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[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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      • +36

        Gaza is being occupied by a colonial force. Resisting genocide is not illegal - it's an imperative.

        • +28

          Absolutely! It's so important that the Aboriginal Australians- who never ceded sovereignty- start slitting the throats of young adults at Australian music festivals too! /s

          • +1

            @Balmaino: Still, Ozs rejected the world's most peaceful community & let them down with their proud Racial Discrimination Act :(with John Howard as spiritual leader & blind followers)

          • @Balmaino: You joke, but don't be surprised if some white leftist "saviours" start suggesting this as a way forward for the "poor oppressed Aboriginal".
            Fortunately most Aboriginals ignore the "saviour" baizou just as everyone else does!

        • +27

          Resisting genocide is not illegal

          Neither is protecting your people from terrorists who want every single one of you dead.

          • +23

            @jv: are you comparing a hypothetical genocide to an actual one currently happening?
            14k dead and counting.

            • +27



              Yes, Hamas, the elected governing body of Gaza, have declared on many occasions that want all Jews dead.

              • +6

                @jv: Oh wait… are you comparing what Hamas declared to what Israel is currently doing?

                14k dead just in this current massacre. 75 years of occupation. Let that sink in.

                • +8


                  are you comparing what Hamas declared to what Israel is currently doing?

                  I don't know what Hamas declared. I wasn't there.

                  What I do know is they caused all this.

                  • +20

                    @jv: Come on JV. I'm sure you do know what they declared.

                    Yes, Hamas, the elected governing body of Gaza, have declared on many occasions that want all Jews dead.

                    By the way many are the Israeli politicians have been declaring the same for the Palestinians.
                    The only difference between the two is that Israel is true to their word in executing it.

                    • +2

                      @ThePasserby: Your problem is assuming JV keeps track of comments they made within the previous hour

                • +1

                  @ThePasserby: What do you think "from the river to the sea" means exactly? That's Jewish genocide right there

                  • +3

                    @BargainCowboy: what does from Sinaii to Furat means? educate and learn what the israeli anthem (in full, not just whats on google) says then speak please.

                    really good to learn the story before saying a word, this way you'll hide your ignorance.

                    • @StarGrapper: I totally lost you there bud. I think learning history from TikToks is not a good idea…

                      • +1

                        @BargainCowboy: Agree, that is why I advise you learn it properly, and always listen to both sides then decide,

                        My grandparents who barely survived 48 and 67 didn't have tiktok that time!!!

                  • +3

                    @BargainCowboy: I think it is yet again a hypothetical genocide that has not happened. - Not wishing that it ever does.
                    There is a truer flip side version of this where Israel is keeping their word in executing their plan.

                    It was part of the charter of the Likud political party and goes by " … between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty"

              • +1

                @jv: Not true, they mentioned in EVERY SINGLE MOMENT they want to end the occupation!! do not spread lies.

            • +6

              @ThePasserby: Watch the interviews with the captured "freedom fighters", it should be free Palestine from ISIS HAMAS or those who support and defend the kidnapping of children.

              Worse still, did you bother to listen what HAMAS said about its own people while its leaders live in luxury and do enormous property developments for the rich in places like Turkey, $400,000 a unit? I suppose you support breeding and living like rats in poverty instead of a decent life? Taking UN aid resources instead of helping people?

              • +2

                @carrawa: wow, the leaders of Hamas them selves didnt know they own this…

                oh by the way, only 3 leaders are outside of Gaza to do the politics that are happening right now. the rest are in the tunnels, not speaking from behind screen on OZBARGAIN, or from Hawaii like the son of BIBI

        • +4

          Colonial force = Hamas? Because they've been occupying Gaza since 2005…

        • Absolutely clueless

        • +12

          Gaza is being occupied by a colonial force


          Let's just ignore the well know fact that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and that Hamas have been running the show ever since…

          • +8

            @1st-Amendment: Just to clarify, Hamas people are born, raised, and lived in GAZA their entire life, they cannot occupy them selves.

            Read the dictionary, and learn the difference in meaning between Occupation and Resistant, waiting result…

            • +1


              Just to clarify, Hamas people are born, raised, and lived in GAZA their entire life, they cannot occupy them selves.

              You are the one who mentioned occupation. Israel left Gaza nearly 20 years ago, what occupation are you talking about?

              Read the dictionary, and learn the difference in meaning between Occupation and Resistant, waiting result…

              Right. Now tell me how leaving Gaza almost 20 years ago and left Palestinians to self- govern makes Israel the occupiers…waiting result…

              • +1

                @1st-Amendment: So you started watching on which season? 7th of October or 20 years ago? Can you start from season 1? A little hint, 1917

        • +1

          I see, I see. Oh, and what was their excuse when they tried to assassinate the leader of / overthrow the democracy of the country that openly welcomed them and let them settle last time, just out of interest. While you're here.

