silver is available instore and white is online only.
Wifi Only
Android 4.0
Front and Rear Camera
Bluetooth Connectivity
USB 2.0
Micro SD Card Slot (up to 32GB)
silver is available instore and white is online only.
Wifi Only
Android 4.0
Front and Rear Camera
Bluetooth Connectivity
USB 2.0
Micro SD Card Slot (up to 32GB)
Yeah I'm going to say this is a dupe, just Officeworks stopping price matches
you gotta be quick to post and take credit
I don't post stuff anymore, just mentioning its pretty much a dupe…
Needs to be about this price. As much as I don't like Apple too much, the iPad 3 is comfortably better.
Galaxy tabs are known for poor HD (720p or 1080p) video playback. The tab 10.1 1 i got with the tegra chick pretty much same specs as the 2 playback is choppy at best.
Tegra 3 tablets can play full hd videos fine, though with Tegra 2 some 720p videos are choppy but most are fine.
Whatever others drop their price, OW will drop it to prevent ozbargainers to price match and get the 5% discount.
will further drop given Ipad mini and surface will be launched very soon. No need to grab one unless you want it urgently.
will further drop given Ipad mini and surface will be launched very soon
I find it very amusing that you announce this with such certainty. Unless you're in charge of the Samsung Mobile division, you don't know anything for sure.
I'm hoping Samsung will bring out a new Tab model soon (not counting Note) and these will be cleared out in a fire sale. The tech was outdated when they released it, let alone now. They really need to step it up in the tablet department.
well surface is a lot more expensive so it won't be the reason for any future price drop :(
Too bad OW does not sell Galaxy note 10.1
JB watergardens (vic). wont play the price match game, HN said $340.00 best they could do.
I also asked JB re 500GB HDD -(, they have it down to $69.00 and wouldn't touch the $49.00 price either.
The old man wants to get the Tab but he decided to hold off until next week at least, he travels OS in about a month so he is looking to get an extra 10%off at the airport through the GST refund.
HN said $340.00 best they could do.
Well that's a saving off OW's price.
If you wait till next week, I doubt you'll get this price. OW's price is just a price match of TGG's I think. When TGG raises it back to normal, so will OW.
That is really cheap. I have the original Gtab 10.1 with the same ICS firmware as this bad boy. ICS was a huge step up on android tablets and for $344 it is well worth considering this one. It doesn't really stutter or lag IMHO, but then I don't really push my tablet too far. Perfect for browsing the web, listening to music/watching shows, some basic games. Personally I love the 10 inch form factor because it allows me to comfortably read and type on it too.