Never used this before. Seems many people vouched for it online. Hope it makes the cleaning easier.
The smaller version (large, 30cm height) is $27.73.
Note: The 40cm high XL version appears OOS.
Never used this before. Seems many people vouched for it online. Hope it makes the cleaning easier.
The smaller version (large, 30cm height) is $27.73.
Note: The 40cm high XL version appears OOS.
*Spatter 💉🔪🩸
That's so funny .😂
I thought the same thing.
Would this be easier to clean compared to wiping down the bench after cooking? Also it's not exactly great looking either.
Depends on the user's bench and walls, no?
Behind our cooktop is a glass window, so using this is easier to clean.
I don't have one so I can't be sure but at my place leaning over the bench top to wipe the tiles is quite awkward and makes it hard to get decent pressure against the wall.
I'm pretty sure this would be easier to clean due to the fact you can hold it in whatever position is comfortable.
It's pretty ugly though.
Day to day, I would imagine not. But for those big family gathering days, where you're cooking up a storm I could see it being useful.
Depending on how stain resistant your bench is. In our previous rental the benches were so sensitive that even a drop of juice from zooper dooper used to stain it for few days.
Surely you just clean, fold & put it away when not using it.
No 90cm width.
Perfect to put behind gundam workstation!
I was thinking about other uses too.
not only will it help stop hobby paint/glue mess if you are messy. but because it's silver I think it will reflect light and give you good lighting for fine work like working on electronics/watches etc.
could also be used for photography maybe.
I'm thinking of using it together with a cleaver to hack the chicken. It might stop the meat from flying everywhere.
Have you tried wringing its neck first?
literally had coffee up my nose, thanks for that XD
I have to tenderise meat every now and then and use a cardboard box to stop meat going everywhere. It's a pain to setup and teardown but it's a lot better than picking up bits of meat up to a few metres away. Now it just hits the newspaper that I tape up and over the whole surface or on me (mainly me though it seems). Do you use an apron? I've been meaning to get a good butcher's apron but my wife doesn't approve of the one I bought.
Basically the box I use is tall enough to go from the kitchen bench all the way up to the cupboards above. The flaps on the bottom help to keep the box in the right place. My chopping board does sit on the flaps but I guess if you're using a knife or cleaver then you may want to do something differently as you'll want to make sure the chopping board isn't moving. There isn't a whole lot of space inside the box, enough for a plate/tray or two and the chopping board, but I think that helps as there is less chance of the meat flying out somewhere else.
Have you tried gladwrapping or greaseproof papering your meat before bashing it..? 😅 That's what the pros do.
Seems like a waste of plastic or paper.
@ozbs25: That's what I said about my Shun knives + meat tenderizer when this came in the mail.
You can even holster it on your cooking apron..
…how hard are you hitting this meat
What can I say, I like to beat my meat.
I have to tenderise meat every now and then and use a cardboard box to stop meat going everywhere.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just sharpen your knife mate
This would actually work for a camper trailer as well…
Only valid use I reckon. I mean I already have a splashback and I don't have to store it anywhere.
Splatter Shield Guard 4 Sided Upgraded Extra-high 40cm, $31.81
Looks like 3 sided to me.
I have this and can confirm it's 4 sided, however you have the option to make it 3 sided by making the middle part liner by keeping 2 parts straight.
Fair point.
Technically it is eight-sided.
8 faces
4 edges if lain flat
8 edges if turned into a 3 sided shape
13 edges if 3rd hinge deployed, but shape not fully deployed to a closed 4 sided open top and bottom polygon.
Don't get me started on vertices.
Can anyone see the 4th side?
There is a hinge on the long side. Looks like it can fold and become a square.
Asian household approved
Complete the look with foil stove liners.
Link please, I need these.
Dad still does it manually.. 🤣
Isn’t this why we have tiled splashbacks in kitchens already?
Yes, but the oil soaks into the grouting which is almost impossible to get the colour staining out.
I cool with lots of spices including the infamous turmeric and never have "grout staining" unless you leave it overnight to soak in.
Good for cook top on an island bench. Nephew's recently purchased place had such a set up.
It's an Asian household thing. Over the years my parents have used everything to cover the splashbacks. They even try to cook things outside to avoid making the kitchen smell and to avoid dirtying the splashback. Appearance is not a factor.
Welcome to indian households
al foil and double sided tape.
It's an Asian household thing.
Also a wog/ethnic household thing (or any culture that cooks real food everyday i.e. any non-Anglo culture). Italians, Greeks, Arabs, etc all do that too.
Cleaning up after making a chicken madras takes longer than making the curry. This will help hugely.
How is this better than the one sold at Daiso for less than $5?
I’m pretty sure the difference is that this one just magically appears at your doorstep a couple of days later, while the one at Daiso cannot or will not do that.
Pretty good item for outdoor BBQ's during windy times
You'd be constantly fighting to have it not blow away I'd think, there's nowhere to weigh it down to keep it in position
Hopefully it works, dont like cleaning the tikes after cooking Hopefully this can just sit there soaking up all the grease and etc
Where is the 40cm version? These links take me to 75×29×30cm version ($27.73). I have searched for the 40cm version and it's nowhere to be found. Is it Wuciray brand too?
Op both your links are for the 30cm version, for me. I click on the deal and it takes me to the smaller one. Where's the link to the 40cm one? Is it sold out? Couls someone post the link to the 40cm one?
I do it the el-cheapo way, stick up some foil sheets over the tile splashback and just rip it off when it gets mucky. I do the same thing for lining the stovetop and it's especially handy for those unannounced, judgey in-law visits.
Link incorrect, OP misunderstood the deal. No 40cm version available via link, smaller 30cm only.
40cm version appears OOS.
I use one of these things..
Disposable but does last a long time…
30cm just doesn't sound tall enough
Isn’t Daiso way cheaper?
Can these be installed at my place of work men's bathroom?
That's creative!
Just use aluminium foil…… then screw it up for the recycling when done.
is there a 900mm wide version?
Is it Dexter approved?