          • +1

            @Ademos: oh, so you wake up now? what about assassination of Ahmed Yassin? or you have just started watching this season only?

            • +1


              what about

              A literal whataboutism…

              Tell me, do you think that when Hamas brutally raped and murdered hundreds of innocent children that it was justified in any shape or form?

              • +5

                @1st-Amendment: My friend, please go watch the reports leaked on youtube about the survivours of these actions.

                First of all, no babies were killed,

                Second of all, Hamas killed soldiers and men, then Israeli forces started their actions KILLING EVERY SINGLE LIVING SPECIES in that area, go search that. they them selves say it, not me, i am just repeating it for you.

                Third, Israeli people raped the women and took it as a chance in that time, this was also mentioned but the raped women survived this, go watch the leaked videos.

                cant Hamas rape hostages right now? why the israeli's let the first released hostage speak on media? (because they didnt know she'll say what she said and praise Hamas for their kindness), why aren't they letting any released hostage speak anymore?? (they learned their lesson).

                please listen and read from both sides before speaking, media is not right in all aspects, it is biased and 100% forced to say what they are allowed to say only.

              • @1st-Amendment: Hello again,

                since there are hostages been released last 3 days, i came back to ask you the question, did you check on the hostages reports?

                The guardian said, that Hamas released hostages of Women and Children as part of the trade, on the other hand, Israel released hostages of (People aged 18 and under)?!?!?!?!

                Anyway, Israeli kids and women said they had a great treatment that they have never imagined that will happen even in their best imagination scenario's, go check the reports, i am just repeating.

                on the other hand, Israel have rejected to give medicine for sick (people ages 18 and under), those people lost their conscious and some went on coma due to lack of food, and their doctor told them, just drink water, no medicine no food.

                Also, since you keep mentioning rape of israeli women, (which was falsified and proved to be Israeli survivors did it), go listen to the palestinian released hostages, and listen to the wildness they were facing, prisoners have the green light to take palestinian girls aged 16 or less, and rape them, beat them, humilate them, hunger them, and if required, amputate parts of their bodies!!!!. girls been raped repeatedly for years and years, somce girls were taken hostages at the age of 8 and released at 16 or 18!!!.

                please, i beg you, wake up and stop listening to one side of the story, and listen for the otherside from the otherside sources for once! truth will shock you.

            • @StarGrapper: You're talking about 2004.

              I'm literally talking about the 1950s-70s,

              Start in Jordan here : https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/1951/jul/21/fromthea…

              And read through to more about it all here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September

              You know, when "your side" was welcomed with open arms, and in return assassinated kings, blew up airliners, and more before getting violently ejected. Again. All so they could sit in their new home complaining about how nobody wants to help them.

              • +9

                @Ademos: Excuse me, what are you talking about?

                my grand parents were survivors of 1948 and 1967. and i know history because i lived it.

                Anyway, i am saying they keep talking about assassination and bullshit, and Israeli terrorists are assassinating every single talker about them. even if of their own people.

                • @StarGrapper: I know you're new to the internet, but those little blue things are called links, and you read things they lead to. You can even learn things by doing it.

                  • +2

                    @Ademos: Thanks, very kind of you. have you used them before with the right source? try it, makes you feel good :)

                    • @StarGrapper: So you're literally just going to ignore the decades palestenians spent killing and trying to overthrow the government of the country that welcomed them with open arms, until they were ejected with force by the military?

                      Cool, cool cool.

                      • +3

                        @Ademos: Were these Palestinians, you are referring to, named after the days of the week by any chance?
                        Hasbara has totally malfunctioned this time around. The new gen knows. Let's face it, there is no going back now.

        • "Colony: a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country."

          What country did the jewish people come from?

      • +7

        Does the government of Gaza follow international laws?

        Well they're "terrorists" aren't they, so no.
        But the Israeli government, well now, aren't they supposed to be civilised.

        • +13

          But the Israeli government, well now, aren't they supposed to be civilised.

          Yes, they are hardly innocent in the scheme of things, but the protestors are brainwashed into supporting terrorism.

          • +4

            @jv: But it's soooooo trending right now

          • +19

            @jv: The protestors are wanting the innocent Palestinians to stop dying. Not sure how that equates to supporting terrorism.

            • +14


              The protestors are wanting the innocent Palestinians to stop dying.

              What about the innocent Israelis? They want them dead????

              • +2

                @jv: I think Hasbara is now irreversibly and terminally sick.

              • @jv: Not sure one has anything to do with the other.

            • @notbad: jc reckons anyone who voted for Dan supports terrorism.Only dead Israelis are entitled to be called victims

          • @jv: Are the protestors supporting Palestinians or Hamas?

            • +1

              @lode: Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinians…

              • +11

                @jv: So what is your suggestion? Kill all the Palestinians because they're all Hamas?

