• expired

2TB 3.5" USB 3.0 Seagate® Hard Drive $99 Ea Shipped or $89 Ea for Two Shipped


Option 1: $89 for one Seagate® portable hard drive ($99 with shipping).

Option 2: $169 for two Seagate® portable hard drives (Works out to be $90 each with shipping).

Each hard drive also includes a one year manufacturer's warranty.

Lowest price with a quick search of SI is from MLN $118 (Not including delivery).


If you are already a member, don't forget to refer your friends for Ouffer credit!

T&C: Not valid with any other offer • Your shipping details will be collected upon purchase by Ouffer and will be sent to the vendor immediately after the deal ends • The product will be delivered to you within four weeks from the end of the promotion • A shipping fee of $9.95 applies per item • Delivery cannot be made to PO Boxes • Members can purchase up to twenty vouchers • Operates with Windows® XP SP3 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows® Vista, or Windows 7 and an available USB 2.0 or 3.0 port Or Macintosh: Computer system running with Mac OS® 10.5 or newer and an available USB port • The vendor warrant these products against manufacturer faults for a period of one year from the date of purchase, this warranty is provided by the vendor, not Ouffer.

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closed Comments

  • Who is the vendor / fulfiller of this item?

    Is it Peepntom? Ah yes it is, up the top of the page in a microscopic font.

    • Yep those prices being the same as last time were a dead giveaway..

      • +1

        I recall in the last deal, something negative was discovered but I couldn't remember if it was with peepntom or the deal seller, turns out it was the deal seller, could find very little out about peepntom themselves.

        I'd still be very wary, if you google the deal there's been quite a few of them through various deal sellers, they might not be able to secure stock and could be massive delays and problems that seem all too common with deals of this nature.

        My word, ouffer don't rate very well either


        89 out of 97 reviews are 1 star. Well… umm…

        • Stock has already been secured and delivery is within the four week period as set out in the T&C. If you have any queries or issues, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. We are proud to have a very quick response and resolution rate.

        • +3

          89 out of 97 reviews are 1 star. Well… umm…


          It's been a while since I have done stats but that is unlikely to be due to random chance.

        • +6

          I do have to say that there is an active rep on the site that seems to be resolving some of the problems - but for there to be so many problems in the first place is a huge concern.

        • I agree - part of being a good "deal" site is to adequately screen your vendors. If there is a consistent pattern of "problem vendors" then what's to say this or any future deal won't be the same?

        • +2

          Yup, based on the numbers above there seems to be a 91.75% chance of something going wrong (I know it's probably nowhere actually near that, happy customers rarely share so the % is very skewed).

          Even if something goes bad and it is resolved, I can do without the stress. No thanks :)

        • The majority of the problems on that review site are focused on a small handful of problem vendors. It is an ongoing effort to resolve issues with these vendors however to be completely honest, when there are deals at price-points in the $100s of dollars, as a business we can not make refunds without conducting the proper investigations. We apologize for any Oufferites who are inconvenienced by vendor issues, but as stated before we constantly strive to provide quick and efficient customer service.

        • What other deals have you done with PeepnTom ?

        • All our vendors go through a vetting process and we blacklist problem vendors and vendors to which we receive too many customer complaints from.

          In the majority of product cases, there is usually no issue unless the shipment gets destroyed by an act of god or something similarly disastrous… Admittedly, services on the other hand are harder to guarantee.

          Just with a quick scan of the backend, this is the first deal we've had with this particular vendor.

        • Thanks foobar, we, especially our customer services team, try our best to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

        • I just went through some of the complaints on the above site and I think our rep has dealt with every case fairly. It seems that in light of the circumstances of each case, our rep was able to resolve the problem and each customer complaint walked away with a positive result. I personally do not believe that rating is representative of the dedicated customer experience our rep has had in replying each complaint personally. Perhaps they should have an option to change the rating after a rep replies =/

          On further investigation, it seems that many complainants do not even bother to respond after our rep resolved their issues. Please take that review website with a pinch of salt as it seems if you go through even the front page of complaints, Ouffer has done everything reasonable and expediently to resolve the majority of customer complaints.

