanks you

  • Not sure why it's marked as expired, I signed up just now with 60% off.

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