                Just because someone cares for the innocent lives of Palestinians doesn't mean they want Israelis dead

                • +1

                  @lode: But all Palestinians want all Israelis dead. That’s a certainty.

                  • +12

                    @gasman70: Imagine speaking in such absolutes on such a topic, with such conviction. Sickening.

                    • +4

                      @Randolph Duke: It gets worse. Imagine living a life that that's a normal thought in your head, not requiring further evaluation.

                  • +10

                    @gasman70: How can you claim that when Jews lived on the land under muslim ruling for centuries?

                    They were welcomed into Palestine when they were seeking refuge from their oppressors in Europe.

                    the only thing that needs to die is the zionism ideology of destruction and facism they are pushing.

                • +14


                  So what is your suggestion?

                  I don't have the answer.

                  All I know is that nearly all the dead people would be alive today if Hamas didn't murder 1200 innocent people attending a concert.

                  • +4

                    @jv: they got bombed by the idf itself… u can check it in the israeli news reports

                  • +4

                    @jv: All I know if Palestinians weren’t displaced from their lands and put into a concentration camp, the 800 innocent civilians would not have died

                    • +3


                      800 innocent civilians would not have died

                      and there lies the issue of protestors supporting terrorism

                  • +4

                    @jv: False. Already admitted and confirmed IDF heli-gunships and military mowed down their own.

              • +8

                @jv: Elected in 2006 when half the current Gazan population is under 18, meaning they couldn't even vote in that election. You're a terrible human being for justifying the deaths of civilians because probably less than a quarter of the current population voted for a government over 15 years ago.

          • +4

            @jv: Or it could be the protestors are appalled at 13-14k humans that have been needlessly murdered by the IDF.
            If the deaths had stopped at 1200 on each side maybe there wouldn't be all these "brain-washed" protestors showing how they feel.

            • +7


              Or it could be the protestors are appalled

              But they are not appalled by the slaughter of Israelis?

              I wonder why?

              • +3

                @jv: Great that you know how 100's of thousands of protestors feel about the death of innocent Israelis.

                Hamas should not have killed Israelis and whoever the killers are, they SHOULD be brought to justice.
                The troubling thing, and why Hamas probably carried out their attack is that many times terrorism/ violence works in achieving a result.
                The Irish IRA killed people bombing pubs and it forced the politicians and sectarian leaders to do something.

                • +4


                  Great that you know how 100's of thousands of protestors feel about the death of innocent Israelis.

                  It's pretty obvious.

                  It is the same war and they are taking only one side…

                • +3


                  100's of thousands of protestors

                  seems a bit exaggerated…

                  • +3

                    @jv: So are you denying there haven't been 100,000+ protesting the Israeli action around the world?

                    • @alidli:

                      So are you denying there haven't been 100,000+ protesting the Israeli action around the world?

                      Where did i say that?

                      • +1

                        @jv: seems a bit exaggerated…

                        • +2


                          seems a bit exaggerated…

                          first of all, that is not a denial.

                          second of all, I was referring to the Melbourne protests.

                          • +4

                            @jv: So are you saying then that only the Melbournians have been brain-washed?

                    • +2


                      100,000+ protesting the Israeli action around the world?

                      So 0.001% of the population decided to protest and the other 99.999% didn't

                      • +1

                        @jv: Unfortunately the great majority people can't be arsed to protest about any subject that they feel strongly about, be it pay rises, the climate, selling off public assets, building on flood plains, etc, etc, etc

              • +3

                @jv: are you suggesting that you can't be appalled at both?
                or are you suggesting that there are equal number of deaths on each side? the numbers are significantly skewed.

            • +7

              @alidli: Needlessly. I agree, they’d still be alive today if it wasn’t for the murderous acts of Hamas and many ‘ordinary’ Palestinians.

            • +4


              that have been needlessly murdered

              Not needlessly, you forgot to mention the bit where over 1000 innocent civilians including children were brutally raped and murdered which created this issue.

              • +6


                Not needlessly

                Wow, so you approve of what the IDF have done then?

                • +3


                  so you approve of what the IDF have done then?

                  Cathy Newman is that you?

            • +4

              @alidli: You forgot to mention that Hamas run Health ministry in Gaza, according to their own admission, does not differentiate between Hamas fighters and normal civilians.

              How many of those 14,000 are Hamas fighters?

              • +9


                How many of those 14,000 are Hamas fighters?

                The proper question that needs answering is how many weren't.

                • @alidli: If you have developed a secret technology that eliminates only terrorists in civilian clothing from a densely populated city, please do enlighten us. Every nation in the world would be interest in such technology.

                  • +5

                    @dealhunter52: Well I don't need any technology, secret or open source, to tell a 3 year old girl is most likely not Hamas.

