$45.99 w/ Prime membership. $219 without.
Seems decent price?
Might be old model?
$45.99 w/ Prime membership. $219 without.
Seems decent price?
Might be old model?
Choice rated the newer version of this (the LAP158 vs this LAP150) very poorly in their recent testing. It made their "worst of" list:
They appear to be identical apart from connectivity features, so this is unlikely to be a good performer.
I have the higher-end version of this (the LAP300), and it's honestly borderline. It's only really effective on its highest setting, and that's unacceptably loud. It's also lacking in features. An "advantage" of the higher-end model is its "smart auto" mode, but I end up manually controlling the fan speed, because the "auto" mode spends too much time at the lowest fan setting, which does virtually nothing at all. It was also useless as a bedroom air purifier, as it has no ambient light sensor. You need to turn it off (or put it into night mode) every night to turn off its indicator lights, then remember to turn it back on when you need it. It now lives in the study and gets turned on only during bushfire/pollen season. For a small study, used on medium/high settings, it just barely suffices.
For my living room, I upgraded to a Philips 3000i. Its ongoing costs are nearly identical (the filters are twice the price but last twice as long), it's hugely more powerful, actually useful at the lowest fan setting, it dims itself at night, has better display of air quality, better automatic operation, and does a good job without any fuss. My advice would be to not mess with cheap options, and just buy based on performance and filter costs. The unit itself should last for a decade or more, so the up-front purchase price will be dwarfed by the cost of replacing the filters over its lifetime.
Dayum! :O
Currently unavailable.
I bought 1….maybe they only had 1 left?
Got one too
ordered 1 at 1:00pm
Really want one but gone
back in stock
Sadly miss again, but thanks so much for letting me know :)
CADR 91m³/h
Tbh this is so low powered, and so tiny that it'll probably do nothing. Better off sticking to Coway.
I double mine as a bear repellent, been working great!
This. These tiny air purifiers are near useless, not worth the money even at a heavy discount.
agree with other comments, CADR 91 is really weak
I got 3 x Xiaomi 2S that are CADR 310, the latest Xiaomi 3H can do CADR 380 too
dang, your air must be pure af
That was quick 🥲
Does it come with a filter?
I could have used this. My bedroom builds up dust fast.
Have u tried leaving windows locked at the time?
Yeah it locked. It's an old wooden window frame, it gets in somehow. There's some holes in the wall that dust might be getting in through, been meaning to cover the holes to stop spiders getting in. I don't dare look in the ceiling to see what's up there.
Does dust know how to open unlocked windows 🤔
I meant window shut to stop dust from road traffic
Damn, guess this was a steal!
I had one of these during Black summer. It was on a platform about 50cm from the ground and got knocked off and the blade broke. It was relatively new (<3 months) and not a lot of force. I got the xiaomi 3h (which is more stable) and I returned this. I am still using the xiaomi and I would not recommend the breville.
so your Breville got toasted?
Did you manage to get a full refund after breaking the machine?
From recollection, yes. It was an Amazon purchase from memory.
Great device for smoking cones in the rental thanks OP
Had the wifi version. Really don’t think it did much in terms of airborn particles even though I ran it on high for a few hours before bed each night. Was more of a white noise machine at night but started to rattle on lowest speed after a year so returned it for full refund (thanks Amazon).
I have the large one of these, "night mode" (the only way to turn off the bright as f**ck LED) only operates in "Low" which barely does anything. I have to put a plate over it to stop the light from blinding me at night
if the area is small then i use blue-tack for my ac
I have the larger unit as well, and the light is a giant ring around the entire circumference of the fan, plus several bright blue LEDs. It's like leaving a light on. We left it on overnight during the last bushfire season, and it was extremely annoying.
I've upgraded to a Philips 3000i now, and it has an ambient light sensor that automatically dims the display during the night. Plus, it's a massively more effective unit. Even the larger Breville unit seems like a bit of a joke in comparison.
It's quite easy to run the filter without the light around the fan. There is literally a button dedicated to turning this light off if you don't want to use it. The UV light is only for killing airborne viruses, so it's practically useless if you already are carrying the virus!
@PhilToinby: On the larger units (e.g. the Breville Smart Air LAP300)? The only way to turn off the air quality indicator ring is to put it into night mode, and that turns the fan to its lowest setting. There is no way to keep the fan on medium or high while turning off the indicator ring.
The UV "microbe shield" is an entirely separate thing to the AQI indicator light on the larger models. You can turn off the UV shield any time, but the indicator light only goes off in "night mode".
@axyh: Exactly. The light is so bright it can prevent you from sleeping. I don't know WTF they are thinking because the night mode (low setting) is like having nothing on. I love noise at night so I need med/high to sleep too.
can you schedule the Philips one for certain times or do you leave on 24/7?
Ive got the Breville and not impressed.
@Geoff-bargain: The Philips Air+ app has a scheduler, although like most apps for appliances, it can be a bit temperamental.
The Auto mode works quite well on the Philips unit, so I haven't found setting manual schedules to be a necessity. I just leave it on and let it do its thing.
Just got one! Thanks
In my mind these are better than nothing. They are pretty quiet on low, and every time I replace the filter it is a completely different colour (e.g. dirty), so it is definitely doing something! It also pulls some dust out of the air, as you can see it building up on the outside of the filter.
I use it in a small bedroom. And yes, I'm sure there are better purifiers out there
Looks like a wifi router.
Back in stock. Just bought one
45.99 is steal
I must have got lucky. I bought mine 4 hrs after it initially sold out
is this any good?
Edit: too late, gone