        • +3

          Just with a quick scan of the backend, this is the first deal we've had with this particular vendor.

          That's a big red flag right there, no one knows who they are or what they're like, no reviews online that we could turn up etc. The fact you've never dealt with them before is a real worry, would be much happier to have heard you've done at least a few deals with them.

          People get angry with YOU because you're the one that takes their money, and when the vendor fails to deliver for whatever reason, you cop the flak as can be seen quite obviously on productreview.

          I did have a look at quite a few responses, and I have to say that it does look like you do whatever you can wherever possible to make good, far more so than most other group buy sites, so I'll give you a big green tick for that, no problem at all.

          Once you've resolved an issue, is it not possible to have the original poster amend their review or take it down? As deals continue to go bad, which I think you know some will, the amount of negative reviews there is just going to keep growing despite your efforts to fix things up, and for you, that's sucks - big time.

          Back to an earlier question - you say you secured stock for this deal, I find that difficult to believe as PeepnTom have pushed this deal through at least 3 or 4 group buy sites already and unless you've been allocated so many pieces and literally have them in your possession, nothing is secured or guaranteed.

          I will be highly surprised if this deal goes through without issues, I would love to be wrong, I really would, but there's just something about this vendor that worries me.

        • +2

          I agree, the rep does a great job and makes good on a lot of broken promises, but it should never get to that stage to begin with, surely most of these people have contacted you before posting a review, and for whatever reason, the issue wasn't solved.

          I think they should be able to change their rating after a resolution has been reached, would be much fairer on businesses such as yourself who do actively solve problems for shafted clients.

          I'll say it again, it should never ever get to that stage in the first place. I don't know what if anything is going wrong in the steps that lead up to people posting there, but many of them are doing so as a last resort - they will have tried everything else they can think of, end up googling you and finding that site, reading many similar stories and then adding their own.

          Do whatever you can to fix it before it gets that far, and the reviews should stop or slow to a trickle.

        • Agree with this - although a lot of the complaints are about the vendors you can find more than a couple that state things like
          "After several emails"
          "they said [..] they would investigate and get back to me within 5 days. It has been more than 5 business days now and I have still not heard a response."
          "Further contact with them has proved futile - no reply"
          "They are not communicating back at all."

          In frustration people have vented on a public forum - and legitimately so. It seems only then do they get any customer service.

          and REP:
          On further investigation, it seems that many complainants do not even bother to respond after our rep resolved their issues.

          A taste of your own medicine?

    • The majority of the complaints above are due to problem vendors. Please refer to our refund policy as from a statistic point of view, over 80% of complaints are resolved at the first instance. Only a small number of issues would drag on due to communication problems with the vendor.

  • +1
    • +9

      Biggest diff would be if you order if from OW, you'll actually get it.

      The OW one is the older model, not a great case, tend to overheat. Unknown if the new case is any better though, some reviews on amazon.com still seem to indicate heat issues.

      • There are no known heating issues with this model.

        • +6

          Then perhaps you could trott on over to amazon.com and inform everyone that has had issues that they're all imagining it.

      • +1

        I've heard of them overheating, but I can confirm I have two of those (USB2) which stay plugged in 24/7 and have never had a problem - they're only used as backup though.

        • Do they spin down when not being accessed? I'd check one of mine but all the cases are empty :)

        • I think they do spin down, that's why I mentioned that they're only used for backup - well file storage actually. I wouldn't want to be doing too much real time access off a USB2 drive - they're quite slow.

  • +3

    Rep if stock has been secured then why is there a 4 week delivery?

    • 4 weeks is the maximum delivery time if there are no serious unexpected issues. We would rather not make a promise to which we can not 99% keep. 2-4 weeks delivery is standard for products featured on Ouffer.com.