                    • +4

                      @alidli: But a plane shooting at a terrorist weapon workshop from 10,000 feet doesn't know that the terrorist has invited his family to his workshop. That's how the concept of humanshields work I think.

                      If terrorists are shooting unguided rockets at your cities, do you have right to retaliate or not?

                      • +5

                        @dealhunter52: What's your opinion on this scenario- 1 terrorist is in a sports stadium of 149,999 innocent people, but they don't exactly where, does the pilot blow the stadium up, yes or no?

                        No reply.
                        Ok, I'll answer it for you NO

                        or is the Zionist answer Yes?

                        • +4

                          @alidli: That's extreme isn't it?

                          Hamas had 1000s of terrorists in Gaza and Israel just left them alone, until they killed hundreds of innocent civilians in an unprovoked attack. Hamas has promised more of attacks like 7th of October on Israel, so they definitely need to be eliminated. It's war and unfortunately, collateral damage will occur. No one from Pro-Palestine supporters is questioning why Hamas is still shooting unguided rockets at Israel to this day.

                          10 times more of civilians died in conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Somalia or are dying currently in Sudan but no one is protesting at those innocent deaths because it doesn't fit in the anti-Israel or anti-Jew rhetoric. That's just the sad reality of it.

                        • +2

                          @alidli: What about two buildings with thousand of innocent people in it? Do you fly your planes into them? Oh wait, we already have the answer to that…

                          • +5

                            @1st-Amendment: That terrorist atrocity was nothing to do with Gaza or Hamas, but a few Israelis in a van seemed to approve.

                            • +2


                              That terrorist atrocity was nothing to do with Gaza or Hamas

                              But what's the pattern here?

                              Hamas, ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Abu Sayaff, Boko Haram, Jemaah Islamiyah, Muslim Brotherhood etc etc…

                              Same shit, different colour jacket…

                              • @1st-Amendment:

                                Same shit, different colour jacket…

                                I agree with you. Behind many wars and conflicts are religious zealots out to convert the other; Christianity has done it big time in the past but now normally does it by peaceful means via missionaries.

                                Europe is heading for internal power battles once again as it's populace changes and as Christianity declines, groups will seek to take advantage of the others ignorance and nonchalance of the new-comers intent.

                                The real issue is, who is it that makes the decisions regarding letting refugees, immigrants, cheap labour, etc into a country and why.

                                • @alidli:

                                  Europe is heading for internal power battles once again as it's populace changes

                                  Which is actually more evidence of the exact same problem.
                                  Mo' Muzzies, Mo' problems…

                  • +4

                    @dealhunter52: maybe the densely populated people shouldn't be occupied and blockaded in an open air prison? maybe the families that live in the densely populated area shouldn't have been displaced and had their homes stolen from them.

                    the population crisis there is a direct result of zionist occupation

                    • +5

                      @Soldier: Israel unilaterally left Gaza in 2005 for Gazans to govern themselves. Blockade started in 2007 because Hamas elected by Gazans wouldn't stop terrorist attacks from Gaza.

                      You need to read history before spreading anti-jew/anti-Israel misinformation.

          • +2

            @jv: What does "the Israeli government is hardly innocent in the scheme of things" mean, JV?

            Isn't this a long-winded way to say they're guilty of something?

            Would it be possible to discuss what they're guilty of without you saying "but what about Hamas?" as a deflection?

            • +2

              @Crow K:

              Isn't this a long-winded way to say they're guilty of something?

              It's saying that there is fault in both sides, unlike what the protestors are saying…

              It still doesn't excuse terrorism

              • +2


                it still doesn't excuse terrorism

                Wait, are you literally discussing what Hamas has done as a result to the question "Would it be possible to discuss what Israel are guilty of without you saying "but what about Hamas?" as a deflection?"

                • +1

                  @Crow K: Incorrect.

                  • +3

                    @jv: People have eyes, they can see for themselves.

                    I asked you 1. What Israel was guilty of and 2. If it could be discussed without referring to Hamas and you skipped 1 and you failed 2

                    Own goal speed run, but at least you're retaining the monthly post count lead

          • +2

            @jv: I believe the protesters are, majority and I'm assuming that there is always a 1% error rate in everything at a minimum, are supporting the civilians. There is probably some agitators who are supporting hamas, the vast majority i have seen are in support of Palestine aka the people/civilians.

            • +2


              are supporting the civilians.

              Only on one side. They are supporting Hamas.

              • @jv: not really, it may appear to look like that they are representing one side but its generally for all civilians. Those who consider it one sided are supporting the on going bloodshed. I haven't seen the vast majority (ofcourse there would be the few that take advantage) out there protesting saying they are supporting hamas. When they say stop the genocide its literally lunacy to say that constitutes supporting hamas, it just means stop the genocide.

                • @Ifndefx:

                  but its generally for all civilians.

                  Could've fooled me… I can only see one flag being paraded.

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