• expired

Tape Measure USD $0.04 Free Shipping from Sammy Dress


Got an email from them and spotted this almost-freebie. USD 4cents for this pink measuring tape (150cm). Was $0.66.

SammyDress also has coupon code Pumpkins for 8% off, although when applied on this 4 cents item it became $0.61 as the discount was taken from the original price.

Edit: to get rid of $1 insurance, keep on clicking "Continue" until an option is presented to use free shipping + uncheck insurance

Edit 2: as been pointed out, there are other free measuring tape offers:

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Sammy Dress
Sammy Dress

closed Comments

  • How can you get rid of the $1 insurance?

    • nevermind, you have to press continue to get rid of it.

    • +1

      keep clicking continue until the option shows up

      Add Shipping Insurance to your order ……………………………………………………………. 1.00 USD
      (We offer Shipping Insurance to protect your package against any lost or damaged shipments. Any missing issues, please inform us. We will reship your order immediately.)

    • Arrgh dodgy. I only went through the PayPal checkout and didn't pay. How can they change the value after bouncing back from the PayPal site?

      Edit: Never mind. Just keep clicking…

      • +1

        After you are redirected back to the sammydress website from paypal - click on the continue button until you see the shipping options, unclick "tracking number" and "insurance" then choose the free shipping option…

    • +11

      why wouldn't you want insurance? what if it got lost or damaged?

      • +3

        lol, sounds like sarcasm but you could have 21 of these sent separately for $1.05 without insurance. Even if 20/21 got lost you still get 1 for the same price (vs buy 1 with $1 insurace).

  • +1

    A whole 5 cents (our dollar must have slipped) and US$1 insurance which I couldn't work out how to remove.

  • 5c tape measure! Yay

  • note measures only in inches and feet :P

    (looks like it might have CM on the back as well ;) )

  • Don't know what I did wrong, but got charged $0.61 even though paypal showed $0.04.

      • Make sure you are not using the coupon code.
      • Make sure you remove all the non-free shipping option at checkout.
  • +2

    At that price I bought 2.

    Couldnt resist the solar toy either:

  • +3

    Why pay 4 cents when you can get one for free? http://www.uniformschoolwear.com/FreeTapeMeasure.aspx

    • Ha thanks. Added to the post.

      • Whether it arrives or not is a different matter. You can never have too many measure tapes. When you need one you can never find one.

    • +2

      I'd rather pay the $0.04 to make sure that i will receive it. If nothing received I will spend some money to call paypal to launch a disrupt case…

  • nice thanks boss

  • didn't receive the 1c thing from previous deal… :(

  • Dammit! Paid $0.05 through paypal, the Aussie$ is really slipping these days!
    At least with paypal you can pay after delivery - that's worth paying the extra 1 cent for

  • +5

    Just bought 25 of them for $1 to donate to a local community group who run Knitting/Sewing sessions for the women as this keeps them away from the men who are busy sharpening their planes in the nearby mens shed :) I might get a cupcake as a reward for this and that's worth every cent of the dollar I paid! Hmmm, buttery home-made goodness.

    • I use these type of tape measures to measure whether the fish I have caught are legal or not (I write the name of the fish on the tape measure at the appropriate place and keep the tape in my pocket).

      So tape measures are good for men and women!

    • Yay for people like you :)
      /not sarcasm

  • Never knew people can get so excited over a measuring tape.

    "That's what she said"

    • Surly if people really needed a measuring tape, .66cents is not going to break the bank :\

  • got me 3 !

    best 15 cents ive spent in a while.

  • Sammydress continues to send spam e-mail to me despite requests not too.

    So there is no way they are getting my physical address.

    Scotty, I have to wonder if you are subscribed to them, or was it from an un-solicited e-mail?

    • From the previous 1c necklace deal. I did receive it like a whole month later, and this is probably the first email that got to me since I purchased from them in June (although the rest might have gone to the spam box).

      • mm odd - maybe they know I am a girl :P

        no worries thanks for filling me in

  • +1

    I purchased a few of these off ebay (2 for $2 delivered) just last week.

    I had previously been using a Cat 5e ethernet cable and a piece of A4 paper to roughly guess measurements for all these Men's Shop and Amazon Suit deals etc.

    Anyway, the plastic tape is very very thin and will easily stretch and tear with minimal force.

    They are the 'Tato Nano' tape measures of the sewing world.

    But for 5 cents, you can't go wrong.

  • +5

    Get a bunch of paper measure tapes in your next visit to ikea…

    • Good idea Dnkei, you're a true OzBargainer :P

    • +3

      and bonus pencils

  • Bought 2
    thanks Scotty

  • thank you have no idea what I'll do with this once it arrives but I'm sure it will come in handy one day haha

    • CM on one side, inches on the other

  • if this is anything like the 1c necklace (which cost 2c thanks to paypals munted conversion system) then it's not worth it

  • thanks, bought one….

  • Nice deal.
    But I usually just pick up a couple of those free paper ones from IKEA…

  • change currency to AU to avoid paypal crappy exchange rate. =)

  • I think I'll wait till Christmas. I'm sure to get one of these in a Bon Bon :)

  • Thanks, these are always handy to have around.

  • $1 insurance kills the deal. was gonna get one up until that point.

    bought 1 of these a few weeks ago for $1 including shipping.

    • You just need to click Continue in the checkout screen and there would be options to remove the shipping insurance.

  • If they give 50% off the current price I'll buy one if I can pay cash. Or maybe I'll ask my boss if I can work 3.4 seconds overtime to offset my spendthrift lifestyle.

    One frustrating thing I find with ordering clothes online is that clothing manufacturers seem to randomise sizes anyway. I have had size 34s that are way too big and 36s that were too small.

    • "clothing manufacturers seem to randomise sizes"

      Not so much randomising I think, but really having multiple mixed sizing systems implemented (ie. AU, US, UK etc.) & not clearly stating it on the website…unless there are factory workers that can't tell the difference between sizes.

      NB. Also looks like they reverted the price back to AUD0.65.

  • My order was cancelled :(

  • You know you can get paper tape measures for free from ikea?

  • Anyone get theirs yet?

    • Took a month to get the necklace last time. So be patient!

      • hey, thanks scotty, just got mine yesterday! =)

        • Nice. I'm still waiting for mine…

        • Update: Received mine a few days ago.

    • Received mine today.

  • I just got my 50. Lol they actually only sent 38.

    What recourse do I have? Should I inform the ACCC?

    • ahahaha you ordered 50?!?! what are you going to do with them all?

      • To be honest, I just wanted to see if they'd actually send them all. I'll probably make a belt out of them.

        • With that many you make yourself a (living) mummy.

        • I might just use them to keep the children in my basement under control.

  • Just wondering if anyone else is getting dozens of spam emails from these guys now? I am getting 1-2 a day.

    • Well, I got an email from them apologizing that they haven't spammed me. Apparently I am a customer that "who bought most amount or most often". Sure.
      Mind you, I'm still waiting for delivery.

    • I got my tapes today but they are all in Chinese "Inches" on one side haha.. which equates to ~33mm.. LOL
      Guess I got always uses the CM side. :-)

      EDIT : Spellings.

        • …and you kiss you mother with that mouth?

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