      We strive to be upfront and not hide any potential problems which may cause customers frustrations in their Ouffer experience ;)

    • +1

      agree.. much rather go to MSY.

      • -1

        alexme, we respect and appreciate your opinion but please refer to the voting guidelines: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:voting_guidelines under "The FUNDAMENTALLY wrong Negative Vote TEST". This deal is easily the cheapest available for the current model.

        • +1

          The guidelines allow you to vote neg if there are major issues with the retailer. Whether that's true or not is debatable. In this case it's a bit more complicated then buying directly from a retailer (i.e. the deal is sourced through 'Ouffer').

          But I do agree with alexme. I would rather go to another more reputable retailer or even wait for another $100 2TB or $150 3TB deal to come along from a reputable source.

        • +1

          I have previously ordered from you and had issues which is why I negged this.

          I only made a comment so that I could mark this as negative! Have a nice day :)

        • -5

          So basically you are negging due to the fact that you had one bad experience with Ouffer in the long past.

          … Mods please remove this vote. Not that I particularly care about votes, but rather this is a clear case where the poster does not know what a negative vote is for. The voting guidelines specifically states that such negative votes will be revoked.

        • +2

          That is perfectly legitimate reason for a negative vote.
          Your use of emotive language "in the long past" when there is no indication of how long ago it was is manipulative.

          Does he/she need to have more than one bad experience to vote negatively? They sound smart to me if they haven't been bitten twice.

          If you are a stickler for the rules:
          "if you know others have had issues and have seen bad reports elsewhere a post with link if possible and a negative vote is appropriate"

          They would just have to link to the 89 bad reviews on productreview to neg you.

          You are not doing yourself any favours bickering over this vote - suck it up, take it on the chin and prove them wrong by improving your overall customer satisfaction.

        • Fair enough. We had a CS overhaul a while back and I still reckon the majority of low reviews on product review is unwarranted. I do understand it takes a while to turn a company's reputation around but I do not believe the negger's reason is a fair representation of our quality of service for many many months now. I just want to avoid the precedent where every Ouffer deal is negged based on one bad experience in the past.

          Tl;dr I'm saying the neg above is baseless despite the initial negative sources showing otherwise.

          Either way no point further arguing a moot issue. Our current CS goal is such: We at Ouffer only hope to deliver only an exceptional customer experience.

        • When you send out your HDDs contact customers and ask them to give you positive feedback if they have had a good shopping experience. People don't think of it if everything goes smoothly but that way you can begin to turn things around.

        • +1


          That ^^ right there, could be a big part of the problem.

        • -1

          Offer an actual bargain and stop whining.

        • Just read on one of the comment there. Looks like the issues are with Ouffer doing everything it can to make refund complicated at best, if problem arise. Like this one:

          I have had another message from Jamal at Team Ouffer offering me a complete refund, but only after another 10 business days. This is not acceptable to me, as on31 August Steff at Ouffer said she was looking into the matter and would contact me within 7 business day, but of course there was no response from her at all. OUFFER just says ANYTHING to keep our money and avoid responsibility for their bad business practices.
          Off to Fair Trading today. I have given them more than enough time to come good.


          I'd avoid. My high blood presure pills aren't cheap :)

      • +1

        While I agree, you won't find them this cheap at MSY or Umart currently.

    • +1

      Agreed, sooner pay the same or even a tad more and be able to walk out with it under my arm than waiting 4+ weeks for something that may never arrive.

    • Our products are guaranteed to be 100% genuine with Seagate manufacturers warranty. I don't see how else we can prove its authenticity. As per staticice, the price at MSY for the same product is $120 not including delivery. We are undercutting this by $20 or $30 if you buy two. Please also note the 4 week delivery time is the maximum factoring in any minor issues that may arise.

      • IMO as an OzBargainer the dollar saving works out to be about $10. There are occasional deals for $100 2TB or $150 3TB hard drives. Many of those deals are from a reputable retailer.

