Hi All,
We purchased a house in Ballarat (Regional Victoria) a couple of years ago (in hindsight - at the peak of the property bubble) with the intention of constructing 3 townhouses. Unfortunately, we had someone living on the same street appeal at VCAT due to which there were delays in commencing construction.
Long story short - We hired a lawyer and the outcome at VCAT was in our favour however the numbers do not stack up anymore due to an increase in construction costs, holding costs to complete the build and overall reduction in the property prices.
Property was placed on the market and there was hardly any interest even with plans and permits approved (No bids at the auction) The agent has advised us that the realistic selling price is approx $100K less than our purchase price which seems to be too much for us to lose at this point in time.
We can afford to build but its too risky to take the decision - Has anyone been in this situation recently where you had purchased at the peak and sold at a loss? We are prepared to sell at a loss but not at this level !
just hodl