  • Waiting for a 2TB drive that is USB powered.

  • Big deal, bought a USB3 2TB Seagate from officeworks yesterday for $99

  • Also USB2 in JB is 99 at the moment too

  • REP: What other deals have you done with PeepnTom ?

    • Answered above, asked here in case it was to messy in the earlier messages.

  • +1

    This is strange. When I am at PAYPAL checkout, the description changed from 2x to 1x hard drives. Notice the price is for 2x?

    1 x Portable 2TB 3.5" USB 3.0 Seagate® Hard Drive Including One Year Warranty $178.94
    Item number:1
    Item price: $178.94
    Item total$178.94
    Total $178.94 AUD

    • might be the 2 times item has its own listing. i see odd stuff like that all the time just shoot them an email to ask.

      • Emailed them but no response, been 4 days already :-(

  • +1

    HP 2tb usb 3 $99, normal price at Officeworks

  • +3

    1) The product will be delivered within FOUR WEEKS from the end of the promotion. The promotion lasts for one week. So, it may take FIVE WEEKS for the item(s) to be delivered.

    2) Ouffer does not have a good record for keeping its suppliers/merchants to their delivery promises/dates. Some posts regarding EXTREMELY late delivery are often removed from their Facebook page.

    3) The rep is straight out lying regarding 'vetting' their merchants.

    4) Ouffer has a record of promoting* counterfeit goods, and other illegal goods (unsafe electrical items).

    REP how much of the $99 is Ouffer keeping as its commission? Not less than 30% I am sure.

    That leaves $69.30 for the supplier to use to buy the item, pack the item, label the package, deliver the package to the customer, and to make a profit.

    Does this appear possible to you REP?

    * replaced "selling" with "promoting"

    Also, I would like to say that in general I like Ouffer. It is just about the only 'deal' site from which I purchase 'deals' - so far only low cost meal deals. It is the best of a very bad bunch. Some of the so called "deals" on Spreets and Groupon are out and out scams.

  • +3

    Something is 'wrong'.

    The vendor/merchant/supplier is peepntom.com.au

    peepntom.com.au is owned by THE CLICK FACTORY PTY. LTD. ABN: 32 143 352 078

    It is my understanding that there MUST be ABN/ACN info. on a .com.au website. However, I can find no such info. anywhere on peepntom.com.au

    THE CLICK FACTORY PTY. LTD. appears to have no rights to have registered the peepntom.com.au domain - no company name, no business name, no trading name, no trademark, etc. I note that they used one of the very few .com.au registrars that do not check on the registrants right to register a com.au domain name.

    Apparently THE CLICK FACTORY PTY. LTD. may be insolvent - http://www.insolvencyappointments.com.au/2012/09/the-click-f…

    At say $100 or $90 each - the price is 'suspicious'.

    The deal sites require a 30% to 50% 'commission' leaving the supplier/merchant/vendor with a MAXIMUM of $63 to cover their profit, and the cost of the item. For orders for two drives the maximum amount per drive is $60.

    • +1

      Agreed, doesn't look too good and the numbers don't add up or make sense.

      Dreamerman, it might be a blessing that you haven't received a reply. If you continue with your purchase with the above information at hand, I wish you the absolute best of luck.

      • Today must be my lucky day.

  • Deleted.

  • I found this page after looking for more information about the offer (after i had already bought it) and got worried after the numerous criticisms. I ordered two HDDs and they arrived today. Seems authentic, plastic sealed with the seagate seal on the box; drive is as stated on the website (USB3, squared matte design). If anyone was curious, the packages were sent via 'Save On Retail' (according to the auspost notification that i received yesterday), which i believe is in Moorabbin. Not entirely sure how it is so cheap, perhaps shipped direct from China/Thailand? I've just plugged in one of the drives and it is indeed 2TB with the typical seagate software on there. It all checks out, as far as i can see.

    • Yep, got mine this morning too. Bought 2 HDDs and all looks good. Best deal for me yet this year!

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